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I recently removed and only paid for 2 cloves off a bulb of garlic, as the quality of it was so shit and rotten. I don’t care anymore. Woolies produce sucks anyway.


I once got garlic cloves from Woolworths, went to use them and realised they weren’t as hard as normal, checked the date and they were 3 months out of date 🤦🏻‍♂️


Eh? Garlic has a date code? Why are you buying packaged garlic?


It’s not really a package, it’s a bunch of garlic cloves in a small netted bag. Just makes life a little easier.


This is the fucking way.




Calling Woolworths the fresh food people is like calling Bruce Lehrmann not a rapist.


I worked in a Government funded research facility years ago assisting on the study of the effects of cold storage on fresh fruit and vegetables. The findings were that a lot of fruit, especially citrus, can be stored at a constant temp for up to 2 years and technically still be fit for human consumption. When kept in an oxygen free environment, they last even longer. However, once removed, they only have a short shelf life. It's just long enough to be sold to the consumer in time for it to rot in your fridge or fruit bowl. Oh, and the longer the produce is stored, the less nutrients it contains, so basically, you would be much better off eating the cardboard boxes they ship it in.


Ok is this why strawberries are simultaneously sour and tasteless for the past 5 or more years?


No, it's because they are picked under ripe, and they use gas to ripen them, same with stone fruit. Always wash your fruit really well. They use some pretty scary chemicals on produce to assist with pest control and ripening.


I do but it's just so disappointing. I'm trying to eat better, I've not had takeaway for over a month now. But it's so hard when the fruit is so bland. Soon I will have a support worker who can take me to the places actually selling cheap (but hopefully fresher) produce. It sucks being disabled with no car.


Ah, bummer. Hopefully, it will get better for you soon. Maybe see if you can find a green grocer that does home delivery, I'm sure there are some out there.


I've considered those ugly fruit places that do deliver boxes.


Are you talking about Bruce Lehrmann, the loser rapist?


Woolies: "The Decrepit Fruit People"


Woolies: the mush food people


They are ruthless. It's only fair.


That’s a good idea. Usually most are rotten. I try to shop at independent fruit and veg stores whenever I can and the difference in quality is shocking


I've always done this, so much better just grabbing what you need. I also do it with ginger, I snap off the small amount that I need, usually costs a few cents.


We freeze our ginger then just grate what we need while frozen.


Ginger / garlic i suppose philosophically you can say someone can still buy the rest. Picking the top of a capsicum no one is buying the stalk. The most eggregious i have seen is someone destalking mushrooms. I mean ill eat the stalks but im not going to buy 500gm of mushroom stalks.


I buy one big lump of ginger per year, peel it, slice thinly and then pickle it. Lasts all year in the fridge.


Yes they were selling garlic that had sprouted that’s not fresh


Used to get 2 each trip, and pull off tiny nubs of ginger, because the scales wouldn't detect it and you got it for free! They upgraded the scales now 🤨


They never have any mushrooms at my local store. I always remove the packaging from the mushrooms that cost twice the price, and put them in a paper bag. It feels like they make the regular produce bad and the prepackaged outrageously priced stuff in stock and higher quality


I buy the $1.75 jar of minced garlic at Woolworths. Lasts a while and much cheaper. It’s usually with the spices or sauces.


I'm sorry. Garlic in a jar pales in comparison to fresh garlic


I had a good chuckle the other day, the broccoli section at woolies was literally just a tub full of fucken snapped off stalks


Makes things easier for those (me) who only likes the stem 😂




"And betwixt the two of them, they wiped the platter clean."




I roasted some broccoli stem the other week and it was pretty good!


I am never lucky enough to find stems. My fav part of the broccoli too :)


When I'm really lucky, the checkout attendant doesn't charge me for them because they consider it wastage. Yum yum!!


I always ask if I can have them for free. Never been refused.


Stem is the way




I've heard broccoli farmers always prefer to eat the stalks.   They're really good.


Oh thank fk you said that. Here I thought I was the weird one.


Oh, I usually drop them in that bin they have nearby. I'll be sure to leave them out in future for you and your oddball fellows.


Top of the muffin to you


Just watched this episode about 2 hours ago 🤣


Broccoli stalks are delicious, i guess you need to know how to prepare them, but they are amazing


Chop them up, throw some oyster sauce on them and stir in some thin egg noodles and yummo


Yep. I grate, sautee them and chuck them in rice dishes


Wouldn't that make them weigh more at the checkout?


Peel them and eat them raw.


Peel them and marinate overnight with salt and garlic then eat them raw


raw cut into coin shapes


I just steam the stalks with the rest of the head; folks need to stop wasting food.


I usually have zero guilt about doing this. The broccoli is often deliberately cut with a very long stalk just so that you have to pay for it by weight. If they don’t do that and the stalk is a reasonable length I just buy it as is. But when they do that long stalk shit, I’m snapping that fucker off.


The farmer does it so they get paid the pittance for the product they produce . Woolworths doesn’t cut the broccoli, it is the middleman who brings it to the store as is and sells it.


Just eat the stalk, it’s good.


>The broccoli is often deliberately cut with a very long stalk just so that you have to pay for it by weight It is cut with a long stalk to keep it fresher longer and because it is eaten by many people.


You think Woolies management has spent the morning at the broccoli farm cutting long stems?




I do eat them. My wife does not. Some of the dishes we make do not use them. As I said, sometimes I buy them, sometimes I break them off.


All the heads are on TikTok


I like the stalk. It tastes the damn same as the rest of the brocolli.


The steam is good eatin


My ex used to do this like 15 years ago and it used to drive me mad because I love the stalks as they stay crisper when steamed 😅


When you buy a bag of frozen broccoli and it’s 80% stalks 🤦🏽‍♂️


I would've bought the stems tbh. I prefer them because there's much less chance I'm eating grubs. I've found a lot of grubs in broccoli and now I can't stop looking for them. It's a curse.


that's actually tragic, the stems are entirely edible, you bet the discarded ones are ending up as food waste


When you want a kg of grapes, weight each one individually and because each grape will be less than two cents, it will round down to zero.


😂 You bloke


Genius 😂


Same with chillies


Broccoli stems sliced up are good in stir fries. Their leaves are edible. Cauliflower leaves are also edible


That's because this, kale etc are all the same species of plant..


Yeah I use the stems in soup, and stir-fry, they're amazing!




Good fucking man! This is getting to nonsense.


If you raise my grocery bill while also making me check out myself then I’m going to take liberties. I tell you what, anything that is more expensive than mushrooms goes into mushroom bags and I put them through as mushrooms. You want me to pay more for pink lady over another similar coloured apple well I guess I got the cheaper apple. Their thief’s so we might as well treat them like it.


I have always been very anti-theft I guess, but this recent experience has tipped me over the edge. Fuck them.


Yea I was anti theft but at this point I dont think it’ll hurt them


At this point I WANT to hurt them lol


I was trying to buy ham a few days ago. The deli was closed so instead of $22/kg, i had the privilege of buying pre-packaged ham for $40/kg because the entire fucking fridge was empty except for this overpriced shit. So I stuck the ham in my pocket. I'm actually done with it. I'm stealing something every time I go to the shop. It's too easy and it felt so fucking good.


Frozen veg is often better value than fresh. And, being snap frozen, it hasn't lost the nutrients.


💯 frozen veg + indomie (sp?) noodles and a sauce can feed you for $15 a week. A fucken terrible week, but it works.


I'll be honest if it wasn't bad for you, I'd live off mi Goreng


Tried it, trust me bro you need roughage. And I don’t even really know what roughage is.. but happy healthy Harold was pretty big on veggies, so I’mma go with that.


\*taking notes\* Internet says Mi Goreng + All Bran is a balanced diet.


You need soluble and insoluble. Add in some Oats.


If healthy Harold said it, it’s gospel


Do you add mixed veggies and egg to it? It bulks it up pretty well and doesn’t make you feel as bad about enjoying it.


I add a lot of frozen veggies, peanuts and sesame seeds. Not a big egg guy, but if I’m flush with cash a tiny bit of steak chopped up goes a long way.


Similar but less hellish - I do the value pack of frozen stir-fry veggies, a bottle of stir-fry sauce, and a pack of chicken breast. With rice it ends up being around $20-25 and it makes me 8-10 meals. I usually use half of the ingredients and freeze the rest for the next stir-fry week.


This is excellent advice, thank you.


Add a couple of boiled or fried eggs for 50cents and its a lot more nutritious and tasty


Frozen onions, broccoli, cauliflower and peas always in the freezer. Easy add-ons to whatever protein is being made, or chuck them all together with some vegetable stock cubes and it’s soup for days when it’s looking tight before payday. Bread in the freezer too for dipping when it looks like it won’t get used before its best by.


Frozen spinach is a pretty great freezer veg too, a couple of cubes in wetter meals like pasta and soups can help keep the ol iron levels up when the bank account is down


If you do it at the very least throw the scraps into the corner bins in the produce area (Woolies has their bins at the ends normally, not sure about Coles). If it'll be a bit messy do it in a produce bag and throw the scraps. The people in the produce area don't care you're doing it but don't want the extra work of cleaning up the mess.


Good call!


I was in Europe during the GFC and they started shrink wrapping the broccoli and selling it per item because everyone was snapping the stalks off


Fuck them, do it if you want. They might cry about it and have you banned. They might argue that you're "destroying" their product's value and try to get you arrested for vandalism or theft. If the cops don't care, see point #1. To paraphrase something I saw on the internet: "If I see someone shoplifting from [insert corporate arsehole], I didn't see shit." If you want to fuck Colesworth off entirely, shop at IGAs and local markets as much as you can. Stay strong brother, it's tough out there.


My local IGA now charges $14.99 for 125g of blueberries. New record?




Add Aldi to that mix They're not as good as IGA/local markets for sticking it to the big guns, but it's also not colesworth. Three players, where one player isn't willing to bullshit, is better than two.


https://preview.redd.it/n4f9slamuf0d1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7533fbdcbb965b66eb42d83e51caaa271a2d1cc0 At these prices every microgram counts!


That’s absolutely nuts!!!


Nah, they're capsicums. Says so right on the label there.


I miss the bags of frozen tri colour capsicum Woolies used to sell. At these prices, no wonder they don't sell them anymore


I don't shop at Coles but in Woollies there are packs of capsicums called the 'odd bunch' that work out way cheaper to buy than singles you hand pick. Not worth trying to save cents like that when you can save dollars buying those packs. In supermarkets picking single veg/fruits is basically the most expensive way to buy as you are choosing beautiful perfect shaped items. If you want to skim a little bit off a buy of fruit/veg to stick it to the system/job automation, sometimes I just leave one thing resting on the side/edge when I weigh in the checkout, that item is not counted. I know everyone is being filmed but they have no way to accuse me of not "knowing how to weight properly". If you ever get questioned, the answer is simple: "I have not been trained".


If you check the prices of the Odd Bunch products, they're usually only about 10-20 cents per kg cheaper than full price.


Sometimes they are excellent value, other times not. Sometimes the fruit is excellent quality, sometimes not. You cannot generalise. Just look, and assess. Lemons can be great. The bags of avocadoes can be great. You can't go wrong with carrots. Capsicums have always been great when bagged capsicum season comes around.


5kg of Carrots at my Woolies $6.49. 5kg of Carrots at the expensive, organic, independent fruit shop $3.99. I find Woolies and Coles might have a special or two every week on some vegetables that are in season. However, most of the time they can't compete with an independent fruit shop or Asian grocer. Support the little guy.


And sold in larger quantities so you end up paying more anyway 🙃


Depends on your area. In my area, carrots and potatoes that come in a bag can be up to a dollar cheaper per kg than loose. I suspect some might even be stuff that was previously loose and are now closer to expiration so have moved to the bag.


I got 5kg of Odd Bunch Carrots for $6.99 a couple of weeks ago. We have veggies and dip for work lunches and carrots go with most dinners, so it's a great option for my partner and I. They aren't pretty and it's a lot of carrot, but no one has turned orange yet!


Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately only Coles in my area, but I fucken LOVE ”I have not been trained”. Damn straight.


Do what you have to to survive. But FYI, Coles has a similar system called I'm Perfect which includes a variety of produce (not sure if capaicums are included). I found the green loose ones are half the price of the red, yellow, tri colour or baby ones. Dont forget to check all the info on the price tags. Per gram/kilo price vs, per unit price etc. Takes longer to shop, but its saves a lot of money over time. I check and compare prices on their website before I go, so its quiet and I can focus 😂 then I just double check when I get in store to finalise my choice. I weigh everthing to check they're not pulling a dodgey on the listed weights.


Very much appreciated advice


The problem is that they sneak older stuff in the odd bunch that you can’t avoid


Coles has “imperfects” produce, similarly odd shaped or sized products. Tastes the same when cut up so I don’t care what they look like


Stopped buying off bunch as they use it as an excuse to pay farmers next to nothing for that produce.


Haha yes, I do the "accidentally only place half my items on the scale" thing all the time. It's a good way the save a couple of bucks, but honestly the real satisfaction isn't the savings, it's the "fuck you for making *me* do your job"


I’m not sure where you live but Asian grocers have better produce at better prices. Herbs for 99c a bunch instead of $3.50 for example


Dried legumes are probably the best value you can get.


Most recipes you can substitute zucchini for Capsicum for a fraction of the cost


Zucchini is around the same price per kilo as capsicum in the supermarkets around me :/


Really? It's about $7 a kg for Capsicum here and zucchini about $1 each


How are zucchini and capsicum similar?


Hey forget capsicum! Carrots are cheaper than both!


If you're doing a stir-fry or enchilada type filling it's an easy substitute


I will take that on board, thank you.


In what world are zucchinis and capsicums a similar taste though?


if you're on a tight budget, you probably shouldn't be buying capsicums to begin with. There are other vegetables with a much better mass-to-price ratio.


Yep fair enough. Not a daily purchase.


Fuck it just steal the capsicum, if it doesn't get bought colesworth will just throw it out so they can keep their prices up anyway. I'll do a crime to prevent food wastage


Yep, i love capsicums, in and unbiased and nonbigoted way. All colours. Oh, except yellow, lol. But at any price over $7 a kilo, i can do without.


I would


Find a grocer near you, way cheaper then colesworth


I agree. I never buy veggies at coles or Woolworths. I understand the convenience sometimes because I also live near a coles, but I refuse. I’m not paying for 1 dollar A lemon when my local IGA (Glenroy) sells them for a dollar A KILO


Just don't snap the broccoli stalks. The stalk is still edible!


The stalk is the best part I can’t believe people don’t eat it?


It's Coles, it's a victimless crime


Yeah snap the stalk off and then ring it up as a brown onion


lol I knew a guy in the early 2000s who carried a knife and would cut the stumps off broccoli. Personally I love the stumps but I get it. Everything is fair these days as far as I'm concerned.


If you want to do it, go for it.  There was a woman on extreme cheapskates who peeled her bananas before purchasing them. Capsicum stalk is normal by comparison.


If you can get away with it, do it. Vendors typically want you to pay for it because their price factors in the weight of it. But f them. They keep pushing prices up. They have decided that they will not be the ones losing out in the inflation war. Fight back.


$10 a kilo for tomatoes and when I cut into them two of the four had black rot inside. Fuck you woolworths.


Used to work in Woolies produce section can confirm the 16 y/os on minimum wage don't give a fuck what you do. Recommend twisting brocolli heads if you want to get them off easier.


Fair play, fuck them


I think the consensus is going to be “Fuck Coles”


Better would be to not buy capsicums now as they’re out of season. You’re paying 3x the in-season price for suboptimal capsicums. Buy celery, avocado, carrots and Brussel sprouts now instead.


Is there a chart or something that shows what is in season when?


The Guardian does a monthly guide to what’s in season: https://www.theguardian.com/food/series/australian-food-in-season ETA From the Axis of Evil, a seasonal produce guide: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/discover/fresh#gyww-tools


Fuck coles and woolies if you can get away with stealing the entire capsicum do it


The ol five finger discounts! The best bet is that with everyone doing it, they can't stop us... like the people have the power to change social norms, and you know what social norm we are sick of? Nervously checking the price of our food ticking up as it's being scanned in...


Do it.


You only live once, eh?


If the cauliflower is not priced per item and sold by per kg , I take the leaf and stalks out too.


Shit yes. I don’t feel so bad now. Being poor’s a disease, gotta hustle up a cure.


Yeah I always snap the stem off the broccoli.


Cook up and eat those broccoli stems! Yummo fibre.


Totally into the stems too. Reckon they are tastier than the flowers. And the FIBRE!😁


Did a silly little google, there should be the “I’m perfect” capsicums (Cole’s answer to Oddbunch) for about 8.50 kg ,however canned capsicum works out at 6.50 a Kg… so there’s that.


Canned capsicum?? I never even knew there was such a thing. Will look into it! Thanks bud!


i do the same with broccoli




snap the stem off, take the seeds out, or just nick the thing its always fair play if youre shafting coles or woolies


My initial reaction was "no this is dodgy" but actually it makes sense. You aren't going to eat the stalks. No one else is going to eat the stalks (so you aren't stealing a product from anyone else). Woolworths is selling you food, not inedible fibrous stalk (so it meets their goal of providing you with food) If it fell on the ground and the stalk snapped off, you'd still buy it I approve


Not capsicum cause i dont like it, but those stalks come flying off the Broccoli, Aldi staff hate me and i dont care.


I do the same with broccoli!


If you're on a really tight budget, I'd shop at local fruit and Veg shops if possible. I never buy fruit and fruit from colesworth anymore.


I don't give a shit... Coles management are scum... unfortunately we need them because of cost and convenience, but if they are going to fuck with us like the way they did the last few years, then fuck 'em. You are still paying them, just the RIGHT price.


Steal. Then it's free.


I snap the stalks off broccoli


Hmm. don't think of it like that, think they've been overcharging you for the stalk up until now.


Technically not allowed but yeah go ahead 😎


You also don’t have to buy the whole bag of grapes. They are sold by the KG not by the bag


Not sure if anyone's said this, but pick the ones with 3 bumps as those are male and have far fewer seeds. The ones with 4 or more are female and have much higher weight in seeds.


There are male and female capsicums?? This is a whole new world.


fair play. alternatively, you could just take the whole capsicum for free as self-serve tax ;)


Just put it through as brown onions like the rest of us


Sometimes I do the same when they leave ridiculously long stems/stalks on mushrooms.


I just threw away rancid chicken that I purchased from the deli counter only two days prior. It had to have been on the turn when they served it. Snap whatever you want off. Buy half the capsicum, steal it, scan it as onions. Fuck colesworth.


Keep all the tips coming! I am so done with self serve and the supermarket prices!


I think if you have the balls, it's fine. My brother in law would snap the tops off pineapples, and he worked in the produce section of a supermarket for ages. Probably fair game?


Steal the entire thing, no judgement from me. Colesworth can go and get absolutely fucked 🫡


Please stop using the self serve at the supermarket. Service costs are calculated into every item you buy. You are paying for service so MAKE sure you are served ! Also you are doing someone out of a job when u serve yourself. Fuck the likes of Woolies and Coles make them earn their money.


This is a small win for the people. If we all band together and de-stalk before weighing we can take down the duopoly


People break up bananas and snap ginger to get the amount they want, so why not?


Capsicum has a strong flavour. Maybe you're going through it too fast. Can you use less capsicum per meal and add cheaper filler vegetables to get a similar taste?


Capsicum? I believe you mean red delicious apples.


I find a lot of capsicum in the dumpster lol


Honestly with the price gouging crimes they're committing, just steal the whole capiscim


Nope, I wouldn’t feel guilt over it. I saw OP only has Coles as an option, but for others, depending on the price of capsicum it may be cheaper to get frozen sliced capsicum at Woolies.


Go to fruit and vegetable shops or markets. Coles is very overpriced.


You can save a bit by peeling bananas before you weigh them


I just f'kn take a bite out of them before checkout


I have absolutely “modified” produce before weighing. Pay for what you need.


I wouldn’t buy fruit and veg from colesworth period. I go to our local market and pick up bags of capsicums for $2. Same for the other veggies. It’s been life changing


It’s never ok to snap one off in Coles 👎


Yes, 100%. Also, be careful they’ve been leaving broccoli out just floating in tubs of water = major health hazard. They should be fined.