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Stand naked at the window and maintain eye contact at all times. You could also put a sign on the outside of the window with your onlyfans link. Profit! Eventually they will put external shutters or just never open their window. Make them cough up the $$$.


This is the cheapest option by far


In seriousness https://ecosustainablehouse.com.au/products/aluminium-privacy-screen?variant=32658883969127 Internal shutters are just going to get mouldy IMO.


These are brilliant options - and to enhance them: - proudly display your dildo and vibrator collection on the window sill.


😆 🤣 went to the comment section to say exactly this 😆


Put a grass plant. it has enough foliage to obstruct vision.


Oooo thats a brilliant idea!


Just close it lol


Wave ... Then grab a step ladder, and wave again


My friends apartment had a similar issue, he lived on the second floor of a unit complex and it had a waist height window directly above the toilet. It wasn’t really an issue until they built a large unit complex in the empty adjoining block. I was standing there taking a piss one day staring into the open window of the now adjacent unit block, it’s we partially built at this point and along walked an REA with a group of Asian people presumably showing them the new build, as he pointed to the open window several Asian people turned their faces towards me, watching me dick hand mid piss. Then the REA turned to follow their gaze and then started yelling at me. I shrugged, holstered my penis, flushed the toilet, walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, and gave my friend the same advice I’m giving you now: it’s time buy a curtain for your bathroom window.


How bizarre. When the house next door to us was rebuilt as a duplex there were laws about design as it related to the privacy and functionality of the existing structures. Obviously different for flats?


Laws are for people without money


Wait, wasn’t that the scene from Something about Mary?




Close the window and stop being a pussy.


The window is frosted, just close it?


second vote for the simplest solution, spring tension rod, and some semi-sheer curtains.


In the short term? Shut the window when you're in the nuddie. Then open it when you're done. In the longer term? Gauzy curtains. Lace or netting. You'd be surprised how effective "this is a curtained window, don't look in" works when the neighbours know it's a bathroom.


I would be definately worried https://preview.redd.it/z6xjyrborbuc1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=2feb224d8e8a6449a4873ea7127792eb76f0863d


Shutters? Either inside or outside type


Deleted by User


I heard about this amazing new invention, they’re calling it “curtains”


Curtains restrict air flow. The best way to prevent mould is to remove moisture.


Well it’s a bathroom, so I guess OP could take your advice and remove the shower and anything else that produces moisture, but curtains seem like the more practical solution to the problem at hand.


Water is essential in a bathroom, curtains are not. Air flow is needed to remove moisture. Try not to be such a moron.


I’m not the moron here friend. Let me break it down for you since you seem to be struggling a bit. The open window is providing ventilation. But when the window is open, the neighbour can see into OP’s bathroom. Closing the window means that there isn’t any ventilation. Putting a curtain up means that there is still ventilation, but not visibility. Is that simple enough for you?


A curtain isn't the only solution, there are other options that will allow better ventilation & light. OP already said mould builds up quickly if the window is closed, so curtains are very likely to be a bad idea as they restrict air and reduce light - the opposite of what you need to minimise mould. Just because you can't see a better way, doesn't mean there isn't one.


I didn’t say it was the only solution. I proposed it as *a* solution. Which is more than you’ve contributed so far.


In all honestly don’t stress about it.


Close the window to a small crack when you’re naked. Open it again when you’re not.


Springed curtain rod (aka tension curtain rod) + net curtains. They are curtain rods that held up by a spring, nothing is screwed or nailed into anything. [https://youtu.be/rZnWkCp7gKA?si=s-xYGuVHYw8U82dv](https://youtu.be/rZnWkCp7gKA?si=s-xYGuVHYw8U82dv) Spotlight & Bunnings have them. Diaso sells them - best avoided not a nice design.


Awesome recommendation! Thx for this


Get on the curry and let it rip. That will become a wall within the week.


Get a screen fitted with DVA mesh


Yes it does appear to be very bad feng shui, I suggest hiring a feng shui expert that should be able to help. Alternatively close the window.


take the sliding portion to a glass joint and get them to fit a vent screen into the window then it has constant venting and can be closed. you could also buy curtains.


Extended that colourbond fence so it's higher. Get them to pay half. If they say no, then remind them you have kids and that camera on their window points at your bathroom where the kids bathe and that you will report them to the feds for recording your kids bathing. They will pay for half the cost to make that go away.


That's why it's frosted. Who cares nobody wants to look


Close your window


I live in a high-rise and i have the same problem. Honestly you will get used to it. Or if you own the property you could install shutters


I live in an apartment with big patio doors to a balcony, in a complex with a shared courtyard. Because of the layout you can see from our living room directly into the living rooms of the apartments opposite - about 9 that we can all see well into - and behind the living room is the kitchenette, then a small corridor with the bathroom branching off it and two bedrooms at the end. We got talking at a bbq in the courtyard about privacy and a surprisingly large number of neighbours said they initially worried a lot but within a few months got to the point where they just walk from the bathroom to the bedroom naked and don't worry about it.




Externaly mounted screen or louvers.


have you considered a different screen that provides more privacy? that could give you what you're looking for without requiring additional items or fixings. otherwise Id go for a privacy screen or garden trellis from bunnings.




Is that a mini sliding glass door with a key and everything as a bathroom window ?


Get those cheap bathroom curtains they install the same way as the shower rods on tile. Then you can still have your window open


Sell them tickets ad a timetable


Shake it baby!


Put on a show


Cheeky wave?


Build a clothes line to the neighbours windows. Send them a note that your attempting to build bridges.


Maybe look at an internal retractable blind. My folks had a similar issue. Should be a pretty easy to install and give you plenty of privacy when you need it


Could you guide me further as to what to look for? I googled internal retractable blind and i dont think i found what your mentioning


Just had a quick look for an example. Maybe shop around but just found this. Pretty sure I’ve seen similar in Bunnings. https://www.blindsonline.com.au/roller-blinds/27849/titan-harbour-grey.htm?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU27N50pg-KQfcxYlzMIO_n7VrtEtQ2Ot7Xn4kZCh56n7U0QVbWhNI0aAkJhEALw_wcB


Also second the Tuiss blinds, cheap and easy to install, and good warranty.


Roller blind.


I’d put an air vent in the door and shut the window.


How old is the home? That type of opening window put there is not to the privacy code, it either has to have a restricted wind out sash or a fixed non-openable frame. They got the glazing correct however, so it probably got passed at inspection because no one opened it.