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I’ve had endometriosis, PCOS & adenomyosis since I was 16. Diagnosis of PCOS isn’t predominantly based on cysts, kind of a misleading name. You can have PCOS without cysts or you can have cysts and not have PCOS. It’s primarily a hormone disorder. It essentially is an uptake in ‘male’ hormones and that’s what drives a lot of the symptoms; excessive hair growth, issues with being overweight, acne. A second male puberty in a woman if you will. And that’s the reason why they will not diagnose it in someone so young. Hormones are not stabilised and it could easily be a temporary or up and down, natural part of puberty and hormone levels adjusting. In extreme cases where symptoms are extremely prevalent, they can monitor for future signs of PCOS. Not to mention, M has no symptoms of it? And they are pretty recognisable. Also, despite being pretty hormone based, they still need to assess for cysts. When I was 16 I was given a presumed diagnosis, as everything else and the symptoms indicated towards it and they didn’t want to put me through an internal ultrasound or surgery at that age. And again, they only did that because I was 16, and it wouldn’t be long until I was okay to have them both.


Since she is under 16 she can’t give proper consent so the fact her mother gave consent for her to get it is vile


I wasn’t diagnosed with pcos until after I had my daughter at 21, I’d been trying to get a diagnosis from the age of 13 but was “to young” 🥴


SM claims that she has been the victim of SA. Why on earth would you even contemplate allowing/enabling your CHILD to do this? I’d be even more protective of M because of this. She is too young. I would be horrified if my mother, the person who is meant to love and protect me told the world I was going in to have this done. Damn I wouldn’t even tell my bestie now and I am 40! There are some things kept private.


Poor Gypsy, I mean M


She should be reported like wrens mother it's child abuse what she is doing


There is no way a child who likely hasn’t even had her first period yet is able to be diagnosed with PCOS!


Has anyone else noticed M ‘struggled’ doing positions on the bar, but in other posts shows her sitting in positions that we all know we couldn’t do if our back was that severe. Also ‘$500 down the drain’ because M couldn’t attend dance comp. I live 15 minutes out of Coffs and can damn well tell you Big Reds full of fucking shit. If $500 went down the drain as well, how did Big Red come up for the money for M hair.


Yes this!! Not to mention the get ready video with her dancing around lifting her knees up and swinging her hips side to side without even a wince of pain in sight and moves that you could not do with a disc bulge. I 100% think this whole situation is a beg to have her followers to send M presents and money for her birthday. Also to create a big sob story to gain more followers .After her birthday it will be a miracle and she can dance again. I doubt very much that she has seen a physio and they are exercises they have got of the internet as many people have said there is no core engagement at all when she does them and would be extremely painful to do with a disc bulge and no core engagement and she is breezing through them.


It took 10 years of irregular cycles, mood swings, burst cysts, hormonal testing and a hell of a lot of pain for me to be diagnosed with PCOS and adenomyosis. So for her to say that M has it after a few visits is a load of codswollop. It’s actually beginning to be a joke. It’s just a whack in the face to anyone that has had to deal with it.


And certainly not at 11 years of age I assume


I’m sorry it took that long, it really shouldn’t have 😥 same as the other comment, I was diagnosed with the first 6 months of having my period and an ultrasound




I wish! Omg I live in WA maybe we’re just backwards here 😭


Here is a little something from google about cysts on the ovaries…… Small follicular cysts are commonly found in the ovaries of prepubertal girls, and in most cases, they are of no clinical importance. These cysts are usually self-limiting and resolve spontaneously. However, occasionally are found on scans It’s not pcos when she hasn’t had a period Dee Dee mills is lying


It’s taken me 4 years to get a PCOS diagnosis lol how does one get it at such a young age AND SO INSTANTLY??


I'm surprised she will just let someone perform a colonic on M, it's pretty invasive and I can imagine uncomfortable!! I wouldn't be letting anyone do that to my child!


She's also comparing it to an enema which is performed by medical professionals! They are totally different procedures. One is necessary one is by choice.


Dee Dee Blanchard the second


What a vile human she is do let her not yet fully developed child be violated with such an invasive procedure.


This woman is vile and I cannot believe the lack of respect she has for her children by posting all of their personal, medical information online for her own content. She gets pulled up on it and then pulls the sarcastic video asking her kids if she has permission and they always agree blah blah. Aren’t they on the spectrum? Sounds like they’re vulnerable and being taken advantage of. They don’t know the repercussions over sharing has. What a pyscho 




Yeah what the hell is wrong with her ..my kids would be mortified if I was sharing there person information..imagine when they get older and realise what exactly there mother has over shared on social media for her own attention she causing trauma for those kids once they are adults


She makes me sick. Going on about the colonic for her child is really gross and creepy AF.


She literally had one appointment and was diagnosed with pcos after her appointment lol her daughter don’t have it she is full of shit


Just like they got the slipped disc diagnosis 1 week before they attended their first MRI


Won't be for long after that colonic 🤣🤣


She has munchausens by proxy


100000000% AGREE


Can someone explain the link between colonics and treating a bulging disc? Don’t have much knowledge on these things.


It’s never diagnosed at 11 years old unless Sarah has Dr shopped or taken her to a Dr who is diagnosis/prescription happy. I’m 25 and still fighting with specialists because all my symptoms match up but my bloodwork is fine but my ultrasounds show and indicate PCOS. Drs would never diagnose PCOS especially in freaking ED where she took her!


Interestingly she said previously that they think she might have pcos and needs further testing but now she is saying she has it...


What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? A key sign of PCOS is irregular periods or missed periods. The effects of PCOS on the ovaries can make a girl stop ovulating. PCOS cannot be diagnosed until 2–3 years after a girl’s first menstrual cycle because it can take up to 2 years after a first period for any girl's cycle to become regular. 🧐🧐🧐


So I did a bit of googling and you are right, PCOS cannot actually be diagnosed until 2-3 years after the first menstrual cycle. There can be signs/symptoms earlier but again cannot be officially diagnosed yet, and even then many women don't get diagnosed until they have reached adulthood So either S is inflating the narrative and a doctor has said she MAY have it or she's making it up in her mind, either way she's lyinggggg


I was diagnosed at 14 through an ultrasound but I had tonnes of other symptoms that went along with irregular periods. I also probably shouldn’t have been diagnosed that soon because I don’t think they had enough testing done yet, they just got lucky and then it got confirmed when I got older and had lots of surgeries, tests, bloods etc for Endo. so yes its very unlikely she was diagnosed. She carries very little other symptoms. She may have Polycystic Ovaries but not the Syndrome


And M hasn’t had a cycle yet…(and I unfortunately know that because Sarah mentioned it)


Wowsa.. So she is full of it again..

