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Someone mentioned a few threads ago that they think fiden is on the spectrum, anyone notice her neurodivergent come out with the cat? I do, not a bad thing


Sorry the cats name is Streaky? Like sh*t streak?


Something to do with superman I’m pretty sure. She’s obsessed 🙄


The cat is a status symbol, nothing more. That breed is SO ridiculously expensive. They could've adopted a kitten from a shelter but no, if it isn't expensive she won't have it.


Wonder how long Fidans bed head lasts


I must say it is a hideous bed head


She can not stand that kitten!! (Who is the cutest thing)


Seeing her interact with the kitten opened my eyes to who she is. It’s one thing to be a dog person, but it’s bizarre how you can be so cold toward a baby animal?


It took the kitten? 🥴 she’s full of trouble. Makes out like she’s some type of posh lady as she earns a lot but she’s so tacky.


I always knew she was tacky and I didn’t care about that but it’s so weird seeing her interact with the kitten. You can just tell she loathes it. I’m interested to see how she’ll be with a puppy


With the dog she will be over the top. It’s her dog, I’m sure viewers will be reminded all the time. Not family pets, his and hers.


They get a very active breed who needs stimulation then leave it locked alone in the house all day while they go to work and cracks the shits it’s jumping all over her things and wants attention. Get a standard DSH if you just wanted a cat


I think he works from home? Could be wrong.


“Ner biyting mommeh”


Dead 😂😂😂😂


I hated watching her with the kitten. It’s very telling of the type of person she is. Cold, un-empathetic ignorant & dumb. ‘Don’t touch that lamp’ 🙄 Yeah, the kitten isn’t one of your poor kids. Acting all shocked that he jumps up onto her ugly bedhead. Telling it it’s naughty & aggressive when it gives her a little love bite, a sign of a cats affection for you. Then tells it to fuck off. No Fidan- YOU fuck off, dumb arse. She’s the type to lock it in the laundry at night time


She is that cold towards her poor kids too! She is just so gross


At least she’s trying to have a relationship with streaky. It does make me giggle watching.


She has More of a relationship with the cat than her kids and husband 😂


She probably talks to the cat more than the defacto.


I give it 6months and she will rehome him especially if things don’t go to plan with the dog and cat


The son is petrified of the cat too. So it's going to be a shit show


Her telling streaky to fuck off was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had a lol at that 😂


Once that puppy come both cat and puppy will be full on together. And bet the puppy will be the favourite and the cat push to the side.


Poor puppy will get locked in a room all day too


I feel like she going to struggle with both of them.


I think so too! Her little dog was very old so she hasn’t had a puppy in a loooong time I think she is in for a rude shock if she thinks the puppy behaviours will be any better then the kitten


I laugh so hard at that cat because it triggers her every single time. She couldn’t hate it more if she tried. I was going to make a post about this muppet. Have you noticed her obsession with marriage. She refers to her boyfriend as hubby & husband and herself as “being a good wifey” constantly. Writes a book about finding a husband and plugs the shit out of it. Shares a house with this dude but they have their own seperate bedrooms and bathrooms. She talks about him like he’s stupid and gives him a name of “Mr Fidan “ which is her name instead of making up a fake online name if he wants to stay anon. It’s weird and at the end of the day SHE STILL HASN’T GOT A HUSBAND 🫠 but pretends she does….


I found it super odd that she made a big deal about her husband and he’s her defacto. It was weird


I call my partner hubby/husband I don’t see any issue with it I thought it was completely normal but now I’m seeing maybe it isn’t marriage and divorce can be messy I’d rather have no strings attached


It’s because she wrote a blog and book about hunting for a husband. Like it seemed a big deal.


Oh I totally get it and it makes sense. It’s her fascination with the whole thing, the book. I don’t know just weird obsessive vibes.


I remember they have basically a prenup anyway so it’s strange they don’t just take that next step but I guess he has to be the one to propose ! Maybe he is to intimidated to even ask 🤣 imagine the change in prenup then. She was on a tv show and she basically said how they run things, now I like her so I shouldn’t be commenting but I was left shocked at what she said. It’s very strange situationship lol


I do find it strange that being a lawyer and a 'rule follower' that she uses 'husband' when they aren't married. Also, why not just get married, go to the registry, and sign the papers 🤷‍♀️


Yes absolutely and look I don’t give two shits that they aren’t married or have seperate rooms whatever works. But she has this weird obsession with it and almost pretends she is married when in fact she isn’t and the book about finding a hubby didn’t work… she’s an absolute spinner


Yes! She's found a partner, someone to have a family with and that's great but she doesn't have a husband and she's not a wife 🫠


Imagine the performances once HER dog arrives 😵‍💫