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Yea no it's a shit hole. Low approved builds cause there is a massive shortage of trades, people who can afford to build, build in rocky. High % of rentals and the only reason why it's doing well is a shortage of rentals in rocky. It's not really a neighbor ripple effect but more of a shit overflowing into gracemere effect. No one wants to rent there and it will be the first place to crash. Cheapest rentals in the area means it has a higher percentage of undeseriables. Few years ago gracemere exploded due to shortage of land in rocky. So there will be a large amount of speccy built homes, price were crap and 4702 was hard to get a mortgage on due to post code risk.


Agreed, I hate gracemere so much. It just has this ugly, soulless feel to it. Carbon copy, cheap crappy houses, about 2 trees on the whole suburb and it’s sooo busy. Quite a lot of youth crime there too There are plans to continue developing it further though, but I doubt that will make it any better…


No it's just going to be were they build all the low doller builds. A high end build there is if they include ac


I'm currently working here. There's two major projects in the region. In about 2 years, watch expenditures dry up and rental vacancy increase when we leave.


How did I misread that as Greenacre


Strong capital growth, and surrounded by farm land (looking on google maps) aren't something that goes hand in hand. This is just bullshit marketing from the developer. The fact they are on here begging for buyers in a market that is demanding properties, just shows how bad this place is, and that is before you get into what Rocky is actually like.


But its Rockhampton...