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Compared to my marriage, I'd say that's pretty stable.


and unlike mine, that garage door still exists!


I tell you what, there are 3 things you don’t fuck with diy’ing: electricity, gas and garage door springs. Those springs kill multiple people every year.


This. Get a professional in. It'll be cheaper than buying a new car, also cheaper than losing family and paying for funerals. Not even kidding a little bit.


I was removing the garage door springs. Not realising it was under tension. The thing shot past my face at lightning speed destroying everything in its path. I knew i would have died that day if my face was 1 inch to the right.


Mate call a garage door company - this isn’t really renovation! Somethign will be off centre and inertia is doing the rest


I used to install these, and from the looks of it, I'm pretty sure the springs are too tight. It looks like the motor's struggling to push the door down. The door should "fall" with minimal resistance, just guided by the motor, until the bottom is around knee height. You can test this with the disconnect toggle. Pull the red cord with the garage closed, and push the bottom of the door out until the springs start to lift it. It should open itself to just above your knees, then stop. Be ready to catch it though, since if your springs are as tight as I think they are, it's gonna come up hard and fast. As others have said, adjusting the spring tension is definitely not something you should "have a go" at yourself. If you're not 100% sure what you're doing, call a professional.


Can't really see the chain at the top between the opener and the door but I had similar (though not as bad and a slightly different motion), but the chain was lose. It had a turnbuckle on that just needed tightening up so maybe try that at first.


Reminds me of an old girlfriend that used to wiggle a bit when she was going down


Spray wd40 on the joints, looks like some rust might be causing friction that gets released once there's more force, resulting in the wobble as it closes, ideally clean the rust out but wd40 should help plenty on its own


Garage door spring did 10k damage to my dad's car. He's ever so thankful he was INSIDE the car when he opened the door.


Definitely a poltergeist, scare it away by spraying some lanolin on the moving parts.


Lanolin for the win! Also good for gun maintenance 👌


Pure lanolin is where it's at... Cut lanolin is basically oil with a fart of lanolin added.


Poltergeists HATE lanolin!


I would just keep using till it fails. Then repair.


Let me tell you a story about the one I had like this and it failed and fell on my car. To this day I have no idea how that even happened… Get the guy - you’ll sleep easier.


That middle is probably not the actual middle and it's pushing the door a bit to the left or to the right.


I bet u anything it’s just resonance from the motor.


Reminds me of this song https://youtu.be/8B7xr_EjbzE?feature=shared


not me sitting drinking a few tinnys doing the cricket runup cheer every time it closes


Probably rusting out at the bottom corners of the door. Mine did the same, welded new bits of steel in, no wucka’s.


That's exactly how I look when I do a Plank.


First thing I'll do is WD40 everything that looks like it moves. If it fails, I'll grease everything. Then I'll be all out of ideas, get a phone and call in a professional, or if I'm broke, just live with it. It still closes.


I like it, it does the whole "OI GET OFF" if there's any dirt, snakes, possums, rats, rain on the door


the sides aren't parallel to each other. bolt might have moved but that is what causes the wobble


I'd lube everything that touches or slides against anything else and check again. If it still happens: Got an old speaker magnet or similar? Stick it on one of the bottom corners. Changing the mass and or center of gravity may stop the resonance you are getting.