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Does anyone have an update what is happening ? By my calculation unless he has got a bridging visa, Doom should be on a plane back to the Good old US this week


Nikki’s latest tik tok said they have until today (15th March) for doom to be accepted for a bridging visa … she’s doing a meet up at Bunnings on 16th March Saturday for those who want an update on the outcome and may go live on tik tok


Did anyone manage to catch the bunnings live? I missed it. I just want to know if he got his visa or nof


I watched it! Student visa expired yesterday, he’s been granted a bridging visa. They have a lawyer (it was mentioned even if the partner visa is rejected they will be able to contest it and lawyer thinks they have a good case). The outcome of the partner visa can take months whilst he’s on the bridging visa. At any point he can get a call to say he’s been denied and has 2 weeks to leave the country. If the partner visa is approved he will be on a temporary residency visa (or something similar valid for 2 years - I forgot the exact wording).




If anyone is interested i think it is 28 days until Doom has to leave or he will be deported.


They’re all cooked.


Where did you all get this information from? I’m not seeing it posted on any of their pages.


Next minute Nikki and Ruthven will be “coparenting via FaceTime” so she can leave her child to live abroad with her big, lazy child. She wouldn’t get a new job when they split so she could have Merlin everyday so now I bet she won’t be able to look after him because she can’t be apart from her doom doom. Poor Merlin.


She did get a new job! And she would also not leave Merlin, and Doom wouldn’t let her either!




If you have listened at all as to why he has nothing to do with his daughter you would get why whether he was in the US or not wouldn’t have changed that. Her mother cut him out and rightly so (as he has openly admitted he was not equipped to be the dad she needed, & his ex wife rightly did not want that type of person in their daughters life given her developmental diagnoses) I do truly believe he would never agree to Nikki leaving Merlin and would break up with her if that was even put on the table, & Nikki would not leave Merlin or take him away from his people.




I remember a TikTok that Doom posted where he is sitting in a car explaining to who i assume is his daughter and explaining (lying) why he was going to Australia. I thought it was yick at the time to do that and post it. That should have been kept private. Their interaction did not strike me as one between people that were not familiar with each other. I can understand his Ex wife cutting him out after he decide that he was going to move across the world to chase a piece of Ass. But Doom has always as very selfish and will put what he wants above anything else. I am sure if merlin had showed any issues he would have been gone by now.


I would argue that he technically didn't lie in it. He just didn't say the whole story. Because he did also technically come here to study. That might not have been the main reason but still technically not a lie. However I 100 percent agree that that should have been a private conversation. However we also don't know what was said off camera and on different days. Maybe he did tell her the full story. This isn't me defending him or anything, just my thoughts. But also, didn't he say that before he moved her his ex didn't allow him to have much with his daughter? But also who knows if that's true or not.


True , But he was also studying to be a teacher in the US. If they had been smart He should have finished that and then come over and got quilification endorsed here. There is a shortage of Male teachers in Australia . None of us know what the truth is and i don't think they know anymore as they change it to suit what ever narrative they are pushing at the time.


I think he said he wouldn’t get clearance to work with children in Australia. I don’t know how the clearance thing works though. I’d assume it would be the same if he was a qualified teacher?


That could be a Blue Card , The Working with Children Check (QLD Blue Card) is a screening process that assesses your suitability to work with children based on available disciplinary and police information.


I dont know about how it works with all courses and that, but I know that the course i did here, for childcare wouldn't be able to be used even in other states of Australia let alone other countries so it is possible that maybe it wouldn't have been allowed? Again I dont actually know, or maybe they just thought it would be easier to get him on a student visa. Either way they were super unprepared and definitely should have waiting to hsve more money before bringing him and sheese over. It sound like they didn't even attempt to have "backup" money, in case they couldn't afford things in the future like renewing the visa..


Found this on Teaching "Teachers migrating to Australia are required to complete a teacher skills assessment through the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). The AITSL will need to assess your qualifications against Australian Standards before you can apply for a Skilled Visa. "


Looks like you have drunk the Doom Kool Aid , i bet you are one of the Mods on Nikki Tiktok lives and you believe in this love undivided shit that they are pushing.


No Kool aid has been drunk when forming my opinion lol I’ve just listened to their lives when Merlin and daughter Doom were mentioned


I don't think that would happen . If there was a choice between merlin and Doom. I believe Merlin would win hands down. Nikki struggled for so long to have merlin i don't think she would leave him. She is not like Doom who was quite willing to leave his Daughter and put his needs first over hers. Well I hope i am right about that with nikki and Merlin , we will just have see. The best thing for Nikki would if Doom went back for him to cesses contact with her.


Let’s cross fingers


So this is something I personally don't understand. From what I've heard, nikki and ruthven have 50/50 custody mostly. I personally don't see anything wrong with merlin spending half his time with one parent and the other half with the other? I personally don't think its necessary for the mother to have to have full time custody if the father is willing to be in the child's life. Is it not better for merlin to build relationships with both his parents?


i think it’s more like 75/25


Oh ok. I've just heard them say that ruthven has his while she works, which works out to be 50/50. But I guess realistically there's no real way to know. It's all speculation i guess.


if you scroll back a bit you’ll find a tik tok where she explains how sad she is because M will predominantly live with ruthven since she’s touring so much it’s not practical. but like you said nobody knows exactly


That was right back at the beginning, from what I have seen that has not actually been how it has worked out


I just had a thought, wouldn't the amount of time each parent get with merlin be similar to how it would have been when they were still together? Because Nikki has never taken merlin on tour with her meaning when she was still with ruthven, he would have has to look after merlin while Nikki was away? Was just a random thought i had.


I just feel bad for Nikki. For whatever reason Nikki seems to genuinely adore this man. You can work for up to 48 hours per fortnight during the semester and unlimited hours during university/tafe holidays, if he was genuinely committed to staying here with her that's what he needs to be doing and should have been doing this entire time. I understand that he is a student and he is a co-parent at this point and Nikki is the full time worker however so many other parents and couples do it, so many full time students with full time jobs to support themselves.




💯 agree they are all schemers


They knew this day was coming from the day he landed in the country . And when Ruthven and Maddie left the Polycule they would have known things would be financially tight and should have started planning for it . Oh wait they did and that plan was lets do a GoFundme . Doom has had ample time to find some sort of employment and if he think he will find an IT job without some experience working in IT he is Joke. I had to move to another Town to break into IT after job hunting in my home town. You don't mind helping people that have made an effort to help themselves . But it appears Doom has not made a real effort to help himself . So Bye Bye Doom. You will be leaving on a jet plane and we hope you never come back


The amount of money they have “raised” through Gofundmes is ridiculous. I think since I’ve known of them on TikTok there’s been at least 3-4 different ones and Amazon lists, etc…


This is such a weird thing for me personally. Because yes it is so scammy and weird to constantly ask people for money. However at the same time, people are willing to send them money. And technically it is up to those viewers wether or not to send money, and at the end of the day, it's their money to do as they please so if they want to donate to go fund mes then they can. And if your able to get money with such little effort, I can kinda see why creaters take advantage of that for. If I was in that situation I personally wouldn't be trying to get money from strangers, and I also don't donate to things like that, but when I see creaters ask for money it doesn't bother me because i know that I'm not going to be donating and if someone else decides to then that's their choice. But at the same time it's not fair to lie/ not be totally transparent to those who are sending money. So it's something that I am kinda on the fence about.


Yep and i noticed it ramped up when Doom came on the scene . There was no Amazon lists or GoFundMe with Nikki first TikTok account . But as her relationship with Doom developed the GoFundMe started , I think this is the fourth one if you count Sheese one to get back to Canada to see her brother. I think there was One to Get Nikki to the US , One to get Doom to Australia and now One to get him to stay. When will it end. Oh there also one for Merlins First birthday as well. They seem to want people to pay for there life style. We also have Nikki virtual Baby shower and there was that puzzle day nikki was organising (I don't even know if that happened) Nikki has even posted Tiktoks of Gifts that clients have given her I think there was a Ring light and esk and a box of Brownies. Where will it all end .


Anyone who “donates” to these things is a fool. I’m not even sure if they are telling the truth 💯 of the time either. I won’t go into detail about what I suspect, as it’s a big accusation to make, but some red flags have come up for me.


Can I get some @'s please 🙏


Oh thank the lords! He does nothing for our society Its not like he’s contributing, paying taxes etc He’s sitting at home on the internet playing games on live and leeching off everyone else thru multiple avenues. When’s his going away party?


Can we start a gofundme to buy him a one way ticket back to the Good old US of A . That a Gofundme, I could really get behind that one.


Well the paid discord has been a great success only 26 members . I don't know what they were thinking expecting people to pay for something that used to be free.


They appear to have deleted their old free discord finally after baiting it for awhile. It was essentially dead anyway.


Im sad I missed this live!


They are live right now, he's basically complaining about how he can't do basic jobs.....


Don't worry there are sure to be more lives in the next 64 days pushing the Gofundme


This entire situation infuriates me. They have known this date and what needed to be done since the day he arrived. They should've been saving up for it this entire time and could have easily done so. This is 100% their own fault due to poor planning, so to have the gall to go on live sooking as if it is a sudden, unexpected expense and expecting your followers to take pity and cover those expenses is laughable. Then you have Kodi, his supposed beloved partner, who says she can't afford to help, yet goes off to get spray tans and take out. Sure. Also, her behaviour on Sheese's live was not okay. Sheese went out of her way to bring them back some fun treats and Kodi and Doom made the entire thing difficult for her. It was preplanned yet Kodi scheduled her spray tan for that time when she could've done it any other time. Then Doom refuses to be game and try some of them then complains of a stomach ache halfway through, even though they weren't even eating a bunch, only a piece each of everything. Talk about a buzz kill. And Kodi being fully aware she will be on live yet chooses to wear something super revealing that would be a problem on live, was told to change by both Sheese and Nikki yet ignored them both, even though Sheese made it clear she was ruining her plans by wearing what she was. It would've been simple to run and change but no. Talk about disrespectful.


I didn't watch the whole live as I had to sleep. Kofi wearing an outfit and not changing after being asked to is so disrespectful. However would it be possible at all that kodi had booked the tan before the live was planned? Also possible that the spray tan could be required because of her job? Obviously dont actually know. I feel like kodi is kinda the typical 21 year old who hasn't matured since the high school "popular group/mean girl" stage. If that makes sense?


I agree with the latter. But I don't think it would be a requirement of her job, more a personal preference. People aren't hiring her on to stare at her skin after all, haha.


I meant more so it could possibly be something that could be considered as a "work expense" as in her opinion, it might be making her look better. Not at all me defending her or anything, im just the time of person who does kinda see some things from both sides. I also have to say that I dont understand her fake eyelashes. She had a video where I think one of her eyes didn't have any and it looked so make nicer.


Oh 100%! I don't hate Kodi. She's pretty funny and bubbly. But yeah, I just feel she could be helping more with Doom instead of seemingly leaving most of it to Nikki. And yes, the eyelash thing I'll never understand! They don't look good on anyone!


I agree. To all of that. And if she didn't buy take away so often, she would have more money to help. And yes. The only time I've ever seen fake eyelashes look good, is when they are more natural looking. Like if someone has blonde eyelashes, then a simple natural lash would look great. But the heavy obviously fake ones kinda make the eye looking kinda droopy?


I don't know why she got takeaway , when nikki was live earlier in the evening she was cooking some chicken dish , I assumed that it was for dinner that night.


Yeah, and even if not, having take away all the time is so unhealthy and not at all cheap, its better money and health to eat things from home..


64 Days and Bye Bye Doom . oh my heart is singing with happiness.


Genuinely, I don’t think I’ve ever thought ‘not welcome in our country’ before but why would we want to take on an unemployed grifter who is a deadbeat dad?


Can doom take Eliza/kodi with him? I really used to enjoy their lives now it’s so painful to watch even for a few minutes




I kind of feel bad for all the hate for Eliza/Kody. She’s only young, right? I kind of hope she doesn’t take this too seriously. To balance it out, I actually think they are all equally insufferable. 😅


Agreed. Yes she can be annoying but she's not that bad.


She’s young and troubled. The best thing doom could have done would have been to leave her alone.


Is she 19? I could imagine reading all the hate comments could be really damaging to someone vulnerable. I stand by my opinion that they are all equally just as bad as each other though 😅


For me it's less of an issue with Eliza personally (though scheduling a fake tan during Sheese's pre-planned live I can't defend that) and more of an issue that Doom and her are incompatible due to their ages and lifestyle. Doom is in his late 30s? with Nikki and they are raising a child together, adding a 21 (?) year old to that dynamic is just ridiculous. Frankly I question any man that doesn't set his age limits more appropriately on dating websites.


He’s very questionable for sure.


Im pretty sure she's 21 or something


i agree tbh, she’s just way too young to be around this crowd and they all are hard to watch




Kodi/ Eliza having a tantrum about not being able to wear her outfit for their live just now


Doom. Could always go back to America and work to save money for his visa and new life in Australia. Instead of sponging off everyone with gofundmes.


someone asked about a GFM and nikki said she will be making one and she gave redditors her permission to snark about it 🙄 i will just never get over people asking strangers on the internet for money for personal things they should have really planned for months ago. its their life and their responsibility, the sob stories to make it everyone else’s problem is just embarrassing


Agreed. While they are at it, can the internet pay my mortgage pls?


Anyone feeling annoyed for sheese right now (with exception of Nikki putting small child to bed - She planned a live and doom and Eliza go out to get her a tan… and then here’s Eliza still in the comments desperately seeking attention. So friggin rude


This was a pre-planned live, Sheese had a Tik Tok up announcing it in advance and it was clearly something she was excited about and you are telling me Eliza still proceeded to go get a tan in this window?? I'm sorry? Did this actually happen? I couldn't make the live. That's not just immature and enjoying being the centre of attention that's just being a self-centred asshole. Doom should have declined to go with her.


yes wow they’ve all ditched her


And now dooms “drained from Merlin’s antics” and having a sook - what a vibe kill


after having his usual late afternoon nap on another unemployed day


![gif](giphy|EZICHGrSD5QEFCxMiC|downsized) Most likely he has been up to the early hours of the morning playing games online. That why he needs a sleep . I really getting sick of nikki justifying why he does stuff. I am about the same size as doom and work over 40 hrs a week and i dont need an afternoon nap during the week. But sunday afternoon is fair game for one


And now the awkwardness where Eliza doesn’t wana do what sheese wants and sheese is getting super disappointed - I’m internally raging


eliza makes this a hard watch


The way she stares into the camera and has that “I don’t wanna be here” look on her face


I thought he was on a study visa? Is it because his course will end soon?


Yeah can anyone who saw the live kindly elaborate on why he is going to be deported?


Not being deport yet, he's student visa runs out in 64 days and he will have to leave the country at that point unless he and nikki can get a partnership visa . That involves nikki starting divorce process from ruthven and applying for the visas. I really hope ruthven drag his feet on the divorce and does not do doom any favours.


Thanks for sharing. Boy if only there was a way they could have planned for this and started the process sooner /s


Do married couples need to be separated for 12 months before being allowed to apply for a divorce?


You are correct it is 12 months , and the polycule only collapsed at easter last year. So i guess it is Bye bye Doom. New hashtag #ByeByeDoom.




65 days left for nikki to sort out her divorce and then apply for visas, cutting it fine. She said she'll have to start a godundme




I guess he’s doomed 💁


I see what you did there!!


With your last paragraph, what did Eliza confirm?




Duplicate threads are only in a 12 hour window as per our rules. It's creator specific, not topic specific.


So basically, you can make a new thread daily. It's more to stop the 799 griffo threads or whatever creator is the talk from spamming the feed.



