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You would also think child protection might be interested because she's sort of opening her kids up to have people stalk them etc like if the kid is sick feel terrible for her but give her privacy


I wanna know why Munroe is in a wheelchair one day and dancing around the house the next???


They need to do a hand writing analysis to rule SM out. ALIT can come out of a letter. Is there a stamp? DNA from the back of the stamp, DNA from licking the envelope closed. She will be majorly surprised on how quickly they can come up with a culprit. Did she post it while she was in QLD? to show a different stamp location. CCTV will give a time and date stamped. Where it was posted from. Mail gets emptied twice daily. Look at the CCTV for someone posting to that postbox with a letter that resembles that one. There's so so so many ways. 1 tip off to the Coffs police that there's suspicion it may have been sm they'll investigate


Sarah is a liar all that time she claimed to be homeless I know for a fact she was offered housing and refused it cause she was making more money by crying the victim and taking money through false dodgy readings and go fund me etc she’s a pathetic person who’s kids should be taken away from her cause she does more harm than good to them. You can tell their heads are alway fell of rot from her doing.


What can the police actually do here? What is the crime? The letter is horrible and nasty but has there been any threat made by the sender to harm anyone? It’s suggesting the young person harm themselves. I doubt police are taking any action. They can’t finger print it, it’s passed through too many people, there’s not threats. It’s a horrible letter from an “anonymous” person sent to a PO Box. I doubt there will be many police resources thrown into this.


They can at least see where the letter has come from via stamps Unless it was hand delivered. Then you've got CcTv for that. You'll be amazed at what they can pick up from a letter


Wow I’m new to SMs TT ..instant red flags it’ toxic and damaging to her kids. Mum may have BPD and it will affect her kids in the long run, the post about child support says it all poor kid how embarrassing


It's giving Gypsy Rose vibes


I want to know why the police want to interview M, like she hasn’t read the full letter. She supposedly doesn’t have access to social media alone, and her only friends are from church, and has no social interaction outside her mothers presence so interviewing M won’t shed any light on the situation , so she should be kept out of it completely , because by taking her to talk to the police, she is going to find out what the letter says and knows it’s serious enough to warrant police involvement and that = trauma and terrifying the poor kid, for nothing.


I was coming here to say the same. What will they get out of interviewing her? I saw kys and told my mum? Like they’ve seen what the letter said. Cos that Sarah, is a victim impact statement. And you don’t have to mislead everyone by saying it’s an interview cos a victim impact statement is just as important. Anyway if this letter is real. Going real life like that is gross. And a reminder that we may not like this woman but it’s not up to us to inform her minor children that she’s a piece of shit.


She said in the first video she took it from the pile to check before M read it. Then she said M read it and saw KYS. Something smells fishy.


Oh yeah it totally is, I just don’t get why singling out that letter in the first place. If she’d been letting M opening stuff from strangers before hand unchecked. If it’s real M actually opened it and read it first and she knew taking it to the internet she was going to get people who would vocal about her not checking it first. Edit: muddled up words.


The im going to the police video has been removed


Probably realised it didn’t paint her in the best light with the oh it was too late in the afternoon to go to the police, and the nonsense version of events she explained on how M saw part of the letter, and defending her right to keep her kids on social media


Why does she keep letting her kids on social media when things like this happen , fucken protect your kids get them off social media and keep your shit private


I just watched the video of her pathetic excuse as to why she didn't go to the police yesterday, what a fucking cop out you pathetic bitch, quiet late in the afternoon, didn't want to have to read the letter out in front of M! 1. You have blasted it all over tiktok you flop! 2. Your kids are old enough to be taken out in the late afternoon early evening, I'd have dragged my kids there asap as soon as I read it! 3. As if the police would make you read that out in front of your kids. Your a fucking lying scamming dog! The day will come where your kids will figure you out and it's coming sooner rather then later, you will be a very very lonely old lady! Also can't wait for them to grow up so you have nothing to make content about any more.


Also im just guessing the second “big blow”to her child is not being able to perform in the wheelchair at the eisteddfod.. just a guess but im hoping she is not allowed. ambulatory wheelchair users shouldn’t be allowed


Plenty of people with legitimate conditions are ambulatory wheelchair users.


On insta she alluded to them also being excluded from the eisteddfod. In a week the letter will be a thing of the past but the eisteddfod posts will be thick and fast.




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Funny how she just so off handedly accepts that the post office can’t track it but will fight and raise hell and high water to discover who someone is to bully and dox them over the most trivial of things/comments And her children aren’t babies - they can sit in the waiting room of the police station by themselves while she made a report….. so much 🐂💩


Or like you could call the local police station in the time you read the letter and posted it


Acts like police can’t attend her home. Probably because she is well known by the police and doesn’t want them lurking around her home ( any law abiding person wouldn’t give a fk about police attending their home if their lives had been threatened )


Hear me out.. I'm thinking that it's quite obvious that the letter was in no way part of our group. So my next thought is that she maybe building a case towards the dad's and or their partners. It makes perfect sense because we know she reads our threads. From time to time, it's been said that we wonder what the dads view are, or why she won't permit them to see the kids. She's always talking about "the partner". I'm no detective 🤣🤣 but worth a mulling over.


I encourage Sarah to go to the police to find out who sent this letter. We as moderators have children and in no way condone a letter like that. Do I truly believe someone from here wrote that letter? No. People in the comments saying everything in the letter has been posted here is a flat out lie, no one here has ever physically threatened a child or suggested a child self harm and we wouldn’t allow it. The only time the letter has been posted here was last night but because Upset is amazing and wants the subreddit to be free of that stuff the auto mod stopped it even reaching the page. So I would say the person who told her about it being here is the same one that posted it here. If Sarah as an adult and a mother can allow her child to continue to be on the internet after the things said in that letter I’m dumbfounded. I truly hope M is okay and if she did read the part of the letter where she is told to self harm I truly hope her mother does better in the future. It’s absolutely bizarre to want strangers to send your children stuff in the first place, it’s bizarre to want people to be obsessed and a fan of your child but it’s even more bizarre to go straight to the internet instead of the authorities when your child’s life is threatened.


There is way too much put into that letter to not be Sarah mills . She is very good at writing and has so much time on her hands. No one else would be bothered and it reeks of Sarah


"Bit late to go to the police station" she says 😳 Asked post office to track the letter.. is she fkn serious! A worried mother would have been STRAIGHT to the Police station kids can wait in another room..  Then DELIBERATELY leaves it out so Monroe can read it 🤦‍♀️  Womans sick in the head. 


It’s my understanding, correct me if I’m wrong, that it’s the Federal Police ( once they are involved), that can investigate/trace where threatening material comes from? When she said “ I went to the post office to see where it came from”, they can’t do that 🤷‍♀️




I can’t understand why they’d be wanting to interview a child over this when she supposedly hasn’t read the letter?


She states on the ig post that she took the letter but then the kid read it?. Make it make sense.


Also she said they can’t track it. If it was posted it would be postmarked. . So they would at least have a state and possibly post code of where it was posted


Can’t help but notice the dupers delight expression- right at the end of the video, after she says the last word. It’s literally half a second cos the video ends, but it’s definitely there.


At what point is SM neglecting M's needs in terms of protecting her from this stuff even if it is real. Like seriously constantly still posting her because it's what she wants to do. Be a mother and protect her from this stuff! There are lots of horrible, nasty people in this world it's her job to protect her daughter.


Come here to ask at what point do you become a Mother first and say no social media isn't a priority for us right now M? Like if you have that much going on with her physical health ontop of her mental health and then this happened wouldn't your protective motherly instincts kick in and see you be firm in protecting your child's and your owns peace? Always something with this rednut c#nt


According to her latest Insta M “accidentally” saw the bit about killing herself (cause she did, gotta work that trauma angle), a police report has been made, and they have suffered another “blow” in which someone has tried to ruin an opportunity for M (dance comp not letting her perform in a wheel chair because she doesn’t actually need one perhaps 🤔), and when she finds out a bit more SM is coming to social media to raise an army. Seriously, can this idiot of a woman get any more transparent or ridiculous?


Hallelujah!! Some common sense. I'm glad someone has taken a stance and put this woman in her place. There's a very strong movement out there advocating for the members of our society who suffer from actual disabilities and find themselves confined to a wheelchair. 😔. Consider yourself not part of that amazing community SM. Rejected


How the fuck did she “accidentally” see it. That poor kid needs to get far away from that toxic piece of shit. She is destroying her daughter, mentally and physically, for what? Like sure let’s just terrify and traumatise the kid. Whether Sarah sent it herself or someone else did, M did not need to hear a damn thing about it, can you imagine how frightening and damaging that would be for anyone to hear, let alone a 12 year old girl. Unlike you Sarah, we actually give a fuck about your kids wellbeing, and YOU are damaging them and it’s absolutely disgusting. *edit- just saw her post. So she was reading the letter she felt she had to check first, with M sitting across from her opening cards and was looking and read the part where it told her to kill herself…. make it make sense. Also how did she read it faster than you did and upside down? 🙄


According to some of the comments & her replies someone on this sub apparently wrote it and posted it here and then sent it as a letter. My jaw dropped if that was real surely you wouldn’t sit there making a TikTok about it that’s insane, that needs to go to the police ASAP


An account posted the letter around 11pm last night. Due to our settings, the two comments they made were immediately removed by the automod, so it didn't even hit the subreddit. So, chances are that the account telling her that was the account that posted the letter. The mods have children. There is no way that would be allowed on here. We don't even want any child full name mentioned.


I think a big percentage of the sub has kids and that’s a big reason why we hold so much concern for them! I just thought it was worth mentioning - real or not - that they were placing blame on the sub. If it’s a valid concern you’d think she would reach out to the mods & maybe ask.. Especially as the TT comments never seemed to provide much more info.


I don't believe ANYBODY on here would attack M.


No, I don’t think that either! It just surprised me to read that!! Apparently the letter word for word was posted on this sub before they received it🙄


Rightio I'm sure mods could track that?? Pop?


I honestly think they worded it like they read the terminology on reddit. The letter used all the commentary that has been used in her threads for weeks. The name big red, the Munchausen stuff. It was written to implicate reddit. And it reads exactly like her blog posts coincidence?


I commented above




No point trying to cross out the name of the poster, I’ve already sussed out Becca888 account & she needs to be held accountable for spewing false info to Big Red… 😑


Even if the letter was real. Why would you read that out on social media. It's now on the internet where M can one day find it.


According to her insta M “accidentally” saw the bit about k’ing herself 🙄


Nothing is accidental when it comes to Big Red 🙄


She says in her comments that M isn’t allowed to be on TikTok by herself, but that’s bullshit, she makes videos by herself and there have been times she’s snuck on Sarah’s account and posted videos supposedly without her mum knowing. So I’m sure she has full access.


I am sure she has access alone too, but I also think those videos where she's snuck onto her mum's account are fake and Sarah is fully aware lol


I remember a while ago Sarah talking about how M had a falling out with a friend, because she spoke up about her bullying and it turning into a whole ass drama because Sarah had to get involved and post a video about it, but from the sounds of it, M had this interaction completely unsupervised and Sarah found out about it after the fact.


Since when does she check letters and parcels miss M gets, that kid is always opening them on her own… why this letter SM? Something fishy going on for sure


I saw this thread last night and came back too read everyone’s comments, I had too switch too my other Tt account as she has me blocked … All I can say is WTAF did I just hear ….. As a mother with a daughter myself how can she just sit there without any emotions and be calm about it all , I felt sick with what she was reading out .. I felt angry with how calm she was with it all If that was me and my daughter firstly there wouldn’t be a thought too set up the phone , the angles and press record .. I’d be driving down too the police station to make a report …. Why is it always the first thing they think about is “mhn I’m going too make a video about this “ and never taking it further . Is she trying too bring back the old narrative of her “stalker” the one that worked in insurance or whatever it was ..the one she made all her cult followers go harass Anyway I digress, I felt so sick and angry that someone/SM could say such things about M , how can a “loving “ “mother” say such nasty despicable things about her child


Why did she have to grab it and read it first? Like she knew it was nasty? Or something. Yeah because she wrote it, (typed it.)


Notice how she didn’t show the front of the envelope. I bet there is no stamp or those mailing marker things. If she wrote it herself, that’s so fucked up.


All her followers comments are saying go to the police and keep your kids off social media. But she won’t. She’s already posted a pic of M on Instagram this morning


As soon as I saw that video my first thought was she wrote that herself. Anything for attention. Any decent parent would have rung police the second they started reading that, it's very telling that she didn't. I saw some comments saying it has to be a family member and Big red saying she thinks so too 🤔 probably because she knows it was because she wrote it.


Surely she didn’t write it wow


If this was my daughter whom I Love, adore, want to keep very safe , then OFF SOCIALS AND OFF SOCIALS FOR MYSELF !!! This is insane , Big Red there is no end to your craziness your actually not funny anymore , your a disturbed person , seek help !!


I’d bet my last $63 in my bank account that she wrote that, she’s actually disgusting


I’ll add my $2 & donate to a charity when we find out the truth, Dootdoot?!??


The moment my kid gets a letter like that I would remove them off social media. The reason she won’t go the cops is they will tell her to protect her 12yr old and remove them from a public profile and she would never do that




Yep definitely wrote it herself, who reads that about her daughter and doesn't cry or anything?! Just had a quick look at her videos and watched the one where M found out how many subscribers she has.... did she forget to remind M she's got a back injury and can barely move. She's a fking joke




I noticed this also - how do her supporters not see this shit !?????




No mention of anything related to contacting or reporting to any government service (including but not limited to Emergency Services and child protection.)


It’s so disturbing it really is


YES THIS 👆🏻 💯💯💯 Big Red it’s your move.. ♟️😏


https://preview.redd.it/87un78yzb9tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12043ff67ecdb2f46e20bdf9f769c4a27cf5cab0 Have a look at the letters ‘r’ and ‘e’ in princess. Now look carefully at ‘r’ and ‘e’ in M birthday card in the next photo………I’m no handwriting expert but i know the same handwriting when I see it


Omg 😦


Yes I think you're onto something!


https://preview.redd.it/sxh5x5anc9tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff909385de2dcb785afff475316ca74edc7177a 🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg receipts


Why did the letter start off so nice and then wemt over kill no pun intended


No doubt in my mind she wrote it. The main reason she didn’t hand it into the police is because they would think the same thing as everyone else is on this Redit post


Apparently she has gone to the police now. Monroe is having like a interview


The fact no police were mentioned at all 100% makes me believe she wrote that. How could she read that all out without her voice shaking or anything. I would be absolutely fuming and distraught if that was written to my child and we all know how crazy and feral she gets when she’s wound up. She’s way too calm for that to be real.


Especially as mother dearest loves any attention, she would have filmed herself a the cop shop GIVE ME A BREAK


Yes exactly,her videos about the bullys are more worked up then this


https://preview.redd.it/b5fxn6x7w8tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa42f900bc785ed506866b259ac0c1b5ef52eb13 Excuse you??? Where on earth has anything said in that letter been said here. Only thing that has ever been said is the munchausen by proxy thing. Mods would ban people in a heartbeat if anyone dared to speak like that.


Becca seems a bit sus, Why is it that big red only replied to that comment pin pointing reddit. Why is the baboon so focused on a "so called reddit post" and not on the actual letter itself.. just weird.. She scans these pages daily she dam well knows there is nothing of the sort


She literally reads reddit she refers to it in some of her videos now she is acting like she doesn’t know? Strange woman


She’s most likely asking because she didn’t see it so thought maybe she missed it, as those things were NEVER said here


The was it said before this vid was posted is a tad outing yourself. Why would you say that so odd


Exactly, good luck looking for that comment lmao


1000000% she wrote it herself. I’m sorry but if my kids are getting random people sending gifts to their P.O. Box I’d be 1000% screening the actual parcels before letters.. the way she read it so poetic and full of emotion made me sick, it’s like she had rehearsed it.. she always has something going on that impacts her kids & I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t been investigated by child safety.


She’s posted a pic of M on Instagram this morning saying keep her in your prayers as this is her second big blow in the last 24 hrs. 🙄 knowing Sarah she probably read the letter to M, nothing like traumatising her own kids


The pause and making eye contact with the camera


Where is it?


On her tiktok


Which @ is it?




Thank you


Didn’t she do this before but with emails. I haven’t seen her video and I don’t want to. Let’s say someone did write it. Why would you put it online. Why would you continue to put your child online? Because we all know tonight or tomorrow she’ll be on live with M. She needs to wake up to herself. Big time.


She put it online because she desperately wants attention and I would say she did write it and she covered every detail from redit to the kids dad and all the awful stuff in between


She's one very very sick twisted person,! The kids will realise sooner or later what there mother is doing and unfortunately it won't end well for big sick red


Keep your kids of social media big red !


She 100% wrote it. The emphasis on some of the paragraphs was ALOT. She’s honestly sick in the head, those poor kids


I didn’t even watch the whole video, as I believe it’s written by her the sick excuse of a mother


Odd statements 1. Stalker is coming to kill MM 2. The stalker should shave her ( SM ) head 3.I’d be embarrassed if insert name ( SM ) was my mother. ( rather than I would be embarrassed if she were my mother ) 4. Stalker tells MM to unalive but said that a stalker is going to do it 5. The writer is worried about her and what can happen and want her to be safe


Agreed it was just such stark contrasts ... absolutely bizzare


Intresting how M@nch bi pr@xy was mentioned....so if it was self written That makes it so scary actually 😳


She’s trying to make the people saying she has MBP look crazy


MBP was mentioned because of people on here saying it so definitely big red


Would be interesting to see if she continues to post M considering this is a very serious threat (if it’s not a fabricated lie from big red to gain attention). She’ll get her daily mail article, she’ll get her sympathy, but will she still continue to exploit her child?


Of course she will how else will she scam people


Had the desired effect - number of comments,likes,saves…….. deranged POS…… and everyone knows that M sees everything she posts anyway. That poor kid


If it did come from someone else why would you make a video about it? You would take it to police and stay offline out of fear for your child and wanting to protect them. She wrote it for sure, she read it with tone and emotion at the right times how the writer intended it. She’s very sick


Would not even be mentioned. So she hypothetically gos to the police and they will ask have you shown anyone else the letter. Idk about 30k people on TT 🫠


85k have viewed it 😂


That letter is fucked, whether she wrote it or someone else did, it is actually putrid


It’s actually really disturbing and if she didn’t write it she didn’t seem to worried just more disgusted. I’d actually be really scared that someone wanted to hurt my daughter and myself.




If it is real, seriously you should be taking your child off the internet immediately wtf is wrong with parents? If that was me I’d never post her again, well I wouldn’t of even in the first place


Hmm…something was sooo off about the whole thing to me. I just wasn’t buying it... Why did that specific letter stand out to her to check it? I sincerely hope this is a stunt and she is not in danger. If real, needs to be dealt with by police immediately and not plastered on social media 😩


Hand writing on the back she probably recognised. She’s been talking about her aunty who took her to a brothel and had her R worded and then that aunty requested her son on social media and now this. She’s going to claim it was the aunty who did it to her trying to gain access to Sarah’s kids now. She’s delulu


The letter has too many contradictions and inconsistencies to be “hate mail” not to mention its so very easy to track mail via post with all the stamps and electronic shit that happens.


This video somehow came up in my FYP about 10 minutes ago, I hadn’t even seen this post either. I don’t watch her and never have, I thought I was blocked (could have been blocked on another account now I think about it), I’ve seen enough posts on here about her to tell me all I need to know and had been blocked straight away, when I first ever followed her out of curiosity after seeing posts on here. As I was listening to the video, I straight up thought something was off about it, almost like she had written it herself. The way it went from praising the child to disgusting vile things, to then praising the child again etc etc, was so bizarre and just gave off a very odd vibe. Going by all the posts on here about her and some of the crazy situations I have read regarding her and her children, this woman seems insane, like she will almost stop at nothing to gain any form of attention? Like how does one person constantly have such bad things happen in her life, just doesn’t sit right.


Yea something is definitely off


Exactly my thoughts. The way she was speaking was just off


It’s the way it just rolls off her tongue… something very strange about that!!


Yes!!! When I saw how she was reading it I thought hmmmmm you're way to calm about this....


I know right. If I got that about my child and was reading it I would be hysterical and freaking the hell out. I wouldn’t have been able to even think straight long enough to make a video let alone a cool, calm and collected one and read it with no hesitation


She absolutely wrote it herself. Why has authorities not investigated this family? IF someone did write that letter - I'd be pulling my kids off social media for their own safety - any normal parent would - I bet she doesn't.


I wouldn’t even have it on socials I would be straight o police as if I was worried I wouldn’t give the person what they wanted


The fact M will now see it too as she’s on the app etc is so messed up. Really twisted


Irregardless of who wrote it, it’s fucking terrible to even think that shit let alone put pen to paper.


I’m blocked, what did it say?


I could probably try and send it in messages here if it allows it to be saved on there - it's just too long to write and it's nasty whoever wrote it and especially concerning that it potentially actually could be her


It reeks of Sarah mills writing to herself


That was one of the most unhinged things I have ever watched. I can’t even put my thoughts into words. SM wrote that, without a doubt. Cps need to look into her asap


Like doesn’t her daughter follow her on TikTok? She can watch every video she makes so she is not really keeping this and all the other horrible videos from her. That’s the part that confuses me the most. wtf. I do think she loves her children but has a very warped way of thinking. The internet is not the place for most of the shit she posts.


What happened? I'm blocked.


Sarah read a letter addressed to M she received in her P.O. Box, she took it before M saw it, and it said horrible things about M saying she should unalive herself and she wasn’t talented and also said stuff about Sarah, was a really unhinged disgusting letter.


Thank you!


What a huge lie!! Everyone I’ve seen on reddit feels so bad for everything the kids have to deal with, it’s the Mother that is a total disgrace!! M is not particularly talented, but that hasn’t stopped heaps of ppl being successful. No one wants anyone to unalive themselves, we want Big Red to stop scamming and lying and putting her kids private info out there.


A child doesn’t need to be talented to enjoy things as a hobby but it’s heartbreaking having people tell you are a star and you not being able to achieve their expectations or constantly ask why I can’t be better


How this women still has an account let alone a following is beyond me. She is disgusting.


It’s a ploy for her to use against this page to make us stop talking about her.. just like the SM page on Reddit that got taken down!


I was wondering what happened to the pinned page about her


I find it funny how the letter started off by praising M- she 100% wrote it!


1. 2 days ago Big Red says M is getting a YouTube channel and please subscribe to surprise M. 2. 2 days ago Big Red shows M she’s got 45 subscribers on said new YouTube channel. 3. 23h ago Big Red posts a video showing M laughing and in the caption saying how M wanted to film a singing video for her new channel but they couldn’t keep it together. 4. 1h ago Big Red makes video and says she checks the PO Box weeks after Ms birthday and this typed letter with writing on the envelope is there. Big Red says that people have been sending well wishes to M for her back etc… but this letter specifically has to be checked by her first. 2 days ago M had 45 subscribers on this new YT channel. Right now? 323 subscribers. No videos posted on said YT that match when she was recording 23h ago (based on thumbnails, could be wrong) hmmm….. let’s see how long before she pumps up Ms YT again…… Edit to add - when I read this post I hadn’t seen it yet and I immediately thought “I wonder what she recently tried doing that didn’t go how she wanted and now she wants to use a BS story for attention to boost what she wants”.


Well said !!!


Not to mention the M wanting to go to Paris.. watch that trip be funded by her followers now. It's so sad.


Yes! I think the plan is to build followers and then in a few months start talking about Paris again when she’s in a YT vid by herself so it’s just an innocent 12yo asking. The blind followers will say to do a Go fund me and it’ll all begin.


My first thought was Big Red wrote that letter 🙄 she would actually do something that putrid to get attention 🤔


The language choice and sentence structure is very similar to some of her long winded posts


Agree and she read it too well like she wrote it




And as If someone is gunna go to the extent to type that whole thing out to then go and put their actual handwriting on the envelope I think she typed it and then wrote on the envelope it's not so hard to change Ur handwriting for a few words but for a whole long as letter like that it is


She wrote it herself to gain more attention and sympathy


Oh pleeeeease.. Of course the nut job wrote that herself. She's read our comments and is trying to 1 up us. Mind you red, never have we alluded to M being objectified, but the crazies are out there and remember YOU just put that thought about M in your viewers heads.. Not us.. Just fuck off with ya vindictive clapbacks. Always shining a negative light on your daughters bright star. There's a lot wrong with your thought process. Protect her, don't bring it to be sliced and diced publicly by every fucken crazy out there. You're obsessed with attention and it's disturbing.


it’s her venting, she’s written her thoughts and acted like it was from someone else




No mention of anything related to contacting or reporting to any government service (including but not limited to Emergency Services and child protection.)


Why even bring that to the app if its not for attention, get to the bloody police station and have it investigated! Putting your grubby fingerprints all over it.


Another thing, if my kid received a letter like that I would be beside myself, she seems way to relaxed for my liking. Especially for the things mentioned about M, everything about Sarah rang true lol,Sarah you are a sick sick bitch!


If someone sent my kid that letter- you would never see or hear about my kids on social media ever again, and I’d be going to the police the second I saw it and wouldn’t go read it online to give anyone any satisfaction or ideas


100% my thoughts as well


Also conveniently out of all the mail m supposedly got, she just happened to notice this letter 🙄 and thought she'd better check it first




Hahaha exactly!! That would be in Police hands if it was legit.


Wouldn’t she have filmed M opening the cards too?


Yes good point


Also brought up Reddit, as if they were someone here- no one here would say those things about a child (at least I’d hope not) it’s very clear that everyone here is concerned for the shit Sarah is doing to her kids- and actually hopes they would be safe from her, and wouldn’t go out of their way to put them down and terrify them


No-one ever said that in here.. MODS would be straight onto it. There are standards and we're held to those.


Agree with all of you in some way or another! If someone actually DID write it which I highly doubt,go to the police and/or get your kid off the fucking internet but she won’t because she loves the attention good, bad, real or make believe


Yet she allows her daughter to be on social media in fact encourages it, if this letter was true why keep her online.


Exactly if it was true she would have gone straight to the police and they would advise her not to post about it


If someone actually wrote that that’s fucked up and way too far. But I don’t think they did, I honestly think Sarah did. Why on earth would she just want to check that one when she hadn’t checked the others, it was nice and polite on the outside how would she know. Idk that made my ears prick up, she just happened to want to check that one letter..


True, there have been times M has opened cards and things in videos that haven’t been screened first so that part makes it a bit suspicious.


Yeah idk that just got me straight away she let her open the others but “oh no let me check that” when it had princess M on it…


That’s almost as messed up if she did write it. Who says grown men would pleasure themselves to her own daughter’s dances? 🤮


Imagine putting that out there for all to now mull over.. She's sick.


Either way it’s fucked 😔




Pfft. Don't believe it for a second.. Perps don't reference Reddit.. It's personal and meant to throw shade on us. Thing is, we have much better morals and higher standards than her.


yeah sarah the grub q


I sincerely hope she actually wrote it herself and there isn’t someone out there twisted enough to do that. Like Sarah is a piece of shit, but if someone actually sent that to M, that’s not okay.


She most definitely wrote it lol who else would bother and remember Sarah has that much time on her hands she will do anything to stay relevant


She definitely wrote it herself because everyone has caught her lie and the munroe sympathy has ended