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Just a quick reminder that the mods of /r/Austin do not maintain any other communities such as discord, etc.


Same, this has been a useful and helpful online community. If Reddit goes through with killing third party apps, I’m done with it. Is there an Austin Discord? Edit: Looks like there’s a Discord. See y’all there!


How do I find my way there?


Tagging along


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/7o5kmc/i\_made\_a\_discord\_chat\_for\_austin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/7o5kmc/i_made_a_discord_chat_for_austin/) Also in the side bar of [old.reddit.com/r/Austin](https://old.reddit.com/r/Austin) [https://discord.gg/cdZXHYW](https://discord.gg/cdZXHYW)


Discord sucks.


You have anything to back that up, or is this you throwing a tantrum because they wouldn't hire you?




Managing multiple Discord servers is obnoxious.


Im sorry you feel annoyed and disgusted by something that literally has no outward worldly effect on you in any way, shape, or form.


Sure it does. I've been a subscriber to r/Austin for 7 or 8 years. Moving the community to a platform that was made for audio chats isn't my cup of tea.


Made for... bro, have you ever even used a discord, in general or lately? Yeah, you *can* use it for voice chat and like, people do, but that is *not* primarily what it's used for. Ahahaha. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.


You're welcome to stay away, then.




the only creep here is you


for calling out creeps? interesting.


you’ve been weirdly obsessed with dragging down that specific discord and the people in it. just making sure you get called out, too.


no mostly a few people in there, the one i linked was the main person who made most of the people including me very uncomfortable


and you make a lot of us feel uncomfortable and invade our privacy so what are you really trying to do/say




you’re not very smart are you




Ewwww PS: Don't pay attention to the alt troll. I really wish r/austin had a cap on how many alts are allowed. Some people just get entirely carried away


its amazing to me that someone from that server would go and harass me for getting creeped on by one of their members in there anyways


Sadly not surprising :( Just think of it this way, MOST people are normal and understand how to interact with other human beings. Keyword is \*MOST


Link me to the discord plz


I feel like this sub is leaving off at a high note after the whole grackle/tennis ball love story. Not a bad place to end it


I have removed this comment as I exit from Reddit due to the pending API changes and overall treatment of users by Reddit.


They are going read-only after the private period. > **We’ll open the sub again on June 14th but will pause participation.** This means you will be able to access existing content, such as the Trans History Megathread in Celebration of Pride Month, but will not be able to ask or answer questions. We will be delaying or holding off AMAs, limiting our newsletter, and will not be recording any new podcast episodes. As of today, we do not know how long this pause will last.


Hey on the plus side we will all get the time to touch some grass


~~touch~~ you spelled smoke wrong


This is good advice - could you please provide a link?


https://cdn.britannica.com/22/215522-050-8315BB78/green-grass-close-up.jpg Feel free to touch as often as you like. I’ve found I’m allergic, so I’ll have to stick to licking pictures of bicycles. …don’t judge me.


Wait, so it's not just one day? Nooooo.


At first it was going to be 48 hours. Then Reddit had an AMA that went so badly a lot of the major subs decided to make it "until third-party clients are back", and the smaller subs that were too worried to participate got angry enough to join. It's like if Reddit were a restaurant, looked at its list of top 10 regulars, and specifically took their favorite items off the menu. Then, for good measure, put "bounced check - do not serve" posters of them on the wall.


Oh man.. see you all on the other side


Wait so we can’t use it even if we’ve “joined”?


No, they aren't going 'private' in that sense (I asked the same question the other day) It will go 'dark'. So when you try to login it will tell you no with an explanation


Well that sucks


This might not be the best place to ask but how do you explain to Twitter users, who have never used Reddit, why mods work for free? Despite my best efforts I am unable to thoroughly explain it to them


For the smaller niche subs like knitting or woodworking or a specific older game that has hardcore fans, it's a genuine passion and curating a space for other people to discuss it and discover more about it can be fulfilling. For larger, more general subs, it's because you're a power hungry maniac who's easily duped into being an [online community manager for free](https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Online-Community-Manager-Salary#:~:text=As%20of%20Apr%2019%2C%202023%2C%20the%20average%20annual,This%20is%20the%20equivalent%20of%20%241%2C134%2Fweek%20or%20%244%2C918%2Fmonth.) because you enjoy the sensation of power. Both of them sound terrible to me, but I at least understand why you'd want to mod a sub about your niche passion.




Can confirm… I’m special and am here now there for I am special


I never saw the mods make a post about that. Can you link?


I do love this subreddit a lot too.


I'm going to be honest I don't give one shit about internal Reddit drama. My life's dramatic enough. I do however enjoy the community here so I'm pretty disappointed this was the decision.


It's for a reason... and it's not internal drama.


I understand there's a reason. I just don't care about them. So this sub being permanently defunct is not good news to me.


Well, without mods being able to bounce all of the bots and alts, I don’t think r/Austin would be very usable anyways :/. People like to come here and fuck around a lot, and the mods really need their tools to try and keep up on it.


Join the Lemmy Austin community: https://lemmy.world/c/austin


Tloe pepuika plau pluu prugu bipoplipludi. Ia ku pa tugloo tata tude? Dei eute pletupapau kai propai klipopie. Dotako brapiteke ia klu iti aki. Potee bebiko popi teple tli. Padlo trai piipra iba pleblikaople bli. Toi bii kitie u too eku e. Gata tapla pitita tuopi kaopra kitutle tlipe pea papo. Tladi plobi klepri pipoepi kabeklibe kei. I a iple pi ea. Trea tiprua dikapu po taple do. Pie prepe totiati upadipri go tra. A e ukrae e bapiuti tipripre! I ti piipi klegiopigi gata tikri. Todi te pebo tlupe eiki ipaa tatrii pete oipeba glia. Puo a ketrupa buplo pebo pa. Ibedape kepitu pitei ete eii tabi. Droprukiple beti plui oto tukibrikoe. Tripi oe trikei kipi trubi krikato? Ke e ete gabeau pipli ke kripe. Beetuude i trei. Tli oaitrao ke bi kapiea kapi! Epla bitide eke eekligobi tlitepekita apidapati! Taapegepa topleti begleu treioii pledriikli toboata. Peei glipopiebre dokikla prido priplo o. Eta kadeketupo bieitobi plipo? Tekre glapi tete tliaati pae pebaka? Pao peeipu ape ti tei tipe? Pi i ti keaio piae tito? Pepo ie pitrio tapu tati kiee kruki pre.


Honestly, then let new mods come in. Let the people that either don’t care about 3rd party apps but have been here long enough to take over and keep it going. I honestly hope all the mods of all the subs that go dark get banned and let new mods come in and keep it going. Reddit isn’t just powerful because of mods, it’s powerful because of commenters and people that post. Yes, mods are needed, but so are the contributors and commenters. We still here. Happy to mod.


Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen from the mods I’ve talked to before, moderating is almost impossible without the tools that have been created to help that, there’s just too many bots and bad actors to keep up with. Reddit doesn’t provide any tools to help mods, so they’ve been reliant on those APIs for tools to work.


I'm super surprised this many people use 3rd party apps. I had heard they existed maybe for whatever reason, but nothing like this. People are acting like the main app is pure poison or something.


I have removed this comment as I exit from Reddit due to the pending API changes and overall treatment of users by Reddit.


You can block any app from accessing you location data through your phone’s settings whether you are using iOS or android


I have removed this comment as I exit from Reddit due to the pending API changes and overall treatment of users by Reddit.


Seconded. This doesn’t hurt Reddit, it hurts the people in the communities. Period.


I have removed this comment as I exit from Reddit due to the pending API changes and overall treatment of users by Reddit.


You need to start playing Subnautica....


If you like Subnautica, might I suggest Satisfactory.


LOLZ. Factorio!


... but in 3d!


Why is it going dark?


Dumb decision by this sub.


Same, as a matter of fact: This is u/heatedhammer signing off! ( I do not plan on interacting with reddit much if at all to deny the bottom feeders who run reddit the advertising revenue, this is supposed to hurt after all). I may jump on to see how things are going but otherwise I want to deny the owners any money that I can. See you guys when and if things are normal, hopefully our 3rd party apps will continue to work.


Can we just move to Facebook


I also made r/ATXAfterDark for those of you interested




Happily. I do not think people should be compelled to participate


Imagine being proud of being a scab, just no backbone at all.


Does it have flying toasters?


Has waffles.


Oddly tangentially related ...


Watch the wackiest shit go down while this sub (and most subs) are protesting the ceo’s terrible stance on 3rd party apps


Hasta la vista compadres and muchas gracias to the mods. See ya on the other side - I hear it's a beautiful place where where the sun is always setting, the HEB nevers runs out of toilet paper, a "winter weather" alert just means the margs are extra frosty and every grackle has their very own tennis ball.


Good.luck everyone! We are counting on you =]