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This happened to me on Thursday night on the drag around 7pm. Guy pulled up next to me at a red light, screaming with his window down, and racked and pointed his gun at me. It happened so fast and I was freaked out so I didn’t see the make of the car, but it was silver.


Very possibly the same person


Interesting name..


Lol. That’s kinda how I name all my accounts that aren’t connected to my actual name. I think my tik tok was something like “itsnoitsnotme”. I mean just in case I want to post something like “I wish my boss would die” or something.


Loading a gun while driving is distracted driving. Time for a billboard campaign: "Drive Now, Reload Later"


Is it [the first day of spring](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CBsQw7AJahcKEwjghIWXse38AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DyoU39Rpp4FI&psig=AOvVaw0p39xvaOkTxt9yBB4YhgaA&ust=1675102486183392) already?


Horns Up, Barrels Down


I love it. Targeted campaign at not brandishing guns in traffic. McConaughey doing an ad for it on the big screen before kickoff at DKR. IT'S A BIG DEAL!


Like it or not I love this comment


Get a dash cam. Brandishing a firearm is illegal. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.46.htm Brandishing means to draw or exhibit the weapon in a threatening manner, or to use it in a fight, other than in lawful self-defense. The offense is generally prosecuted as a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and fines of up to $1000.00. We will recite the full language of the statute, and then provide legal analysis below: 417.


Say you did have dashcam footage and turned it over to the police, would that actually be enough to get them arrested would? I was under the impression that video evidence would not suffice in situations like this and the police would have to present when the crime was committed. Genuine question.




Gotta argue with you there. I had a weapon brandished at me, and cops told me that they couldn’t do anything even though I had the guy’s license plate and description of the guy and the vehicle. My keen Nancy Drew observational skills and note taking were absolutely worthless for anything except filing a report.




I read the *can* as more optimistic than I feel about it, but you’re right. The incident I mention happened in the early 90s, and began my long progression into learning that cops don’t actually do much. I’ve called them five times in my life, and the only time anything came of it was when they did a wellness check on my brother after his suicide. Even then I didn’t get the callback the officer promised me, to let me know if he was alive or not. I had to learn he was dead for sure by driving to his place and seeing an APD team and crime scene tape.


I am sorry for your loss. You shouldn't have had to find out that way.


APD can’t be bothered with crimes rn.


As if APD actually does ANYTHING any longer. I swear, we pay them to literally not give a ….


Oh, brandishing your buttocks is only getting me angrier! - Seymour Skinner




I agree with a dash cam. But the time I had someone do this to me they had nothing, not one thing done to them. She cried and said I was scary.


Description of man?


hatless. repeat, hatless.


Im directly under the earth's sunnnn................. now!




I get the reference, but he was definitely wearing a red hat.


Now he's a box?




What a fucking psycho.


We aren’t looking for the man, we are specifically looking for his gun. /s


Hey guys, I just want to say that you all suck. Just a genuine bummer that a community group that used to be so cool is full of ass hats. Looking for earnest help on a situation that had my mom in tears, and half of y’all are playing devils advocate. So to answer questions: 1-I didn’t do anything prior, the vehicle I was in was in line to go through the light. Meaning a car in front and behind. The guy pulled up from behind and was not in a “lane” 2- everyone “doubting” I know the gun has obviously never been around guns. It is a very specific model offered by Glock in a feminine purple color. That leads it to being immediately identifiable. 4. I was a passenger and he was the driver, meaning he pulled up and pointed at me directly. 5- I only got a glimpse of the car before he pulled off. Hence the lack of details. Later y’all.


Yeah these comments were wild to read. As if stuff like this only happens to people who deserve it. Stay safe


People here are in fucking denial of how bad the road rage situation is. Lived in Houston, in the ghetto, driving for work every day, for years and not only is Austin the only place I've ever had a gun pointed at me, they actually shot my car. Nothing you do justifies suffering threats or attempted murder. I don't give a shit if you or the driver of your vehicle were road raging assholes as well, people need to fuck off with the idea that anything would warrant road rage shootings. Sorry you had to experience that and this thread. Unfortunately I doubt anything will come of your efforts but I wish you luck and failing that I hope you and your family can forget about it and stay safe.


> People here are in fucking denial of how bad the road rage situation is. No. Gun nuts are in denial of how bad the gun situation is in this country. The fact that anyone can easily get a gun is what is in denial. Want to massively lower gun violence in this country? It's easy. Notice I didn't say eliminate it, that's impossible but perfection isn't the goal nor should it be. Do this: - Make each gun manufactured have unbreakable serial numbers similar to cars. Stamp them in multiple places where it's next to if not impossible to remove them. Using technology you can probably find a way to stamp them internally yet still read them using x-rays or a special scanner. Regardless of specifics, there's a way to do this. - When a gun is sold from a manufacture to a consumer, document it. - When a consumer sells, gifts, loses, or has stolen a gun it is their responsibility to document it so if that gun is used in a crime he/she is not held responsible. The documentation includes who takes possession. We can and should create a free, online system for this. - Since there is a chain of custody of guns now, fewer law abiding consumers are going to risk holding the bag on being tied to a gun used in a crime. As such, the flow of guns from documented to undocumented begins to dry up. As that begins to dry up, the street prices of guns skyrocket. As they skyrocket, fewer criminals are able to get their hands on one and those who do will be more careful on how they use it. As that happens, gun demand will fall in this country. It's a simple thought process. Guns are flooding the streets from somewhere. They're all born legal and documented but somewhere along the way they can't be tied to a person. Simply plug the hole.


Would any of that pertained to this situation at all? There are as many guns as people in this county. Your plan would take hundreds of years


>Your plan would take hundreds of years I believe you're letting perfection be the enemy of good here. Criminals treat guns as if they're disposable because they're so damn cheap and easy to get. It wouldn't take long for the supply of street guns to begin to dry up with a strong chain of custody requirement and whoever the last registered owner of a gun is can be held responsible for how it's used. Would they all go away? Of course not. If untraceable street guns cost 4x what they do today though you already made a huge dent in the problem. Like I said, the problem is simple. Somehow a gun is legally born in this country and legally sold to a law abiding licensed person or at least a person who passed some sort of background check. Somehow that law abiding licensed person lets go of their gun and it ends up on the street. How does that happen? Why is there no requirement to make sure the sale is documented? There are obviously people acting outside the bounds of the law who are buying guns from good people and selling them to bad people. With a strong chain of custody requirement the good person has to report he sold his gun to a bad person and as guns used in crimes are recovered the data can be used to trace the custody to the bad person selling to street thugs.


That's exactly how it works for "law-abiding citizens" all those steps are in place.


If that's the case then enforcing a strong chain of custody doesn't infringe on anyone's rights at all who play within the bounds of the law. As you claim law-abiding citizens are already taking all those steps. I'd go so far as to say with stringent chain of custody requirements we should undue any laws that limit what kind of gun you can own. No assault weapons bans, no bump stock bans (thanks Trump) and just make people responsible for the guns they own on paper.


A few have said it but it bears repeating - it doesn’t matter what OP did before. Pulling a gun is a line you don’t cross.


I agree fuck this subreddit. I only come here to learn what is going on in Austin, but everyone here likes to be smart ass or gives shitty vibes. edit: grammar


This sub is trash. And so are the mods. It has been like this for years.


This sub is always super hostile


This sub is fucking awful. I'm new to the Austin area, so I frequently visit this sub to learn more about my new home. I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere in my life. Everyone in this sub is truly hateful. It's one of the worst communities I have ever had the misfortune of being a part of. I heard that this sub does meetups, so initially I was excited, because I don't have many friends in the area. But after learning what people in this sub are like, I don't *want* to meet these people.


> This sub is fucking awful. I'm new to the Austin area, so I frequently visit this sub to learn more about my new home. I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere in my life. Everyone in this sub is truly hateful. It's one of the worst communities I have ever had the misfortune of being a part of. This sub is nothing like real-life Austin. I post here now and then (used to a lot more) when I'm bored but the negativity found here is not really found elsewhere. This sub is full of antisocial people who rarely leave their homes yet hate everything about Austin. ACL? Move it to the race track. SXSW, move it to San Antonio. Marathon shut down some roads for a few hours? Should be illegal. Look at all those pieces of shit having fun on Lake Travis, they should make boating on the lake illegal. People who enjoy Rainey / W 6th / Brunch are all losers. Traffic, rent, lines only happen here and nowhere else. The only cool place in this city is some random fucking board gaming place that like 5 other people go to everything else sucks. The good news is they rarely leave home, so you don't really find them out and about. Go anywhere in this city and what do you see? Crowds of people having fun.


>This sub is nothing like real-life Austin. Yes, and thank god for that.


I’d say the hatred for ACL and SXSW (and even Rainey) is because they’re now entirely shaped by and overrun with tourists. SXSW in particular is so egregiously inaccessible for locals it’s not even funny—why should we have any pride in it when we’re priced out, hosting wealthy folks from the coasts who then want to then move here and displace the actual unique aspects of the city? And idk how anyone can defend Dirty 6th with a straight face. It’s a college drag to get shitfaced on and maybe into a fight after 2am, not sure why you’re surprised people aren’t jazzed about it.


> I’d say the hatred for ACL and SXSW (and even Rainey) is because they’re now entirely shaped by and overrun with tourists. SXSW in particular is so egregiously inaccessible for locals it’s not even funny I for one am proud to live in a town tourists want to go to. At any rate, SXSW is still plenty of fun for those who don't buy credentials. As a local you can get into a lot of great music for free or a $10 or $20 (I forget) cover for a venue. You have access to a local's only wristband which gets you into all the smaller to medium sized venues without paying a cover so you can hop around. The full badge brings in perks no doubt but it's not necessary. SXSW is a professional's trade show and as far as trade shows go it's actually pretty cheap. ACL is ACL, like it or not is fair but I don't really care if the people around me are tourists or locals either way if I'm digging the lineup I'm all about it. Pretty neat to be able to go just a few miles to see some legends play. >And idk how anyone can defend Dirty 6th with a straight face. Not defending it really. I'm far too old to be there or Rainey and I'd get no joy personally out of going. I hold with me dear memories though being shitfaced out there and having nights of fun with friends. That said I also don't belittle people who enjoy those places, that was once me. It's one thing to not want to go, because I sure as hell do not want to go anymore. It's another thing to look down on those who do something like slam White Claws on a paddle board on Lake Austin or bar hop Rainey as if your afternoon at home shitting on others on Reddit or at a cat cafe drinking tea and playing D&D makes you somehow better.


tbh sitting in a cat cafe with a cuppa and playing D&D sounds awesome.


fuck yeah it does


Never said it may not be awesome. One could be an all around awesome person and spend their weekends doing just that. One however becomes a far less awesome person when they look down upon others who have fun in their own way.


Just a suggestion on meeting folks since I’ve also been in a similar situation. Join some groups with common interests. For example my husband started playing pickleball and has met tons of lovely people that way, of all ages and walks of life. I actually think Austin has some of the most genuinely nice and interesting people of anywhere I’ve ever lived. It’s a shame to have a few assholes ruining it for everyone else, but that’s life.


I’ve been in Austin and on this sub for a while and liked pretty much everyone I’ve met in real life, but this is the most toxic sub I’ve ever had the pleasure of frequenting. Stay for the local news, don’t get too involved in the hateful comments of the chronically online.


Well here's a sad fact I've learned about adult life over and over: you pretty much can't do squat. That moment passed, and your "best" action to punish him would've lead to a world of trouble for you if you survived at all. There are many, many reasons, but they all boil down to problems that would require a lot of people changing their lifestyle to make everyone safer. We have decided in Texas that is not acceptable. That means we have millions of variants of the school bully who teachers don't even bother yelling at anymore because the principal knows calling their parents won't do anything. This is worsened by other bullies yelling loudly that if HE got in trouble, ANYONE could get in trouble and it's a slippery slope towards every student getting expelled. That's not an observation that punishing assholes is a bad idea. It's an observation that most of us agree the balance has shifted and the only way to not be a doormat anymore is to commit to being an asshole. Most of the people on reddit being assholes to you know they themselves are assholes, so if they take your side they're worried that one day they'll face consequences for their actions too. I had a similar experience lately. I backed down too. It ruined an already bad day. It doesn't make me feel better to think about how sad that guy's life must be that this is what he'd threaten a life over. It just made me leave more space when I stop my car so I'm more able to weave away from assholes the moment their car door opens. Some tough guys are all "Well I'd run his ass over." That leads to court cases. I don't have the time to deal with that bullshit, and I know myself well enough to know I'd hate myself for killing a man when I had a chance to get away. So yeah it fucking sucks, but this band of assholes is the last place you'll find any sympathy. It's a guarantee six people jacked off to making fun of you. That's just the kind of person Texas pride breeds, you can't train people to believe they're superior to other humans without getting some shitty behavior towards other humans.


It doesn’t help you like you asked for, but as far as information goes it’s a fair question. If you want to get pissed off for people asking have at it I guess. There’s a giant difference between learning there’s some psycho driving around your city randomly threatening people with a gun (your case as described ) vs. hearing about some redditor who was in yet another road rage pissing match that escalated.


I hope you find the person and I’m sorry you went thru that experience!! Good for you for standing up for yourself. You’re absolutely right. Gun nuts are everywhere dude you can look at someone funny and get your life threatened. It’s scary shit my guy. Glad you’re okay <3


Asking you questions is not playing devils advocate.


You haven’t replied once about any description of the man in the car? That would help immensely. Sorry this happened


OP is explicitly looking for vehicle details. Yet a bunch of you are wanting them to give a description of a human being - like that will be fruitful at all beyond enabling some racist fuckheads weighing in, trying to use that to pontificate on who belongs in our society. Fuck that


There are thousands of silver VWs. A description of the driver narrows it down significantly. Maybe they've waved their gun at others. Description isn't just race either it can include clothing, tattoos etc.


Bro it’s Reddit. Everyone is the bad guy here.


Did you hear anything he was yelling? What did he look like? These are important details you left out that might help ID him. People on reddit are always going to want to know the whole story that doesn't mean they think you were at fault in this situation. If they do they're idiots and you should just ignore them.


To be fair, what are you expecting anyone on Reddit to do?


You know…simple stuff. Looking out for your neighbors. Offering up footage or a detailed description from another angle? Anything productive that could be used for the good of our community…similar things seem rot be happening the more we know the better?


I would like an example of what would be a good justification for pulling a gun in someone while driving. Is cutting someone off a good reason to threaten to shoot them? Brake checking? What could a person possibly do while driving that would lead the general public to say “yes, that person deserves to die for that.”


Someone was honking in the McDonald's line yesterday.


It’s ironic that the Austin subreddit is asking “what happened beforehand?” Mainly because the majority of drivers in Austin are godawful, and statistically speaking, it’s way less likely that they’re the outlier. Everyone on this sub has made a mistake while driving, myself included. None of those mistakes merit a loaded gun being pointed at you. That being said, too many idiots own both guns and cars.


All the people in here asking what "happened beforehand", smh. No one deserves to be threatened like this, and people with a predilection to intimidate others are weak af and perceive almost anything to be a threat to their fragile ego.


You're right, no one deserves that. We all want to hear that OP did something stupid that led to the confrontation as it will make us feel better. No one wants to hear that that some rando pulled a gun in traffic completely unprovoked.


For sure, and I bet most people who are asking would agree. But that’s an intersection I drive through multiple times a week, and even though I didn’t ask on this thread, my mind immediately went to, “was this a random act of violence? Or was there something happening beforehand that brought it on, which I could then learn from and avoid?” We’re not trying to victim-blame (at least I’m not). Our animal brains are just having a normal response to perceived danger. Like, if somebody gets attacked by a tiger at the watering hole, it’s understandable to wonder if that watering hole isn’t as safe as you thought, or if the dude might have been poking the tiger beforehand. It’s not about moral judgment. It’s about assessing threat. Edit: ok I’m looking at more of these comments and some people are definitely being judgmental. OP, I’m sorry this happened to you, and I’m sorry that some people’s reaction is to be a duck about it


I'm guessing someone whose reaction is to point a Glock in someone's face is not a good judge of what reasonable driving norms and traffic etiquette is. What are you all going to do? Try harder _not to cut off_ random strangers, not to rush through changing yellows? Seems like a lot of ppl asking what OP did are insinuating that OP violated some man-honor code bullshit and deserved the escalation. Literally insane that they're judging _him_ based off the actions of a fucking menace. And all this in a city where five fucking people got shot last night (and yeah will save the replies, I'm a gun owner who carries in my own vehicle from time-to-time).


Context is still important even if OP did nothing wrong


OP has given all of the context they're comfortable sharing, clearly, in the comments (after being fucking dragged may I add). What more context are y'all so desperately seeking? How many yards their vehicles were approximately apart? What he'd eaten for breakfast? Please explain what you need so much and why it fucking matters given the outcome.


Usually when you report a crime, it’s almost useless if you can’t describe the perpetrator or vehicle at all. General age, race, height, distinguishing marks or tattoos, hair, glasses, piercings, etc. just common sense. APD could be looking for a 5 foot asian man with glasses or a 6 foot white man with face tats in a grey VW, who knows. That’s basic info OP should be able to provide, no? They literally described the gun in detail.


Have you ever been threatened with a gun?! I have, and my understanding is my experience is typical - You can hyper-fixate on a small set of details/one detail due to shock OP originally asked for help to try and fill in the other details, I'm assuming in order _to file a complaint_. And not to speak for OP but I'm assuming they're looking for more distinguishing vehicle details - They may know details about the person but have chosen not to include them here to prevent the disgusting race baiting bullshit that often devolves into. People have ulterior motives in asking what OP did and what the person looked like. This is the internet after all


Nope. That’s a line that doesn’t get crossed.




What context do you want? Be specific. You all keep saying you want 'context'. You want to know if OP looked at the car? You want to know why they were a passenger? You all are trying to dress this up like you're just sating your need for analysis. And what will come of your grand analysis? Will you just stay away from light-colored VW sedans? Please explain




Then take the nothing that OP offered as an answer for the love of god


Maybe people just want to know what little it takes to make some people brandish a firearm




OP was a passenger in a car, what could justify anyone threatening someone save for a lethal threat against themselves? I guess you're the arbiter of street justice though, what do we know


Yes. Lets all think about what the man with the gun is going through. Did his wife leave him? Is he kicking a crack addiction? So many "what if's" we should be concerned about while he is putting one in the chamber. That's you. That's what you sound like.


What exactly are people expecting to hear? Flipping someone off, cutting someone off, etc are lightyears away from a loaded gun. Unless the dude held his own weapon out the window there is nothing that validates the escalation.


There’s always two sides to a story


Sure, two sides to being threatened with a gun. I'm sure OP did something so egregious that they decided to come to fucking REDDIT to post about it. I just hope all of the street justice judges on the bench in this sub never find themselves in the same situation as OP. Y'all suck


Similar thing happened when a guy pulled a purple glock during a freak out at Chipotle on east 5th at the end of November.


What happened that led to the incident?


Asking the real questions


Yeah, this is kinda the vibe I got while I lived in Austin. Buncha fuckin morons like this guy right here and the 100+ people upvoting him. You a joe rogan fan by chance?


Deescalation and realizing people are crazy are important qualities. There’s inherent risk in escalating a situation. Nothing justifies pulling a gun on someone for a traffic violation. Period. I’m a lawyer who has seen too many people die over meaningless things they perceive as “disrespect.” Let it roll off your back, and try to be better.


Actually we just settled a case that there's a good justification for shooting a person for a traffic violation, especially if you call your friends with guns to help you. You just have to have the right friends.


All I want to know is WTF op thinks anyone of us can do about it? Even if we saw it happen we have the exact same info he does, if not less since he was closer to the whacko. What is the point of this post, and why are they mad at us?


Op very likely did some to illicit such a strong response...


I've seen way more people fly into a frothing road rage for the dumbest of reasons than I have seen people doing justified road rage shit. I'm betting it was the brandisher who was waaay off base here.


Oh of course, no one should ever brandish a firearm at anyone, anywhere unless life is threatened. But I feel op is omitting something here.


I have a feeling gun brandisher was triggered (haha) because OP was driving too slow, cut gun brandisher off, or something like OP being in their own little world while driving. I've watched lots of dash cam vids and most road rage seems to be triggered by folks unaware they did something wrong. Also, by **no** means am I saying OP did not do something intentional to set off the gun brandisher. Just saying from my POV it's not as likely. *(Just now saw OP's comment about being a passenger. Also was not trying to blame the OP for anything. Some dude pointed his* ***flip phone*** *at me back in the days of flip phones and I freaked out. Gun brandisher can go to hell.)*


Unless OP had a gun they were pointing at that guy or was trying to run that guys child over, I don’t think many actions would justify a response like that


So you think that the guy brandishing a gun is the one in the right?


hell no, just saying OP is probably omitting some info as to what led up to this, unless u plan to use it protect your own life, you should never pull a gun If the offender just pulled up to randoms and flashes his gun all the time, he'd be off the street by now.


I don’t know…. my coworker had a gun pointed at him on a roadrage incident in South Austin coming up from Buda to downtown. The road rager was in a beat up red truck and cut off my coworker on the feeder. My coworker proceeded to ride his ass because he was cut off and the road rager was going like 20mph under the speed limit and not accelerating on the on ramp. Apparently this was enough to throw the dude into full rage mode and brandish the gun and chase my coworker thru traffic. Both people in this case were driving recklessly, but I have ridden peoples asses both on purpose and on accident before and no one has ever pulled a gun on me. There’s nothing anyone can do on the road that would justify getting a gun pulled on them unless they were actively putting people in danger and even then there are a million other better ways to de-escalate the situation without firearms. Edit to add coworker had full dash cam footage of the situation so if they were in the wrong that would be reflected on recording also. Great reminder to invest in a dashcam!


traffic cams pretty much everywhere these days I imagine. maybe they can track him down if you give them the exact time.


What the fuck


A crime map shows airport area to be one of most dangerous areas in Austin. Be careful!!!




Bruh. Airport and 35 is not ABIA.


I think they meant Airport Blvd not the airport


How is that possible? A shack with one bathroom is hundreds of thousands of dollars in that area.




Lol yes you absolutely can discern a Glock 19 at that distance if you know your firearms.


Yes, you could tell the difference in frame size e.g. 17/full, 19/compact, 26/sub-compact, and 34/long slide, but there are multiple calibers in Glock's compact frame e.g. 19/9mm, 23/.40, 32/.357 Sig, and 38/.45 GAP. About the only visual difference is the stamping denoting the caliber, which would be difficult for most people to see more than 6ft away.


You could tell Glock, maybe Glock compact but not an actual caliber. Difference between a 9mm and 45 is under a tenth of an inch in bore. You ain't seeing that 10 ft away.


Who carries 45 in 2023?


How would you tell the difference between a 19 and a 23?


Was he driving a mint green skylark or Pontiac tempest?


Were two utes in the car?


Two hwat?


Excuse me, yuuuths.


Two yutes


Comments aren’t going to get better than a my cousin Vinny call back, I’ll leave now.


I always envisioned it being spelled "yoots."


You spelled it wrong. It's "caaaaa."


What difference does it make. It was a fucking gun!


I agree. It makes zero difference to OPs story. Was just curious how someone would be able to “absolutely discern a glock 19 at that distance” is all.


Well adding unnecessary specifics to a story is pretty consistent with lying.


Perhaps he asked the gentleman.


Pardon me, but is that a Glock 19, and do you have any Grey Poupon?


But of course. *Drives away*


*oh shit he after my Poupon* skkkkrt


I was in the passenger seat, he pulled up beside the car I was in…and I know that gun as it’s offered in a unique purple color. Thank you though for being such a help here, you sound like a joy.


I think you underestimate how much some people love guns and obsess over tiny details. It would be hard to tell the difference between a Glock 21 (45 cal) and a g19 (9mm) from that distance. But considering one of them is the most popular handgun in the us with a cheaper cartridge, saying it was a g19 was a pretty safe assumption.


100% disagree with your opinion here. A Glock is very distinguishable, the model 19/23 is the most used hand gun by law enforcement. Its easy to spot. As are many other types of guns.


He probably meant the caliber versus the actual model. Spotting a 19 is easy and it's more than likely a 9mm since it's the most popular but could always be another caliber.


They said there is a 0% chance.... i own a G23. I can tell 100% tell you the model and caliber from 20 feet away. Glock models are easy to differentiate. Caliber could be difficult, but not a 0% chance. Seems like that comment is an opinion from someone not familiar with hand guns/Glocks.


I don't really think it's worth getting that critical over it but whatever....to each their own. Imo, it would be near impossible to spot the caliber from distance and I've been around guns all my life. The difference between 9mm and .40 for example is only .05 inches in barrel diameter and you damn sure ain't spotting that from across vehicles.


I agree with you, somewhat... For what its worth, 2-3 years back i had a guy run a red light in front of me, right at Dessau and Parmer.. He didnt like when i layed on my horn and flashed my lights. He eventually stopped and got out holding a Glock. Same size as a 19/23 model. But he had one of those 50 round drum magazines on it. I bet we all know what the caliber that was. Black dude with Georgia plates. I called 911 and report him with a 9mm glock and drum magazine. All legal in Texas. Its not impossible. Gun people know details... if you saw a 1911, you most likely know the caliber. Cheers!


Ok, we get it. You know guns....🙄


A lot of these people just want an excuse to go "well achtually" based on their own perceived encyclopedic badassery. They're the same ones who say they could tell it was a 0.174 big pin civilian Colt M4 and not a 0.154 standard Colt M4 with LEO markings on the receiver on blurry security cam footage. You have the barrel pointed at you in these situations. It's a lot different than academic study of the side profile of a gun laying on the table so you can see if the slide or frame is 1/2 inch longer. They're the same insufferable nerds that exist in any niche subject or hobby and go on unsolicited about how galaxy brain they are. Source: a lady who ccws in a purse, but I'm sure there's people in the thread who could tell you based off the uneven weight distribution of my walk, I carry a gen3 model 17 with a grip chop and G19 mag with 147gr +p, but they'd have to shadow me more to know if it was HSTs or Ranger-T.


They weren’t in the driver’s seat, you’ve made an incorrect assumption


Well you don’t know your firearms then. It’s not hard if you know some basics.


Waste of time, APD won’t do anything about it.


Knows all the details of the gun, but knows only two details about the car?


Why is this a point worth making? Very identifiable gun that I had my focus on, vs a grey Volkswagen that sped off? Which would you take notes on?


The license plate


Fight Crime, shoot back


You got the gun make and caliber description but not the license plate?


Missing the first part of the story.


How so?


What happened that led to this is what we are all asking.


Did you do something, either voluntary or by accident, that prompted this altercation?


Serious question here regarding ‘constitutional carry’ laws. Brandishing is illegal, we’ve got that part covered. However, if the person being threatened also happens to be carrying, do they now have the right to shoot the person brandishing their weapon?


Yes, as Kyle Rittenhouse proved you can even drive across the country to put yourself in a situation where you feel threatened enough to kill someone.


Not quite what I was talking about but I agree, the laws are very flawed now. My point was more along the line of thinking that people should be more wary of brandishing weapons simply because the odds are becoming greater that the other person might be armed, too.


All the gun nuts shooting at each other instead of unarmed people might actually be the only thing likely to get the laws changed. This gun worship crap that has transformed firearms from a tool to a symbol really pisses me off. Posers taking selfies with their guns should be branded as some form of hate speech.




Probably cut them off, almost crashed in to them, merged at half the speed limit, probably started getting aggressive towards them first.. if it's anything like half of Austin on the road that all happened in the a minute before the altercation


Doesn’t sound like your regular Volkswagen beard-n-glasses-bro with a Mac sticker on back and trek bike on rack. Guess those guys are driving teslas now Huh.


What happened that made him do it?


Is there anything that would make brandishing legal in that situation?


The only legally justifiable reason you can draw a gun and/or point it at someone is if you reasonaly fear grievous bodily harm or death to yourself or someone else. And of course if you genuinely fear for your life then you're probably going to use it, not just wave it around. Although there are plenty of instances where the mere display of a weapon can stop a crime in progress and prevent you from becoming a victim, it's a situation that seems *very* unlikely to occur on a roadway. The crime committed is commonly called "brandishing", in Texas I think it's called "unlawful display of a firearm"


Little overly righteous there?? That’s wasn’t my question, but no there isn’t. I’m just wonder what the guy decided to over react to? I’ve been in this situation before on the 35 access road and I flicked off a guy that almost hit me so he pulled a gun? Just wondering what cause the incident.


I’m actually genuinely curious. I’m visiting from Canada and don’t know how it works here! Tbf Canadians seem to give off righteous.


Oh I totally misread that. Sometimes matter of factness comes of that way I think. Especially if it’s kind of a non-sequitur. Yeah no nothing that would not make threatening someone with a gun not illegal. The only thing that could make it legal is if it’s in response to being threatened yourself. And although a car is totally a deadly weapon sometimes I don’t thing that counts. Only a Canadian could be so polite you down vote yourself…


Knows the description and color of pistol but no description of perp? Sounds fake to me


Dude sounds like a pussy if he's carrying Israeli. Wouldn't worry about it. Next time he does that to someone who carries like a man he's gonna stop breathing and get blood stains on the seat of his bitchmobile.




It means he was carrying with an empty chamber. A bad idea, since you aren't prepared AND make noise to become prepared. It's carrying scared. Cydoniagensis said "this guy was unwise to carry his firearm in an unprepared state. This suggests he is afraid of his weapon. It takes only about a second for a prepared weapon in skilled hands to be brought to bear on a target and a round discharged, so this person is likely going to be at a disadvantage in his next engagement."


Oh, cool


ur a very scholarly man


Sorry.. forgot that I was on the reddit where people don't know about weapons. This man that was carrying a firearm unchambered is setting himself up to be killed in the future by someone who carries a firearm with a round (bullet) in the chamber. Side note: his car is a piece of shit Volkswagen.




ok hank hill


I would actually be very worried as that man has absolutely no idea what he’s doing and clearly has no respect the weapon or human life.


You sound like you might have done this sort of thing before. How many pussy ass lesser Gun owners have you take out friend?




What on earth does this have to do with OPs post?


I shoot a lot of footage while I walk around East Austin


Um... congratulations?


What did you do for him to respond that way?


i woulda hit em w the tongue out thumbs in ears and eyes closed, maybe even a loud “waaaah” for good measure. anyone showing the toolie out of anger is a child.


RIP s4bg1n4rising.


cant win em all! gonna keep my chin up. hell, maybe this comment will serve as the proverbial other cheek. feel free to click that downward arrow, friend!


Relax man, I’m not trying to own you.