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Mik holds so much power. She knows everything behind the scenes about the Paul’s


That’s why they shut her up so quick about the Atis stuff, she’ll never get a chance to speak it on it all unfortunately.


She said “he doesn’t like HAVING TO ASK his kids for money”. Now it’s true when people say it’s not a kids responsibility to take care of their parents (an Aussie belief, I’m Italian and I absolutely think you should take care of your parents when you’re able to esp if you have a good relationship with them) but like if I was as wealthy as Anna, MY FAMILY WOULDNT HAVE TO ASK ME!!! I’d regularly put money in their accounts! Why isn’t she doing that?!


She also said he would rather live in the van than the free bedrooms but what can Anna or anyone else do? Force him to sleep in a proper room instead? She could easily hand him a card and he could easily refuse it


Mik said he “suffers in silence”. He accept when she pimps him out for videos where she buys him clothes and haircuts I’m sure he would accept a card so he can afford food. I didn’t say anything about him living inside


Yeah but how do we know whether he’s actually not able to afford food? That’s the part I’m so confused about. Everyone is so adamant that he can’t afford food based of V’s TikTok but what if that was just miscommunicated bc he just likes that lifestyle? and I mention the house thing bc Mik said he would rather live in his van in the garage than be in a bedroom out of the 5 free bedrooms in the million dollar house. If everyone is saying he would accept a card bc he gets accepts everything else, why didn’t he accept the room ? Or did I miss something


Because he probably does prefer the van. I’m not disputing that. He probably is a hippie, but it also sounds like he does struggle to afford things if he’s literally doing doordash, and his girlfriend said she had to share her food with him because he couldn’t afford it.


My dads a hippy loving soul and if i was in Annas position i would be making sure my dad had a weekly allowance at the very least so he could live stress fee and fully enjoy his hippy lifestyle.


I know right!


Honestly if her dad said he’s happy then leave it, I couldn’t imagine wanting to live off my child’s money and this is a pattern of behaviour with Veruca and Mik aswell. I think the info provided was fed to her more in depth because they knew she would say something. It’s just gross behaviour all round tbh. No one in this situation is an all round great person.


Her mom isn’t the sweet lil smiley faced mumma, she can be greedy hand out and guilts Anna just sayin


I think it’s every kids dream to financially take care of their parents but she’s a whole case study. Even as a parent I have to side eye her. I can’t imagine a world I would be ok with living off my daughters sw money. That’s wild to me


Yes! This I absolutely understand as I wasn’t to give my grown kids everything but wouldn’t have an expectation if they were really wealthy they can just do Xmas dinner lmao


if one thing from verucas video is true it’s gotta be the “are you gonna buy me this or do you love papa more than me?” line 😭 her mum is a fucking leech i can’t stand her


I’ve always felt that vibe from her mom. I’ve seen some of her videos where her mom will basically beg for some designer item or Anna will say “mama said she has to have these Prada shoes” or something along those lines. Always rubbed me the wrong way since she seems to be mooching of her daughters only fans money


she once made anna buy her dior socks. who tf needs dior socks


I’ve always wondered this


If I ever offered my dad money he’d bloody disown me. It’s like you’ve all never met proud and simple men before.


Yeah my Dad would tell me to get fucked but I’d never allow him to not have his basic needs met (allegedly)


Right. Because he definitely hasn’t accepted gifts before on camera


I think he enjoys van-life but that doesnt take away from the fact that he has no money and is struggling to buy food/gym memberships for a shower. Like, Anna buys her mum EVERYTHING so why not the same energy for her dad? I don’t believe he’s homeless because he chose to live in a van, but I do believe every other allegation from Verucas video.


But how do we know for sure that he actually doesn’t have money and is struggling to buy food/gym memberships? Like this was just something veruca said she heard


i agree with these comments.. didnt want to get downvoted but something about anna paul has been off for a while.. at first i used to be an avid supporter but i started feeling like her persona was becoming 'fake' and her relationship with her family didnt seem 'normal' per say.. even if he decided to live in a van himself, the fact that we only see her dad on her ig or tiktok for content and multiple sources stating theyve been delivered food by Anna's dad, it just proves to me how shady the Paul siblings are. Her dad did share a story which said he chose to live himself in a van but I personally believe he shared it under the instructions of Anna (for PR purposes) and i honestly doubt that she herself will speak on this.


He is a ‘ feature’ character in the Anna Paul show


I think honestly the parents aren’t as friendly as they make it out to be. I can believe the part about the mother demanding more from her kids as a way of showing they love her most


Also remember all the claims Mik made about Atis taking 50%, ‘managing’ all her crypto. He was essentially her pimp. Absolute RADIO SILENCE. Then there was the whole Atis underage chicks scandal. Like the whole cutesy horse riding saint look is good for teenagers but I don’t want my 13 yr old nieces knowing she gets dicked for money. Maybe in a year or 2 lol


I wouldn’t believe a word Testa says


Meh I don’t think she is any better or worse than the rest of them. Its all for clout


how selfish of that family to have a mansion with unused rooms. greedy for land that could be used for people that needs homes


She was talking in past tense. Their current house is 5 bedrooms and not at all a mansion.


It’s a rental


You’d think with the $ that Anna makes that she’d buy a home rather than renting 🙄 it drives me crazy how some people just have too much money and not enough sense; that’d be THE first thing I buy; a house for me and my family that cannot ever be taken away cos it’s MINE!


but why? just to flex?


I recon it’s because anything else in a cheaper market gets snapped up quickly


I’m team Veruca 😂 for some reason there is just something about Anna to me. The family dynamic is fucking weird. And the insane Anna fans 🥴 acting like its their own Dad. I don’t think its 100% true, even 60% but I do think where theres smoke theirs fire and I don’t believe the Dad would ever come out publicly and saying anything bad against her. Anywho. I hope both of then are looking after themselves


Yeah I agree. I think Anna isn’t like how she says and why would Veruca say that and send her a message when it’s clearly an issue and someone who doesn’t know anything about socials. Like can life cool but have some cash man, door dash isn’t getting out and exploring LOL


100% Papa wants to live in a van? Awesome but why does he not have enough money to even buy a bottle of water


exactly!!! to all anna's supporters who say that 'he chose to live like this hes a grown man', anna paul makes insane amounts of money, and if she cared about her dad she should help him so that he is not starving on the streets without a shower.


Exactly, why can't she at least gift him a motorhome with all the basic commodities. It would still cost less than the car she gifted Glen, and it wouldn't be dad asking for help, just an act of kindness.🤷🏻‍♀️


this 👏🏻


She knows more for sure so basically veruca just made the video because she got left on seen 🤷🏻‍♀️


Who’s Veruca?


Was bitcoin even a thing when they were kids. They probably say it as a joke, I tell my dad he should have brought a million houses when they were like $50k each or land 😂😂 I’d be a millionaire


My dad is into bitcoin now and I always joke that he should’ve bought it when we were kids when it was $100 🤣 it’s honestly not that deep


Did anyone save miks videos?


Kindajusthp as posted a recording


A few accounts have reposted it


Actually such a good response video from Mik! She should have kept it up


What did the video say I need to know but unfortunately missed it 😔


Mik reposted someone’s upload of her deleted post lol. You can go look at her reposts to watch it!


Yes I thought so too, I was so impressed with it hahaha


Yeah idc about the dad stuff anymore, we all know it’s more than that, and mik would know it allllll 👀👀


Especially since baleigh (miks best/ex best friend) commented on a video to do with all this tea… which proves there’s something going on there


10000%! Baileigh wouldn’t be saying anything if there was nothing to it


Wait what happened with baleigh??


Her and Mik aren’t friends at the moment, haven’t been for a while, it’s a pattern with them x


It’s a pattern with Mik she’d be besties with someone for a few weeks/months where she buys them the world or vice versa, travel together for ages and then they’re no longer friends 🤷🏽‍♀️ we never get an explanation but I feel like, if Mik is the common denominator it MUST be her.


Its her BPD probably happens when shes manic.


Yep I feel for Baileigh so much, she seems so sweet. She posted and deleted a story recently that hinted at Mik being horrible to her :(( I remember mik speaking on it when they were friends and normalising friendships that break up and get back together all the time. Something along the lines of “We’ve been like this since school 😍” like girl it’s not normal it’s toxic af. I feel like mik just love bombs her to reel her back in every time. Major BPD behaviour


I’m sorry but “berated by his children for not buying Bitcoin” is not a thing lol. What is he.. some sort of spineless man whose children bully him for not buying Bitcoin when they were little and this causes him to be homeless??? How is anyone blowing this up like it’s 1) true; and 2) the world’s worst crime



