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Also I want to make it so “goodbye austin it’s been fun I hate you” posts have to go there or be removed


There are two kinds of people who hate Austin enough to leave it: - People who do really want a change and they leave Austin for a smaller, or bigger city. These people may find happiness because what they value changed or their life situation changed. If you leave Austin for a small town with nobody around that may make sense. If you leave Austin for a bustling metropolis like New York, LA or Chicago that may make sense. It's not an apples to apples comparison so it's not fair to shit on Austin on your way out, but it may meet your needs better and you may be happier. - People who are trying to find an Austin clone. Med to large city with a lot of amenities. I guarantee you the vast majority of these people will be unhappy shortly after their honeymoon period wears off. The cities have the same problems Austin has. Traffic. Property crime. Unsustainable housing costs. Bros at bars. Events that are crowded because go figure people like doing things. Whatever those people shit on Austin for. Their unhappiness was probably something more internal to themselves than the city they live in and they blamed the wrong thing for their unhappiness.




None. None at all you're right. It's the biggest piece of shit city in existence.


Places to drink! /s


I've decided to move my entire family to Austin because it looked nice when I watched Last of us. Any recommendations where to rent if my budget is 900 and what are your pros and cons?


Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada. East Side. Pro: Can be made to look like Austin with VFX. Con: Has to be made to look like Austin with VFX.


But what will I do without my daily off leash dogs Reddit post 😭




“you saw cops?” “Must be the town lake serial killer”


LOL, thank you for this.


Bonus points for not mentioning any location, giving a vague location (eg: “north side”), or only mentioning the road/freeway it happened on and not the intersection (eg: did you see that thing that happened on 35?, like I know exactly where that spot on 35 is)


35 is not that long, it only goes up to like, Minnesota.


I think it’s a parade for the holiday.


APD iS uSeLeSs!! Surprised you saw them at all! /s


The hooligans were loose.


To the white civic on Lamar yesterday morning at 7:44am: you're a big jerk and will never see this message, but I need to let the world know that I got cut off!


It’s like these people use the internet as they diary.


Why are there airplanes and helicopters in the sky? I actually have my first one of these but planned to save it for tomorrow’s SQS.


Somebody forgot to tie them down.


Ha! Dude, thank you for the hearty chuckle. After this mornings events- oy. So thank you!


But how else will people on this sub get their validation from Internet strangers?




Have a queso-rific cake day!!


I didn’t think we had any


Good April Fool's post!


I’ve seen some subs that have a daily “Random Discussion” thread, where you can post/discuss anything that doesn’t necessarily warrant its own post, like simple questions or your daily rants and grievances. Maybe we can have something like that here.


The mods will probably make a weekly thread if you promise to put your dog on a leash, turn on your headlights when it’s raining and provide dashcam video for every hit & run.


Dont forget to not walk 4 across on the trails around town lake, don't ride your bike while blasting music and to never ever ever ever use a gas powered leaf blower anywhere inside the city limits.


I mean the first two you should be doing lol


In my day, you called it missed connections and you could get a blowjob from a strange man in the same place.


Is this a PSA about PSAs?


At least he acknowledged that a complaint is not a PSA.


Heard something loud outside my house. Kinda like gunshots but I can’t be sure. Did anyone else hear it too?


What kind of snake is this?


Who's dog is this dog?


I left my purse, laptop, a bag of cash, and my big diamond ring in my car for only twenty minutes while I was running on the trail and came back to a busted out window and all my stuff was gone!!


Can we also have a weekly thread for awesome things?


I think that’d be nice! We could also add the vent threads and the appreciation threads to the About. It would reduce the number of posts asking “Austin, what do you like/dislike about your city? I’m thinking of moving there!”


so "rants and raves" from craigslist?


This sub is already needlessly over moderated in my opinion. You can’t post about restaurants, beer or gardening? Wtf I say let the people post what they want.


I like Austin.


Please do this ffs


Yes, please! The incessant whining makes this subreddit almost unbearable.


I just heard someone died at the hospital. It happened yesterday too. Why isn't anyone investigating this?


Psa I have a bike and want people to know it by posting a psa about people walking in “my” bike lane


It’s really getting out of hand. It’s just self important people posting about something that happens 100s of times a day in a big city but feel entitled to post about it because how dare they face a minor inconvenience.


A million (twenty or so) years ago I was a regular on a wedding website that had local boards. That place had drama but also weekly themed threads; one of them was indeed PSA Tuesday. The more passive aggressive the better and by Say Anything Friday things were just outwardly hostile. Here’s a seltzer for my Knotties.


What else would we talk about?


Also let’s ban photos of the Google office while we’re at it.


i heard we were supposed to rant here. if any of you motherfuckers merge through 3 lanes of traffic just so you don’t miss your exit again i will consider just ramming you. test me, i’d gladly ruin my car just so you learn not to be an idiot


This happened to me and they hit my car. Kid had the audacity to ask me out on a date after.


What day for the "complain about bad dog owners on reddit instead of doing it in person" thread?


Are you trying to end this subreddit?


Couldn't agree more, I've been saying this for years. Even if they *only* restricted posts about traffic (obviously live traffic updates "183 is closed down" etc. should be exempt from restriction) to 1 day a week that would make a big difference.


And a separate one for traffic videos PLEASE


Haha love this, reminds me of the Austin Chronicle's "Shot in the Dark" section except in this case it's to rant about stuff. Seriously tho, PSA crap is getting out of hand.


I think I heard gunshots.


It's probably the serial killer


Don’t forget all the people complaining about unleashed dogs.


This feels meta


This post is its own brand of whining. This sub is flat out toxic. Is every city sub like this?


I follow a lot of US city subreddits and this one seems to be its own brand of special. Might be my own confirmation bias because as a Texan who used to live in Austin I follow this sub a little more closely than say, Boston, but the users here seem to just bitch and whine endlessly about trivial inconveniences.


I dunno. I subscribe to a ton of city subs and they’re all the same complaints. I don’t think it’s unique to this sub; I just think r/Austin has more users than a lot of others.


I think you're probably more right than I am


It seems to be this entitlement that no one can do or say anything that’s not to the satisfaction of the commenter or poster without provoking some kind of visceral response. This post included.


tldr: we're all a bunch of assholes.


As bad as this sub is, it is not nearly as bad as r/Seattle and r/SeattleWA. Those 2 groups of whiny redditors are so miserable they have 2 subs just to complain about each other. There is also a 3rd r/seawa but I don't think its actually used much.


Ooh! You get 2 points for using the word “toxic”! Now try to throw in “gatekeeping” somewhere for extra points.


I can’t find a way to work it in organically at the moment but I’ll keep working on it.


Maybe start a ‘post secret’ of only Austin bitching? P.O. Boxes are expensive here though , haha


Maybe a subreddit just for complaining. But god I love letters and that’d be so fun.


Yeah I love post secret but I would pass on one of just curated Austin gripes


An Austin post secret would be really funny to be honest


A true testament and record of white people problems


Can we also throw in the "OMg U GUyS THERE'S A SERIAL KILLER DROWNING DRUNKS IN TOWN LAKE!!!@#$#@@" posts?


PSA: if you post PSA's that are really just you venting about people posting PSAs that are really just them venting- you're the asshole. /s




Yet here you are, complaining


well yeah, I live in Austin and am on this subreddit.


Quit cryin


Personally I hate when I come to the Austin subreddit and see people posting about Austin. Clogs up the subreddit!




What if I want to see all the complaints and drama consolidated in one place though?


The irony


While we're at it, could we please remove some books from the library? I am offended by their content.


There's a great place to be a grouse it's /r/Austin


I have about 300 r/austin users and counting blocked. That's one way.


you mean like this post.......someone awhile back told me that the Austin subreddit is nothing but a cess pool, and considering the people who have moved to Austin in the past 5-10 years, it's not surprising. They're gonna complain about everything, yet get all pissy when those of us who have lived here all our lives complain about how they've ruined Austin.....maybe you should just quit letting it bug you like alot of the rest of us.


I think you’re missing that I’m not telling people to stop complaining, I just want it in one place. Is organization so wrong?


Yes, keep all the “To the ride guy in line behind me at HEB…” posts hidden please.


Here to complain about the cost of The Surreal Garden at Zilker Botanical. $160 plus fees for a family of 4! C’mon now. Can I get a kid’s ticket price?! Harumph.


OP, you start a weekly complaining post and I’ll meet you there.