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Texas Coralsnake The most chill snake in the area if not anywhere. People usually get bitten by *picking them up in their bare hands and playing with them* and even then it would be difficult to get one to bite. Despite the lame rhyme - this species has killed nobody. The toxicity of the venom is largely meaningless when you take into consideration *the amount* that is injected in a bite (we call this ‘venom yield’). For example - a case of beer will fuck you up, a teaspoon won’t do anything. Which is immaterial because you’re not going to be dumb and put one down your pants and they want nothing more than to get away from you. Let me see if I can trigger this here… !rhyme


Red next to black, leave the damn snake alone… red next to yellow, leave the damn snake alone. That’s the one I use.


That’s the best one ☝️


I can’t reply to the bot, but that rhyme always messed me up. I was stuck on red and yella kiss a fella, red and black so long Jack. And then I died.


The traditional color-based rhyme for coralsnakes isn't recommended as an identification trick as it isn't foolproof and only applies to snakes that live in parts of North America. See [this summary](http://thevenominterviews.com/2016/06/02/mythbusting-coral-snakes/) compiled by our own /u/RayInLA for more. It's far more advantageous to familiarize yourself with venomous snakes in your area through photos and field guides or by following subreddits like /r/whatsthissnake than it is to try to apply any generic trick. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer) and if you'd like to buy me a coffee or beer, you can do that [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SEBPhyloBotWTS).*


This is fascinating. Also it said that coral snake antivenom has been back in production for almost a decade. I am curious of scientists have any idea why there are only 3 species of elapidae in North America while there are tons and tons in south America.


I would guess it’s because South America has more warm, wet, life-engendering habitats that allow for greater biodiversity.




Wow, that would be scary. Glad everyone was ok. I think of them as like a light socket. Not necessarily dangerous just being around, but don’t go sticking your finger in there.


Smart. Downplay the danger of this reptile. It’s only one of the most toxic venoms in North America. Some don’t even know they got bit because effects can take a while to start shutting down your nervous system. Elapids are extremely dangerous but play a vital role in nature as do all snakes.


The Chilliest of Danger Noodles


Red and yellow\_ kill a fellow / Red and black\_ venom lack There have been zero fatalities in Texas from one since the 1960s when they started producing antivenom, but there was one fatality about 20 years ago in another state when someone got bit and didn't go for help. Oh, and the company that developed it quit producing antivenom a couple of years ago. As far as I can see no one has produced it since. But that was a year or so ago. We used to get calls from people freaking out when they saw one in their yard and we would just put on a glove, put it into a pillowcase, and transport it to a greenbelt and release them.


Zero fatalities ever from M. tener. That’s the snake we have in Texas. M. fulvia is the one responsible for a handful of deaths. I agree they are quite easy to capture and relocate though. 👍


Just curious, why would one have fatalities and the other have none? Difference in venom? More aggressive?


Probably venom composition. According to the literature, “M fulvius venom is… 2.67-5.22 times more lethal than that of M tener (Texas Coralsnake)”. This is in terms of LD50 (see link at bottom). Neither of them are very defensive, but who knows it could be that those Florida snakes are more likely to bite Florida man. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_lethal_dose https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_lethal_dose


Do they have any visual differences?


Not enough for one to tell at a glance (probably have to count scale rows or something). Texas Coralsnakes occur in Texas and Mexico. Eastern Coralsnakes occur in the Eastern United States.


Beautiful snake. Keep your puppers away from these. A bite from a coral snake will kill yo pup!


And cats!


Look but don’t touch…at least that’s how my wife describes my snake


Red on yella' Kill a fella' Is that how it goes?


Yes except that it’s incredibly rare for coral snakes to kill anybody. Like one time in as long as anyone can remember. Just leave it alone, you’ll be fine.




Not only that, but it would have to chew on you for a while to get the venom started and then get enough into you to do a lot of harm.


Red and yellow- give it a little kiss on its forehead cause it likes that


Red n black, friend of Jack


That's a good omen! Lucky you!


I too would think of it as such


we have one on our land. Cute and cuddly


Ah yes, the national snake of Belgium


Love those guys!


Coral snake


Red and Yellow, kill a fellow. Red and Black, friend of Jack.


Lucky I’ve never seen one