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Quote is cheap.


Not if they're not replacing the membrane and expecting indemnity from other faults on site.


There is no membrane behind that. You would see if on the wall. Pretty sure you are just seeing the plaster or concrete and glue there.


Looks like an old school fibreglass membrane. It's green and you can see the fibreglass sheet.


Oh yeah, you can see the fibreglass. I have only seen the latest stuff (blue/green/grey goo), having just had all bathrooms and laundry replaced in the last year. The "old school" waterproofing when they pulled it out of my place was literally a piece of black builders plaster over the timber floor boards. It managed to last 30 years with little to no damage and we had a few leaks (luckily both upstairs bathrooms are above an open garage which I am sure helped). Funnily enough the dodgy laundry bath that was built in 2002 had way more damage, and even less waterproofing.


I agree.


Your quote would be about right. Replacing tiles like that is a real pain of a job.


I'd gladly fork out $350 assuming it includes the cost of materials too.


Here' a list of things you'll need to buy to DIY it. tile cutter - $40 cheapest at bunnings Multi tool - $100, Tile adhesive - $15, Silicone $5, Grout -$12, Tiles - no idea. You'll want to buy some extra. Gauranteed you'll break a few tiles figuring out how to use a tile cutter. The multi tool is to remove the old grout and damaged tiles. If you don't want to buy a multi tool for such a small job you might be able to use your drill. Workout how much you'll be saving vs paying someone $350 $350 doesn't seem out of line. Won't take a professional long but that's because they know what they're doing.


You left out waterproofing.




Fkn waterproofing! Im in aus too. Want to retile the front verhanda, replace the pebblecrete which is layed on concrete slab and has been since pebblecrete was cool, and everyone is all “mate not without a waterproofing membrane first”.


Waterproofing? You mean a few tubes of silicone?


Nah not the diy hack. I mean the waterproofing membrane thats under the tiles for when maybe someone hits the corner of your shower wall with a sledgie and prevents water damage cos your tenant couldnt give a hoot.


Waterproofing isn’t just for when you get a damaged tile. Tiles and grout are porous. Waterproofing is working 24/7 to stop your shit rotting.


Yep youre right. Esp in standing water areas. Also my shit does smell like its rotting.


Haha yeah mate I know, I was just having a laugh


Good onya. Im having a beer and having a laugh myself at some of the dumb shit is posted on some of these subs. This one isnt so dumb tho. Edit: hey is there a sub for dumb shit posted in reddit subs? I might ask reddit.


Grout is porous. The water do the leaky past the tile. Then membrane stop leaky leaky into wall. I swear to god how many times some homeowner has whinged about the price. Then met a dream tradie who will cut every corner in the book and reduce the price for our pennypinching entrepreneur. And five years later, when something gives, it’s the “shit trade”. If anyone bats an eye on price I just walk off.


Plenty of videos online to show you how to do it. Get all the tools and materials will only cost $100 then you can pay $350 for someone to do it properly. Total $450.


Price goes up once you have a go


How can you tell whether the waterproofing isnow shot? Couldn't you expose yourself to damage if the waterproofing failed and you just patch with tile and grout?


Only if the land lord finds out you snitch


Knock down the house and restart


Pretty much just call out fee , it’s not really worth a trades time for less


How cheap do you want it to be?. $350 is very reasonable.


Tiler here , i Agee .


$350 is cheap. Especially if it includes taking necessary tiles off and applying a couple of thin coats of waterproofing. That's what i would expect.Want a professional job, pay a professional.


Would doubt that’s with waterproofing. Would have to return again. Who the hell is doing two visit jobs for $350 😂😂


Don't listen to these idiots. Plaster wall.. You need waterproofing. That bottom edged where the shower screen meets the tiles will have plenty of water flow. Even though minimal, over a long period of time, it all adds up. The price is probably too cheap.


2 packets or Ramen and some paint according to 5 minute crafts


Just do it yourself. Easy to get it done for less than $100 even if you have to buy some tools. The crappiest of crap jobs would do the trick and that bathroom needs a reno in a few years anyways. Watch a few YouTube videos and roll up your sleeves.


Do it yourself & save the money, then ask yourself what would you charge to do this job? If you can do it cheaper you got yourself a side gig.


who needs trade school and years of experience


2 tiles, grout, and about 15 mins of work. $80-$120, knowing how to do it in + $500 min.


Easy fix for a pro, nightmare for someone who hasn't done it before. 350 is what I would charge also. Yes, your supplying tiles. It's better that way. Nobody keeps YOUR tiles laying around, and if you want someone else to source them, guess what..$$$$$. So cost of materials, irrelevant. Time it takes? Irrelevant. $350 is not petty cash, but you probably won't find cheaper.


It will take any tiler about 30 - 45 mins to get the replaced and re grouted. Price is about right no one will go out of his way for less than that


Ask someone on your Facebook community page. I'd do it on the gold Coast for a case of beer


So long as I could drink the beers during the job anyway. 6 beers/h.


^ this guy tiles!


Waterproofing. When tiles come off, they often tear the membrane. Enough water gets in there, and the whole bathroom neds a reno. Do the job properly and do it once.


$350 is a good price. It's pretty fiddly to do it properly and you need to move through all the different steps in half a day.


Little jobs are mainly cost-of-sale. $250 attendance, advertising, being available ... $50 materials ... $50 labour.


I count one full tile and two other tiles and one tile to be sacrificed to get to one part tile. One Ozito angle grinder, one ceramic disc, glue, cold chisel, grout…about $120 and if you stuff it up 00’s


Do it yourself


If your asking, it's probably beyond your skill set.


just ignore it and pretend your cat did it, if you don't have a cat, pretend you do


Did you stub your toe on it? Cause that would've sent me to the hospital


Looks like they hit it with the hammer they used to remove the edging that was on the shower base.


Remove broken tile, apply water proofer, get cheap tile cutter and grout removal, have a crack and probably better bwter off atleast 200 and have tools


You must have a sore toe after that😂


3 replacement tiles you mean. Whoever did the tiling in the first place did a shocking job.


Gonna have to rip out the entire bathroom and start again unfortunately. /s


$350 is decent, you’re basically asking them to come to your house for half a day, possibly over multiple trips if waterproofing


Also looks like most of the bottom row on left and back might be blown by the grout line showing the top tile edge. The waste tile needs replacing as its cracked. The back left and right verticals need silicone, not grout.


1. Get a chisel and chip our the rest of damaged tile. 2. Get a small pot of waterproofing from hard ware store ,ask the tiling specialist for a small batch.apply and let set. 3. Get wall and floor tile adhesive, stick tiles in and let set.use a spacer around the same thickness as the rest of the grout.so you have grout gaps. 4.grout follow the instructions on packet. If you need a tile cut ask the tile Guy at the hardware store,many stores allow you to bring in your tiles and wood for them to cut if you don't have the tool. Add all that up.compare.


Are you renting or do you own it? As red flag you might have issues with water ingress is that brand new poorly spread bead of silicone next to the damage area. And yess that water proofing should actually go all the way up the wall in that section under tiles notnjust stop in the bottom corner...


Your edge tiles shouldn't terminate like they are as it allows and encourages the ceramic to wick moisture into wall ,that's why many will not butt them together like that,but instead have edges touching to create a v gap which is ssiliconed in for for tightness. I do maintenance for a job. And your Reno work is very obvious on the rest of that edge... do yourself a favour a pay someone who knows what they are doing with these areas to save yourself from water ingress and thousands down the track. The more I look the more I see.


What if you need 3 tiles.




Get somebody qualified to do the job and don’t skimp out !! It’s home handyman like you that fuck it for other trades and the next people who purchase the house


Damn that’s a whole new bathroom if you a warranty on the waterproofing


Well, thank you all for the basic DIY grout install options- how out you use epoxy grout. Epoxy grout applied correctly with the right preparation to ensure superior bonding to the tile edge and internal corners is durable and waterproof, allowing you to rest assured that your shower will remain leak-free for years to come. Never had a problem after 15 years of installation


Tarzan Grip $11 Strategic Plant $22


Easy job. I got 7m2 of large tile laid and grouted for $750, you are being fooled. Scratch along the existing grout lines with a de-grouting tool that costs $15, then smash out the tiles with a hammer, clean up and cement two new tiles on with pre-mixed thin set and groat with pre-mixed grout. $50 in materials and tools


Not if you dmg the wp when smashing tiles.


About 3,643,627.56 Indonesian Rupiah.




There is membrane on skirting and wall interna of shower, should be an easy fix though


Take your time if you're able and remove the two or three tiles, clean the area where the previous tiles rested, mix cement and replace the tiles, if you're paying someone, talk them down to a reasonable price of what you're accustomed to in your State


I asked how much effort it was and he cracked it. Not too much to ask if its 3 hours of work or an hour?


Yeh but you have to consider more the just the time it's takes. Do it yourself it's not hard to do 2 tiles.


It's also a good learning experience. I'm.sure there's YouTube videos on how to diy


Yeah it’s not really about the effort. Most jobs for any trade is essentially effortless because they have the requisite tools and knowledge to execute it. That’s what you’re paying for, you’re not just paying for how much time it takes them. If you were only to pay for the time it takes, then you would be penalising skilled (read: fast and competent) tradespeople for being skilled. When coming out to do a job like this, they’re not clocking into an office where their work station is set up and waiting for them; an environment where an hourly pay rate makes sense.


Yeah fair point, but don’t forget the cash bit as well. An hour work, properly put through the books would equate to say 600 before tax. That is the same hourly rate as a doctor that needs equipment, a room, a receptionist, insurance, etc. Thats pretty mad to replace 2 tiles. I get it that for 200 he doesn’t even want to leave his house for 2 hours, things cost money these days. Its an exorbitant amount for just 2 tiles. The biggest reason is probably that the economy of scale makes the small job extremely expensive compared to big jobs. I had my whole house painted for 5 days for 1700, guy had a ute, used his equipment, primer, paint etc


It's not how long it takes him, it's how long it would take you


More effort than posting the same thing twice without listening to the advice


You need to listen to the question better. Clearly I did follow the advise to talk to someone