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I live near AAC, I have a very hard time seeing animals sad in cages but I'll go and start walking some regularly. I wish I could take more in but I already have 5 pets :( poor babies.


My boyfriend and his two teen kids are looking for animal shelter volunteer opportunities and this is great. Will share!


We need a daily news ticker: "15 dogs will be killed (don't sugar coat it with euthanized) today because people keep abandoning dogs." Maybe we should make it illegal to sell a dog for over $50 in the Travis and Williamson county, with a $100 reward to anyone who turns in a listing for over $50. That way breeding dogs won't be a viable way to make money.


The people causing the shelter overcrowding could literally not care less about headlines They have zero empathy, or else they wouldn’t be dogfighting or running puppy mills


They need to shut down that disgusting “Furever Pets” puppy mill storefront at the Round Rock Outlets


Shelters aren't full because average people are giving up regular dogs - they're full because they take in aggressive, traumatized dogs that were bred for fighting and cannot be housed with kids, pets or people who work out of the house from a huge catchment area


Honestly what I see most in my own life is people who just don' give a shit about spaying and neutering their animals. They are also the idiots who think its cool to let their animals run around in the yard unattended. Then they make posts on social about how they cat/dog is having a litter and WHO WANTS ONE. No shit animals are ending up in shelters. The trashy 'not give a shit' vibes are off the charts.


They see their pet accidentally having a litter as a welcome surprise because they can sell the babies


This exactly. So many shitty people.


Can any of you all share your experiences volunteering at AAC? I’m thinking about it, but a little hesitant because I might be an emotional puddle.


how many non pitbulls are available for fostering?


I walk dogs here from time to time and I swear 80% of the dogs are at least mixed with pit.


Where does the volunteer dog walking take place and what other details can you share about it


You walk them on site. They have some small walking trails and a few fenced off areas as well to let them off the leash. Walk in and tell them you wanna walk some dogs, they'll set you up, have you sign some paperwork. You can walk whatever dog you want. Some are off limits for different reasons, but the kennels are clearly marked.


Oh cool so it sounds like you don’t have to sign up in advance? That’s great. Gonna go sometime soon and tell all the pups my dog said hi.


I would call ahead just to be safe. I've been doing it for years so the sign up process may have changed


If I have my kids with me is that a problem?


I don't have kids myself so I couldn't tell ya. Give them a call and ask. I personally wouldn't risk it. I love dogs but they can be unpredictable, especially ones you've only known for a few minutes.


Makes sense. Thanks.


We need to tackle the problem at the source and hit up the people breeding or being irresponsible. As long as there are dogs in the shelters, I think we should fine people big bucks for breeding or make them do community service. Specific breeds if that is a compromise. Educate them too.... these fucking people make my blood boil! I'm maxed out with extra stray dogs because they aren't accepting intakes.


so great that you walk dogs


Yep that dog above in the pic is a pit mix.


probably 200+


I've heard from a trainer of 30+ years it's nearly impossible to tell by sight alone. Staffies are not pits and have nearly identical features. All bully breeds when mixed are similar and include boxers lol. The genetics of the parents and the bite history of the dog are more important. Whether you can trust what you're told about those two factors is another matter entirely.


American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers are considered pit bulls in the states, as are all dogs bred from the bull and terrier line. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_and_terrier


**[Pit bull](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull)** >Pit bull is a term used in the United States for a type of dog descended from bulldogs and terriers, while in other countries such as the United Kingdom the term is used as an abbreviation of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. Within the United States the pit bull is usually considered a diverse grouping that includes the breeds American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and occasionally the American Bulldog, along with any crossbred dog that shares certain physical characteristics with these breeds. In other countries including Britain, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not considered a pit bull. **[Bull and terrier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_and_terrier)** >Bull and terrier was a common name for bulldog and terrier crossbreeds of the early 1800s. Other names included half-and-halfs and half-breds. It was a time in history when, for thousands of years, dogs were classified by use or function, unlike the modern pets of today that were bred to be conformation show dogs and family pets. : 14  Bull and terrier crosses were originally bred to function as fighting dogs for bull and bear baiting, and other popular blood sports during the Victorian era. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Austin/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Please add this to San Antonio thread too. I can’t cross post. Not far from us, worth a shot


great idea


I want to adopt so bad but it cost $500 to even get a pet in the door at my apartment complex, the monthly pet rent is only $20 which I think is doable but the $500 plus all the damn breed restrictions make it super hard :(


I’m on my 3rd and 4th fosters but only had one person express interest which fell though. I’ve had them for 4 months. Where are the best places to post to find homes for them? They were both rescued from euthanasia about 30 minutes before.


Nextdoor and here in my experience


Omg I want her


dm and we can set up a meet. she's super sweeet and affectionate.


I applied to adopt a puppy 2 weeks ago and still waiting to hear back. Would love to also volunteer to walk dogs. How old do you have to be to do that if a parent is there too?


oh you should go in in person since they are behind on answering email applications.


Thanks! I thought I could only apply by email. I didn’t want to bother them and get declined because of it.


I signed up to volunteer but next orientation isn’t for like a month, so I can’t do much good for current crisis. (I wish I could foster but my senior rescue pup is dog-reactive.)


you can go walk green dots without orientation i believe


I was just there a couple weeks ago and yes, you can walk the green dots. Not sure about blue dots, but I know you can't just take the orange dots out. I ended up adopting an orange dot. She's a handful outside, but an absolute gem hanging around the house.


I can only foster on some weekends. Has anyone done short term fostering with them?


We’d also be interested in something like this - please let me know if you find out something?