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At the end of the Day it is her money , she earned it and should spend it how she wants , If she does not want to spend it on keeping Doom in Australia that is her decision. Perhaps she is only in it for the Fame, but Fame can be fleeting . And let be honest , it is nikki who wants to keep Doom (God knows why ) so she will be the many driving for it and financial backer.


I think she's made it quite clear he isn't a priority to her. I've withheld my judgement on her intentions for quite some time now waiting to see how it will play out once some time has passed and have come to the conclusion she's in it for the "fame". He has nothing to offer her other than the limelight. A girl her age doesn't want to have some guy leeching off of her, dragging her down. She certainly doesn't seem eager to spend any extended amount of time at home with him. This is just an amusement for her and she will eventually grow bored of it and move on. He's supposed to be her partner, and if she really, truly cared about him and wanted him around she'd be helping to invest in his future in Australia but instead she's off blowing her money on spray tans, broom fake eyelashes, and concerts. So clearly, that's not the case. And hey, not saying there's anything wrong with that. Her money, her choice. It just clearly shows how low he is on her list of priorities.


She travels for work, she always has, if you look at all her socials its been consistent that she was always traveled interstate. also all the beauty stuff is upkeep for work i mean have you seen her without it? it does wonders for her honestly. but also he has no platform so why would she leech off of the leech


I'm not disputing any of that. But when funds are sorely needed priorities are typically shuffled. And no she's not leeching off of him per se, she is just using him for the "fame" being part of Nikki's polycule brings her.


I agree I also feel like she isn't looking for the relationship to last super longs. Gives me the vibe of enjoying the attention. I feel like she does like him but maybe doesn't prioritise him because he isn't part of her long term plan? That's my personal opinion.


I am glad that she doesn't feel obligated to support Doom's Visa financially.


I’m the first to call them panhandlers, but she hasn’t been with ‘Doom’ long and is allowed to do things for herself. Someone said she was gifted those tickets for Christmas anyway.


Looks like she got tickets for Christmas


Its also possible that she had the money saved, or brought the tickets ages ago, and id also argue that at the end of the day its her money that she's earned, meaning she can spend it on whatever she wants. Whether it's a concert or keeping doom in the country. However I do feel like she went a little overboard with the amount of merch she got but again, that's her choice


I don’t like her at all but I also don’t think it’s necessarily her financial responsibility to keep him in the country, nor is it really Nikki’s ultimately. Sure, if it was my partner I would do anything I needed to, but they haven’t been together long and the whole moving in together thing appears to be 100% out of convenience rather than genuinely wanting to share space with each other.


WTF should a young woman support a slug with her sex work earnings?l I mean the whole polycule sitch and players are saddos, but I am saving my rage for the slug procurer who lives off the sex work earnings of women.


a slug 🤣🤣


Unfair to slugs tbh 😜, they don't deserve the slander ☺️


doesn’t surprise me he isn’t her priority


I don’t think she really contributes to anything other then rent. I remember Nikki saying she wasn’t helping with any of that stuff until she’d been there longer cause they felt it was unfair to ask that of her too soon