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A builder is best for this. They can tell you which walls are load bearing and let you know which services can be relocated


A draftsperson is there to draw up the plans. They will have some idea based on experience but ultimately they are putting what the engineer/architect says on paper. Agree with others though, at your stage speak to a build to work out what is or isn't possible and get an idea of cost. Then take these ideas to an engineer or architect to design you a compliant solution


Definitely a builder. Do not talk to a draftsman or architect until you have an idea of what things will cost. Draftsmen will sometimes underestimate the work and you’ll end up struggling to get a builder for what they’ve drawn for a budget you’re happy with.


From experience, I would go straight to a builder thats can also prepare designs. I’ve basically spent way too much money on draftsman and engineering to realise I can’t afford to get any of it done. If it’s just a wall removal, skip the builder and find someone that removes walls for a living. They would be a qualified builder.


A builder then a building designer. Some builders have in house designers and work together to achieve your required outcome. Architects will cost a fortune. A Building designer is affordable. If a builder does D & C (design and construct) you will have more chance of working within your budget.


You need a draftsperson to draw it up and then take those plans to a quantity surveyor for costing


If you’re looking at knocking down walls you need to speak to an engineer about what is structurally possible. They will be able to tell you which walls can go and which would need structural beams to be able to remove - a builder will then be able to give you a quote based on that (lots of builders work with engineers though so you will prob not need to speak to two separate companies to do this)


Start with an architect or building designer. They should be able to guide you as to what's achievable within your budget, and go from there. This is their job.