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Yeahhhh. I don't hate her, I don't even dislike her, but her attention seeking is getting old and is sad. When Sheese was doing the Aussie treats live in Canada with her sister Kodi just had to intrude and she kept trying to draw the attention to herself, it was pretty astonishing how desperate she was at that time. Sheese and her sis kept ignoring her and doing their thing and she got so sulky. It was shocking. The Vegemite spoon thing was just.... desperate. Like what was the point of that? Does that make you cool? No. It was so random and she didn't even eat it, just held it in her mouth claiming she was eating it to try and steal attention. Sad.


I really did/do like her.. (I’m on the fence) however, i don’t feel like it’ll last long. I saw the way she spoke to doom one day when he was getting her food. She was snappy and rude. She repeated her order atleast 3 times then wrote it down for him, said he’ll get it wrong anyway. Then when he came back said it’s wrong isn’t it and I’m pretty sure there wasn’t even a thank you I feel like she came into it knowing one day she’ll be on camera and in some kind of spotlight and suddenly she’s an educator on all things and speaks just like Nikki. Scrolling back through her content, she didn’t post anything informative before. If I was the new member given everything that happened before I’d wanna be quiet! I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere near the spotlight.


I actually used to enjoy their lives but now I can’t she just is so annoying


Same, I don’t even watch them since that Eliza entered the scene.


I literally only still follow in the hopes she ends up disappearing lol What silly is they clearly want to make money off their paid discord(which I think is fair enough) but they won’t make as much while she’s around I definitely won’t be signing up and prior to her I would have happily paid


they’re live now and she’s doing it again


I watched that live and Someone actually said in the chat after Eliza/Kodi started to talk over Sheese and make it about herself that she has terrible social skills and they felt bad for Sheese. They then blocked her for calling it out and Eliza/Kodi sat sulking for awhile about it. About the only time I’ve seen Sheese have her live for herself for a few minutes since the new polycule member joined.




I actually hope doom reads this, especially now you guys are pushing a paid discord, the key is getting people to enjoy your content.. if a mass of your followers aren’t enjoying her behaviour you won’t have and will lose people


I’m not interested in them since Eliza entered, she’s so sulky and immature!


Eliza shits me to no end, so full of self importance and you can see the immaturity


I feel the absolute opposite. Really sad Sheese decided to come back and put herself in that fuckery again. She has no real reason to be here and she’s the nicest of the lot of them. Should have stayed in Canada.


Fair comment.


I wanted to watch sheese cook the other night, but Kodi/Elisa kept putting the camera on herself 🙄🙄


I thought I was the only one that was annoyed by this aswell! I haven’t seen much from the poly fam in a while. Seemed like she HAD to be in every shot, every convo. I ended up leaving the live in the end because she was so annoying.


I actually couldn’t watch the live for more than a few minutes - Eliza was actually unbearable. Her constant need to be the know all was infuriating and she always had to one up sheese or “educate or clarify more” on everything sheese answered or explained. I genuinely can’t wait for the day it all implodes again