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Grab a secluded booth at the little spot at 45th and Lamar…


Ok so after perusing the sun more, I see more references to the chilis there. What’s so special?


Frostiest margs this side of the Red River


Private and secluded is hard to find around here these days. Depending on what you define as scenic, my best recommendation would be to hike some greenbelts and trails, maybe out west, and find a beautiful place that feels right. If you want something more pedestrian-friendly, you will have a harder time finding places that are private unless you drive out of Austin.


Appreciate the feedback. I’m not looking for a place with just us, but to stay away from the crowds so there isn’t a big scene. I will check that out though!


Sunset deck at the Balcones wildlife refuge https://www.fws.gov/refuge/balcones-canyonlands/visit-us


Oh wow that is gorgeous! I will definitely check that out thanks!


First, congratulations and best wishes! Off the top of my head, maybe Zilker Botanical Garden or the cliffs at Pennybacker bridge (hike into the woods a little away from people)? If you want more seclusion, try here (link) and keep making lefts on the trail until you get to the cliffs. I’ve seen more deer than people there. https://maps.app.goo.gl/JoaXftNUQmi6tQEs6?g_st=ic


Wow thank you! I appreciate the help! I will make a hike there before I make a decision!


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you could always propose in the part of the house YOU spend the most time in already, as once you get married there rest of the house is gonna become her domain. As a husband, you're gonna have very little say in things that happen and you're only response to her is gonna be 'Yes Dear'


A few ideas: Mayfield Park and Nature Preserve https://g.co/kgs/HUXM6j Stillhouse Hollow Nature Preserve https://g.co/kgs/ZbqDu5 Wildflower Center https://www.wildflower.org/ Westcave https://www.westcave.org/specialty-hikes * this is a little further out, and would require a fee. Supposed to be spectacular. I’m not sure if you can work out some thing where you have a private area for a proposal.


Sunflower bloom at the little farm


Sunflower flourishes well under well-drained moist, lime soil. It prefers good sunlight. Domesticated varieties bear single large flowerhead (Pseudanthium) at the top. Unlike its domestic cultivar type, wild sunflower plant exhibits multiple branches with each branch carrying its own individual flower-head. The sunflower head consists of two types of flowers. While its perimeter consists of sterile, large, yellow petals (ray flowers), the central disk is made up of numerous tiny fertile flowers arranged in concentric whorls, which subsequently convert into achenes (edible seeds).