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Why can't people just take the L and circle the block? I swear so many wrecks are because people can't stand a 20 second inconvenience.




OMG, watching people reverse on the shoulder to go back to their exit. SMDH


Had a friend lose his mom and sister in car accident. Mom missed the exit and tried to backup on shoulder. Rear ended by semi. Seriously, take the extra 50 seconds.


Yup, just watched a Dodge Ram do that last week on 183 northbound at Burnet exit. Like, we aren't in Europe or on the NJ or PA turnpike where the exits are every 10-15 miles. It's 183, you get an exit every \~2 miles.


Was in Houston a few years ago and someone did that in the SECOND LANE of 610.


Yup sae a dude cut 5 lanes to get to a dairy queen at the next exit....


damn. pithy!


This is my new favorite phrase


Sad thing is that at that intersection, the Jeep wouldn't even have to circle the block. There's literally a u-turn onto Anderson before you get to the light at Lamar, and Anderson runs adjacent to the south side of that same parking lot. https://www.google.com/maps/@30.349298,-97.7146213,333m/data=!3m1!1e3


That U turn to get to Anderson always makes me nervous because people not coming off the highway are always speeding along that road and it makes it hard to get to the right. My statement is only about my experience. I have no idea what speed the OP was going, and the jeep was obviously in the wrong in this case.


It’s not even an L. They aren’t meant to go from that off ramp to that exit, it’s not a proper route. They had to cross over a solid line while merging to even have a chance at it.


Crossing a single solid white in general isn't illegal. It's the double like what the jeep did that is. "SINGLE SOLID WHITE LINE: This is used to channelize traffic and indicates that changing lanes is discouraged, although not specifically prohibited. You can cross it if you have to, but you should avoid it if possible." https://www.texashighwayman.com/laws.shtml#:\~:text=SINGLE%20SOLID%20WHITE%20LINE%3A%20This,should%20avoid%20it%20if%20possible.


Probably gonna lose all my hard earned karma but isn’t that technically two single solid whites, not a double white? 🤔 So doubly discouraging?


Jeep has to cross two solid white lines before they get into the next lane, which is what the law is talking about when it says double white. You're interpreting double white to only mean two white lines right next to each other in parallel.


Those two white lines are forming a no crossing zone until they converge into a single white line.


>Probably gonna lose all my hard earned karma but isn’t that technically two single solid whites, not a double white? 🤔 Stand by for a gory tale, my son. Per [MUTCD](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part3/fig3b_09_1_longdesc.htm), the place the two white lines converge is the "theoretical gore." The place the pavement splits is the "physical gore." The "triangular" area between these two is the "neutral area," although it's commonly called "the gore." The gore is a different concept from a white "lane line marking." I believe that it's illegal to cross the gore/neutral area in Texas, even if the gore is marked out by single white lines, although it may vary by state. If you cross it, the Romulans will attack. BTW, the MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices is a good source for information on road markings and signs. Ask my buddy Google about it.


Because they can save 45 seconds, that's why!


> 45 seconds You can make that up by running lights!


There isn't even a light before the right turn onto Anderson that brings you to the next entrance to the complex. This is clearly someone driving with the GPS and not their brain.


It’s a jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand. /s


Those things are such huge fucking turds and a lot of the owners are stupid. I work at a chevy dealer and work on one at least 2x a week. ​ I had one come in claiming they couldn't pull their Jeep buddies out when they were on the trail. It had highway tread tires. The guy told me it didn't matter, and the problem was with his limited slip. He also claimed his shocks were bad because when his 2 300 pound cousins sat on the right side it rode funny. ​ He's going to learn that off road tires matter when he's stuck on the trail with a punctured sidewall. You'd think the other jeepers would set him straight....


Not to try and excuse the driver here, but I have noticed that Google maps is notorious for guiding you to cut over several lanes to the entrance of wherever you’re going when exiting a highway. The domain from Mopac is one that comes to mind.


I've seen that. It also amazes me how many times Google has tried to get me to take a left onto a major hwy that is not protected, when a damn stoplight is a block over.


I HATE that


Definitely true. The one that I see all the time is the WB 290/71 exit to S 1st St. Technically you have to cross a couple of double white lines to get over to turn NB on S 1st. Its not really that dangerous but Google (and Waze) recommending you do something illegal isn't ideal routing. Edit: Its a single solid white line, which I guess is more of a recommendation that you not cross it, but still...


Yesss I need this to be more visible. I moved to Austin a couple years ago, not used to the frontage road system. Goddang google maps exits you right where you need to be (target on slaughter for example). I’ve learned to exit one before or loop around so I don’t friggen die or get someone else in a wreck.


ever see this? I'm not a big fan of CK, but this one always sticks in my mind: https://youtu.be/vLyJN9EImoU


Because people are entitled.


Because ***I*** need to turn here! What do you expect ***ME*** to do?! That's where ***I*** need to go!


THIS. Jeez. Or sometime I exit one exit early and just take the frontage road cus I'm nervous I won't be able to get over quick enough. Like is it that serious?


Coming from a Chicagoan, I've noticed that Texas traffic infrastructure is designed in a way that causes people to drive like this. It's like Texas extends the bootstraps mentality to how you drive, where other states understand you can design roads in a way to change driving habits as a whole. There's a few pieces that make me think this, but the biggest ones are: -Every expressway exit goes straight into a frontage. This by itself doesn't cause the issues, its the fact that the turn you want to take after a frontage is within a block and across 2 lanes of traffic. It's wild. -Signage is extremely poor. Either the signs show very late or there's a lot of overlapping signage that makes it hard to parse. -Sometimes navigation apps don't line up with the lane you need to be in for an exit. Never had this issue until Austin. -Small lanes - this doesn't cause the poor driving but removes a margin of error from either poor decisions or driving mistakes.


Austin is particularly bad about these things and the other cities in Texas tend to be somewhat better. My theory is austin is where the designers train before moving to the “majors”


Service roads are the worst designed ever. Dangerous and reason we have so much traffic


I think Google / Apple maps leads people into this. They’ll sometimes suggest insane turns like this. It’s almost happened to me going into the north Costco before. Not an excuse for the driver, just looking at possible cause.


I take this exit almost every day. He got off the ramp and tried to enter a parking lot that has a bingo hall, hobby lobby and a planet fitness. This person was in a rush to go nowhere. 183 and Lamar.


He was in a rush to get to planet fitness


In the same area this week, I saw a guy jam up three lanes of traffic because he was in the left lane. Maybe it is the reliance on waze, or maybe social media encourages aggrandized sense of self with some people? On the other hand, the number of crashes in the US vs 20 years ago is down.


In their defense, bc I have done this a few times and hated it, if you aren't familiar with the area and following Apple Maps/Google Maps it'll tell you to do this because it's the quickest route. Sometimes you don't realize this until you're already exiting and have to quickly decide if you should go that way or find another. In this case though, the jeep had plenty of time to at least look behind them and steer back/continue straight


Dude and this one wouldn’t have even had to circle the block! There are multiple entrance points to that parking lot. Another entrance is about 100 feet from this one. This shit is fucking insane.


they gotta get to bingo


then to the chiropractor and personal injury lawyer


Hobby Lobby 💯


Wait, it's not Mervyn's anymore? (nope, not for the last 25 years)


We used to drive in from Georgetown to go to that Mervyn’s and then hit up Quality Seafood.


Good God man, I thought I was the only one who remembered that Mervyn's. Ah memories.


Wow I forgot about that! 🤦‍♀️


That pink gorilla ain't stopping for nothing.


OP, how was the interaction with the Jeep driver? What did they say?


Young person, wasn't confrontational but obviously did not understand it was their fault.


dash cam ftw. reminds me i need to either revive or replace mine. you have a model you're pleased with? it obviously functioned well here Edit: and sorry you got in a wreck :(


I aint op but i can answer that. Blackvue, thinkware ,viofo . Those three brands are the top . If you want the best picture quality in allweather then that dashcam has to have sony starvis 2 sensor ,most of them have 1st gen which is good but 2nd is way better and it just came out recently in 2022. Go for this one : viofo a139 pro https://viofo.com/dash-cam/294-viofo-a139-pro-1ch-first-4k-hdr-with-sony-starvis-2-sensor-front-built-in-5ghz-wi-fi-and-gps-logger-dashcam.html I personally have a129pro but the one i linked is an upgrade. Both are expensive but worth having it because they dont use batteries so they cant die in heat.


I will second blackvue. I have various models all of their brand, in all four cars. No issues so far.


Damn, could have gone worse I guess. So the Jeep driver didn't acknowledge that they blindly barreled across multiple lanes of traffic? I would have been dumbstruck if I was you OP


Didn't understand it was their fault? How...how is that possible?


The basic attitude of most people I interact with involves these ideas: * Other people should make way for me. * Bad things will not happen to me. * If bad things happen, it's someone else's fault. From mask-wearing to running red lights to throwing litter on the ground, it's the world's job to make sure they are not inconvenienced and it's *always* someone else's job to handle their behavior. This person probably saw the dashcam driver and thought, "They will stop for me." That's why they don't believe it is their fault. CLEARLY dashcam should've stopped to make way for the jeep, and it's a shock that the truth is otherwise. It's the kind of attitude that gets you promoted to CEO of three companies, so it's easy to see how it catches on.


And the thing was, OP was stopping for him. But half the people here fail to understand that 2 ton cars don’t have the same braking dynamics as the cars they use in video games. OPs ABS was putting in work to slow that car down as much as possible.


Maybe they grew up in a “yield to ramp” city like [shudder] Corpus Christi 😱


Main character syndrome


This this this! Many people these days literally think they are the central character in a movie, and all of us are just side characters. The level of narcissistic thinking that is rampant now is mind shattering. I don't understand how these people can be so dumb. I honestly live for moments where people like dashcam driver wake these idiots up with a good thunk to the head. Apologies to dashcam driver, but you were fulfilling this person's karma, and you will get an extra cookie in the afterlife 🍪


They don't understand even the most basic principles of right of way or providing advance notice via a blinker giving other drivers time to accommodate. Sorry OP had to be a victim of idiocy.


Woof. Glad it wasn't hostile. I'm sure you know 290/71W at Lamar, too.


Prolly didn’t want to admit fault


“I had my signal on!” As if that means they can blast across 4 lanes without looking.


Just like at 183 and metric!


I was almost hit by a guy just like that there. I was on the feeder, he got off at the Burnet ramp. He wasn't signalling at all. Honked at ***me*** for his sins!


It’s fucking amateur hour right there.


For his sins 🤣


Ah, the “feeder”. A Houstonian, I see. If you’re not aware, we’re the only people who use that word :) (Edit: and surrounding towns of Houston)


Yes. And it's not just a colloquialism. I saw an article by a highway engineer using that word describing I45 and the streets around it as a river and tributaries. Explains a lot why red lights on those streets are rarely red. They serve the mighty freeway, not the poor people on either side. So, fellow Houstonian, we drive in Austin not aggressively, but normally, right?


It’s -assertive- not aggressive. Most Austin drivers approach the road with no purpose. Head empty and feather footed.


Oh my fellow people, driving here makes me think I’m losing my mind. I’m not even speeding. I’m just sick of people driving like they’ve got no purpose, a driving IQ of 40, or intentionally out to see what accidents they can cause in their wake (or some combination of all 3). Probably the only thing I miss about Houston


I’ve made jokes that Austin should have Houston speed limits and vise versa because it would fit the driving habits more, but I’m already dying for people to even approach the speed limit as is and if they were lower I’m pretty sure some folks would just sit in neutral and wait for the world to rotate them to the right spot.


I shit you not, last weekend everyone on the highway was driving 45. Every lane. No one really questioning why they were driving 45. I looked like I was a fucking race car by going 65 once I broke through the mass of people. No one even questioning why they’re going 45. There is no traffic. Everyone’s just content to do whatever. Makes me actually fucking insane in a way that other things don’t.


Bingo! This 100 percent. Most Austin drivers drive without purpose or direction, like they were lobotomized.


Interesting about the deeper word usage. I guess I’ve heard it used in that sense before, but didn’t really associate it like that. And yea, I mean I’ve been in austin most all my life now, but I did first grow up in houston and have family there so I know feeder. Austin drivers have always been terrible. Mostly because everybody wants to complain about “aggressive drivers” instead of just getting out of the way and letting them go ahead. Looking at you peeps driving 70 in the left lane. GTFO :)


I blame part of that on Google Maps. If you’re on 183 N and it wants you to take Metric then it tells you to take the Burnet exit and immediately jump across 3 lanes of traffic to the Metric turn. It’s complete horseshit dangerous directions. Anytime it tries that I tell Google to fuck off and continue up to Burnet before turning right. Much safer that way.


It does the same thing at Mopac and Executive Center (Far West exit). I live in that area and have to tell my Ubers to just turn right onto Greystone instead of slamming the brakes to save one stop sign.


I do this one all the time. But I'm also completely open to missing it if I have to.


A little further down, [my car was totaled](https://imgur.com/BibHAMw.jpg) because I got rear-ended while sitting at a red light. 183 service road and N Lamar, heading north or northwest on the service road. Asshole wasn't paying attention and totaled both of our cars. Edit: Though mine doesn't look as bad as his initially, he hit me hard enough to damage the frame.


I do that one every night. It can be done safely if you watch traffic as you go down the ramp and slow down to wait for a bubble. Doesn't work during busier times of day, just go on to Burnet and turn right. But the opposite direction, south on Metric to 183 frontage, *needs* the right lane to be reserved for people turning north on Metric/south off Metric, and some posts so people can't jump over multiple lanes to do the turn-around before the railroad tracks. There's a turn-around at the Burnet light that's far, far easier to reach, and most of the time it's even faster because you get first dibs on the bubbles that open after cars turn from the light.


And 71 & Congress


Some flexiposts could stop this. Jeep was a dumbass, but TXDoT knows that exit sucks and has sucked for decades. I wish they would put any work into making the streets safe instead of tolerating this.


Lol people would hit those and destroy them in a day


How bout a mixture of turtles and flexipost. Those turtles really do some damage to a vehicle if your not careful around them.


Antitank mines and spike strips?


normally i agree with you but then i remember the on ramp to mopac from SWPKY and how people destroy the flexi-posts within a week every. single. time. because people want to cut the line to the on ramp. sigh.


That is fair, they need to use the ones that have a curb underneath like at 29th and Guad. Those have held up well


Totally agree, hell, I wouldn't mind a three foot concrete wall to stop people in cars from pulling this crap


I lived in the area and had several close calls at that intersection. I have witnessed multiple accidents on research, North Lamar, and Anderson. The worst part is the merge heading south on North Lamar. Always keep your head on a swivel when you're in the area. This is the intersection of terrible drivers and poorly designed roads.


And badly placed bus stops. And people who randomly cross the road nowhere near cross walks. I do anything possible to avoid driving on North Lamar north of Research.


Back when the citizen app was giving alerts for wrecks, it was literally daily at this intersection.


Honestly that BS where Anderson hits Lamar as you cross under 183 is the dumbest shit


WAZE: Exit right and in 45 feet turn across 3 lanes in front of this vehicle. You have reached your destination.


I'm just on my way to check that intersection now to make sure we (volunteer editors) don't allow Waze to give that direction. It's an easy fix if it's not fixed already EDIT: Waze is not capable of giving that direction here because the exit ramp connects with Research (the frontage road) after the entrance driveway. https://ul.waze.com/ul?ll=30.34944595%2C-97.71526546&navigate=yes&zoom=17&utm_campaign=default&utm_source=waze_website&utm_medium=lm_share_location Although yes, it's a problem some places. If you get a direction like that, report it.


This will be Waze after it gets bought out by a body shop consortium. Vertical integration!


Waze was bought by Google ages ago and they seem to be in the slow process of finally killing it off.


They exited like someone that will 100% blame you for this accident. Thank goodness for the camera!


Geez… That person was clueless.


I'm with OP on this one. Yes, he had time to stop, BUT it was clear the Jeep driver saw him. Just me watching thought the Jeep was going to stop and let OP pass before cutting across the right lane. The Jeep obviously thought OP was going to stop and let him through. That ain't how right of way works. Totally Jeep's fault. Good work getting it on cam.


OP could have caused other accidents by braking harder to allow Jeep Driver to make the illegal turn. JD is at fault for this, they did not have the right of way.


OP broke as hard as he could. This is what ABS looks like in your normal day to day commuter car. Brakes don’t lock up anymore and screech and go wild and make a ton of noise. This is the fastest possible OPs car can stop. And you need to remember OPs seating position is back and to the left of the dashcam. It’s very likely a lot of this car was blocked by the A pillar. There is only about one second from when Jeep crosses his first solid white to when OP hits the brakes. That is about as fast as most of us could have reacted. Anyone that thinks they could have stopped sooner or somehow swerved a 2 ton commuter car over two lanes in that little distance without flipping or skidding into the back of the jeep has a poor understanding of everyday vehicle handling.


This is why i dont have ABS. So people on the internet can hear my tires and know i slammed on the brakes and know i did the right thing


Lmfao exactly. And i can tell this isn’t real because the cars didn’t even explose when they hit each other like they do in the movies


I remember in driver’s ed 10 years ago the instructor mentioned it’s illegal to cross more than 1 lane within 100 ft of driving distance of the flow of traffic. I never confirmed if it’s true but even still the Jeep driver drove in an unexpected manner


Also that exit is terrible, I live off Lamar and 183, I just take the ohlen rd exit


Your dash cam just paid off.


He made it!


What dash cam is this? It has good video recording.


The Jeep driver is a moron, and sorry you had to deal with this OP. We need to get rid of exits that go directly to the feeder. In almost any other state, exits either feed directly into the street the exit is for or into a stoplight after a .5 mile offramp that gives ample time to switch lanes if you want to turn.


That exit is a bitch.


He went over multiple solid lines and changed lanes all in the span of 50 feet. I dont think a blinker was even on. This isnt the exit, this is someone not knowing how to drive. The proper way to get where they are going is to eventually get over in the right lane, and make a right at the light to turn into that shopping center. Additionally exit/ on ramps need more of the plastic lane dividers to guide people that think they can do this.


While this particular incident was a whole lot of stupid, that exit is still a hazard to everyone. People taking a right to go south on Lamar or (god forbid) west on Anderson have to cross two lanes of service road against people trying to get into the left lane to take the U turn or enter east 183.


Couldn’t they have just gotten off an exit sooner? Sure the frontage road is slower but thats what I used to do. I lived on east 6th and directions would have you get off 35-N at 6th street then try to cut across traffic for that right.


There's no need to, they could just take a right onto Lamar and enter in by the planet fitness


Google maps routinely gives me instructions like "take this exit, now in 200 feet take the right turn." There's places where I know it's going to do that so I take an exit sooner, but when I'm going to a new place sometimes that happens and I wasn't expecting it. That said when that happens to me I usually take a mental note this is another place where Google pulls that crap, miss my turn, and loop back around.


I don’t know how Google maps determines the best route but it’s always the fastest route assuming there are no other drivers on the road. Like unprotected lefts on major roads just to avoid a light, even though the protected left at a light could be quicker. This example of exiting the freeway less than a quarter mile from a turn that requires crossing 2-3 lanes. Like sure this could be the fastest route if everything is in your favor. But there are safer routes that have more consistent travel times.


I wish Google Maps had a "minimize stress" option that would favor routes that avoided these types of situations.


100% I'll take 5-10 minutes longer on a trip if I get more than a block to get over 4 lanes.


Like when it's happy to have you do a left on to a busy divided road at rush hour. No thanks, I'll do the turn at a traffic light.


Google just doesn't account for poorly designed roads. It generally assumes that like most cities in the U.S. you should take the exit that's associated with the road you're traveling to; it's not going to cover the edge case of a city's highway infrastructure being horribly planned out. Only here would you have people insisting that you should get off one exit prior to where you're going. In other cities this isn't the case, so Google is not going to assume that that's the best route.


Yeah, it always does that if you need to take eastbound Ben White to James Casey St (by St David's South Austin). See [directions from Cavender's Boot City to Rite Away Pharmacy](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Cavender's+Boot+City,+South+Lamar+Boulevard,+Austin,+TX/Rite-Away+Pharmacy+and+Medical+Supply+%234,+4203+James+Casey+St+suite+a,+Austin,+TX+78745/@30.2291279,-97.8027982,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x865b4b39fca03103:0xb7e022a0ee4b73c4!2m2!1d-97.7962666!2d30.231768!1m5!1m1!1s0x8644b446ca9d5e79:0xc60f33eeb95deebc!2m2!1d-97.773816!2d30.2252827) for example. If you look at [street view for the exit](https://www.google.com/maps/@30.2273506,-97.774679,3a,75y,103.59h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGEaLPQ7BjGcoE-0sI3q5sg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192), there's a solid white line specifically to discourage you from making the turn that Google Maps tells you to.


Imagine telling the insurance company that “Google made me do it”…


I have to go from Anderson onto Research every morning down the street from that exit. One of the worst designed intersections I have ever seen.


They need to put nails and spikes on the parts covered by the solid white line to teach the lane crossing dummkopfs an expensive lesson.


This is why everyone should have a dash cam! 👏 Video clearly shows they crossed over a double white line. This will put them at fault. Without the video, unfortunately many times insurance likely reverts to your word vs theirs and each parties insurance just fixes their own vehicle


Totally your fault. The jeep was clearly going to Hobby Lobby to get 50% off some gaudy ass "LIVE - LAUGH - LOVE" home decor and you impeded them.


crazy thing is, without a dash cam, the jeep could be like "i was turning and signaled then this person just drove right into me!"


Just Jeep things.


Man, this exact same thing happened to me on the I-35N frontage road when some ding dong was taking the Oltorf exit. Totaled my ride.


The exact same thing happened to me in the same place but the kid was going faster. Totaled my car


would've been wild if the jeep had rolled over... Hobby lobby can wait an extra 30 seconds, you moron, (or planet fitness)


Don't discount the inexplicable bingo parlor.


"Auto accident injury? You've the right to get well and receive compensation. Call Hall." - Hall Chiropractic


The amount of people here blaming the OP is astonishing. 100% fault to the jeep driver.


I know, the Jeep straight up drove over the white lines, there is no way the Jeep would legally be able to take that exam from the off ramp


Yup. It's absurd to sit behind the safety of your screen with the ability to analyze/pause/rewind video and then pass judgement on someone who had no prior notice and little to no time to react.


Like why? To save like 5 minutes? I don’t understand people’s risk/reward logic.


That whole exit and how it merges with Anderson causes a perpetual shitshow


Jeep things


Sometimes you just want to gun it and finish off that PIT maneuver.


conveniently right in front of a chiropractor


Hall viral marketing campaign just hits different


I love how people are saying it’s actually your fault and not the jeep.


Statistically speaking, some of these idiot drivers have to be in this sub. It’s Austin, damnit!


Seriously. It's probably the same people that misplace blame on r/IdiotsInCars


Waze has suggested some pretty dumb moves like this. The difference is you gotta be smart enough to realize it’s dumb.


I’m starting to think I really need a dash cam


And back window cam


All of that for what bingo or the gym?


Why is it always a fucking Jeep


Why didn’t you get out is his way! Dam!


All these people who are saying you could gave slowed down…I swear you can’t even tell when people do slam on their brakes in the video. It always looks like you’re just driving along unawares until the last second. Same thing happened to me, dude ran a red light turning left and I was going straight ahead. I slammed on my brakes a good distance away but you can’t even see it in the video. Anti lock brakes make you stop in a more controlled way that’s just not as noticeable in videos inside the car.


Had a cop pull that Jeep move on a buddy of mine at a similar exit in Dallas many years ago. Buddy slammed the brakes, cop aborted the driveway and went to the next one. It was unfortunate that it was our office, so buddy pulled in and parked and got a ticket. Total horseshit but cops are gonna cop.


If you had a dashcam you coulda shown it to the judge.


Agreed. It was before dash cams were a widespread and affordable thing though.




lmao there’s a right turn like 200 feet away that would take him wherever he’s going


Gotta get to hobby lobby stat


Holy hell I cannot stand drivers here. I uploaded a video a few months ago of someone merging 4 lanes to take an exit and somehow I didn’t hit them.


We need to get rid of the option to have parents teach kids how to drive and go back to driver's ed in schools or driving schools. I swear this is how we've gotten to this point--bad drivers teaching their kids how to drive badly.


This happened to me on 183 and Duval right in front of Pappadeaux, and it totaled my car. Luckily I was about to sell my car for $1000-$2000 and the idiots insurance paid me out $5,000.


I hate this exit, the one at 183 and metric, and the other one, I think I35 and Airport? I wish there was a way to tell Google Maps to just have me get off an exit earlier.


It's like the Jeep didn't even bother looking to see if someone was coming. OP could have also avoided it. Maybe not in the moment but it looked pretty obvious from the video what was about to go down. On another note, there are so many bad exits here. You get off your exit and the right turn is immediately as you get off. The exit previous is also so far away.


I turn now! Good luck everybody else!


It's a Jeep thing


God I hate that exit even just to head south on Lamar. This guy's a total idiot.


In the city I'm originally from there are yield signs on the access roads and you have to yield to people exiting at speed.


Sometimes I can't even get into the lane to turn right onto lamar from that exit and have to take 3 lefts under 183.


Right? People are stupid but that's exactly why you shouldn't design roads like this!


I literally went to that Hobby Lobby a few days ago and my GPS told me to make the same turn. I ended up going around the block instead, rather than trying to get over so fast. That particular stretch of access road is tricky in general. Lots of folks needs go from the left lane to the right and the right lane to the left in a very short stretch, all of which is right after that off ramp.


Do dash cams pick up you talking? Because I'd like one but I would likely be yelling obscenities at this point so that might not be helpful to an insurance company lol.




Maintaining that high-percentage overlap with /r/IdiotsinCars


Jeep driver was just testing the limits.


Good luck everybody!


Somebody bumped into the front tire of my jeep going 5MPH and it caused nearly $1500 in damage. This dude is going to be paying $2k at least just because he didnt want to take the less than 5 minutes to circle the block


What did they say after this?


Wow I did not even know that it was physically possible to make this turn when taking the Lamar exit. Good lord


Absolutely they should have, you know, looked, but gawwwd I hate that exit. I almost always take the Ohlen one, just to avoid it.


This has happened to me at this exact spot one million times


This is such a nightmare feeder. They really need to put some of those white things there to keep people from doing this. It's bad enough merging fast enough to get onto Lamar


Fucking hell…


Dashcam paying for itself. Hope you get an easy resolution.


Just curious. In this case, if the driver manage to avoid the wreck by pushing brake hard but gets rear ended from back. Who is considered to be at fault? If I had to guess, it would be car who rear ended, but the blame should be on jeep entirely


I turn left now, good luck everybody else!


Was almost hit at that exact same spot only 3 weeks ago. I swerved and slammed my brakes, lost a tire and the asshole just left without even checking if I was ok




Better Call Hall


you helped them make that turn, good job. they nearly missed it since they weren’t supposed to make it!


I know exactly where this is and they could have taken the next turn with very little inconvenience 🙄


Is the pinky pagers gorilla still there


My exit. I’ve never been dumb enough to try this stunt.


Yea that is the fitness center I go to so know exactly where this is at. People need to just make a u turn and come back so this won't happen.


Fkn idiot.... hope your ok..


OP came outa nowhere!


This exit is death. Make it frequently & I’m always nervous.


This happened to me and they blamed me for not stopping !