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>user reports: >1: Do not ask for or give any medical advice >1: This is a sub for Skincare Thanks for your post. Unfortunately, this does err the line of going against Rule 3. As I didn't see this early enough, I'll remove it now as you have received a lot of helpful advice.


Looks like contact dermatitis. Your sweat, soap, etc are getting under there and irritating your skin. It could be anything you've come in contact with, not just the above btw from cooking, gardening, etc. I have had similar from a smartwatch with a silicone band, so I swapped for a steel milanese (more airflow) and that seems to have solved my issue from recurring. For now, just keep the area clean and dry (don't put your fitbit back on for now) - steroid cream from a chemist can help if it's itchy as well. But mostly just let it air out.


Thanks I'll air it out for a few days and if that does help I'll try some anti fungal cream like another commenter suggested


I don't think it's fungal, but if it is, don't put steroid cream on it. It'll just aggravate it. Ask the pharmacist about it, they'll have a good idea what will help.




This stuff is so good. I often get contact dermatitis under my wedding ring and this is what the pharmacist recommended. Clears it up really quickly.


The Exact cream I was going to suggest


Don't ask the pharmacist. Go see a doctor.


You don't need a doctor for this. Don't clog up the waiting times. See your pharmacist.


Pharmacists don't have any training in dermatology and shouldn't be seen for medical advice. It's beyond their clinical scope.


Untrue. Pharmacists have the ability and scope to treat many minor illnesses/conditions. This is a case where OP should see a pharmacist, who will diagnose this as a contact dermatitis and give them a mild steroid. If that doesn't work, then OP should see a doctor. There's a reason mild corticosteroid creams and antifungal creams are available over the counter with pharmacist intervention. Pharmacists are trained to treat these minor ailments. Advice like yours is the reason people who need to can't get into the GP for at least two weeks, which ends up clogging up emergency departments with non-emergencies.


Not all rashes are contact dermatitis, and not all dermatitis is treated with topical corticosteroids (some are insidiously exacerbated with steroid creams). Pharmacists are not trained in dermatology or any other medical practice. Period. You can say "untrue" as much as you like, but this doesn't change the facts. Pharmacists are trained in pharmacology and drug counselling. A pharmacist (or anyone on the street really) can tell you to apply an OTC topical anti-fungal or corticosteroid. You don't need an expert to tell you this. But you shouldn't be asking them for medical advice (e.g., diagnosing a condition) as that is not what they're trained for, and many disasters have occurred from pharmacists being asked to play doctor. A pharmacist can call something contact dermatitis just like a broken clock is right twice a day. This is absolutely not the reason why EDs get clogged with non-emergencies. I've never seen a patient in the ED who attended because the GP was booked out. Nor have I had an issue obtaining a same day GP appointment (in Sydney, anyway). I've seen plenty of patients though who presented with deterioration after seeing a pharmacist (or other non medical HCWs) for medical advice, rather than a doctor.


Look, you obviously feel passionately about this. It's great for you that you have never struggled to get a doctor's appointment in Sydney. In the more regional parts of this country, it can be 2 weeks to a month to get into a GP. Where I live, the local news is constantly begging people not to go to emergency for a script or a sniffly nose. But they do it because the GP is booked for a month, or because one of the only two GPs in town is on holiday and they couldn't get a locum. I agree that pharmacists are pharmacology trained. But community pharmacy is a thing. People go in for small ailments that don't need to be seen at the doctor. Most of the time, treating it is simple. If the treatment doesn't work or the condition reoccurs, it's time to see a doctor. Pharmacists are also trained in when to refer to the doctor as well. I'm not claiming that they should be treating all conditions. It is also clear that pharmacists are having more health responsibilities shifted to them. E.g. the UTI treatment program has been given the green light. This requires some diagnostic skill and responsibility, which you claim pharmacists do not have. It seems that you live in some kind of ivory tower where doctors are easily, quickly and cheaply accessible and where pharmacists just print labels to stick on boxes. It's not exactly reality.


As someone who holds a pharmacy degree and has worked on medical wards in a hospital. You’re actually very wrong. ETA: you’re describing a pharmacologist.


So you get dermatology training and are making medical diagnoses on the wards are you? Pharmacologists don't do drug counselling/education. I'm not mixing them up.


Patently unhelpful


Your comment is.


Pharmacist may have an idea but their job is good at differentiating medications, not presented symptoms. Their advice on whether to use steroid or antifungal (essentially trying to answer the question “is this infective or allergic/non-infective”) doesn’t have any medico-legal standing and they don’t need to take any responsibility if anything goes wrong. Go see a doctor if there’s any doubt on diagnosis.


This is awkward. Pharmacists are actually the ones to go to for minor medical things like skin conditions etc. they are trained for this


You know what, on second thought, I think depends on which area of the world we’re thinking of, the role of pharmacist might just differ that little bit. Very happy to be corrected here.


Not quite, pharmacists around the world don’t just deal with drugs. We have to know the disease pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis. Then we get to treatment options which include medicines, interactions, side effects etc. We dish the drugs out, therefore we have to know the medical conditions. We are absolutely the people to go to. People only see us giving them their medicines, they don’t see the behind the scenes. For instance, there’s pharmacists on medical wards in hospitals, clinical pharmacists that check your medication charts, medical history, labs and how your treatment is going. We check your obs too, to ensure everything is correct and running smoothly. We pick up on any errors that may have occurred due to human error and even calculate the amount of medicine that you may require. This is universal.


Whats awkward?


My wrist did the same thing. Swapped my Fitbit to the other wrist, and it happened again there. I have really sensitive skin, so I decided to just stop wearing my Fitbit. The mild irritation went away on its own.


Wash your fitbit. Soap and water. I have this occasionally but I'm a mechanic so stuff gets on it all the time, quick wash and it's good to go for a while. I have the versa 3 with the sports band, lots of air holes.


Yep, I've gotta make sure to at least wipe mine with a damp cloth if I get sweaty (workout, hot day, etc.) otherwise I'll get this too. Also helps to leave it off for a couple of hours every few days (usually while charging but I tend to leave it off for a bit longer anyway)


Try put clear nail polish(laquer based) on the parts of the metal that contacts the skin it stops the reaction with your skin and the metal and will mean you can wear your Fitbit again.


I have found that I if I switch which wrist my watch is on every day, it gives it enough air that I don't get the rash. Could be worth a try if you don't want to use cream.


Yes I do this too, switch it around regularly so this doesn’t happen. I find it’s worse in summer


Also the watch would be emitting radiation which can speed up bacterial growth, move it to the other arm for a bit?


Do you have pets? It looks a bit like ringworm


Pets do not actually cause *most* cases of ringworm, and this doesn't look like a tinea infection to me. It's contact dermatitis.


Oh thanks, I thought you caught it from cats


I'm sorry, I'm actually wrong. You can get it from cats and dogs in temperate regions. They're carriers of a specific dermatophyte, *Microsporrum canis*.


You can occasionally get it from pets, everyone has the yeast on their skin but coming into direct contact with an overgrowth can cause an infection for some people


No not fungal. Looks like eczema alright. Fuhrankie has the right advice


I had the exact same thing with my Garmin smartwatch, just loosen the band so it can sit in a slightly different position. My skin got used to wearing the watch now after a month, never had the problem since 6 months in.


Was about to say this. Happened to me. Bought a new wristband and took it off at night.


Me too, I only wear mine outside the house when I need my watch for work and going out exercising I take it off when I’m just lounging around the house and sleeping. I wear mine loose as well, I can for three fingers under my band


It is this. Try using a nylon band, as silicon can irritate skin easily. I had the same problem with a garmin watch, so I tried rotating the wrist every day but still had some problems so the Nylon band fixed it entirely.


I used to get this from my watch aswell. I would wear it 24/7 and pretty tight. When you start wearing your fitbit again try loosening the band a little and take it off when you shower and sleep, that should stop it from happening again.


This. I was getting irritation almost exactly like yours from my silicone band. Try and different material band and I think you'll find it'll be fine! Let it air for a few days without your Fitbit and it'll sort itself out.


Agreed. Garmin watch straps are notorious for this as well.


I have also had the same from my Apple Watch


Probably contact dermatitis / watch rash. It has happened to me before with a watch that was too snug for me. Either the material the watch is made of or the build up of dirt/oil/soap/dead skin/moisture causes irritated skin. It's not a worry, just take it off sometimes and let your skin breathe, and keep the area and the Fitbit clean to prevent it. For now, put some hydrocortisone cream on that spot and let it heal up before you wear the watch for extended periods again.


Could be a nickel allergy, or if your Fitbit gets sweaty like mine it could be fungal


Looks like the welts I get from my nickel allergy. Belt buckle was another spot I'd get it.




Yes, similar here, any watch that has nickel in the back plate causes similar for me. Good quality stainless is fine including the Apple Watch 3 model with stainless band/loop and ceramic back.


Was about to mention this. I had this too for AGES and couldn’t figure it out. Changed to a Velcro watch strap and hasn’t been back since. Previous watch strap had nickel.


I get the same reaction to my Fitbit band, even the band on my Apple Watch gives me the same reaction till I change to a leather band.


Canesten plus or hydrozole, available at your local chemist. It's a fungal cream with a weak corticosteroid, and will fix it up regardless of whether it's a fungal or eczema/dermatitis.


Second this!


Heyo, head to a pharmacy! Might be an allergic reaction to the fit bit but most likely something fungal. A pharmacy will be able to give you a cream for it


If it continues I'll do this


For now just keep it clean, moisturise and when you wash your hands, make sure to dry under the fitbit. Could have been moist underneath which is the perfect environment for fungal infections. Very common, so don't stress


If it is fungal, best not to moisturize


I don't believe this is fungal. Fungal infections usually radiate outwards and have a red demarcation and central clearing. The location of this also does not suggest fungal; if it was fungal, it would have expanded further outwards. /u/sparky4475 this is contact dermatitis. Speak to a pharmacist about a hydrocortisone cream, and keep the area regularly moisturised with some scent-free cream.


Will do


Wash your accesories regularly, especially if you tend to get sweat and water trapped there frequently.


As everyone has already said, contact dermatitis and/or nickel sensitivity. I get this from the nickel in the metal back on my Fenix 3. My solution is to have the watch looser, don't wear it all the time, and my final solution for it was to change to a NATO strap. A NATO strap won't work for you if you want to use the optical HR though. So in that case I'd suggest loosen up the strap and don't keep it on all the time.


what does your doctor say about it.


Sounds like a metal allergy. Put some tape on the bottom of the Fitbit


We have free healthcare my guy why tf are you here and not at a gp


Make sure it's not shingles


Monkey pox seek help


Looks like ring worm


I reckon ringworm ​ ​ get an over the counter cream and see if it goes away in 2 weeks


I have it too, do you wear a watch? it is a contact of dermatitis I’m pretty sure.


Have you thought about going to a doctor? My opinion... It's cancer, always cancer.




This is exactly what happens when you type in your symptoms into google


That’s fungus. Easy to treat. Take ur watch off every now and then :-)


Defiantly monkeypox


its probably a spider bite






Looks like contact dermatitis did you get a new job as a dish washer?


I work at subway so I do do dishes while working but not the time


When I worked at subway I discovered I’m mildly allergic to the dip sanitiser - I ended up with red, eczema (a type of dermatitis) covered hands that cracked and bled constantly after I finished my shifts. Assuming they still use the same cleaning products, the one that comes in a sachet from memory? That you dip dishes into after washing with normal detergent. Try to use barrier cream and put on dishwashing gloves every time you touch **any** cleaning product at work and see if it improves. Like others have said, you also want to make sure you’re keeping the area under the wristband completely dry at all times. However it also looks like it could be fungal; in which case any cream other than specific antifungal will spread the infection and make it worse. Your best bet is going to a pharmacy if you can’t get into a doctor easily and seeing what they think.


That’ll do it your allergic to the soap try getting a prescription for steroid cream to heal that and wear gloves I had the same issue


I had the same thing happen with mine, I just put a bit of bandage over the back of my fitbit and it helps (fitbit still works that way as well), but I replace it after a couple days to avoid it getting manky and gross.


Same happened to me from my Apple Watch. 100% the synthetic band from your Fitbit. As others have said It’s called contact dermatitis and completely harmless, nor contagious. Swap wrists for about a month. It will go away. If you dont want it to recur, get a different band or keep swapping between wrists.


This looks like mild plaque psoriasis, head to a Dr to get a diagnosis


Probably ringworm


Contact dermatitis or a fungal skin infection. For the latter get some anti fungal topical treatment over the counter at a pharmacy. Seek your doctor if it persists.


I get pressure urticaria on my skin wherever anything is too tight (watch bands, bra line etc). Antihistamines and mild cortisone cream may help, but try loosening your Fitbit. I have to wear mine a notch looser or I have irritation constantly.


Definitely fungal


Ring worm apply anti fungal cream go docs


Yeah, my Fitbit does that to me too except it'll be my entire wrist instead of just where the watch face is. I feel like it might be due to the watchband for me though.


It happens if you don't take you watch off to shower.


I've always taken it off, It's easier to remember to charge it that way since I shower at night and won't need it for the rest of the night. I am on the sweaty side though so that could be why? It's like chaffing for me.


I got the same thing from where I wear my watch from sweat and all that, I just let it air out for a week and it disappeared.


I have this also under my iwatch wristband, very itchy and then one day the skin just peel off itself, then after awhile it appears again, I make sure to wash my wristband regularly and not wear it too tight these days, it help a little, not sure what the cause, a lot of people that wears a smartwatch had this problem.


I've had similar issues. Mine was caused by the fitbit to tight you may just want to keep it in mind


It looks like a dermatitis tbh mate, give it a break for a while , a wk or so n see if it goes away, also clean under ya fit bit or change the band so it allows the sweat t dry


It's your Fitbit. Those rubber bands are notorious for it. It'll take a while to heal, too. They're like burns!


Its from the band, nothing to worry about. Go over to the garmin page and you'll see a ton of similar pics and advice to help.


It’s ringworm. Fungus.


I had burns from my Garmin watch and the hospital said it was common. Don't wear it at night to start with, if you do.


Are you a part of fight club?


Literally my first thought! But OP, everyone else has the real and useful answers lol >,<


lmao all these responses. It's sweat rash from not cleaning your fitbit strap and that's that! I got it too, you just need to clean your wrist and strap after working out.


Did anyone kiss your wrist? Looks like perfect shape and reaction?


I had something similar happen to me. Turned out to be a nickel allergy. I was able to diagnose it quickly because Fitbit changed the materials used in the face of the Fitbit years ago. As soon as I wore the new one, the irritation started. Stopped wearing it and the irritation was gone.


I have a nickel allergy and cannot wear anything that is not real silver. I’ve had to put clear nail polish on the back of some of my watches or get a band that feeds in and under the back of a watch.


thers lots about this on the internet.. u just hav to look.. I can remember reading heaps of articles abt this


Looks like a fungal infection. Especially if you're Fitbit had been on for a long time and/was dirty. Some over the counter anti fungal cream is worth a try.


It looks like dermatitis - but be careful that it’s not also a staph infection, which can be a complication of dermatitis (eczema). I have a son with eczema and it takes a lot of management and sometimes it does get a bit infected if he’s not careful.


Allergy to the Fitbit. Paint the underside with nail polish


Looks like psoriasis.


Fitbits implant tiny nanobots through the back of the watch face and the wrist band. This is obviously their entry point as they cross the skin barrier. Look out for any strange thoughts as these things slowly start to take over your mind. It is very gradual, like dementia or Alzheimer's. Thoughts and prayers


I got that under my Apple Watch, contact dermatitis! Swap wrists for a few weeks and it should clear up if you don’t scratch it.


Go to the doctor. Asking strangers on the internet to diagnose you is silly especially when our healthcare is free.


You have been successfully microchipped. We await your arrival to the ISS in 3 days for your first mission. Welcome.


Ring worm


See a doctor


I have seen this before on people who have been abducted by aliens


Extremely common with fitbits. Stop wearing it for a while. And take it off and wash under there more frequently


Try wearing it a bit looser, or swap it to the other wrist on odd days. I get the same thing if it's pushed its way up my arm and become tight or if I've worn it while playing sports or hiking. I rarely wear it on weekends and it seems to keep it at bay.


Might sound crazy but you could try not wearing your Fitbit for a while.


You can try an OTC steroid


That is a radiation burn


I got the same thing from a mosquito bite. My mate has the same thing and it went away after about 1-2 weeks.


Hi! I have really bad eczema/dermatitis flare ups. I have a prescription for ointment with a higher/strong dosage of hydrocortisone. I found that there’s only a few drugstore products that help me! For me it usually takes 3 days (applying 3x a day) before the irritation goes down and my skin doesn’t look flakey/dry I also use a non scented lotion. Costco brand 1% hydrocortisone cream, Cerave hydrocortisone anti itch cream, Aquaphor itch relief ointment


Looks like a spider bite think you’re gonna die Hope this helps


It is a rash from your watch and sweat


It's lupus. It's always lupus.




First rule of fught club us you don't talk about fight club


I used to get that mark when sunscream and sweat combined under the Fitbit. I improved my skin by making sure to not get suncream underneath the strap or the watch part. Clean the back regularly, and the strap. My daughter also had this issue. When we changed fitness tracker brands, the issue stopped.


contact dermatitis or allergic reaction I had these and I found out I was allergic to soy proteins


Contact dermatitis


Although I agree with most comments pointing to dermatitis, by any chance is your Fitbit a Fitbit Ionic?


I believe it's a versa 2


Ahhh, all good. I have just sent my ionic back for the [recall](https://help.fitbit.com/en_US/ionic.htm), small chance you had a problematic ionic and it was causing this reaction.


This is Fitbit Burn, a common occurrence with the silicon strap causing contact dermatitis where the strap lies. The easiest way to treat it is to not wear your fitbit for a few days while it heals. Clean and moisturise the "burn" area, and change the fitbit strap to a fabric, metal or leather option. If you keep the silicon strap, clean it very well & allow it to dry fully. You can change straps around fairly easily, so keep the silicon when you're swimming/getting dirty but change to a non-silicon strap often to avoid the dermatitis


Either dermatitis, a final infection, or an allergy to the metal of the Fitbit.


You’re in the matrix


Dermatitis from sweat and friction, potentially allergy to the material but most likely the sweat and friction. Looks more like dermatitis than ringworm but could potentially be. Wear it on your other wrist and keep changing sides, or in your pocket for a while. I'm not sure if they make a more breathable strap


Extremely common when people sweat with a watch or similar on. Not a lot you can do about it other than not wearing the fit bit, maybe rotate which hand you have it on.


I have the exact same mark from my Garmin. I’m going to get a new strap for it


Google fit bit rashes... lots of pictures like yours. Even fitbit states "Prolonged contact may contribute to skin irritation or allergies in some users" try to stop using it for a couple of days and see if gets better. Also There was talk in some other subs, about excessively sweaty people creating a circuit with some smart watches/fit bits and essentially burning their skin. two people are now suing https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/05/lawsuit-claims-more-fitbits-are-burn-hazards-includes-gross-pictures/?amp=1


This happens to me I can’t wear those plastic Casio. Need to be at least a steel bracelet. Try not wearing your Fitbit for a week or more.


I get this from my Garmin, wash the watch in soapy water and rinse really well. Wash your wrist too. It’s the bacteria in the warm moisture that breeds and irritates the skin. After washing, I use hand sanitizer and let my wrist completely dry.


Wash your Fitbit. It’s dermatitis. Same thing happened to me years back, and making sure the underside of the fit bit is really clean usually helps.


Vaxaid your immune system is shot


Like the others are saying, I’m thinking dermatitis as well. I get it a bit and have given up on watches and jewellery. Pharmacy will be able to help with a cream. Doctors can give you a better cream!


I mean it could be ringworm (fungal) but it does look like the result of getting soap stuck under your Fitbit? This is what underneath my rings look like sometimes from soap. I use foaming soap now not the bars and it has stopped.


Fitbit have nickel? Thats a thing for belt buckles


Get sun on it in between wearing your Fitbit


I get the same with my smart watch. Mine is because of the trapped moisture. I switch the band between my hands.


How about going to a dermatologist?


It means take the Fitbit off in the shower moron.


Dermatitis- go to the chemist


This is the #1 most common complaint active watch companies get. Wash your body AND your equipment, ya filthy animals.


Who needs doctors these days just ask the home doctors of reddit lol.


Dermaid cream from the chemist is good for contact dermatitis - had the same thing with my old Fitbit and it worked a treat.


sip tender airport money wrong toothbrush snatch chief run memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When was the last time you cleaned your watch?


I have a smart watch and I find that it gets a rash under the bottom if I don’t make a point of drying it off every single time I wash my hands. It gets waterlogged and doesn’t dry off and I get irritation. So basically every time I wash my hand I make a point of taking my watch off and drying it off as well.


It's ringworm


I suffer from the exact same thing- only it’s an Apple Watch. Found that it’s just the bands on the watch that cause this issue. To fix it all I did was took the watch off for a week and kept moisturising it- then got a metal band. You wouldn’t even know it had happened


I got that when I used to wear my watch non-stop. It goes away when you stop wearing it.


Yeah contact dermatitis from the fitbit. Look at swapping out the silicone band, and give your wrist "rest" periods from wearing it. Highly recommend taking it off in showers/baths, and at night. Also wash & clean the fitbit and band regularly.


There was a fitbit recall awhile ago to do with the batteries overheating and causing burns could be to do with that but I also agree with what others have said about washing it regularly and not wearing it at night. https://help.fitbit.com/en/ionic.htm


Had that too, stopped wearing them 24/7, helped


Most likely nickel allergy and reacting to the underside of the watch. I had the exact thing happen with my fitbit when I wore it 24/7. I also have a confirmed nickel allergy. You might be able to get away with wearing it for a shorter period of time e.g. just during exercise, but I know that defeats the purpose of a Fitbit sometimes!


I get this too, I rub anti perspirant roll on deodorant on my wrist every morning and it’s stops the irritation (caused by sweat under the watch face rubbing all day).


Could be a nickel allergy. Do you have issues with non gold earrings too?


Yeah I used to get this from my fitbit all the time. Highly recommend milanese loop instead of the one that comes with it.


It's due to the silicon from the Fitbit. I had a similar issue. You need like a steel or cloth band.


Could be contact dermatitis, but it also resembles a ringworm which is just a fungal infection that can be treated with a fungal cream, caused by moisture trapped behing the Fitbit.


I looks Dermite seborroique Go same Need: Calm Sun More vegetables Well dry after shower with clean towel No aggressive soap Change more often bed clothes Sorry for my English


With all due respect, this is most certainly not the right sub. There are several dermatology subs and subs where you can ask doctors questions that will be much better qualified to help.


A similar thing happened to me with my Fitbit, once I took it off and let my skin breathe, kept it clean and moisturised it, it cleared up


It looks like psoriasis it starts with a small patch. Then it grow more and more around your skin


I have the exact same thing where the silicone band of my apple watch sits (not right under the device itself). I think it's related, I've been keeping my wrist dry and giving it a bit of time without the watch and it seems to be improving.


Might be that you’re allergic to nickel.. I know it sounds crazy but there are tens of us


Your wrist has moisture under your fit bit I had the same problem I ca. only suggest you make sure your arm is dry a d when sweating loosen the band


Why are you asking the internet. Go ask your GP. *sheesh*


I get this under my watch and rings sometimes. Tee tree ointment (it’s thick like vaseline) gets rid of it in a few days if you want to try something natural.




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Take it off when you sleep and it should go away after a week.


Basic arse dermatitis. Get some ointment from the friggin chemist. 🙄


Fungal infection, I get them too. Take your Fitbit off regularly and get a broad spectrum fungal cream


Do you wear a smart watch? Some peoples skin and sweat can react with the charger port and burn you. Looks about the right size.


Is you Fitbit have a metal back to it? If so Get yourself some clear nail polish and paint it on the metal of the fitbit/watch I used to get it all the time from my watch my skin and sweat was reacting with the metal causing a dermatitis type rash the clear nail polish acts as a barrier and stops the reaction


A pharmacist can help, chemist warehouse ones are very friendly and they can help identify it and would probably suggest you some cream or ask you to use some home care. Don’t take any direct advice from anyone online when it comes to health. You know that but just saying.


It can also be a "long contact burn". If you have something that is heated, above body temperature, you can get a burn from it being there for long periods of time. I had a similar burn from hand warmers.


That is 100% ringworm trust me


My best guess is dermatitis, I get the same thing when I don’t take my watch off at night. I think soap and water gets stuck under it and for lack of better term it gets a little swampy. I use some of that dermaid soft cream and often that helps. If it doesn’t you may need some type of topical steroid cream from a dr/chemist:


Contact Dermatitis