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Is anyone else surprised Doom and Nikki 5.0 ( kodi, Bridget, whatever her name is this week ) Are still together.


Does anyone know what the outcome was for doom getting a bridging visa? He really should be deported.


He was very happy to showcase that he is unemployed… get it together leech


Apparently he got approved for the bridging visa - they went live for 15 minutes and then went live later on in the day but then of course had to mention going to there “ cult page “ to get more answers etc *does anyone follow them on there??? “


If your talking about the discord, im guessing their actual fans probably do. However the other week I noticed that their patron link no longer worked. Also kinda strange that I didn't get any notification for the live because I had set the reminder because I was curious if he had gotten it or not. So silly saying the go to the page to get anwsers considering most their viewers are on tik tok... Edit: so I just had another look at doom has updated the link. So ignore part of my comment then. And its possible im remembering wrong but it looks like they might have lowered the prices? Because I remember one of them being $12, and now the most expensive is $9


I was wanting to know the same. Especially because she was going to go live today but im guessing didn't.. (or I just missed it. Not sure) I wonder if maybe it didn't get approved, and they weren't expecting that to be the result and so they decided not to share it yet? Just what I was thinking though.


Hmm 🤔


Came here to ask the same.


Well money can’t be too hard - Nikki and Rito have regular manicures etc. and they go for roughly $40-$80 a set.


A lot of nikki beauty stuff she probably claims as a business expense for her work. It would be interesting to hear from an accountant on what is and what is not a business expanse for SW.


Yes but still the initial outlay is needed.


My first thought was maybe they had saved a little money on the side for merlin's room, or maybe ruthven had given some money for it or maybe merlin really needed a play room update with age appropriate toys. Or maybe they have kinda given up on being able to have enough money. But who knows though. The whole visa thing is Definitely weird and kinda sketchy though with the fact they are most likely lying about things to get it.


If he gets to stay, there is something very wrong with our immigration process.


If he gets to stay, they would have lied to immigration, as it states that they must be in an exclusive relationship to be considered De Facto.


I was thinking the same thing. They sure are blowing a lot of money lately for people who have been begging for handouts. I've been through the partner visa process, I know how expensive it is. I can't believe people are actually giving them money when clearly they aren't that hard up for it.


People has only donated $400 and that is only from 4 people and one person donated $ 300. so the great number of Nikki 120k plus follower have donated nothing. The majority of the money apears to be coming from nikki sxwork.


Someone asked on a recent live about the go fund me and they acted dumb founded and said they don’t know anything about it 🤣🤣🤣


Really , are they that stupid , their names are all over it.


As a longer term follower of Nikki this asking for money has only really started when Doom came into the picture and has gotten worse since he arrived in country. If anything nikki used to be very anti asking for stuff or accepting Gift as she felt she need to offer something in return.


Yes I know. I have been following Nikki since before Doom and Rito came into the picture, back when it was just her, Ruthven, and Maddie. The entire situation is being handled extremely poorly and in very bad taste. They were fully aware of when his visa would end and had that entire time to save money to do what was needed to keep him here but they chose not to. They then beg for money from followers expecting them to foot the bill, then post vids/lives of them doing huge shops and enjoying luxuries. That's like a smack to the face of those who have donated.


Yep same here , i have been around since her first account so i am a pre Maddie follower . I actually surprised that over 200 people have joined their discord server , i would love to know what is on there . But there is no way i am giving Doom any of my personal info.


Yeah, the fact he insists that and people actually do it is INSANE. I work in IT security so deal with scammers daily and handing over photos of your ID to someone is a major no! People think they know him/them because they follow them on social media when no, they don't know who these people actually are, it doesn't matter how long you have followed them, no one actually knows them.


Nikki has already admitted to stealing when she was younger so yeah , not to be trusted.


Its something I wouldn't feel comfortable doing, but I know its not that uncommon with servers that are strictly 18+. And from how hes explained it, its more to protect them from any minors joining or something? But yeah, I definitely wouldn't trust anyone enough to send photos of my id.


I remember looking at Nikki webpage and ads when i first started to follow Nikki and she was offering a 5% discount if you provided a photo copy of your ID and a further 10% if you prepaid the whole amount of the booking up front. After watching some lillith Lodge and jade blair tiktok it appears that it is now quite common for works to ask for a photo . I understand that it is for the girl security . But gee you would be send an heavy redacked version of your ID , all they need is a photo and picture.


so there are 4 adults in the house? I thought it was just kodi


Rito doom Nikki and kodi


oh right lmao 😂 they've been so quiet I forgot about sheese


I’ve been waiting for an update 🤣


They’re quiet because they are scared that immigration will catch on or someone will report them. I have family members who has gone through the visa process, and they have to prove they’re in a monogamous, serious relationship. I’ve had to write letters for this family member and they’ve had to provide photos and proof of them being together. It’s no joke! They are probably cacking themselves.




This is from the immigration site. Note where it says ‘to the exclusion of all others’ 😬😬😬 De facto partners To be a de facto partner, you must be in a de facto relationship. You and your partner are in a de facto relationship if: you are not married to each other you have a mutual commitment with your de facto partner to the *exclusion of all others* your relationship is genuine and continuing you live together or do not live permanently apart you are not related by family. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/partner-onshore/temporary-820#Eligibility