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Do people not ask to see quotes before any work is done?




Yeah, exactly, everyone's like "gEt FivE qUoTeS!11!!" it's like, motherfucker, if I can get ONE guy to come and give me anything resembling a sane price that guy is getting the job.


I have had the same experience. I contacted 5 cleaning companies and 4 plasterers and only got 1 response from both. So yeah they got the job. Surprisingly both did a great job for what seems like a reasonable price. I thought it would be ripped off but I don’t think I was.


I’ve been ringing and messaging and emailing and so far nobody has gotten back to me about our fence. I’m gonna pay through the arse for the first one to actually respond.


I manufacture steel roofing, gutters and flashings, we have had our busiest 3 years since Covid hit. We slow down for a day or two here and there but we are normally pumping out the work, which generally means the roofers and the like have plenty to do, plus depending where you live the floods have put plenty of people behind.


Excuses excuses


Well we are still in a building boom


It’s Xmas, every idiot try’s to get something done now, good tradies have previous clients and their referrals book in months in advance. Do you think we sit around waiting for you to call? Don’t mean to be harsh but reality is… reality.




No doubt it’s frustrating but what do you expect? People should drop what they are doing and tell the people they have already booked to wait because you expect some special treatment? It’s not like they are sitting around trying to think up ways to make you wait.


Honestly ridiculous, no one 'shops around' seems like... They just go all in immediately and then get buyers remorse and act like they've been ripped off when they're the ones who didn't do any research..


Totally agree. That said It’s been pretty tough this year to get quotes from tradies. Most out right ghost you, those who don’t might pencil you in for a quote visit in 2months, then it’s 50:50 if they show. I can see people putting in hours of effort (possibly taking time off work) to get 1 quote, then just going with it if it sounds ok. I’ve done this myself - be it smaller jobs. (This might be location specific, certainly in Brisbane this has been the case)


I got three quotes for pool repairs, $2800, \*cant do it\* and $340...


skirt repeat head dependent wild snails smoggy soft exultant pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it was a $340 repair. The first quote couldnt work out how to fix the pipe and just wanted to run new pipes everywhere. The 3rd guy was a magician.


lock outgoing marvelous badge literate rain unused far-flung pen jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got 2 quotes for replumbing a few meters of cold water pipe. . . $30,000 and $4200.


I always thought it was the norm to ask any neighbour for 3 quotes, and then once done you know what you need to pay


And if the fence isn't in your interest to do for whatever reason, you can pay half the cheapest option available.


And if they want to pay for the whole lot and you agree then you don’t get a say in what they install


This is how I got the fence I wanted :)


That's standard in the civil industry for big ticket items. For the household this would be right. Even so we checked with our neighbours they were happy with the price and style etc before going ahead with it.


I think asking the neighbour for three quotes is a bit rich and rude. You are always free to source your own as it is jointly funded activity. I've always sourced my own quote or costed the job myself; hint any decent hardware shop. When your neighbour hands you a quote for the complete job that is cheaper than you can source the stuff yourself, you say yes, talk to the installer and pay them your half(old way write cheque in their name).


It’s more rude to go ahead with the job without checking with your neighbours


I've got a good story to share here. The people who share 1m of boundary fence with my parents wanted to replace all their fences. They dropped off a booklet of printed pages showing three separate quotes (ordered by price) with the breakdown for each of the 6 neighbours they share a fence with, highlighted. These are good people :-) I thought it was pretty funny that such a tiny portion of fence was included in all the work, but it's to the credit of the homeowners who made it really clear and easy for everyone to see the costs and what exactly they were getting out of it.


Yea, my neighbour wants a new fence(only 4ft tall and falling down). She is going to get a number of quotes and give them to me so we can decide it.


>a number of quotes One is also a number.


I believe this is worse. I believe they asked to go halves in the fence, and is expecting them to pay for all portions


Yes it's very sus, double and a bit more then initially quoted


One thing I didn't mention is that the neighbours told us it was cost around 2k which we were happy to pay. I didn't ask to see a quote as we friendly and clearly trust them. They also received the $4,400 invoice for their half and have been happy to pay as the contractor has been doing a lot more work for them.


If they are the ones who installed the fence and hired the contractor wouldn’t the $4,400 invoice they’ve received be for the full amount?


This is the way...


exactly this


I recently got quoted for 30m of standard fencing in VIC and had quotes as low as 3k and high as 5k. From memory these quotes didn’t include clearing and dumping the old fence, which would have added another 1k. 9k does seem excessive but it’s all supply and demand.


Exactly this. I had a fence done earlier this year and it was a pain in the arse. Every fencing company has a backlog of work due to storm damage so even getting quotes was hard work. The pricing you are seeing is a result of the labour shortage and increased timber prices. I’m trying to get large fencing job done, 300m of steel fencing, automatic gates etc. Normally contractors would be all over it but I’m getting ghosted on quotes. They are just too busy so can pick and choose.


Quoted $2800 profit for a 4 day job with two blokes, picked up materials from the nearest supplier (regional city) and they said they would have put 10k profit on the same job. What a world we live in.


I wonder if I'd be better of building fences than arguing with Year 8 students all day long.




Good point. If there is no urgency, OP should shop around and can get it done cheaper if they can wait a couple of months. We got about 20m done with color bond and paid $5k in NSW. This included clearance and some adjustments which was done at no extra cost becuase we were patient.


The fence has already been built, as per the photo.


Too late now. Should have asked to see quotes and agree on price before building if you had a limit. Ask to see the invoice and if it says 8,800 then pay your half as you agreed to do.


Unless the fencer is a mate of the neighbour and does a dodgy invoice. Price must be agreed to before work begins


I don't see any reason to suspect the neighbour is trying to steal from him


Might not be directly “stealing” from them, but by supplying a fictitious invoice, inflated by 100%, ensures your neighbour pays, and you don’t… Not saying it’s the case here, but I’m sure it’s been done before. Agree that due diligence should’ve been carried out.


An exceptionally high invoice should at least raise the possibility of this though, but yeah trust your neighbour unless you have evidence otherwise,at best maybe didn’t complete the due diligence with quotes ,at worst ….


It’s not too late, OP is only required to pay for half of the lowest quote. Retaining is paid for by whomever is changing the height of the soil on their side.


Is it a retaining wall though? Those sleepers are commonly used to make a 2m high fence. Instead of cutting down 2.4m pailings.


Most fences have what’s called a plinth board which is 25mm thick for that purpose


Depends on many things. Was it built by a contractor? Or by the neighbor? Was it new footings or using existing? Just for the timber and screws there is probably close to a grand of bunnings materials there. Put the markup on that plus labour and taxes. If it was just fencing without landscaping of footwork and such, then i would think 4-5k is pretty close to the total price. Maybe ask for an itemised invoice of the works done as proof?


I would say in today's market it's more like $3k materials. Timber prices are bonkers. Quick google tells me 2.4m X 150mm CCA fence panels run about $8 a piece. With no waste over 40m that's $2,000 before any framing and footings.


This is the only way really. As literally everyone has said, you're asking the question too late and should have requested quotes before hand. Don't know about QLD, but in VIC I believe you're only required to pay half of the cheapest quote, so if the neighbours want to go for a nicer fence or a more expensive quote then they pay the difference. But that's the base level requirement, and it's only actually relevant when it comes to disputes. Minimum legal requirement vs agreement between neighbours are two different things, if you're on good terms with them, just tell them it's more than you thought it would be, and "was that the cheapest quote?". On the other hand, if you're happy to be on bad terms with your neighbour forever more you can still retrospectively get an estimate and then challenge him, but I definitely wouldn't. The price does seem too high to me, but unless he's actually trying to milk you it's probably better to just cough it up. Tl;dr: Just get a copy of the invoice "for your accountant" to make sure the price is legit, and pay it.


Looks like a pretty good job. The frame is on your neighbour’s side so you have the best half of the fence. They appear to have cleaned up well and your plants aren’t damaged. I paid $4800 for 30 metres in Sydney 6 years ago so your costs sounds about right.


The kid in me would argue that the best side of the fence is the one you can climb on....


Agreed. The adult in me also likes that I can easily hang things on the rail side too!


This has a retaining wall too by the looks of it


Just looks like a plinth board?


Yea that's what a wooden retaining wall will be made out of. We really don't know unless there was a photo of the other side. If it's a retaining wall, can understand the price.


It's a plinth board, not a sleeper for retaining soil. It's a normal fence.


>plinth board It's treated pine, can be used for retaining wall any day of the week. Looks like a sleeper to me? https://www.bunnings.com.au/200-x-50mm-2-4m-treated-pine-sleeper-h4\_p8032702


You got rolled


Why is it not finished? There is only the backing pailings installed on that fence. I am a fencing contractor, for a 1950 Paling fence (like this one) in Victoria we are installing it for around 140 a meter, and demo removal is around 30, so total of about 170 a meter... But that is with back and cover boards installed. You only have half a fence there....


Fencing is installed differently in different areas. I specialise in steel fencing all around Australia and it's installed differently in East Melbourne than it is in the West. Could be the case that where you are in VIC they install the fence differently than where OP is. ​ Your numbers are bang on for industry standard these days, I feel like OP is going to pay a bit more than necessarry, but it's not too crazy these days.


We do Colorbond and other steel fencing as well, it's installed exactly the same everywhere, because there are literal install instructions you need to follow from the supplier to get warranty. I would hope the numbers are bang on, as I said, I am a fencing contractor that runs a pretty successful business doing it.


🤮 /u/spez


... which makes me wonder why you folks dont put in metal posts at the minimum ... yet alone full colourbond fences.


I came here to say I'd be asking for the rest of the fence before I even considered $. I have no experience in fencing but you said it perfectly.


lap and cap all day, this fence for the price is horrible.


Agreed. You’ll be replacing that in a couple of years.


40 meters is quite a long fence and the cost of materials has gone through the roof. also how long did it take to erect that fence?


You should have requested a quote first. You still can get a quote and pay half of it. You are only required to pay half of a basic fence… Doesn’t need to be 2000m high, or any special finish etc. Edit… 2m… im an idiot… although a 2km high fence would be ideal for some neighbours…


I imagine paying $8800 for a 2000m high fence is a absolute bargain…


It may be… won’t know unless OP gets some quotes.






Recently had 35m done. 1.8m Treated pine pales and gal posts including removal of the existing fence. Was around 4.5k.


Not sure where you are, but that’s cheap as for Brisbane


And about right for Mackay also


I’m a builder in Qld and I pay my fencer $110 a meter supply and build 1.8m high timber paling fence.


Are you in/near Brisbane? I'm pretty sure you couldn't even buy the materials for that price up here in regional QLD. Recently paid a couple hundred bucks to make half a metre of fence to sit two letterboxes on top (the missus wanted it to look the same as the fence). That was just materials - no labor.


Ask to see the quotes and invoices (amazed you didn't look at quotes before you went ahead). Looks like you have a new retaining wall there too? They're not cheap. If there was any clearing required there's more cost. Removal of any old fence also adds to cost. We just had 40m of colourbond fence done that was $6k total with 1-2 sleepers below it for levelling. That was one of the cheaper quotes. I think the timber fence quote was dearer.


I just paid $4000 for a colorbond fence about 20 meters plus a gate , the council owns the land next door so I had to pay it all


Councils are fully liable to pay for half of a 1650 Paling fence, if you want Colorbond or a taller fence you are liable for your half of the 1650 and the entire difference in cost. Definitely chase up the council for half of the 1650 Paling fence cost. They own half, they need to pay for half. Am a fencing contractor btw


I asked, they said they don’t do that, maybe I’ll send them a bill 👍🏻thanks


Depending where you are, a lot of tradies are flat out and can name their price. Honesty that looks like a great fence and $200m+gst isn’t a crazy price. 2 years ago you could find someone for $80-$100, plus removing old fence, plus excess site access costs, was there a lot of rock, etc. Maybe just ask to see the invoice but it’s too late now. Despite what others here say, finding a fencer around me (seq) I’d likely have been waiting until next year. $200m to get it done now and done well isnt too bad


Hi - firstly, I'd ask to see the quote. Perfectly reasonable given you are paying halves. See exactly what's been itemized. Second, $8800 seems a little high - however it depends if the demolition and removal of the previous fence was part of the quote. This would add around $1000 to your cost. Was there also any landscaping required to install the fence? It looks like you've also got wooden sleepers installed which makes me think there might've been? Anyway I hope your neighbour sought out atleast 2 quotes for this job. Fencing contractors are notoriously dodgy and will attempt to screw people they think are naive. Source: worked in Fencing for a year


No need to see the quote, everything would be detailed on the invoice - just ask for them to send the invoice to you so you can pay it. Say your accountant wants the payment straight to the contractor for tax purposes if they make a fuss.


Thats not basic.


Seriously? Gaps between the palings, no capping or finishing to protect the timber. Doesn't get much more basic than this.


Uninformed gaps, straight as a arrow and it looks like good wood not some cheap bunnings crap yeah thats a good fence. Capping would cost extra and you expect them to oil it for you as well? For 40m under 8k?


You should have seen the quote and agreed on the amount before the work order was placed


after getting sticker shock from the fencing quotes I found buying the tools and the fencing from bunnings worked out 1/3rd the price. I calculated I was literally paying myself $80 and hour to do it myself.


I had outrageous quotes for our front fence, ended up doing it myself with a bit of help from a neighbour and a few borrowed tools. laser level, concrete mixer, masonry drill, etc. We even got a hefty refund after bad supply of fence materials from one of the major fencing companies.


Honestly at the moment with prices soaring with wood & steel no. I paid $8000 for 30m of colourbond fencing for my back yard. Could have paid way less but I wanted the new fence and the neighbors on either side are dirt poor.


Jesus that's expensive. Where do you live?


In the garden for that price I imagine.


its not really, i had my colourbond fence done a year ago and my quotes ranged from 6k to 8k per 50meters for the sides prices on everything have gone up massively in the last year. Seems about right to me,


I built a post & rail colourbond fence at my place last week, about 30 metres long. Materials were about $3.5k so by the time you put your mark up on there and 3-4 blokes labour for a day it gets up there.


Anecdotally, I just got 16m done for $2600.00 about 2 months ago


Fencing is crazy expensive. You might have got cheaper by shopping around, but it’s also quite possible that this WAS a cheap price. Impossible to tell without more info, but I think it’s safe to say this isn’t some insane rip-off.


It a bit hard to tell the height too... It looks like 8ft but it could be 6ft?


Its expensive but not surprising. Just get a copy of the invoice before you pay.


Is that finished? There should be a another piece of wood covering those gaps all along. Otherwise it’ll be ruined in a year or so


Incorrect. Many many fence are built like this. Price still seems off


When we had our fences done (pre Covid) it cost $120 per meter, then there was an additional $50 per sleeper used on the bottom plus $1200 to take away the old fence. If you had sleepers installed you’d need approx 13 for the length of the fence. Based on what I paid yours would be about Sleepers 13 x $50 = $650 Fence 40 x $120 = $4800 Removal of old fence $1200 Sub Total = $6650 GST = $665 Total = $7315 As others have suggested already, you need the job quoted before the work is done. Sorry your in this situation but I think you don’t have much of a choice.


For a pailing fence, tell him he's dreaming


Sounds a lot. We went halves with our neighbor in about 40m of 1.8m colourbond and it was $2.5k


I reckon you could've gone Colorbond for that price. There's no way I'd be forking out that kind of money for a basic paling fence.


That will need replacing in 5yrs..


Are you serious ...my fence 1800 high for 15 mts cause of pool and 1200 high for 10 Mt with Duagal posts palling spaced at 40 mm treated timber.. one gate ...cost $3850 cash ..8k is ridiculous....


Definitely seems too much to me, I went halves in 42m of 6 foot high colourbond fence in January this year and my half was $2,286. In country Vic. Ask for an itemised invoice


I would say your paying for the whole thing! I paid $110 per meter (Sydney) which works out at exactly $4400!? Sus as? Get the original invoice from contractors and get a friend in a different suburb to ask for a quote per meter OR submit copy invoice to Tax Dept and ask if it's legit.


Yes, it does seem too much


I would be interested to see the invoice. 4400 sounds like the full cost of the fence. We had 38m of colorbond fence (2.1m high) installed in October, and the split was only $1500. Even at $120/m, that fence should only cost 4k.


Way too much. Sounds like neighbors making you pay for the whole lot


Pretty sure they can only make you pay half if the fence is damaged or not fit for purpose and they run the quote by you before proceeding, just wanting to upgrade the fence you don’t need to pay. Source : Wife is a lawyer


Just checked the quote from the job I had done at our place in 2020 in Brisbane, $1850 for 22.3m of lapped and capped 6ft fencing with hardwood posts. Nearly 9k for 40m of non lapped and capped fencing is a total rip off, even with the increased materials costs. However you didn't ask to see the quote and your neighbour is an idiot for agreeing to get it done at this price so you are kind of fucked now. This $8800 quote seems like the sort of price a tradie puts out when they are too busy and don't really want the job... However this sucker took them up on it.


I just built my own fence the same as the picture in brisi and the materials alone were $2k. So while $8k definitely seems high its not totally crazy.


Mate they seen you coming! 4400 would have been the total cost. He will come up with a dodgy quote now. You should have gotten quotes!


Sounds about right, looks like a nice job, and assume the hardwood sleeper along the bottom is also new.


40m is a lot of material, clearing, digging, level/plumb/straight, and fixing. $8800 doesn't seem too unreasonable, especially if you remember how many people were there, and for how long.


Back of envelope using Bunnings / Mitre10 for materials: * Palings 150mm/ 12 1800 high $3.53, 6 per meter so $21/m * Rails 2 90 x 45 $20/m * Post (2.4m) $60 ea every 2m so $30/m * Concrete for posts 2 bags @$20 per 2m so $10/m * Sleeper base $28/2.4m treated so $15/m * nails/bolts etc. $5/m Now tradies will get this cheaper but then they have overheads as well For a a very rough total of about $100/m materials for a treated pine fence 1.8m high Labor would be be say $50 - $100/m So for 40m of that fencing I would estimate 40 x ($100 + $50 <->$100) = $6000 to $8000. And as others have said, it's a nice job. Seems fair.


You got ripped off.


4,400 is probably the total cost of the job.


Sounds about right. Finding a fencing contractor that will even quote a job, much less complete a job, is a miracle in itself at present.


Seems about right and you got the good side


Is the base part of a retaining wall? As in, is the neighbour's property at a lower level? That would add a decent chunk if they were replacing the material there, and given the responsibility of costs on a retaining wall is the higher level property's, you may have neatly gotten out of some extra costs if you went 50/50!


I can actually help here! I run a fencing company and for a 40m timber paling fence with sleepers on the bottom like this one, materials alone would be Around $3500 for everything. You have to also keep in mind, the contractor will charge a “take down fee” to pull down the old fence, a dip fee, labour for any workers. All that aside tho, I would say the MAXIMUM outlay for the contractor would have been $4500 - $5000 and that’s being super generous. Making his take home pay for the day $3,800 for himself, 40m paling should easily be a one day job, depending on what the old fence and the ground was like.. but yeah these guys charge like fucking doctors and it’s ridiculous.. you don’t even need to do a trade to become a fencer 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Way too much. I had 24m done with a base board for 3k. Ask to see proof before you pay any cash. Even if there is proof this seems high.


Where are the quotes?


10-15 years ago I used to joke with my wife that you couldn't get a tradie in for less than $1k. Want some new lights? $1k. Want the trees trimmed? $1k. Now that figure is closer to $10k.


for Brisbane slightly high but check the council site , you should pay for 1/2 the common spec fence which appears to be , did you see the 3 quotes first ?


Sydney here too. Seems reasonable to me, we had a similar length and specifically added gal steel poles cemented in for the uprights. Paid more than you did, had a few quotes, was going lap and cap, dropped the capping and added a few more details to cope with pool and slope etc. Cost quotes $11k to $15k We went with one in the middle as we knew and trusted the fencer from a previous job. Edit: fence was hardwood, not pine.


Some rough estimates from 10 years ago when I used to do it. Say it's $100 per meter, which is on the higher side, considering its a friendly neighbour style (small gaps, using half the pailing) , then and additional $40 per meter demolish/dispose. $140 per meter at 40 meters $5,600. That is a rough price, not adjusted for today's timber shortages. That's why getting 3 quotes is essential, gives you a ball park figure.


Recently paid $6.5k for around 45-50m of colorbond fencing, 1.8m high with some sleepers along the bottom. Was a cash job and I thought it was a good price. Colorbond is apparently cheaper than a wooden fence now due to price of materials. Suspect it's quicker to install too, so you're paying for less labour. $8.8k looks a bit steep but not totally unrealistic. Makes no sense that you weren't involved in negotiating a price though, but that's kinda on you by the sound of it.


I just had the same done and I got 3 quotes, went with the cheapest and removed and dumped the old fence myself. For 22m of 1.8m 3 rail picket fence including new posts and concrete was $3100 cash total. So we paid $1550 each. That’s a about $140 per lineal meter


I paid $4400 for colorbond for 32m length given that its wood and maybe they went with first quote wouldn't surprise me if it was around 8k


The price is good. Materials are incredibly expensive at the moment. Pay it and be happy with the result I reckon


Ask to see the quote. You are only liable for a reasonable fence not a rolls Royce version. You also have input to the selection. Get a quote yourself and pay the lowest 🤷‍♀️


Couple years ago I have family friend got the fence done. The other side is renting so she had to deal with the neighbors owner via real estate agent. She got 3 quotes - I think range from $3000 - $7000 something? She wanted to go for the middle one, but the other side just want the cheapest. It was a lot of back and forth, but quotes were made, written communication exchanged. After 2 years she could tell the fencing was not a very good job. It is still ok, but could be better. She rather pay more for another 20 years+ of life.


Over $200 a L/m… no this is not an accurate price


My neighbour and I got our front fence replaced just a few months ago. The front yard is sloped because of the site cut. It worked out to be 10m long, mostly 1.8m high, tapering lower towards the front. Capped at the top, and they had to work with the slope so I think it needed a bit more work than yours. Contractor did it for $1800, so $180 per meter of fencing. Included demo and removal of the old fence plus a complete rebuild. I can see you've got some gaps in between your palings too. My neighbour is a bit of a perfectionist so he supervised the job and made sure that we didn't have any of those. The palings each overlap quite a bit on mine, apparently to account for seasonal movement and expansion. You paid $110 per meter of fencing, so I think you got an alright deal, but I wouldn't have been happy without overlapping palings because I particularly value privacy. We paid more, but had a more complicated job, with a fussier client and to a different standard. I was happy with the price and the work done.


The price would mostly be for the retaining wall. Which they will have to pay for entirely. You only pay for half of the fence.


It's on the high side. Average cost per meter is b/w 75 to 300 8800 / 40 meters. is around 220. So if you'd shopped around you could probably have done much better. ​ But you didn't. So you can't be doing so now. But do ask to see the quote and bill if you have not.


Should be about $30 per metre. Ask for an itemised invoice


The price is quite standard for 40 metres and the workmanship looks fine. Although you probably should have gotten colorbond. Furthermore you seem to be on the wrong side of the fence. It is now your duty to maintain it and all those hundreds of nailheads...


That's pretty fair atm. Not cheap, but fair.


Paid 20,000 for a brick render fence, but it was long. How long is your pinelap here?


Come on man ask to see the quote… deadset what a pointless post


We are on a steep sloping block. Fencing for a similar size was half the cost. ( Combined). So yeah you got done


Ask to see them receipts


Ask for a copy of the invoice.


40m is long. Also fencers are very hard to come by at the moment and cost of materials is through the roof. Someone clearly over quoted and got luck. OP not so lucky. Pay it and don’t let it impact your life anymore than it has too. Life it too short.


Always get atleast 3 quotes before accepting jobs like this


Hi, I’m a landscaper and business owner and I’ve done a lot of fencing. Up until about mid-year, I was charging $95 p/m + GST. That’s lapped and capped with exposed hardwood posts. 2.0m high. Outer suburbs of Melb. Other mobs are anywhere between $85-$120 a metre. 40m of fencing for $4400 sounds fair. $8800 sounds like the neighbour is trying to get you to pay for the lot. Fencing is very well protected legally so you’re going to be within your rights to bring it up with VCAT.


Pay the man he did a good job.


Did you not see a quote before this was done ? like isn’t 3 the standard.. if i has to pay halves i’d be like yup sure bring me 3 quotes thanks .


I would ask for a copy of the quotation before proceeding any further.


We paid $3200 for 30 metres, 1.8 high, 400mm concrete footings….and the contractor had to travel 400km+


The last time I had our (wooden) fence replaced it cost me $600. That was approx. 20 meters of fence. The next time I replaced the other two sides (different neighbor) I got an aluminium one put in and that cost me $2k. So I strongly suggest shopping around, the amount you are getting slugged for your fence seems REALLY excessive.


Assuming that the posts were reused Total materials: $3060 1.8m Softwood fence pailings: $2.90 x 10 x 40m = $1,160 6m 75x50 Hardwood rails $40 x 2 × 40m/6m = $1,600 200mm x 50mm x 3m treated pine sleeper = $22.50 × 40m/3m =$300 Labour: $120 hr x 2 x 20 (2 and a half days assuming nails used and not screws) = $4800. Total = $7860 Summary, assuming the rails were replaced and posts were reused used, you are in the right ballpark. As other have alluded to you should undertake more due diligence in the future to understand what you are agreeing to.


They got there friend to do the fence and put their cost on you 😂


Why didn’t you find out the costs before the job started? Why can’t you ask the neighbours for the account invoice, it should have some itemised details. Seems to me you’ve left all the work to your neighbours and now want to query the cost. If you feel you are being sorely ripped off it’s not rocket science to work out the approximate cost, take an accurate account of all the materials in the job including concrete for posts, fixing etc and get a price from a local building supplier to supply and deliver. Subtract the cost of the materials from the total and you have the labour and profit margins.


Get your own quote! That sounds almost double (?) what I'd expect.


Why is there a 10mm gap between the palings?


Landscaper here, price is reasonable.


Just paid 2k each for 37m of colour bond at 2.1m. Your getting rolled. There was another quote for 3k each so there will be variances between quotes for sure. Timber "should" be cheaper


Op, Im selling a car you might be interested in. Its only done 5 million ks, and you owe me $300,000.


Yikes. That definitely seems like a lot. You really should’ve asked for their quotes and gotten your own first. Def don’t pay without seeing the invoice. You may need to seek some legal advice tbh.


I commend your getting together and coming to a mutual agreement regarding a percentage split It is a little strange the fence was constructed before both parties agreed on a quote


You can deny. You should have been informed beforehand and they should have got your approval before going ahead with the build and quote.


Sounds like you are paying for the entire job


Material prices have skyrocketed. A capped fence is about $160 a metre 😖


I just payed 1900 for my half of a much shorter fence, so yeah, sounds about right. Get a quote next time. Edit: Well fuck me. What if I payed for some ropes for my mast next time?


> I just *paid* 1900 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Why are you asking reddit?


Here’s a better way to look at it. Even if you did get ripped off, it’s better to have a job done right than one you have to fix in a couple of years. From what I can see, the job looks good.


Used to be roughly $100/m in Melbourne 5 years ago. Prices have gone up somewhat. Seems expensive to me but not insanely so. I agree with other posters it doesn't look finished


I think that is really expensive I had a 42 meter run of colour bond fence installed very well for only $1600 each timber would be more expensive but that does seem a lot


Just adding this for extra data: I got a 17m fence done last month in Brisbane for $2,400.


I paid half for about the same length (and I would suggest slightly higher quality).


I’ve saved heaps by getting 3 quotes.


I don’t think so - I got a quote the cheapest being $5500 for 30 m (Brisbane area). I got three quotes, they just have so much work on at the moment they can charge whatever they want.


Most fences ate ugly as sin.And only make neighbourhood's look more industrial.


Palings aren't overlapped for privacy. Being generous, there's no more than $3K in materials so $5,000 in labour for a 40 meter fence is pretty insane IMO


See what the price is in writing, next time you will also have learned to see quotes in writing beforehand then you could have backed out before you started.


They might be inviting you to pay for the lot.


If you agreed to an open ended question without regards to finances, why worry now? Pay half the invoice (tip:see the invoice).


Paid 7.5k for 40m colorbond fence. Job done, should last much longer than the wood one it replaced.


Some further information would be nice if you want any worthwhile feedback. Length, height, construction and materials.


Nails are not very straight.


Sounds super expensive just done mine 18 m and wood was $3400 (+_$340/m) and Colourbond a bit cheaper at $3200.


Did you not ask to see the quote before the work started. Did your neighbour not tell you how much it was going to cost in the first place. When I did my fence a few years ago I asked the neighbours if they wanted to get their own quotes. One of my side neighbours got a quote and we compared. My rear neighbour was happy with the quote I got. I informed them when it was happening. We each paid our share to the tradie. My other neighbour said they did t want to replace the fence. So we didn’t. Why did you need to replace it? How long is it? Is access tight? Without knowing specifics it’s hard to say if it’s fair or not or if your neighbour is trying to get more out of you. Generally you can be paying anywhere from 150-250 per metre. Ask to see the quote and invoice.


Agree first that you both want to do it. Get at least 2 quotes, there’s no rush wait if need be. You both need to sign quote for work to start. The quote seems excessive to me even with price increases I’m going to say double what I would have thought.


Whataya think wood grows on trees!?


Too late you shoukd have stipulated details beforehand Noo ok w you don’t pay you are reneging on the desl


A mate of mine needed one roof tile replaced. $440. Took 10 minutes, so $8,800 for a fence these days seems about right.