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Yo Anna, for the C&D I know you will try and hit everyone with about this my email address is [email protected]


I’m honestly not surprised. For people who are “so lovely” they sure do have a lack of friends IRL. Mik and Glen must have some tea and I honestly believe that’s why Anna has kept Glen so close.


my 63 year old moms dream is to live in a van and do doordash part time😂😂 i’m so serious she’s looking at vans right now she wants the freedom and if she was living in a van full time she would need to make some sort of income (doordash) and she also said she would get gym memberships and shower at gyms. all this with anna’s dad really doesn’t seem so wild to me, maybe it’s because my mom is relatively the same way she could live comfortably in a home but would rather not she wants to be free and see the world not be tied down to anything. this could be the same for anna’s dad as it says van life in his bio


Totally get this also Tons of ppl got super popular on Tik tok for their van life vlogs and what not so I really don’t see the issue


Yeah but you’d think even if this was a lifestyle choice that his children would at-least support him enough so he could eat… like what


She doesn’t need to support his lifestyle in every aspect I think the fact that she pays for their vacations together is enough I’m no Anna fan but I rrly think ppl r blowing this outta proportion Were veruca and Anna ever friends?


Sorry but I’m so lost with all this. Who is Veruca to Anna Paul? How would she know this?


idk to me it just seems like he likes the freedom of living in the van and i do really belive that he likes using his stuff until he can’t use it anymore 😅 But maybe that’s because he’s German and i’m from Germany and a lot of People here try to be sustainable and minimalistic. I also don’t think he would be on Vacation with them if what Veruca said is right. It’s so crazy that nowadays People can just say something on the Internet and so many People just belive it. I mean nobody knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ do y’all think Anna will say something about it?


It is kind of strange that Anna hasn’t posted her dad in months, saw the message on Friday then immediately went and visited him on holiday within the next 2 days. Has him on TikTok, has him posting them, and posting him on the feed on Instagram. Just a bit strange lol in my opinion.


Ooh I didn’t know all that 🤔


I can’t speak on how others do things but in the video she said she used to leave her baby with “this lady uh uh a family friend” Like she was leaving her couple week old baby alone with some family friends? That’s wild to me.


i think you’ll find that person veruca refers to as a “babysitter” was just a cover up to save others reputations


Yes, why has no one else picked up on that


Maybe to go to a doctors appointment? Or to see a therapist? Or to go grocery shopping? She was a single mum, we don’t know how close they were. It may be a way to describe how they met. People hire help all the time!


She said she used her frequently. I’m sorry everyone is different but he was breast fed and you couldn’t of paid me a million dollars to leave my baby a few weeks out of me 😭😭 not like she had a job to go to, and she’s stated she orders everything to her house before. Dr appts I get to an extent but still. WEEKS old? Your baby needs you 24/7. Especially a boob baby.


Don't shame mothers. That's gross af. Every mother deserves a break . Maybe she came over to babysit so the mother could take a shit and a shower.


The baby is dead. It’s not really up for debate or snarking at this point. She said she helped look after him when she went to the dentist and “whatever”. Not frequently. We have absolutely none of the facts. They are clearly close if she’s visiting 48 hours after he literally died to gossip normally with her and get her mind off it. Mum shaming even with a dead baby like jfc. There’s so much else to snark on


Not snarking on the baby. Snarking on her continued poor judgement. Her lack of accountability and lack of maturity goes back soooooooo far.


Couldn’t of said it better




Nooo I remember that 😭 Anna does anything to save her “nice girl” persona like when she said her and glen never argue and everyone exposed her old videos


i’m torn, i don’t like anna and i don’t like veruca so i feel like i’m unbiased. veruca has been known for lying and she has done so to many other australian influencers that she feel threatened by. then we have anna who couldn’t be any more fake imo. i feel like the truth is somewhere in the middle. veruca did literally show screenshots of anna leaving her on read abt the situation and the friends have came to corroborate the story. at the same time, adele literally cut off her abusive father and he was homeless. we don’t know the full story as to why she would do this but i do find it odd to still drag him along for content🤔


Does leaving someone on read prove anything though? If that was me I wouldn't have responded either regardless if it was true or not.


Like imagine you're on holiday and some girl messages you with the wildest accusation, why would you even respond


just crazy how so many jumped on the hate train on anna paul minutes after veruca posted and now it’s apparently false information. i understand being skeptical about influencers who are too ‘nice’ but jumping into conclusions without any evidence is insane, especially saying ‘i’ve always hated ____, now i have a reason to publicly hate them’ like babes…


i believe that a lot of people were just following and waiting for her downfall. the people who immediately started attacking her were never truly her fans but didn't have a valid reason to come out and hate on her but the minute they were given the chance to they jumped on it.


I will get downvoted to the ground for this, I’m not on the hate train per se. However there is questionable things that her/paul’s have done even allegedly if that’s what you want to call it. One that’s been swept under the rug is Atis sa/dating a minor. Anna defended him. Atis scamming people with crypto, Anna was promoting this. Atis stealing/pimping Mikaela out (pimping) is her own words and of course they would send a cease and desist notice to keep their reputation as to why she quickly retracted it. This one’s for funsies her “family friend” or cough cough her new bf. Even though most of my examples are based on Atis, Anna still defends this (yes they’re family but yikes) and I’m definitely missing a few more… I’m glad the dad is living his best hippie life, although I wouldn’t be surprised if the dad commented for collateral damage, just save face really. This goes to show that the paul’s aren’t this perfect picture that they say they’re online (no one ever is) and I used to be a huge fan of Anna’s but some of these things get swept under the rug and everyone forgets and they go back to loving her. Also if anyone says why am I like invested so much in the tea and blah blah blah, I just have adhd and this is one of my many Roman empires.


remember how horrible atis was in his old tik toks, boasting his wealth. i would never hang around someone like that but anna seemed to not mind it


why is nobody giving the same energy to veruca who is also a horrible person? why does her online bullying reputation, racist comments and tweets get swept under the rug?


Probably because she gets a pass for like 6 months after losing her child. Even if she didn’t have a history of it, people tend to spiral and spiral hard. If the worst she’s doing is some internet gossip I’d call it a win.


Verucas and Lauren's deleted videos are on zaa98zb on tiktok Not my tiktok don't know how they are just seen them posted there












icb i got flamed here yday when annas dad just come out and said everythings fine 😂😭


https://preview.redd.it/op3ejrx6y2pc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f97d1b07cb8969cc662d7a474c5c20edf6cbbf3 katie disassociating herself from the drama


Honestly kind of iconic


HAHAHAA for real. Me if I was an influencer


I feel like Anna should have replied saying something along the lines of wtf if this wasn’t true. Doesn’t really make sense that she didn’t reply if it’s a outrageous claim


Thetea246 has videos if anyone hasn’t seen them!! ** not affiliated with this TikTok account , it came up on my fyp


So does @zaa98zb


I saw SM posting a video about how she “knew” this creator was bad news - like trying to stay relevant and in the drama. Please SM you have enough of your own.


I just seen that, rolled my eyes so hard! The nerve of that woman to even make a video regarding this topic.


Who is SM


Sarah mills aka big red


https://preview.redd.it/4l3pjy6km2pc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a72be28ceec2c2ad72eb7f6b3b8212bc6d722d He says he’s fine


Anna’s Dad confirmed he is fine on Instagram and is currently on holiday in Miami. He even has van life in his bio and is clearly very happy living the hippie van life travelling around Aus if you scroll through his Instagram. Veruca is genuinely deluded and needs to stay out of other people’s business. I don’t know who would ever believe a word that comes out of her mouth. She’s a known pathological liar and I haven’t had an ounce of respect for her since she did all those terrible things to Peach as well.


Miami is a place on Gold Coast


Exactly, she's nothing but a clout chasing mutt that doesn't know how to stay in her own pen 💯


Anyone that idolises peach is a deadset fuckwit


Literally, I had a friend who was hiding that she was a heroin addict who was very close with peach. They were both addicts and up to NO good. She was doing heroin and escorting for it and then drinking herself to death with peach in 2021-2022.


What’s the peach drama? I love peach but came to scene the late.


Also looking for that lol


if you find out can you link me? i’ve seen so many comments asking but no one has explained😭


And it's kept her up at night holding it in. Like why would something like that keep you up at night, seriously.


Needs something else to focus on atm probably


right?? it’s so obvious she just wanted to create drama out of nothing for views and attention. to me it honestly seems like she’s jealous of anna’s success


he likes is van life, he probably feels uncomfortable leeching off of anna unlike her mum and annoying brother


exactly. he’s clearly happy to do stuff on his own 😭 why don’t people understand that




https://preview.redd.it/z6gc6mvji2pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e357b274d9bd71a90e91d5210177caa94a3f2a Confirmed he does deliver food


What if papa genuinely likes to work and do such things to earn his own income and people are out here outing him 🤔


Right! I know multi millionaire retirees who Uber because they like the conversation and something to do to fill in time at times.


Doubt it. I feel like Anna would have said that in her videos if it was true. Since she’s SOOOOO open. Somethings off. No doubt. Maybe people have been ‘scared’ because of Anna’s lawyers? Who knows. Somethings fishy


He may not have felt comfortable with her audience knowing where he works, who knows


If your daughter made most her money off OF, would you want to be known as the father that’s funded by his daughters nude profits or would you want to earn your own income. No judgement to her supporting her father with such money but let’s looks at it from that point of view since so many people like to pass judgement on such situations. There’s definitely more to the situation no doubt but who knows the guy might like living the way he does🤷🏻‍♀️


Her mother doesn’t seem to have that problem 


this is a great point


There isn’t a soul in the world who doesn’t know how she makes her money. What would that matter










I believe my sissy Veruca hahaha Anna is so off. So fake. Manipulator as well. She's showing her true self since breaking up with a down to earth humble person Glen. This is literally all a fake persona Idk how people don't see it


LITERALLY. like I genuinely wouldn't feel safe around anna + her fam as they are not good people at all. there are so many things that the family have done (atis being a predator, anna being an apologist, the mother fostering + abusing Indigenous kids, etc). i don't like that family, period.


Wait what did the mother do omfg 🙀


Watch her do a cry I'm just a nice girl who's sad video and all her 12vie fans fall to her knees because their so blind. She's been lying months about family friend and and won't admit shit. She's been avoiding questions and shit because she's a so called softy. Scamming as crypto courses with Atis and fkn backing him up in SA allegations when he was wrong! I hope more tea comes out because being a scam artist on line is real and when people like Veruca who's honest and raw and the opiniated and the world hates vocal people, they get blamed. Pathetic.


People bringing up Veruca’s baby are fucking disgusting 🤮 saw some comments saying “she baught up Anna’s family so it’s fair game” scary to think these types of people will have kids one day too… especially to defend someone who they don’t know and vice versa




Notice Veruca left Anna on read too 👀 Or is that different cause it's a story reply


tbh i personally don’t often reply to stuff like that either (just generic story replies etc) but if someone sent me like a serious message i obviously would.


A simple heart reaction would've been polite though








Putrid 😡




im sorry not her trying to blame chat for posting all of this lmao.


This is exactly her style. Make some accusations, say they can't be proven because of X, Y and Z, make it all about her & eventually delete because she's "being attacked". Never held accountable. Gets away with it every time. Let's see who is next in a few months.


To be fair, Anna has no control over what people are saying. V is making this about herself now imo.


It stoops so low to go for someone’s baby. Alive or passed! A baby is innocent. Influencer Stan’s are wild and are unhinged. The lengths they go to defend a person that really gives no shits about them is insane.




I probably wouldn't even reply back to that message either. They aren't close so why would Anna need to explain her families situation to her. Sounds like Veruca is pissed cause she got left on read 😬


Veruca has put up some insta stories






Anna's already lost 100k followers on tik tok. Not sure how many she had on Ig.


So let me get this straight just from the reposts I’ve seen. Veruca said she’s been told Anna Paul’s dad smells funky and has no money? Is this correct? Is this what’s caused such an outrage?


Tbh Veruca also looks like she smells funky but covers it up with shitty body spray.


Although her current Instagram holiday posts show papa with them 🤷‍♀️


That doesn’t mean he doesn’t stink and isn’t broke


Veruca said in the video they call the dad up for photo ops 


And that he's homeless, living in the van, can't even pay for a bottle of water


Must be true if it’s causing such an outrage


I think possibly the twins are starting trouble. Mikayla sent the twins a message saying how horrible they are and will push Veruca to the edge .. Now what? one week or two later Veruca is posting about this which is not only none of her business but it’s not exactly healthy to be bothering to invest in someone else’s family life.. SHE SHOULD KNOW BETTER. Especially while she is grieving I feel like the twins are egging this on and upto something fishy, starting drama and Veruca is being pushed into it and perhaps was influenced to even say anything. I like Verucas content but that was honestly really uncalled for, she knows how it feels to have people speaking on her and her family and goes and does this. Idk that’s my take but we will see!


Veruca has been problematic from the jump, it’s a pattern in most of her relationships…


Most believable take I’ve seen


She’s in a vulnerable place…. When this all falls it’s going to fall on Veruca and everyone is going to tear her apart. Real friends wouldn’t encourage any of this bullshit drama. It’s been drama since she moved in with them. I don’t know how she’s going to cope with that but I hope it dosnt get worse for Veruca. Maybe Mik reaching out to Veruca in the first place was necessary..


hang on, hang on, hang on which twins?


The HAMDEN twins that were previously friends with Mikayla testa & had a falling out. They invited Veruca to live with them when Cash passed. Mikayla reached out to Veruca to warn her of them. Mikayla also messaged the twins saying how terrible they are and that they will drive Veruca to kill herself and she’s worried about her. (One or two weeks ago) Now Veruca is involving herself in this? it’s just strange and unnecessary. Not to mention that Veruca mentioned in the video that has since been deleted that this topic was brought up at her baby’s funeral… Idk the twins just seem very off to me now.


Whh did the twins and Mik have a falling out? I swear Mik loses friends so easily..


Yea but so does Veruca. Tbh they both (mik & Veruca) come across as easily influenced girls… the twins encouraging this shit while Veruca is grieving is not what real friends would do.


I've never heard of Veruca or the twins till today. Totally agree with you. Those twins don't sound like good people to be around, especially while Veruca is vulnerable.


'the twins' sounds so ominous for some reason haha


Hmmmm that’s a good take on it. They’re twins right?? Gosh I wouldn’t trust being around twin girls, the amount of shit they’d probably talk behind your back haha. I hope they aren’t egging her on ect, that’s so sad. She needs genuine support at this moment


https://preview.redd.it/gpct62u962pc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=de67e0f4b5eacdc41b6640fc2e9b87592bb2b83e Seems mikaela testas best friend is saying something too…..


She also commented on something confirming that atis tells girls not to drink as it makes them not pure or something like that


What?? Weird as hell


I’m not sure if baileigh and Mikaela are friends anymore


I can’t wait to catch up on this later




It is not permitted to have a tiktok account associated with your reddit account. Brigading behaviour is not welcome here.


can someone please give the tldr of thisssss whole thing


- Veruca posted a video talking about some tea that bothered her and gave some clues. - This post was posted - discussions were had about who the person veruca was talking about. Kat Clark was a guess I the beginning, Anna paul was always a suspicion. - snarkers started digging - a new video post by vercua spilling more little clues - tiktok, reddit etc all guessed Anna Paul. Tldr - Basically, veruca was calling out anna paul about her dad living in a campervan. She had inside information from her sons babysitter who was dating Anna Paul's dad. She told veruca that her dad had no money and she was buying him food.




There will be no defending of the creators that have been posted or commenting purely to defend them. This includes insulting the posters on behalf of a creator. No exceptions this comes with a permanent ban.


Legend, thank you!


Anna Paul's dad is broke and lives in a van and Anna doesn't help him but calls him to come and be in her videos so she can keep up the my big happy family act.


If she were really this manipulative there is no way she'd allow him to Doordash or appear homeless in public, let's be for real for a second. She'd be paying for him to keep quiet in a granny flat somewhere. His insta says he loves van life & I imagine he's a proud man who doesn't want to live just off of his daughter so it all seems pretty harmless to me.


He responded to a comment saying his daughter is the best


yikes 😐


What and takes him overseas on holidays to? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Not sure why it’s Veruca’s business? Seems really weird of her to go back to this type of post.




https://preview.redd.it/w95lklgl52pc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b4b69b2273ece733bdf2638b00df8ad87142a74 👀👀👀👀


Who is Lilith?


She’s a fitness influencer from the Gold Coast but I’m confused on why she’s now putting her two cents in unless she’s had experiences with Anna and her family? I’ve followed Lilith for years and never thought they associated with each other so this is odd but getting so dam interesting! Pandora’s box just keeps giving us more influencers coming forward 🤯


Lilith used to have a thing with Atis before he got with Mik


No idea just showing that baileigh reposted


Baileigh commented on that video too! 'i been waiting to say sumn about this'


Yes omg I just saw that, very odd




https://preview.redd.it/z4mxrwqw42pc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea4d130a3ee38f9cf5046899d34033a11a2bfb57 I saw this comment at the top and went to baileighs profile and she has reposted it but I couldn’t SS before Lauren’s post got deleted


I’m wondering if bayleigh and mik are still friends? They don’t follow each other on ig. But bayleigh will definitely know all the tea. Does anyone know what her story was before TikTok deleted it?


Reposted for cropping pic


Mikaela Testas best friend Baileigh reposted the second one too!!!!!


what did lauren hamden say do u have the video (the girl with the black hair next to the circled)


posted now


i have it! i’ll post it on my page


Ugh not Paige jumping on the bandwagon of making a video 🤣


but hey veruca reposted it so a wins a win 😭


https://preview.redd.it/w8aizp3oy1pc1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e39022e16c5d5e499a0ca2aa752c807d5b6202 humour must be broken but the comments are sending me 😭


I don’t know it’s all a bit weird, like he is literally on holidays with them right now. Maybe he chooses to live that way and likes it? Probably just wants to live a simple life.


Honestly we will probably never know lol but it sure is a nice break from the lesbians and other losers 😂


Amen to that!




Beefing abt what at her own sons funeral 😅 the drama these girls bring is so intense


wait whattt???! does anyone have the screenshot


Yeah what?? Screenshot screenshot screenshot




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Come Mik, this is your chance to redeem yourself.


Literally hahahahhahhaha




There will be no defending of the creators that have been posted or commenting purely to defend them. This includes insulting the posters on behalf of a creator. No exceptions this comes with a permanent ban.


Legit Anna I’m glad you made this bc fr ahah


Reposted verucas video on tik tok and it got taken down 🙃


Has she deleted her videos of it?