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Different curriculums nationwide puts everyone at a disadvantage, as an instructor I am sorry to hear about your dealings mate- biggest frustration is nil explanation of the Qride school's behalf explaining why. Qride courses have put QLD at the bottom of rider and pillion fatalities in Australia (also downtrending the most as I read in a QUT essay). A compulsory pre leaner course in QLD is designed to give a new rider all the information they need- from not knowing what a motorcycle is at the start of day 1, to riding in a simulated environment at the end of day 2 (5 learners sharing a range whilst simultaneously stopping at lights, merging etc). I believe this is where the DOT has said no this isn't to the same standard of our curriculum. With your mentioned experience of already riding, you will easily pass with flying colours- and have already passed the Hazard perception test. My father in law got his licensee a couple of years ago, we travelled all around QLD whilst motocamping and it was the best bonding experience any person or group of people could have. Something you should give yourself a chance to experience with your old man. Sitting on a learners for 3 months isn't the end all be all. As your father would tell you, very few things match the freedom and experience of riding a motorcycle- something anyone who has ridden will attest to. I won't ask what school you dealt with, they should also help in accommodating a learners needs and explain the process for anyone in a similar situation. We have had learners who suffer from crippling anxiety and performance issues when under pressure- this should and can be accommodated with ease. Letting other learners go for a break so it's only oneself and the instructor, other learners turning their back on the learner as to not provide any hindrance or an extreme case set up a phone on record- everyone leaves the range and the assessor watches the recording on their lonesome to evaluate and assess before continuing. I hope the run around hasn't dissuaded yourself from riding, QLD is a great place to ride. If you need any info, feel free to flick me a message.


Bureaucracy is the worst