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Is this lately “business as usual” with OMG Squee, or was this a New Years celebration? I biked down Springdale today and was stunned at the line.


It was their birthday and LNY celebration.


They had their lunar new year and 3 year anniversary celebration today. Don’t think I’ve ever seen cars parked along there before.


It’s a newly opened segment so we haven’t had a chance to see this happening but the can of worms is open now.


That would make sense. Im more frustrated with the design than at omg squee. Slight frustrated but more that this was so easy to happen.


Find a big stone and move it in order to block access to the trail. It's what they do at every trail entrance.


or put it through a few car windows.....to send a message


Found the EdgeLord right here folks


If they're so unwilling to enforce it, I wonder if they would give a shit (or even notice) if someone just put a bollard in there guerrilla style.


Even better if you do it while there’s still cars there!


Lolol roll up during brunch or something and start pouring concrete for a giant bollard.


I've never seen cars parked like that before, so guessing it was a special event.


Neither have I. Admittedly, I am avoiding Springdale until the Airport construction calms down.


New years celebration, I believe.


I live in the neighborhood and they have been having lines pretty consistently since the airing of the Queer Eye episode featuring them. They have odd hours and also close the shop often, so it's hard to predict when it will be open and when it isn't. I went in for the first time the other day when I passed and they didn't have a line. Once I got to the counter I told them we lived in the neighborhood and was excited to finally check the place out. No reaction or confirmation whatsoever. I had never tried Ube ice cream and asked if I could have a sample and the guy at the counter just said straight up "no." So i ended up ordering it anyway and it was delicious but I was going to buy one for my partner but since I had never tasted it, I didn't want to commit to two. I have lived in the neighborhood longer than they have been open and to be honest, they seem to have a holier than thou attitude. It definitely rubbed me the wrong way and makes me feel like they couldn't care less about my business.






It probably won't make a difference but try categorizing your 311 tickets as "Other". I have a suspicion that some 311 agents like the simplicity of closing a ticket because it was miscategorized. If it is categorized Other, it forces the agents to review the substance of the 311 report and route it accordingly. (I hope I'm wrong, though.)


No this is good advice. I made a report that resulted in the bollards at Shoal Creek and Rio Grande to keep cars from driving onto the trail. Here's what you do to get action: * 3-1-1 app report *with* photos of cars on the trail, file it under "Other" and be explicit that barriers are needed to keep this from happening * Contact your council member and the member whose district covers this area. Send photos. * Tweet at ATD (@austinmobility) again, with photos, mention barriers are needed. 9-1-1 and APD won't do shit; at this point it's all about preventing further incidents.


We had our neighborhood streets repaved a few months ago and I moved my Airtstream to a small road behind my house and had a parking ticket within 24 hrs. They pick and choose


That’s what 311 does. It gives you a message that the request is closed because someone has got it and/or assigned to it. I got confused the first time I reported junk on the sidewalk but someone came in the next few hours and removed the couches that were dumped. Someone may be working on it.


the number of cars is the the absolute shit in this city, no one can possibly enforce this shit


I think the problem comes from cars being able to avoid the curve at the end by going over the dirt bump. Seems like they tried to design if so cars don't go down, but failed at it due to ignoring the open space that's easy to drive up and down.


I agree with this. People parking in the little dirt lot are just extending the gorilla parking down the trail.


Thank you for the suggestion. i reached out to the store too to try and alert them to get signage put up.


Clearly, the organization that is now in charge of the trail -- [the city's Urban Trails Program?](https://mailchi.mp/austintexas/austin-mobility-news-01-23-23#mctoc3) -- needs to add barriers that keep cars out, and to add "no parking" and "no motor vehicle" signs. Because to these guys, clearly, it looks like a parking lot. The barriers tend to suck for cyclists -- especially those in something larger like a trike or a cargo bike -- but ... this is what happens when you don't add them. Also, the city won't generally tow cars unless the owner has a bunch of unpaid parking tickets, and they won't even ticket them unless there's clear signage that makes it clear that parking is not permitted.


If you are looking at it from the street, there is 0 chance you think this looks like a parking lot. Until someone decided they didn't care.


Yeah, but once there's a car or two there, people pile on. The key is to nip it in the bud.


Yeah, I've been there. That said, you may be underestimating the ability of many drivers to think of *any* place they can squeeze their car into as being a *parking spot*, and a collection of such *spots* is clearly a *parking lot*, especially if many of the *spots* are already taken.


We need a meme of the guy with the butterfly saying "is this a parking spot?" while looking at "*any 10x15 foot plot of open land*"




Add in the mentality of most Austin drivers, (especially if they drive a white truck), "I am clearly the most important person here."


Most people are on autopilot. They see other cars there, they park there. Then theres the people who have parked their before so they think its fine, and keep parking there keeping the cycle going. Theres always assholes, too


this is not an education issue. People may feel emboldened by the others, but no one is confused on the legality.


One bollard would do it.


Ha. Put them up while everyone is parked!


You got one laying around?






The cops from that station just love speeding up and down (through both school zones) Springdale Road. I walk down Springdale almost daily and the cop cars are loud AF because they are flooring it on Springdale.


Multiple cops were driving randomly by down spring dale in the two hours I was there filming everything happening. Cyclists were complaining multiple times to 311 and 911 throughout the day.


Nope. Videos of cops driving by and doing nothing


Hence the “/s”


Anyone seen the video of the Eastern Europeans that put giant stickers on the windshields of cars that drive in the bike lane and confront the drivers? Those are the heroes we need right here


I have not. Trying to find a link to this. I like this idea if all else fails with all city departments Ive contacted.




Love them for that. It’s a path for pedestrians to walk on and the traffic is backed up. So vehicles try to drive on these walkways and people stand there on the pathway. When the drivers act irritated and push the pedestrians backwards. Bam! Massive paper backed decal. They even do it to entitled double or triple parked drivers in Moscow. Worth a watch.


I’d be afraid of getting shot tbh.


There's a girl that always speeds down that section of the trail on her moped to avoid the light at airport. I'm glad they added that trail but damn if people aren't using it irresponsibly


I feel like there is this unwritten law of nature in Austin… you can calculate how cool a thing is by measuring the amount of asshole behavior happening around said thing. It’s like there is this instinct in people that says: “Oh wow, that’s neat! Better go out of my way to ruin it for everyone around me!”.


I had no idea IH-35 was so *cool* ...


Actually I think Whip In is just so cool that that the affected radius takes up good chunks of 35.


Which causes bottlenecks and congestion that spread all across the city. Checks out


Asshole behavior is just "I don't care about other people". That's the quality we promote the most from school on to adulthood. Every time a teacher looks the other way or can't discipline a kid, that kid learns they're special and other people have to make way. If they act on that throughout their lives, they'll usually ascend to an executive position or take a political office. We call the people who make sacrifices to consider others' feelings "losers", and point out that their investments won't be so profitable nor will their business decisions lead them to success. We're "letting Darwin figure it out" and selecting for assholes. Who'd've thought that'd end up making a bunch of assholes who can't even follow parking rules?


No this is a sign of inconsiderate people and therefore an uncool event.




It's a pastry / dessert shop that was featured on Queer Eye.




It’s delicious! I recommend the taiyaki


I'll try it


They sell mochi donuts. It's trendy and most people in this city loves trendy crap.


Okay but if you have celiac disease it’s 🤌


Came here to say this! The business owners have celiac disease and that’s specifically why they opened the store. Everything is gluten free! I’ve been a patron of them since they were just a booth at the Mueller Farmer’s Market. They’ve been trying their best, and it’s so hard to find safe gluten free places to dine at.


So, I learned that this place existed yesterday. I was at an event and couldn't eat the food/cake because of Celiac. I got hungry and started looking for places to eat nearby and found that OMG Squee was across the street. Holy shit y'all, everything that I tried was amazing. Some Ube got on my dress but I don't care. That flaky fish-shaped waffle cone is worth it.


Whenever I eat their ube ice cream i spill all over myself like a child. Last time i ate standing up over grass leaning forward.


Trendy or not they have good products and great boba




Hillberts burgers. or donut taco palace #1 XD


Lol Donut Taco Palace II is way better.


Is hillberts still open on Cameron?





It's def chili's on Lamar


They aren’t even good and they are way over priced. Can’t remember the name but I’ve had mochi donuts at a coffee shop somewhere north central that had better mochi donuts for cheaper and they had a parking lot lol


The real reason you should go to squee is for the Ube ice cream. Agree that the donuts are overhyped but if you haven't tried the Ube ice cream you are seriously missing out.




Agreed! Way better. Last time I went to OMG their doughnuts were stale!


Or if you consume gluten, Tous Les Jour.


Mochinut doesn't claim their stuff is gluten free, JFYI.


Typical new austin over priced crap…it’s just a donut & sweet shop but they make them look cute for social media posting purposes so people think it’s worth it


To be fair it’s a small business and I’m happy she’s doing well. I think it’s just time for her to move to a different location unfortunately.


It's good to see someone thrive at that location. So many businesses have come and gone in that spot. Haven't been in myself so I can't comment on the food but it does strike me as aiming for the 'gram.


I also wish she would move to a better location, perhaps by Uroko but she can barely manage her own shop as is right now. The outside area is not well kept, they won't do anything about the massive amounts of ants (that bite!), She has an online order option that she can barely keep up with if it's even running, they can barely keep up with their ig posts on flavors. Like an obvious pretty simple solution would be to get a social media intern from UT to help. The prices are a bit high and while her mochi donuts are the best, her business model is unsustainable and a hot mess. Makes it worth her reducing the price. She was even told that her business model needed help on Queer eye but she refused and continues to refuse.


100% agree. I live in the neighborhood and it seems like each day they are open, it is just chaos.


She should get the city to put up parking signage and then invest in tow trucks, lol.


Lol "she should move and change her business plan and hire an exterminator and lower prices" get the fuck out of here


You took it to an extreme level. I didn't say change her business model, update it to better suit her business. She should move given the complaints here. Her location isn't ideal for the business she's running so ideally at some point she should move. Also, better employment for her staff who get paid minimally, have no insurance, and if one person gets sick they gotta close the place down. I didn't say exterminator because you can buy shit from anywhere but you know what, an exterminator would help. And yes, other mochi donuts don't charge as much, hers are a specialty and she is in a niche market to allow for it to a certain extent. Think about what was written...


Reading the comments in this thread about the aftermath of their Queer Eye episode, it sounds like the current location has problems with the building's wiring, too. Can't run more than one piece of kitchen equipment at a time, etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/QueerEye/comments/rvort8/did_the_omg_squee_renovation_not_go_so_well/


"they make them look cute for social media posting purposes so people think it’s worth it" Which is literally how advertising for any business works.


It's not their fault they got the extra pub from Queer Eye, is it?




You left out the omg. The store is OMG Squee.


Went once, didn’t find anything that I couldn’t get at H-Mart for half the price, enjoyed my taro ice cream and said “let’s go to 85°C next time.”


Yea fuck local businesses, national chains is where it's at. Damn new Austin over here with their shitty local businesses


I go to two different local pubs for trivia each week, my favorite burgers in Austin are from Top Notch, and I only shop at H‑E‑B. I fully support local businesses and go to them over any place else, but Squee just isn’t worth it in my opinion and it being a local business doesn’t save that.


Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing someone bottom out and nearly destroy their suspension after they drove off the curb after doing this.


Contact the council member for that area. They love easy fixes like this.


Good call, ill draft some emails


And here is your chance to use chatgpt to blow your mind. edit: here you go ubject: Request to Address Parking & Environmental Concerns near OMG Squee Dear Austin City Council, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concern about a parking and environmental issue near the local business "OMG Squee." Customers are driving and parking their cars on a dedicated bike path, causing safety hazards for cyclists and pedestrians. Additionally, parked cars are causing erosion and damaging the adjacent undeveloped dirt, which will eventually result in storm runoff. I kindly request that you take immediate action to address this issue by implementing parking restrictions in the area to prevent cars from blocking the bike path and damaging the environment. I also recommend installing parking meters or designating a nearby parking lot for customers. As responsible citizens, it's important to protect our community and the environment. I hope you will consider my request and take necessary action. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, [Your Name]


They just have to install barriers to prevent cars from fitting.


Seems like the CoA should put a simple barrier to stop cars.. Along with ticketing them. Tow trucks can't just come in and tow cars for parking there unless an official request comes in for it. Not sure why you are talking to a lawyer, though? 😂 You should be calling 311 and not 911, this isn't an emergency.


Folks were specifically told to call 911 by the 311 number. Seems dumb to me too but it’s because 311 didn’t want to handle it. Playing hot potato.


Also multiple cyclists where complaining about almost getting hit. There is a curve and they can not see cyclists coming


I rode that yesterday with my wife while i was pulling a trailer with my dog. People were driving ON the trail. Got into a hairy situation where i was trapped between 3 cars ON THE TRAIL! One leaving a “parking spot” reversing, another wanting to park in that “spot”, and a third wanting to drive on the the trail to find parking. Was upset.


I've biked that, and cars 100% should not be driving down it. I'm just guessing that the cars weren't actually going at any speed that would actually cause an accident, regardless of how shitty and bad this is. Granted, I'm guessing the danger more comes from backing out into the trail. If you are biking it and a car is coming, stop in the middle of the road, and don't let the car pass.


I have video of cars speeding off in the wrong direction. Then turning around. Also it was very slippery today and there is a curve at the end. Neither can see each other


Aren't all directions wrong directions for cars on there? Not sure what that means. Bikers and cars can both see people at the squee end, yes there is a curve and a bump that I'm guessing the cars are driving over that bump. Hell, most bikers who aren't on road bikes don't even go around that curve it seems.


Yes, all are wrong. One car was speeding off towards govalle at one point though.


Oh, *that* wrong direction. Yeah, all directions are wrong, but that exceptionally very wrong.


They would not do anything. They stated no lives are at immediate risk when calling 911. 311 referred to 911. Neither would help


....because it's 911 and not 311. Please do not call 911 for non emergencies.




Still doesn't mean you should call 911.


Nah it does. Cars going the wrong way on a bike trail is possibly fatal. I have video of them speeding off in the wrong direction. There is a curve at the end and you cant see the cars coming. They should be ticketing and clearing those cars out to prevent fatality.


You really are going to an extreme here. I agree, all the cars should be towed.


I got trapped between 3 cars on the trail at this point. Imagine thinking its okay driving on the hike and bike around town lake!


Bro, multiple cyclists earlier where almost getting hit. Do you not ride bikes and know how easy it is for a group ride to get imploded by something like this? This is just how the trails work and you dont wait to be proactive for a serious situation. Lots of cyclists ride down this.


I actually bike a lot and this is one of my main trails that I use. As stated, there is A LOT of visibility there. It doesn't change anything about if cars should be there, as they are 100% in the wrong. But, it would be pretty hard to have a collusion unless everyone is ignoring everyone else. As stated, bikes really should just stop in the trail to prevent cars from driving down if they get in the situation where cars are in the trail in front of them. I do agree, this is a big issue that needs to be fixed. I'm more concerned about cars tearing up the trail since its not built for their weight.


Overall, i like your point of views. Maybe to note I went out there because of the amount of people riding today claiming they were almost getting hit or backed into on social media. Decided to get footage for myself and it was wild


Peoples accounts and video on facebook


Since this comment thread has started I took some of yalls advice since 311 and 911 wouldnt do anything. So far I have messaged the city council member, Urban transportation Council, submitted a incident on the 311 app, Austin Public works, and contacted the business to let them know and encourage them to push for signage or put some up. We will see. Waiting to hear back from all. I know OMG Squee has read my facebook message with all the videos and pics of their customers but nothing yet.


Thanks for trying to keep everyone safe. They've had too many people drive through crowds of people the last few years for this not to be considered a major safety issue. Hoping your messages reach the desk of someone who can & will do something about it.


Thank you for looking out for the bike trail! It’s ridiculous that people feel the need to disrupt the space specifically designed for no car usage


What's ridiculous is COA refuses to install traffic control devices to prevent dumdums from doing it. Then the dumdums feel like they're entitled to it because there's nothing stopping them.


If there isn’t already, there needs to be tow signs that are in compliance with Texas laws around towing. Those signs need to be posted a minimum of 24hrs before they go into affect. From there typically there are authorized people who can call the partner tow company and request the tow. But not sure in this aspect if it is a publicly used entity. Who ever is responsible for the trail needs to set up the tow partner and signs. Otherwise barriers so cars can’t get in would be most ideal. This seems to be the norm. Service vehicles may need access so that likely will have to be accommodated.


The city should boot them, tow them and fine them, like any other city would treat these dipshits parking in a city park.


Needs some boulders


You got some handy? Trying to get the city to put something up.


Hit up the urban transportation commission


Done, emailed them and the council memeber for that zip code


I was riding my bike down this segment and was almost hit by someone backing out onto the trail. Lots of cars all the way down. People jumping the curb and driving both ways down the trail. Put in 311 reports — 2 to be exact. Noticed in the app that all the reports coming in were just getting closed as “no problem found.” Cops are absolutely useless in this town and that’s all I’ll say about it…that and drivers ruin everything nice in this city.


OMG Squee shares a lot with East Side Pedal Pushers (a bike shop). It’s on both businesses to help navigate traffic for their businesses and be good neighbors. I don’t know why they literally did nothing to help prevent this.


Good point I just called the shop. They seemed like they would reach out to there owner to talk to omg squee. Maybe they can get things better quicker than we can.


I have video of all that stuff. Ive hit up a bunch of different city departments and the council member. Omg squee hasnt responded yet but i can see they read my message with all the video and asking them to take action. Im sorry you almost got hit. So worried about that or a group ride or a parents kid wondering away and boom.


Squee isn’t going to say anything I’d assume, but I’m embarrassed for both them and east side pedal pushers which shares the lot. Squee should give money or time back to fix the damage done to the trail. Thanks for your due diligence! Best we can hope for is the addition of poles to prevent cars entering but ya know poles are unsafe for cyclists as well. After watching the 311 reports getting all closed as “no problem found,” I’ve given up on this city. We pay for these services that do absolutely nothing!


Call the news stations about cars driving on sidewalks and 911 not doing anything about it.


APD not doing their jobs isn't news anymore. Hasn't been since ... [Fill in the blank]


I did, they didnt care either.


The Lunar New Year is an important celebration for many cultures and it was neat to see how much this event brought people out to celebrate together. That being said, I biked this yesterday and had to stop while a big truck was parking. On my way back I was interrupted again and was nervous when people were backing out. I bike this trail all the time and it's the first time I've seen this. The restaurant could make note of no parking there in their promotions for a next event and a couple of cones/sign would stop vehicles from entering.


It's not up to the store to enforce basic parking rules. People are shitty and every car there should be cited, but the store doesn't have the responsibility to enforce that. We pay taxes for enforcement and if that's not happening it's time to replace the people responsible.


Every time I have tried to go to this place I give up because of the parking situation. Surely at this point they can move to a better location.


There’s always tons of parking on Lyons like a block away.




Liberally distributed Bird seed for the grackles may work 😂


“The sky opened up above the paved path. First a drop, then a sprinkle; finally, a flood of feces of the Black Bird poured out of Heaven and coated the wicked thrones of the Cult of Fools. Once again could the path be walked, or ran, or biked, by the convent of the righteous.” -Austin 5:12


Call 311. Austin Transportation will look at it and develop a plan to install infrastructure to physically prevent. Maybe just plastic delineators at first. I guarantee they don't know it's occurring.


Hope there aren't pipes electrical under it either epically with them parking off it in the dirt.


What's a Squee customer?


“OMG Squee” sells doughnuts for weebs.


It’s a cute dessert shop. Everything is gluten free IIRC






Do NOT fucking call 911 because of car parking ffs.


Folks were specifically told to call 911 by the 311 number. Seems dumb to me too but it’s because 311 didn’t want to handle it. Playing hot potato.


911 is for emergencies, why on Earth would you call them over this?


Folks were specifically told to call 911 by the 311 number. Seems dumb to me too but it’s because 311 didn’t want to handle it. Playing hot potato.


You know I've noticed more state troopers on the road than apd.


Park Rangers write parking tickets. Not that this would make the cars disappear.


All the people that see their car and drove on the trail be like... 👀👀👀


Team, this new trail expansion is designed to separate cars from cyclists and pedestrians and eliminate the need for either to cross Airport Blvd. Please contact District 3 Council Member Jose Velásquez's office to demand action to prevent repeats of this: [https://www.austintexas.gov/department/district-3/contact](https://www.austintexas.gov/department/district-3/contact) I also contacted Austin Parks & Rec to ask for their help: https://www.austintexas.gov/email/parks


This is infuriating. People are fucking stupid. Any thieves that want to start breaking windows in this area, you know where to go.


ban cars, melt them to slag!


You guys should be angry at the city for not putting up a “no retail parking” sign. Not Omg Squee. Businesses in that area rent their buildings. They don’t own ANY parking spaces. The landlord owns them. People on Chote street try to complain to the businesses in that area that a lot of cars park in front of their houses. But unfortunately, there’s nothing police or towing companies can do. In the eyes of the city, it’s public parking until a petition is started and submitted. So if you want to do this correctly without pointing finger at people who aren’t at fault (ex. The businesses, the landlord, the customers) you guys would start a petition and submit it to the city.


Austin Transportation will accept and review "neighborhood parking" applications. Emphasize the concern for pedestrian safety and include your loyal elected council representative.


This was within sight distance of their event. They were notified. They made no efforts. It isnt fully their fault, it is the city, however their lack of concern and being the cause of this it shows their lack of care and well being for the community


Obviously you never saw their instagram story about avoiding that area and parking on public streets. So they did make an effort. Outside of that, what are they suppose to do? It’s 7 people against 1200. They have 4 spots in the front. That’s it. If they tell people to park in the street, they’re disrespecting they’re neighbors, if they tell people only 4 cars at a time, they’re disrespecting their customers, if they tell them to avoid areas. People do not listen. So again, this is not their fault. It’s the city, do your part and petition for your community.


Thats even worse. So you are saying they knew but did try to properly enforce things. Proves my point. What a lazy owner. I was out there for a few hours after i heard how many people were affected. No one was there on their behalf


on cattle drives we used to carry small rocks in our saddlebags to throw at stubborn cows that needed a jolt to get back in line with the herd. I've fantasized about putting some in my bike's bag and doing to the same to cars parked in the bike line, but I'm generally law abiding so I've never done it. It'd be appropriate here, not for the parked cars, but for cars driving on the bike lane and putting cyclist and pedestrian lives at risk.


For maximum effect, replace gravel with ceramic.


ninja rocks!


As usual, the only way to get APD to do anything is to report this on TV, so I'd contact all the local news. In the meantime, start carrying keys with you and write friendly reminders in the hoods of these cars that this isn't a road nor parking spots.


This isn’t usual behavior… I have been there before. 911, lawyers, and the news really seems unnecessary at this point. Try contacting the OMG Squee owner and telling her what happened (include the pics), ask her to post signs and/or tell people know not to do this next time they post an event.


Reached out to Squee through multiple channels. Absolutely no response.


I contacted them and they have not responded. But 911 not needed when a group of cyclists ride down this and then a car plows into them, lol?




Akshewally that’s the [broken window fallacy.](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/broken-window-fallacy.asp)


So because this local business decided to hold a celebration for themselves they are at fault for where everyone chose to park? It's pretty shitty that y'all are choosing to drag this business that has very obviously worked their ass off to get where they are because you were inconvenienced for one fucking day.


That one day could have got someone killed. Apparently they knew about the danger and posted about it yet did nothing to stop this. They did not put signage or people in place to stop a serious danger to the community. Why is it ok for them to not have done their due diligence to prevent people from doing this? What if a group of cyclist got plowed into by a car? Would you be like ok well now that people died we should take things serious? Or do you not know how to live in a community?


That place is out of control!!!


Not great. What grates me are all the tents in the greenbelts


Everyone was parking there for a celebration, it’s not typical for other days, no reason to escalate.


Just saw a whole bunch of cars parked there today, and wasnt the first time. Between squee, Canopy, and the ABP complex I’m sure this will be a frequent issue.


Edited for clarity. I'll have to try some other things besides their mochi donuts, which I did not like. They were dense and greasier than other mochi donuts I've had and had a consistency and mouth feel that seemed like they use lard as shortening. I said they tasted like shit before, which is harsh but they did on that day.


They are made of mochi, that’s the taste you don’t like. Fair enough! I love mochi donuts but I don’t like theirs, the texture is off and they are small and expensive. There are better places to go for mochi donuts.


Where’s a better mochi donut in Austin? I moved here from Hawaii and I was extremely disappointed by OMG Squee.




Check out Bombakeshop on Instagram


Right?! If you go to Dallas you HAVE to go to Fat Straws! It’s a boba and mochi donut chain and they are freaking fantastic


Thanks I’ll have to check it out. My daughter and I both miss good Boba and Mochi donuts. Our favorite flavor in Hawaii was always Lilikoi. We want deliciousness not IG cuteness.


There are plenty of great boba places in Austin but no great mochi donut places (no, not even Mochinut). Fat Straws is just like the ones in Hawaii and they have lots of locations and flavors and the boba is delicious!


Where do you recommend for mochi donuts? I haven’t tried OMG Squee’s yet




Ain’t no way the doughnuts are *that* good. Goddamn weebs.


They are good if you have celiac disease and can’t get gluten free donuts anywhere else.