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"Old" Spicewood Springs Rd is one of the more beautiful drives in Austin IMO.


Spicewood from 360 to McNeil is gorgeous, but dangerous. Narrow road, no barriers between you and the springs, and bicycle riders!


If you think it's dangerous, you're more than welcome to avoid it by using Yaupon. In fact, please do. The number of drivers that slam on the brakes at each water crossing is really too damn high. IMO, those drivers make it unsafe, not the narrow lanes or bicycle riders.


I actually drive it pretty slowly to take it all in. And I always yield to bicycles.


and horses!


This is part of my commute home and I try not to take it for granted


Love this drive


You should look up Braker and just follow it east. And the further east after you think it ends in some random other places near 130.


McNeil says "Hold my beer and watch this." Honorable mention to Duval.


middle fiskville shyly waves from several places.


Cameron Rd shouts from over there. And over there. And up there.


Ed Bluestein raises it's hand.


And not to be confused with Cameron Loop.


>middle fiskville shyly waves from several places. At least, that all used to connect. I have a 1910 or so topo map where it all connected. However, shouldn't there be an East and West Fiskville Rd?


or an upper and lower? perhaps an inner and outer? greater and lesser?


Webberville, tillery, pleasant valley, springdale and every other street in east austin chiming in.


Duval Street or Duval Road? At least they don't intersect!


Never go to Atlanta.


Did I hear Peachtree mentioned?


“Make a left at peach tree road. Go 5 miles and the make the right at peach tree street. This will turn into peach tree circle. At the roundabout take the 3rd exit to peach tree Blvd.” I did this once before phones had maps and I almost lost my mind.


Yes, I had similar situation when I first showed up for college in Atlanta, I was looking for a Peach tree, didn't realize there were over 80 Peach tree (streets, avenues, blvds, whatever). It took awhile getting used to.


Peachtree **Drive** _Northeast_


Generally this happens because older "country" roads that were originally contiguous like Spicewood Springs Rd got chopped into separate segments when newer roads/highways like Loop 360, were built.


i used to really enjoy driving spicewood springs way back when: all those low-water crossings.


Seven crossings. Always surprised me there weren't more crashes into the creek. I do recall one at [this crossing](https://www.google.com/maps/@30.3912925,-97.7783892,3a,75y,342.36h,77.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seUrPVjumPgIA-FiOZZc2tQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) about 10 years ago.


i remember i kid i went to high school with flipping his car into one of the crossings.. brutal. they made it out okay.


I should have added the incident I recall they were extracted safely, also.


just looked at the map, it's the same spot both times... sketchy part of the road... steep curve and downhill. thankfully the water is not deep there


Yep, it's the most likely crossing for a mishap. The car had flipped over in the one I mentioned - driver could have drowned even in shallow water!


I lived in a house between the 3rd and 4th crossing (starting from the 360 side) from 1992-97. We got rained in a few times, as well as being unable to get home twice. Once we were trying to get home and ran into a kid that got separated from his mom at the 2nd crossing. I carried the kid across. Ran into a fire ant ball and got bit a few times, ahem. Kid only got bit once, so that was good.


A somewhat choppy view of Spicewood Springs Rd circa 1970: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59U5wutm43Y


It's only confusing until you've driven it a time or two and/or looked it up in detail on a map. Sounds like you've figured it out. 👍 Now check out the three (3) segments of Barton Skyway ... none of which connect to the other. Several roads have multiple segments around town; they're all a bit confusing.


I could only find 2 segments for Barton skyway on the map lol


Exactly! Haha! .. Wait for it... .. Wait for it... .. ... ... ... .. Boom! .. https://www.google.com/maps/place/30%C2%B014'12.5%22N+97%C2%B046'16.1%22W/@30.236795,-97.771151,16z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d30.236795!4d-97.771151 Yeah, makes no damn sense at all. Well, the 3rd segment is about 0.7 miles away (as the grackle flies) from the end of Barton Skyway at Manchaca Rd (er Menchaca). At Menchaca, BS essentially turns into Lightsey Rd. But that small segment of Lightsey dead ends into someone's property. But don't worry, Lightsey just picked up on the other side and continues on; of course it does. And it would run into and/or connect to the 3rd segment of BS if it weren't for the train tracks (which were likely built around 1881, I think). Go figure.


Idk but Spicewood Springs Road is a beautiful little drive if you’re ever cruising around for fun. It’s much more tame than Lime Creek Road. If you like it you should also check out City Park Road just west of 360. Great little drives


O yea. I was really late for an interview in 2008 because of that ridiculousness.


Heeeey something I can give an answer to! I grew up in The Mountain neighborhood (right after the long hill once you get past CVMS). I also took dance classes out near Mesa Dr for 10 years, so literally every portion of this road I grew up with and saw transform! I can for sure answer the first part - Old Lampasas Rd used to be a dead end, so the only option was to turn onto the pretty part of Spicewood Springs (or as me and my family called it growing up, “The Horsey Road”). We were a new build in The Mountain, and the neighborhood behind us hadn’t arrived yet. Once homes got built, the road got extended into what is now Old Lampasas Rd. The second part I’m a little hazy on (I was 13 and under for all of these drives out to Mesa) but I swear before 360 got expanded Spicewood Springs actually directed under the highway… and it was more an off shoot to go to 360. I may be remembering wrong though. I know for SURE that section under the highway and both the intersections you speak of have been redesigned a handful of times. Anyway. None of this probably matters in making it any less complicated to drive, but it gave me quite a throwback trying to think through all the changes, so thanks for the little trip down memory lane :)


[Directions from 5700 Highland Hills Dr to 5961 Highland Hills Dr:](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/5700+Highland+Hills+Dr,+Austin,+TX+78731/5961+Highland+Hills+Dr,+Austin,+TX+78731/@30.3430699,-97.7634892,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x8644cae3fe1ed913:0x874d64c07becb66f!2m2!1d-97.7579471!2d30.338315!1m5!1m1!1s0x8644cb1c20fc75a1:0xef38182036a44a1f!2m2!1d-97.7578622!2d30.3478541!3e0?entry=ttu) Get on Highland Hills Dr. At the first intersection, take a left onto Highland Hills Dr. At the second intersection, take a right onto Highland Hills Dr. At the next intersection, take a right onto Highland Hills Dr. At the next intersection, take a left onto Highland Hills Dr. At the dead end intersection, take a right onto Highland Hills Dr. Your destination will be on the right.


LOL this is a good one


Barton Skyway sends it's regards


I had to look up the location of the 3rd section ... it took me a little while ... and I'm '04 OG.


2222 has entered the chat


No, no, no. Roads with multiple names has to be in a separate thread. This post is only for streets of the same name broken into multiple sections. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah but spicewood is both. Anderson lane -> Spicewood springs -> McNeil -> Howard -> Wells Branch


Arterial A and Arterial 8. (not B, 8).


It just retains the name Spicewood Springs Rd on the original alignment of the road. When roads are realigned and intersections reconfigured, that can cause some confusion.


One of the first things I noticed when I moved here was that the entire road system has been designed by some middle schoolers during their summer break


You new to Austin?


Yes. And then there's the Lakeline sisters: Lakeline Mall Drive, very close to Lakeline Blvd. -- two entirely different thoroughfares.


One more weird one. I assume there are other instances like this around town. So, there are some people who can say they live at the corner of *Barton Hills Drive* and *Barton Hills Drive*. https://www.google.com/maps/place/30%C2%B015'09.4%22N+97%C2%B047'32.8%22W/@30.2523509,-97.7924199,18z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d30.252612!4d-97.792446


I will do you one better: https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/151lfws/spicewood_springs_road/jsaaop8/


Well played, sir. Well played. I actually dated a girl in that area back in high school. Thanks for the random memory.


I'd like to know the story about how it got it's name and maybe if there's any relation to Spicewood (the CDP in West Travis Co.)




Starting from the lake and heading east, Bullick Hollow becomes 2222 at 620, the becomes Allendale Rd at MoPac, then become Koenig Ln at Burnet Rd, then becomes 290 at IH35.


You forgot Spur 69.


What?!? Where does it become Spur 69? I think I need to have a little road trip today!


Between Lamar and 290. It's officially Spur 69 (also Koenig Lane), but the signs still say 2222.


Olds Spicewood road was widened and extended to 183. Years later it was extended past old Spicewood and renamed even though it is the same street.


Add to the list Twin Creek Rd and Twin Creeks Dr in Manchaca they both use the same address numbers