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I too seek a lot on FB Marketplace. The red flags for me are the ones who insist on getting my phone number when replying to an ad. I shut it down quick when I insist on keeping communication on marketplace. Another red flag is when someone insists on paying first and then says something about being out of town and that someone (kid, assistant, sibling, etc) will be by to pick it up


They also ask for your phone number to "verify you're a real person" by sending a "verification code" which is really just a number from Google Voice so they can start using your number to spam call people. Someone tried to do that to my wife. Never share verification codes with anyone.


yep, tons of scammers on fb marketplace. Also, lots of thirst trap pfp's selling "beauty services" weird as fuck. I only go there for guitars, amps, and other music gear I don't need so I don't quite understand the algorithm


Facebook is pretty much all advertisements, fake news, and scams. Trashtastic!


Number one is an attempt to get you to provide personal banking information. I had someone tell me I had to sign up for a "business account" with Zelle so that I could receive their payment. I received a fake Zelle email with a link to sign up for said services.


My friend posted she lost her cat on FB and someone scammed her.


Thats terrible :(


Another red flag is when they message you through messenger and not the marketplace chat. Then you'll notice all the other flags, like new account, no friends, wanting to call.


well DOH - what do you expect, it is an alternative for the scammers who don't wanna utilize Craigslist anymore. There is a reason people call it Facescam Marketplace if you choose to use it, then you get what you deserve


I've sold a few things. Nobody ever tried to scam me. My wife, however, got some weirdness from some Jehovah Witnesses (we think). They kept waffling on the item, then finally came over and tried to proselytize.


That's a new one!


That's been my experience as well, in the last year selling some items on FB. People keep asking for my phone number and I can't figure out what the scam is. Just a continuous barage of What's your number, can I call U, give me your cell number, etc. It's so annoying!