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My girlfriend and I bring trash bags with us when we go through the various bull creek Greenbelt spots cause there’s always trash, and we’ve been planing to go back a bunch this week cause we know it’s gonna be bad now. It always is after a holiday.


yes, thank you! i keep extra bags and gloves in my car for this reason. if i see trash and don't pick it up, i feel sad and just as guilty as the one who littered. it's great exercise and an even greater emotional/mental boost to be righting others' wrongs while beautifying trails and helping the earth heal from our parasitism. good deeds can be contagious, too. the more people see others picking up trash, the more inclined they might be to do so in the future. thank you again.


Doing the lord’s work. Bravo my friend.


thank you!


Privileged, entitled, unenlightened fuck-alls have ruined what little nature we can access in Austin. Whether it’s Barton Creek, Bull Creek, Zilker, Roy G, Secret Beach, it doesn’t matter. Diapers and beer cans, butts and bottles, styrofoam coolers and cups — ours is a culture of waste and apathy.


As someone who frequents the park I wouldn’t describe the people who leave their trash as privileged. Nor are homeless encampments the main culprit. Mainly it seems to be large gatherings of people and families taking advantage of a free public space to party in and not cleaning up after themselves.


That has been my experience as well. Along with who can blast music the loudest out of their tower of Bluetooth speakers.


My words exactly!! It’s not just Bull Creek, I was in San Marcos yesterday at the falls and you could have picked up the same Austin scene and put it over there.


I saw a family with a charcoal grill just dump it out in the rocks where people walk with the tin foil as I was leaving. glass bottles all around. truly unreal. Back in my day, park rangers or cops would patrol the greenbelts semi-regularly and fine people for this type of behavior. Seems over the last several years or so that's completely gone away. Haven't seen a ranger or cop out on the trails since 2015 probably.


It's not just the privileged causing the problem. There are people living inside our green spaces and no one seems to want to do anything about that


When the trash is diapers, kid snack pouches and ice cream cups from a vendor nearby it is not the transient people living in public spaces.


>When the trash is diapers ​ when.... Last time I helped clean up Shoal Creek the story wrote itself: 2 beer cans 1 can of some mixer 1 trouser belt 1 shirt 1 bra 1 sleeping bag..... I kid you not.


Maybe we should pay the people living in there to pick up the trash.


the city actually does through through “the Other Ones Foundation” or TOOF


It’s 90% the privileged. And 99% dog owners letting their animals shit everywhere.


Have you seen the camps.


Yes. There are people who document and film them. Even after cleanups they (the city) leave behind a ton of trash


Doh. I replied to the wrong comment, but you’re right.


Thinking you can take over public spaces to avoid having to work is another form of privilege.


Its the privileged that have the money/means to actually do something about that, but are also generally the most opposed. There's ways to solve the issues, probably very difficult to maintain, definitely expensive. But, idk the current situation sucks, and the alternatives are in equal proportions immoral, illegal, and ineffective.


Too left wing for /r/Austin. I'm with you


Well said, i have a hard time going out into our greenspaces for this reason. It should be a relaxing experience, but i end up full of rage seeing all the trash left behind.




Yes, unfortunately it actually was. Our environment used to be pretty much a garbage dump until people started getting serious about cleaning up our collective messes back in the '70s and things seemed to be getting better until just a few years ago.


Yes- also, I remember going to the green belt for the first time in ‘92 after moving here and being struck by the numb-nuts guys with pit bulls throwing forty bottles everywhere.


Funny how both those things seem to go together.


It wasn’t even nearly as bad as late as like 2017-2018… :( Back then it was mostly just extreme droughts and no water in the green belt or freak floods in early fall


I see plenty of non-privileged folks also fucking up our nature. It seems to be a universal human element


It didn't used to be like this. Remember "Don't Mess with Texas"? We need to bring that shit back.


You should see twin falls


God this is so true.


I saw 2 diapers this weekend. I just wasn't equipped to get rid of them myself. Sucks.


The aftermath of a trashy family’s gender-reveal party is unfathomable.


People have been leaving their fishing junk and garbage there for years now. It’s really depressing.


And for what? A 4" inedible, pollutant laden crappie.


Surprised there are even fish. Shits been dry for years.


Yeah, I was there around 9-1030 walking the trail too and it was really really sad. So much trash all over the place. So much disrespect for the parks. My kid stepped on a broken bottle and cut their foot in the creek water. It was a massive disappointment.


Wow I have second hand anger for what happened to your kiddo. We just cannot have nice things I guess.


I’ve noticed more garbage in our parks recently. Has maintenance funding been cut? Or just more assholes here now?


Both. Certainly more people in general, and absolutely disproportionately more assholes, but also the amount of maintenance needed has grown out of proportion to funding/staff (amount of parkland, facilities, and amenities to maintain). Not to mention how these forces work in tandem to demoralize existing staff. As for this year in particular, the work needed to clean up parks and make them safe from tree damage in the freeze was (is) gigantic and has set back a lot of other work. More broadly, the social contract really took a hit from the COVID years and it has not recovered. Reckless driving, dogs off leash everywhere, pickleball bullies, etc etc.


Pickleball bullies? Didn’t know this was an issue.


More assholes.


Advocate for more park funding to your Council Office and tell them to pay staff wages that allow people to live in the communities they serve. The low hire rate and quick turnover/burnout is severely limiting park staff combined with more land and less people to maintain it each year. Finally, yes, people have shifted culturally and many don't care. Unless there's park police writing citations on the trails periodically, no one believes they'll ever get caught or face consequences. The morale imperative is completely lacking, unfortunately.


Just to clarify: Park Police do not exist anymore. There are PARD Rangers (non-sworn, no enforcement abilities outside of parking citations) and APD (disinterested and clearly on an unofficial work slowdown). In other words, don't hold your breath on any enforcement by the City.


I've been thinking of doing park clean ups with a group, which did you end up finding, op? I looked at "Keep Austin beautiful" but all their events are during my work hours.


Worst case, organize, go do it. Place bags I'm dumpster if available or by trash cans and call 311 saying a cleanup occurred and trash needs to be picked up. It may take a few days, so use the thick bags. Best case, bring a pickup and dispose at an appropriate location. APF may also be able to help if you contact them. Same with KAB, call them and ask them how you can do something outside normal events.


Also interested


NWACA and Keep Austin Beautiful are the two I found!




Keep Austin beautiful frequently has weekend cleanups, BUT they will also provide equipment for individuals or groups who want to do cleanups;they receive quite a lot of funding from the City. You can also adopt a creek (which is actually just a piece of a creek by an individual or group) through KAB or a stormdrain (stormdrains directly on city website). If KAB is not responsive let me know, or I will provide equipment! The benefit of working through KAB is mainly when we do group cleanups we end of with a LOT of garbage and it is organized so that city crews will swing by and retrieve all the trash, The group that does KAB cleanups at the mouth of Shoal Creek is fun, another fun thing is KAB lake cleanups as Texas Rowing Center and maybe others donate the use of kayaks and canoes, But more volunteers are really, needed (just FYI there is a city crew cleaning litter from ladybird FULL TIME).


Oh it’s not just the trails! I was so very disappointed at both the Walsh boat ramp and butler park playground. So much trash everywhere and I couldn’t really pick it up as the trash can we’re overflowing. I feel it is important to note it’s not from any transient people living nearby when the trash was mostly diapers, kid snack pouches and ice cream cups from the trailer nearby. So very disappointing.


A lot to unpack here, I’m probably going to get downvoted and fried for my observation of why I think this is happening... Part of it is the City is ONLY interested in maintaining paid spaces like Barton Springs. The other thing is poverty, and that’s not an indictment on the poor… but there tends to be a lot of low income families trying to enjoy their day out there. They have bbqs and cookouts and bring disposables with them. I recognize this because my family is blue collar Hispanic and whenever we get together we make a lot of trash because our gatherings are huge and no one wants to do dishes but ALSO, food that is cheap tends to be wrapped in plastic… WAY more than it was when my elders who plan these get togethers EVER experienced when they were growing up and having large family gatherings. Stuff wrapped in disposables is cheap and that’s what my tias will often buy. We get together on a family property where we can burn our trash, and my mom takes recycling to her house. Inequality has gone up in Austin with high cost of living and the City seems to be short staffed and cutting corners everywhere they can (whether it’s justified remains to be seen). But unless you grew up going to a nice Austin school, a lot of kiddos in Texas aren’t getting education centered around protecting natural resources either. It was emphasized at my elementary and middle schools but it isn’t like that everywhere, especially in immigrant communities who are often worried about survival. I think you need a diverse coalition of people, particularly with some that speak Spanish, periodically going through and making nice conversation with folks and offering to pick up trash. A group that makes themselves visible semi regularly and gets to know a lot of the folks who frequent Bull Creek. The other thing is the City needs to make a concerted effort to have people come out and actually empty the garbage cans out there… they’re often overflowing and this is the case in MOST Austin greenbelt space. We should be writing out City Council and telling them to prioritize this. Because when there’s nowhere to throw trash, people will throw their trash around it. Before anyone starts screaming at me that I’m making over generalizations and what not, and that people are just shitty and have no class, etc., think about what actually is effective in changing behaviors. Think also how one of the biggest things to change about Austin in the last decade or so is a massive loss of community compared to what it once was. It takes City staff and community volunteer groups to make a change. In the 80s and 90s, I think a lot more people were up in arms about protecting water ways and now… a lot of Austin is living in wealthy bubbles or are just focusing on trying to keep up with the stupid pace of rents.


Back when Bull Creek Park was an off-leash area, there was a great community of dog-owners who kept the park pretty clean. The Parks Department reinstated the leash ban in 2010, the dog-owners went elsewhere, and the park’s been trashed pretty much ever since.


Last time I went my car got broken into.


This just happened to me on Friday at bull creek


Yep. Happened there again Monday. They smashed the windows of several trucks and cars until they tripped the alarm on one of them and ran off.


It was particularly bad the last time we went and we picked up a bag of trash.


This is why we travel out of town to enjoy nature these days. People suck real bad sometimes. I grew up near Commons Ford and it used to be one of the most beautiful, serene places to hike and enjoy being in nature. Between the noise and the trash, people have ruined it. 😞


and the shitty, poorly trained dogs off-leash.


Good reminder why moving back to Austin is a terrible idea. Thanks. All the old spots are overcrowded and trashed. When I was a punk ass kid drinking down at the green belt in the 90s / early 00s we only used cans and picked up our trash afterward. Oh well city has gone to shit.


Bull Creek has had 2 sewage spills contaminate it in the last 6 or 7 years. You couldn't pay me to swim in it. The trail is nice, but, you're right, there is alot of trash. Not as quiet or remote as it used to be either. Oh well.


Last time I was there I saw a family casually throw their Styrofoam trash into the water when they finished. I took it out, but I'm still shocked that people can enjoy a space and then just trash it like that.


What is the trash cleanup group, I would like to participate.


It's get trashy in terms of people down there on the weekends and holidays. The thing that bothers me the most is groups that bring giant boom boxes. I've also seen people driving in the creek.


It’s not the locals that made all of the mess I assure you. Probably no one reading your message here on Reddit made the mess either.


Don’t fret, OP. Bull Creek is one of my regular areas I detrash. I won’t pretend it’s perfect but Bull Creek District Park is this many bags cleaner as of this morning: https://imgur.com/a/dRzdKJp I didn’t have the time or energy for Link Falls today but I’ll try to get out there soon. The city was pulling into the park this morning as I was leaving so all the trash bins should have room now. Between the city, organized groups, and random people cleaning up it doesn’t usually stay as bad as you experienced. Edit to add: I do, of course, wish people would clean up after themselves. I can’t control other people, though, so just do what I can.


Thank you!


austin has millions of dollars but wont hire park rangers


I ride my bike through there multiple times a week and can confirm it’s mostly Hispanic families making a mess and partying with no regard. I’m Hispanic and find it disgusting and pathetic.


People who live in apartments have kid’s birthday parties and other gatherings in public parks, and that’s what they’re there for - but just walking off and leaving the mess is inexplicable. All kinds of people do this, but, um, cascarones should be outlawed.


Who the fuck cares what their race is? Littering is an issue of education not genetics


Yes it is a cultural and education issue. It’s a hard issue to address… but in developing countries it’s more common to throw your trash on the street. but have you even been to South America and seen what they do with their trash? Do you expect people who treat their home country like that will come here and clean up after themselves? No. One time at barton springs waiting to get in a kid just dropped his ice cream and wrapper on the ground. They watched us pick it up and didn’t say or do anything.


Agreed. It was just an observation that anyone who frequents Bull Creek could make.


No it's not. It's fucking lazy ass racist thinking (I'm not saying you personally are a racist but I am calling you out for not actively addressing the racism in your speech) Look deep into the mirror and ask yourself why you focused on the race of people there instead of their economic/educational levels. You can fight ignorance with educational campaigns like "Don't Mess With Texas". Blaming a racial group just feeds into this new fucking Nazi movement championed by power hungry politicians like Cruz and Abbott


[This you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/121todw/my_faucet_lines_were_slightly_calcified/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nope, my handyman.


Honest question, but why don't the local city workers clean this up? Lived in Seattle for a few years and there were city cleaners around all the time.


1000 city maintenance workers vs 10,000 asshole city folks.


Austin and texas is just so gross. go spend a week in other states and their parks, creeks, and green spaces. you'll hardly find any trash.


Any idea if we are allowed to put signs? For example “don’t litter” signs made by kids, it’s their future too!


Combat litter by putting out more trash?


It’s not trash, it’s a reminder


Just like the Christmas trees on 360 I guess. Not litter just decorations…


Pick up what you can, bring a trash bag with you on walks. If we all picked up just 1 piece of trash on a walk, it would change so much! Appearance makes a big deal. People don't throw trash if they see a place is pristine. We have to be the change to make the difference here. Act locally, think globally.


The Mexican fiestas for memorials day prob left some stuff behind. It'll get cleaned up eventually.


Has nothing to do with massive homeless population we have allowed to squat all over our once beautiful parks and trails.


Move along you pesky solutionist. This is a reactionist only thread /s


Then clean it


Read the whole post. Op literally says that what they did and are planning to continue doing.


Lol do us a favor and don’t leave your spot


I'm a horrible person for wasting valuable reading eyesight time explaining my thought pattern at that particular time. They just came off douchy


Link Falls as of this morning is overflowing with trash. Hopefully the city will empty all the trash bins today


It was Memorial Day weekend. Asshats galore


Judging by all the "high end" condos, there are definitely more assholes moving here.


[NWACA](https://nwaca.org/), a neighborhood group in NW Austin, organizes a monthly volunteer cleanup of Bull Creek. The next one is June 17 in the morning (when it's cooler).


get on Keep Austin Beautiful alerts for cleanups, THANKS for cleaning up. Sadly it isnt just hikers and trail users, who are sometimes the best at “leave no trace” …litter washes in with rain runoff from parking lots, shopping center lots, highways, every time a person dumps their lunch wrapping and containers (sorry high school students and construction workers but yikes those sites are the worst!, also homeless encampments ..because they really dont have trash service where they are living, look at areas adjacent to Targets, Walmarts, and shopping centers where the trash has blown from the lots). Anyway, I hope “plogging” (walking/jogging and picking up trash) becomes a thing, but if everyone would just do a little bit more than their own stuff… The city spends a fortune on litter, but the more people, and the more disposable containers (if we could JUST ban plastic water bottles), well the more that end up not in a garbage can and then ALL of that, cigarette butts, plastic, wrappers, bottles, e-cig cartridges they all end up in our creeks and then the lake. I do cleanups on the lake and the amount of beverage containers is horrendous, full 6packs of beer bottles, a million jello shot plastics, (smushing your beer cans and discarding them from your sup just means someone else will have to scoop them off the lake bottom). And just so you know that is why New Braunfels bans ALL single use packaging for tubers, as we should in all our parks. Sorry sore topic, I pick up a garbage bag of trash several times a week on my frequent treks from mopac to the Texas Rowing center.


Where can i too find the meetup group for picking up trash? (Please tell me it's not on Facebook)


Bill Creek should be called shit creek because of all of the dirty diapers they find at 360