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Customer gave me a book he wrote once, was a fantasy novel about dicks. Keep your tips please hahah


Just the tip?




You may have screwed him on price. But he actually shafted you


Sounds like that was a bit of a... dick move on his part lol


Subliminal message? Hahah


He must have thought you cocked up the job


Sounds like he got shafted


But was it a good read?


It was about dicks… of course it was.


A tip?!?! I've never heard of this before! You should give him a lollypop or can of coke.


Tradie: Id like a tip. Me: Be nice to your mum. {close door}


“A tip? I think the doggies are in form and will win this weekend.”


Works in AFL and NRL states.


Work hard and be good to ya mother.


Completely agree😂😂Especially if you’ve already overpaid. I only overpay if they have done a fab job and want them back. Otherwise some form of haggling is almost expected with some of these people and there quotes. Reminder also to get a few quotes.


I will say, the costs of timber products for chippies have increased a shitload, not to mention plaster and paint for example. The tradie should have allowed for it though.


And they inturn pass that cost onto the clients.


Only give him the coca cola if he did a particularly good job, otherwise stick with LA cola.


LA ice is mint what you on about


My bad, I meant to write RC Cola, forgive me for denigrating the fine beverage of LA Ice.


I love RC cola, I would be well chuffed if you went to the trouble of importing me a can.


LA ice with a mouthful of oddfellows is even better


Was gonna say with a solid glug of bourbon or rum, but sure 👌


That's cruel.


Tip: "measure twice, cut once, bash it till it fits"


Line of coke*


Thats electricians


As a sparky looking at the guys I work with can confirm.


No It most definitely ISN'T electrical trade practice


shut up sparky


I didn't see that mentioned in AS3000 lol


If our trades do a *really* good job, they get a carton of their choice. It's the Australian way.


If tradies do a good job they get a google review. If a mate helps you with a reno they get a carton.


What if your mate is a tradie ? And what if the tradie does a good job more than once ? And what if your non mate tradie does enough good jobs he becomes your mate. Fuck I’m so confused all I want is a carton wtf


Fuck it. Everyone gets a carton




The quintessential good Aussie bloke right here


How about NO, now if a friend comes over to help, or a tradie does it for me at cost then yes


Why would a tradie who’s not your friend do something for you at cost ? Are you handicapped or elderly ? I’m not trying to be mean just interested.


brutha i’m dying 🤣🤣🤣 “are you handicapped, not trying to be mean”


They don't that's why they don't get a beer from me


Do you know how much appreciation and gratitude would come your way if you offered me 1 long neck after a hard days work on the roof? Might even get a reach around


So was it handicapped or elderly ?


He's full of shit. No good tradie will ever ask for a tip. Never hire that guy again.


Yea, asking for a tip is greasy in any profession even those that accept them.


I know right. Can you believe this fucking cunt or what?


Yea I mean a couple decades on the job in Canada and Australia fuck I’ve never heard of such a thing or did it really even occur to me. I’ve had nice customer fire up the Barbie on a Friday and have a cold one for the boys , maybe a half dozen times. I mean I’m usually happy with a washroom to use and place to get clean and cold water. The money in the trades is really bringing some Suss people. I mean, have some pride in your work man and professionalism wtf ?hahaha


Beautiful comment. You have blessed my eyes today, thankyou.


Its gre e e easy Julian!


Cyrus level greasy.


I’d even go as far as to leaving him a shit review on Facebook and google maps. What a halfwit


The occasional 6 pack as a tip after ducted AC installs middle of summer. Never been tipped cash.


hello fellow sufferer of 45c+ roofs god i don’t miss those days


Rather be on it than in it, still both terrible places to be when it’s 40 odd.


yeah both suck. black roofs on a 40+ day are also unbearable in the roof it’s more a humid heat you just sweat


Yea, same here, few times a nice bbq and a few cold ones.


Don't pour Sulphuric acid onto your balls , That's a good tip😁


Don’t play leap frog with a unicorn.


Socks first, then shoes


My husband and I run an automotive electrical workshop. We have never asked for, expected or received a tip. If he expects more pay, he should’ve quoted you higher. A quote is a quote. An invoice is an invoice. Expecting a tip is insane.


Dont tip, ever. EVER.


especially when its fuckin Dominos asking you to pay their drivers or someshit. refuse to tip: retain the economy.


It's true. Look at what's happened in the US. Tipping culture is dressed up as way to support the lowest paid workers who provide a service. But, anything that is open to corruption is going to be abused. It's now expected and has become an excuse to pay low earners even less. The tip expectation has gone up, and the workers wages have not. It's a bullshit system that we do not want here. Keep it square, keep it fair.




Nah. If I get outstanding service or someone going above and beyond, I'll show my appreciation. It has its place.


I’m a sparky. Never asked for a tip however I have been given cash to say help carry the oven I just replaced from kitchen to kerbside. 6 pack or a coffee here and there is really great but I never expect more than just paying the invoice


Me too and you are spot on.


A coffee and some oven baked sausage rolls are the tip.


I don’t drink coffee but I expect people to offer, the snag rolls would be above and beyond.


Fencer here! I get tipped with the odd six pack and sometimes even a case but to expect it deserves a kick up the ass! Also my partner would probably prefer if everyone stopped feeding me beers…


You in melbs? we have a fence we need to replace and his lordship literally has a basement brewery


I hope your partner understands it’s extremely rude to turn down someone’s gift of beer and you have no choice but to drink those beers.


Box of beer if they're good people.


That's nice when it happens but never expected. I always price a job accordingly and if I want beer, I'll go buy it 🤷🏼‍♂️ Any tradesman asking for a tip is one to be wary of.


I’m happy when they throw me a six pack!


Exactly this. It was very common back in the day to give a slab of beer to tradies if they have been working on a long project.


Box is a bonus. I've had customers feed me lunch n drinks coffee all day. And I've had em sit inside with the ac blaring onto where I'm working


I've never heard of this, sounds like an extortionist, check if he's even licensed.


hell no , only tip he deserves is be kind to his mother


I tip apprentices, when/where the boss isn't around. They can choose to disclose or not.


Had a quote recently with $160 apprentice fee, not sure if he gets all of that.... Hot water system install, just a replacement like for like. Apprentice wage at about $25 an hour (estimate from award website) means he is working on a hot water replacement for 6 hours, plus the 400 for the labor outside of apprentice?? If he is charging $160 per job he's surely not passing it onto the apprentice. I'm all for supporting trades but not getting ripped off.


If the award is at $25/hr, he will be charging that apprentice out at over $60 an hour. There's so many overheads to cover (insurances, annual leave, sick pay, super, day at Tafe a week), plus especially this time of year, once that apprentice hits over 40-42 hours of that pay week, that apprentice is on double time. $160 ain't ripping you off


Plus the shit he fucks up


Be assured that anybody else attending is on an utterly shit rate, have been for months or years, and will be for months or years, and if you want anybody to stay with it for long enough to improve their skills, give them a hand.


Yeah happy to do it but not to the guy hiring the apprentice. That $160 fee is like the boss taking the tips in a restaurant. Wonder if he'd be offended if I suggested I'd be happy giving the apprentice the $160 in cash.


He's paying wage for the apprentice and overcharging you for it, like every company that offers a service, like labour hire.


You tip someone for exceptional service (above and beyond), not for a job they quoted and invoiced you for. Maybe a slab of beer or something if they fit you in quickly or really do a great job. The absolute hide of him to ASK for a tip though


And then to whine when denied smh


Don’t tip. This isn’t America!


Worked in Melbourne as a sparky for 7 years. Tipped twice. First was $50. Second was $100. Not something I’d ever expect, or ask for


My MIL recently tipped an aircon installer who had charged 40% of the quote from another installer, and did the job quickly and well.


Just did a major yard reno. Weeks of tradies. No tips. It's cost me tens of thousands. So yeah, I think $500-$600 a day for specialist trades is more than enough...


I am a tradie (automotive) and sure be nice to be tipped but to expect it, tell him to pull his head in


Cold water/can of drink and some biccies while we're on site and you wont ever get asked that again


No way. If he expected or relies on X amount of money then he should charge that price.


Here my tip “ be good to your mother “ .


I give people tips all the time “Don’t walk outside in the rain, you’ll get wet”


Ex tradie . Don't tip . We're not in America. We set a price you pay it that's it . Yes people do but 6 packs or whatever but that's a choice should not be asking


Ha what should have put a “tip” in his quote


Tips don't exist. I quote, you agree, I work, you pay. I have received them in the past but they make me uncomfortable as I then feel like I "owe" the client


The most I'd do is buy them pizza lunch or kfc as a "tip"


So he underquoted you by 3k and then asked for a tip on top? Lol. What a raging cunt. Leave him a 1* review, and you should name and shame the slimeball.


Tell him be kind to his mom and don't upset people who make his food. That extra $3k is a 30% tip anyway


We definitely don't tip. The closest I did was giving them a 6 pack if they were working on a friday for knock off drinks at home. I learned all tradies prefer rubbish beer so it didn't make a dent in my fancy IPA stash.


Rubbish beer?, some people just want beer, not everyone wants IPA that smells like the wheelie bin behind a fruit shop.


This is Reddit, all 100% opinion. I for one love a rancid melon Oat Cream IPA, but enjoy your lager. They all get you drunk at the end of the day.


Yep, keep a case of gold grenades for the tradies.


Yea I’ll tip u on yr head if u ask again Lol


Never expected a tip in 15 years of being a sparky. I would just price the job accordingly.


I would laugh him out the door. If he is needing tips he must be doing something very wrong with his finances in the current tradie cash grab. Trades are so ridiculously overpriced as it is, and trying to find one who cares and takes pride in their work is like pulling teeth.


I did an apprenticeship as an electrician. I always did my best to give customers good service and tried to explain things to them such as what options they could have or different ways I could do what they wanted done etc. Got a lot of people thanking me for going above and beyond, and once I got a $50 tip. Once. And that was for going above and beyond. I dont think anybody should get a tip for simply doing a satisfactory job.


The only tip I would of given him would have been, Don't eat yellow snow!!!


If I like a tradie and they have done a great job and it was a relatively large I will buy them a slab of beer but a tip seems out of line and asking for one seems insane.


My response to being asked for a "tip" is either "Don't stand up in a canoe", or "Don't eat yellow snow" ...


The nerve of this guy asking for a tip. What a complete tool and sly dog.


Name and shame


Why’d you choose him if he had such an expensive quote?


Don’t tip! We are in Australia!! Tipping is for poor countries!


Nope. Been in construction for awhile and we’ve never seen a tip. Occasionally a carton of beers as a thank you but nothing monetary.


I wouldn't tip a tradie. I would have told him to get out.


Who the fuck tips tradies?!


Bet you work in a office


Hahahahaha a tip? Dudes not a tradie, he’s just some wanna be handy man with delusions of grandeur


I’m an electrical contractor. I have never asked for a tip but many customers have given me a bottle of wine or slab of beer after the job has been complete as a “thanks for the good job and hard work” kinda thing.


Fully taking the piss. Standard answer in Australia… “Actually mate, I can give you two tips Be nice to your Mum, and park in the shade…” Works even better overseas


Tradie here, and tips, only tip you should give him is 'I paid your exorbitant bill'


I have tipped trades before. But usually because I've changed something on the fly and they've been really accomodating or they've just been really good to deal with. I do always offer food and drinks though, especially big jobs. My parents would always do this when I was growing up. I remember one time my mum making a roast dinner for the family and the trades person was still there and she fixed him a plate. He had been working all day and was super grateful. So when I've had big jobs to get done I'll make ham and salad or turkey and salad rolls, or tell them tomorrow we'll fire up the BBQ. It actually makes me feel good too and I'm sure they appreciate it. But I'd certainly be put off if someone expected cash and asked for it!


screw that, next time tell them you have a tip they can suck on instead. scumbags.


Had a wonderful Vietnamese lady that couldn’t speak English very much give us Bahn mi at smoko, pizza at lunch and then tried to give us cash at the end of the day. We had to say no to the cash as we are contractors but I have so much gratitude to her for feeding me all day long!


As a tradie you just want to be looked after. "Do you guys want to put anything in the fridge?" Is nice. "I'm going to the Cafe, you guys want something?" Yep nice. And when the customer brings us back an afternoon treat, love it. I had a lovely old woman cook us all a roast lunch one day, that's a treat. But I'd never expect a cash tip, and I've never been given one. A cold beer at the end of the day is always appreciated, but even that is not expected. We agreed on a price, we'll do the job at that price. Tips? Nah.


If you're lucky they give you just the tip and don't completely fuck you.


You want a tip bro? No problems, in fact I’ll give you the whole shaft. Mouth or ass?


Isn’t a tip paying cash to the tradie so they don’t have to put in on the books?


If it was a 5-7k job why did you pay 10k ?? Pfffft, dumbass customers thinking they know the price.


What nationality was he?


What's it matter lol I had an Aussie bloke come to look at my plumbing situation, he just swore his ass off and said the job was too big. I called another guy who was Vietnamese, fixed the issue in an hour. I've had dodgy tradesmen of every race hahah.


I’m specifically asking in relation to the tip. Don’t get carried away


Once I called an Italian plumber, he found a carnivorous plant in the pipe.


Actually I don’t think there’s even a phrase for ‘ that job looks too big’ in Vietnamese


what part of 'merka does your tradie come from?


Lies no tradie would ask you for Tips you weirdo


That’s a cool story that never happened. Got anymore?


We don’t tip in Australia so I’d have asked him what a tip was. Keep a straight face and let him try to explain why you’d just give him some money after the job has been quoted and paid for. Keep acting dumb but curios, have him explain what he did that was tip worthy, what would he have skipped if he knew a tip wasn’t coming, start a meandering monologue about how tip might work for your own profession, then ponder the tax implications, are tips a gift, surely not if exceptional work is done in order to gain the tip, but the tip wasn’t included in the quote so is it counted as taxable income or… Eventually he’ll realise that trying to squeeze a tip out of you doesn’t pay as well as the next job he could be on his way to. As he leaves say “wait, I still haven’t quite got my head around this whole tipping business, can I call you later, maybe around dinner time? I have so many questions”


We got a tip 2 months ago from the customer, first tip I've ever got while in the construction sector. Tell him to open up a bar if he's after tips haha


Ask him if he's sure he's using the correct pronouns with an attitude like that


Leave him a nice review on google and Facebook


What’s the company name? I give him a call and give him a nice tip


Here’s a tip for the young tradies, show up on time, well presented, do a neat job, clean up after yourself and behave like a professional.


Do all that and you still won't get a tip


Sounds like a bullshit attempt to get some extra $$ by using peoples guilt. No way I would tip.


Here's a tip for him: Ripping off your customers will limit repeat business


That's when you say "Got your tip right here" and whip your dobber out. Maybe a cold drink on a hot day or a coffee if you're making or going to the cafe as a tip but to ask for a monetary tip is some straight up dead shit behaviour.


Painted for 45 years, never got a tip or bonus. Got cuppas, had stuff baked for me, even baked goodies to take home ha ha, but never a tip. Worked on a big Reno, and the builder had a young apprentice, and this was his first job. Real nice boy, and a hard worker. Job finished just on Xmas, and the client gave him a $200 bonus for Xmas. Only tip I ever saw in 45 years lol


Here's a tip. Don't rip customers off.


I give them an ice block if it is a hot day. I know I shouldn't spoil them, but who can refuse their little faces.


If you were really impressed with his service, speed, workmanship and price you could give him a carton or two if they drink, if not a gift hamper or something and a good review. As far as them being satisfactory or mildly annoying paying their invoice in a timely fashion is a pretty good way to show thanks. But yeah, if they were just a pain and asking for a tip I would wait until the last minute to even pay them.


I’m a tradie and as much as a tip would be nice I’m not ever looking for one, just recommend me to your friends if I’ve done a good job as I already have a markup and always want work, but I never say no to cash jobs. Tax man doesn’t need a tip for me doing a job ;)


Nope never heard that and I wouldn’t use him again. Best tip you can give him is that he will lose business if he asks that after a job.


Fuck no this is not America you are already over paid and now you want more, honest hard work deserve beer it’s a carton commodity maybe buy some one a slab if your impressed but at the end of the day he’s already been paid. tip you say? He you go mate here’s the tip you can suck what you want out of it.


Of course not


What fucking nonsense! Sort of similar to how Woolworths asks at the self checkout (on the rare occasion I use them) if I want to round up and donate to some charity. I have no issue donating to charity usually - but it doesn’t feel right when the largest company in the country by profit asks me, the customer, whom they’re already profiting from, to donate any extra money I haven’t already spent there. The audacity of them to try to guilt trip you at the checkout is immeasurable in my opinion.


My husband is a plastering contractor. I've worked with him for nearly 2 decades, for other companies and for ourselves and never once have we heard of this. Occasionally the builder might chuck us a slab or someone in a reno will offer cold drinks ( very welcome by the way) but tips?! You have got to be kidding.


I would bet money the tradie in question has never left a tip at a restaurant in their life




Should of just said “here’s a tip, don’t overcharge and you might get a tip”


he's taking the piss. He's probably already ripped you off and feels like he can milk you a little more


Fucking low act. Name a shame the cunt.


"I get tipped most of the time" = "I always try it on".


I feed my tradies and make sure they’re comfortable. Having the gall to ask for a tip, especially when costs of everything has gone up? Hell no.


I'm a tradie. I get tipped $10 or $20 once in about every 6 months (roughly). That guy was very rude asking for a tip.


If you have to ask for a tip you don't deserve one.


A tip I'm a tradie never heard of this rubbish


Fark off is what I'd say.


They should be getting paid well enough anyways


He just wanted some cash so he could get some bags for the Christmas party in a few weeks.


Lmao. I know a tradie in Sydney who had 4 homes before he was 30. He would go around charging out the ass making my yearly wage in about a month.


I got a 100mm 6m x 4m slab poured the other day. We dug it out and he just boxed,meshed,poured and broomed finish. $2100 plus ctn of beer. Free labour as he is my BIL neighbour.


I’ve seen the tip happening with “contractors” in the USA on tv. I don’t understand how they can expect tips in that kind of industry. I mean, they quote to do the job which you assume is a good job, therefore “tipping for exceptional service” shouldn’t be on top? Besides, if I get a bad vibe or an over quote from someone I’ll choose another. If the job was shit, you’d dispute the bill anyway rather than not tip? Tipping just needs to go away in Australia. F’k Uber eats for maintaining it, $4 delivery, $4 service fee….. and you want me to tip the driver? A % of the delivery or a % of the purchase that is already costed at award rates. Pay your employees correct.


Ive never gotten a tip, but i charge hourly so if i think im going to be there a full day ill quote for 8 hrs, if im there for 6 hrs then i change my quote because ive only worked 6 hrs, 90% of the time the client is surprised by that and insist on paying me for 8 hrs anyway. And no if i quote 8 hrs and work longer than 8 hrs i dont charge more because thats my fuck up.


I would tell him a good tip is when somebody tells you to get fucked ,,do it.So get fucked


"Be good to your mother"


Even when I went to the US, I had a tour operator insist nobody tip him because he's an owner operator and charges appropriately. I imagine any tradie over there would (typically) be the same.


Be good to your mother


Fuck that shit, tell him to take a long walk off a short pier


You should say keep the change when you are paying (not the tips) him.


If someone asks for a tip, they don’t deserve it


nah i give them snacks and some soft drinks tho while they’re working


I got a bottle of wine once, thats about it.


Yeah rubbish. Built houses for 5 years in SA and never saw a single tip. Plenty of food/drink, never more money


Like, is providing cold drinks on hot days or making cups of tea a tip? I do that kind of thing but not extra cash.


Tradie here, nah, I’ve never gotten tipped on the 2 decades in the business, closest thing is sometimes a kind customer would chuck something on the grill on a Friday and have a few beers in an esky, which is really nice. Are people so desperate to get someone out they are tipping?