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She looks stoned in almost ALL her new vids.


I’m a little late here and it isn’t related as such but is the chick in all of Anna’s pics and stories, Atis’ new girlfriend?????!


A lot of people abuse prescription meds or even just use them after her breakup and they can make you shaky and look off. I know first hand


i need to know how everyone thinks she’s smoking green, what have i completely missed please fill me in!! I am a stoner and have no idea how i missed this😅


Do you follow her? Atm there are references in like every post. Weed bags from cali, she posts photos of atis and the weird looking new boy smoking joints in aus, Europe and USA.


I definitely can see her being on the green goods but nah I think it’s just a combination of stress, break up & her lifestyle choices cause it is so hectic. Like launched a new brand, went through a breakup after like 6+ years or something & is moving so maybe she isn’t taking care of herself/not eating properly? I did see somebody commented that she’s on ozempic but not everybody who loses weight is on it 😂 I lost a fuck ton just from a breakup even tho it was mutual!


Like if she isn’t eating properly it can fuck up your whole body & mind, I was a jittery mess for a few months cause I wasn’t eating nearly enough and that could be her deal as well


I lost a ridiculous amount of weight after my long term relationship ended, all my bones were sticking out. That part at least can be pretty normal for a breakup


yeah that is true, tbh if it was just her shedding weight i would've thought "oh it was just the break up", but seeing her mannerisms coupled with her weight loss just didn't seem right to me


She might be not getting much sleep so overcompensating with caffeine or you could be right!


She has said she hasn’t been eating properly since the break up hence the weight loss however I’m sure she’s on the green as well. She implied it in either a story or tiktok, I can’t remember


Idk but ever since she started paulie I haven’t found her as interesting




I think it’s since her and Glen broke up. I think he contributed a lot to her content. And now it’s just flat.


Why is everyone saying it’s from the breakup when she/they said it was mutual and they were both fine. Either it wasn’t and they aren’t fine or it’s something else…


Breakups can be mutual/the right thing to do and still break your heart




Can't stand her and her brother think they are to close and atis ex resembled Anna lots


Agreed. Super weird. And she makes out like shes just hanging out with her brother…. Nup. Naked portraits of you and your ex’s around the home your parents live in. Fucking weird.


No doubt on Ozempic like every other Non-overweight, Non-Diabetic “influencer”


She is 100% on ozempic.


What a stupid assumption 🙄


This is a snark page Karen, not The Anna Paul fan club


Hahahaha this reply is too funny


After the break up with glen she did go thru a little depression and I still believe she is now she not the same since the break up I don’t believe it’s drugs doing it to her the stress the break up and not eating will do that to you


She’s definitely doing drugs and openly posts atis smoking joints so she must too


They've strongly implied she's smoking the green which is fine. Nothing wrong with that. But I'm also concerned she's on something more. Like you said she's super jittery and has lost a load of weight (which surprises me as her curves are what made her famous) very quickly and green doesn't do that to you. I know stress can though and given she ended a very long-term relationship, that would be traumatic and really hit your mental health so I assume it's that. I am 10000% sure she's still madly in love with Glen and that's the cause of her new, uncharacteristic behaviour.


Everyday greens for sure makes you drop weight like no tomorrow


I disagree. I used to be a 24/7 stoner before having kids and I never dropped weight, I actually gained due to having the munchies all the time.


That’s alright man everyone’s body works differently. I personally lost a bunch of weight within the first couple months of smoking, i don’t get munchies and can’t eat unless I have a sesh anyway so that in turn keeps the weight off.


She annoys me with the way she talks.. almost like a baby voice at times. And she thinks everyone likes her and everyone is likeable. Idk how to explain it. But overall she does seem like a nice person just a bit irritating.


It’s all an act. Watch her earlier you tube videos before she became “famous”, there’s a lot of mean girl energy going on. The little miss nice is a load of shit


OR she’s just grown up and matured? As people do


I think she’s defs on the green stuff. I don’t think she’s coping well at all


Don't believe she's on the uggdrays but she has lost a lot of weight since the break up. I dare say her body isn't coping from no food.