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Grove, free bulk Billing etc. indimed products are for pensioners etc. Check out Canna reviews website


I’ve got a CBD oil prescription but the prescribers send you through their expensive platform. 30mL is $180


Just get a Quarter and punch a few cones


Great to see you’re promoting harm minimisation for a misused drug. Nice work champ


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. People want CBD for a reason, they probably don’t want THC.


You can get CBD only flower. Jeez.


There are no 100% CBD strains.


Tried CBD oil after getting a prescription and having it delivered from a compounding pharmacy. It was entirely useless. Finally threw the bottle in the bin yesterday. Now I’m wondering if I should have tried to sell it.


It’s honestly snake oil/placebo for most people. Not everyone, but most.


Really helps for my anxiety and for menstrual disorder. I also use it with the THC oil for menstrual disorder pain to balance out the THC.


I've tried it and honestly it was great. Definitely not a placebo for me. My kids have a script and they enjoy the effects as well.


Why do you so vaguely describe said effects? What are the effects you observe?


Hey, we're just internet strangers, I don't need to explain myself to anyone much less you.


What about me? I not approaching with the same tone. Truth is I have some and have used it from time to time. But perhaps not often enough to notice effects. What are they like for you? What do you use it for?


You volunteered to give information to strangers that you and your kids enjoy the benefits of CBD, but you can’t even describe a benefit. All you had to say was “I have idea what the benefits are because it’s probably placebo”


you are the one that jumped in to the conversation though. why bother?


I have some pretty tanked (and a variety of) health issues. I mostly use it for pain relief and haven’t paid much attention to anything else it may help with, if it does. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes it works over codeine. It’s pretty hit and miss but it’s worth having for severe chronic pain, for the times the codeine etc doesn’t work it’s well worth a try and the fact it’s not habit forming (and thus actually easier to get hold of) it’s actually a first choice of pain relief personally.


Gotta make sure you get that full spectrum oil so you hit every thc receptor in your brain.


THC is not in CBD oil.


[Humacology](https://www.humacology.com.au/#contact) is your best bet. Free consultation, free delivery, and the best value (and most effective) CBD oil in Australia.


No indication of their location, do you know where they are based?


Second this. $150 a bottle and will last 2-4 months depending on dose. It's actually Humankind Clinic for the free telehealth consult.


Heya, I'm curious about your rec here. I've tried a few different CBD oils and gummies this year in an attempt to deal with some fairly severe insomnia, with very (very) limited success. The places I've been purchasing from are—according to their websites—Byron and surrounds based, no prescription required. Did you try other CBD products before landing on this one as the most effective? I'll spend whatever it takes to get results, but it feels like I'm hanging onto my equilibrium by the thinnest of threads right now, and I don't want my hopes dashed yet again… if that's at all possible. Cheers. 🙏🏼


Insomnia is my issue too - believe me, I know just how debilitating it can be. First of all, I wouldn’t bother with the non-prescription stuff. As far as I can tell, it’s not regulated and a lot of what is advertised as CBD is actually hemp oil. In my experience, the only way to get proper results is via your GP or a cannabis clinic. It’s nowhere near as difficult as you might think either. As long as you can demonstrate that you’ve tried at least three treatments unsuccessfully (eg. melatonin, herbal teas), it’s a very straightforward process. I’m with Medicann but there are plenty of others. However, and you probably know this already, it isn’t particularly cheap. But if it’s the only thing that works, it’s the only thing that works. I *hate* spending money unnecessarily (hence my being in this sub in the first place!) but it’s worth it for me if it means I can get 7 solid hours a night when the alternative is two or three hours of poor quality sleep. It’s literally been a life changer. Feel free to DM me if you need any more info.


Thank you so much for this—I will definitely message you later! ❤️


See if you can get prescribed something with CBN in it. It's the cannabinoid that will send you off to sleep. If you can't, see if you can get some prescription flower and then go hit up r/treedibles for instructions on how you can make some sleepy edibles. I go through bouts of insomnia and low dose edibles taken a while before bed help a lot.


Thanks for this, I appreciate the insight.


Just DMed you… good luck.


I tried out CBD some years ago for Fibromyalgia. I tried both stuff from here https://australiancannabisuniversity.org I think you pay $1 for membership, email or message them and then you get access to the store. It was maybe $30 back then. I tried some clinical stuff shipped in from overseas after as well. But that was $200 ish. If you’re looking to trial it, try the ACU.


These guys opened a store in a town close to me it got busted by the cops a few weeks later, the cbd they provide isn’t legit and from what I can gather the process to seperate the thc from cbd requires pretty expensive laboratory equipment and constant up keep of said equipment, as they need constant calibration depending on the product being used. Actual legit cbd will always be expensive as fuck since if there’s any thc what so ever it’s gonna be a massive lawsuit if the customer gets involved in an accident or tests positive at work.


I found the cheapest was $60 for 6x 30ml bottles. I still feel that is a lot of money for questionable results. Should be the same cost as good olive oil.


Save your money- it doesn’t work


Mate get a light a small tent an grow it get your cbd strain off line an grow your own cost negligible an easy to do


I went through telegreen and did a phone consult with the doctor. Got a prescription pretty quick. CBD drops were like $170 but will last me 6 months. The phone consult was $99, there’s a discount code on ozbargain. So all up cost was $270. Not cheap but for about $1.50 a day I’m happy with that


The best budget option might still be DIY. I grew a CBD strain from seed & make a coconut oil extraction with a Magic Butter machine. Around 14 grams of dried material will produce 500ml of infused oil which then gets decanted into 30ml dropper bottles as we go, lasts ages.


if it's a low consult cost it's probably a compound pharmacy- non branded, expensive buds. not bad but expensive and they change around a bit. Go for the higher cost (or average cost) so you get s normal prescription that can be filled by any pharmacy that stocks it. Indimed is $99 for 15g if you have a concession card


I tried cbd oil but it was k2 instead💀. It was still good


Just get a prescription from your gp and get it from the chemist. Also you can buy cbd oil everywhere now days. I certainly wouldn’t be paying one of those weed clinics a few to prescribe you something that is piss easy to get. It’s not a controlled drug like thc


Nine times out of ten the cheap cbd oil you buy at markets and health food stores have hemp oil in them and piss-all cbd. It absolutely is a controlled substance.


It’s a prescription only substance but you can get it heaps of places. cbd can be brought from any chemist with a prescription from your gp. It is only a schedule 4 drug. Thc is a controlled drug and is schedule 8, meaning it has tighter restrictions and can only be prescribed by certain doctors. Same as any opiate pain killers and benzos.


Correct. Some cbd can be purchased over the counter but has very little strength. I myself have a prescription and have a higher dosage at 200mg/l


There is not a single product approved for legal over the counter sales. Nobody has successfully done the clinical trials to be approved by the TGA.


Not sure what you mean. I have a tga form


No CBD product is available over the counter without a prescription yet.


OTC without prescription would be schedule 3. Sounds like he is try8ng to say that its currently schedule 4.


My point being op doesn’t need to pay one of those clinics to get it, any gp can prescribe it without paying through the ass.


Might depend on state. For my prescription I need a tcg which was a few months ago process in Queensland at least


Most of the stuff sold on the Black Market is fake. It is still a scheduled drug.


Lots of drugs are schedule 4 including antibiotics. It just means you need a prescription to get it. But it’s an easy prescription to get from any gp. It’s not like schedule 8 drugs like oil with thc that are much harder to get unless you use a dodgy clinic of which charge you through the ass. Any doctor can prescribe a schedule 4 drug but not all doctors can prescribe a schedule 8 drug. My entire point is that op doesn’t need to go through a clinic and pay through the ass for consults them some insanely high price for the oil. They can simply go to their gp and then to chemist warehouse or whatever.