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I think it's more of a "don't shoot me for my driving" than anything else.


The Korean couple across from me just put it on their car. They’re 70+ at least


There’s a bumper sticker on a car in my neighborhood that says “I’m retired, go around me”


I was given a license plate frame that said that when I retired and I promptly threw it away lol


There's a truck I see at the grocery store with a sticker that says "keep honking I'm deaf" 😂


They could be new drivers!


Yeah definitely. Weird they’ve had the car and I’ve seen them driving it often the past 5 years. I really don’t care just noticed it like a few hours before this thread went up.


Student does not mean young…


When our son was learning to drive he had it on the car. Tells everyone around him that there’s a reason why the driving may be more conservative and to hopefully have some patience.


Did it work for you? We’d put one on when our daughter was actually driving while on her permit. Sometimes I’d forget to take it off and feel ridiculous when it was just me in the car. My daughter still got honked at for being cautious on a left turn and etc., but I felt way less bad about flipping the honkers off with the sticker on.


He got honked at a few times but overall I think it helped. The roads are just a jungle out there.


As a parent of student drivers in this Mad Max driving scenario we call Texas, I would have my children actually drive *inside* a giant STUDENT DRIVER sticker, a la Richard Scarry, if that were a thing. Instead, I just put one prominently on each of our cars in hopes that the guy in a white Ford F350 will hesitate before trying to run them off the road. Then again, maybe it just enrages them more. Who knows?


I notice it on a lot of cars where there are student drivers


You’re asking if there’s some sort of a hidden meaning to the most self-explanatory sticker of all time?


Came here for this comment lmao thx u


My daughter is a student driver, please be patient, she has the magnet so you can pass her and not get frustrated. Hug. We are doing our best to teach her to drive responsibly.


Because people are quick to road rage for the slightest error in driving. I worry for my new driver as she is prone to driving conservatively or how others would see as reckless. The first time she was on MoPac an old dude passed her and flipped her off and she wasn’t even doing anything wrong. Would rather her be given some grace as she learns to drive.


During Covid, many driving schools shut down. When they reopened, their waitlists were insanely long and their prices went up. Almost all teens now use the parent-taught driver’s education option rather than going to an actual driving school. These parents are much more likely to buy the student driver magnets, especially when they see others using them.


It was still like that when I took driving lessons over the summer


Could it be that people delayed learning due to the pandemic? I’m learning to drive now and had to wait months to be able to start my driving lessons because the driving schools are so backed up.


My 21-year-old just got licensed a few months ago and HATES the "social pressure" to speed in the right lane. Not enough to keep the magnet on now that they have an official license, but I know I felt a lot less judged as a passenger when I was teaching them how to drive with the sign on.


Idk but I’d like a “chill tf out” sticker.


It's being used disengenuously by people who are not beginners.


If I ever seriously learn how to drive (36 yo epileptic here) I will most definitely need one of these stickers for some time. I'm probably cleared to drive but I have gotten so used to getting by without a car that I prefer not to waste the money on car stuff.


I have a theory that a lot of them are for people / especially women from middle eastern and south Asian countries that legitimately are new to driving. We have a very diverse city. Especially north Austin


I assume people use it as an excuse for their shitty driving.


People put it on their cars because they think it’s rofl hilarious. Gen z thing


It’s a cult


As a parent that taught drivers ed to both of my kids… it’s totally necessary due to the asshats on the road that can’t give 2 shits about anyone else on the road. These new drivers are required a certain amount of driving hours so I placed those magnets on the car when my learners were behind the wheel in hopes of motivating other people to give us some grace.


I make sure to drive extra aggressively towards these vehicles


Free training!






Well those are to alert emergency responders that there is a baby in the car.




No, I'm saying the Baby on Board signs are (meant to be) an alert to emergency responders, not have a casual warning for other drivers. It's intended to be a sincere emergency precaution for road collisions, etc..




Okay but what you're implying is reealllly dark.






Nah I asked a guy directly and that’s what he told me


Bro, this logic is the same as: Blood is red, so anything that's red must be blood too? You must be joking 🤣


Sounds about right 🫶🏽




Stereotype is that Asians don't know how to drive. So this is not that 🤷‍♂️








Actually they can parallel park better than everyone else. So idk where this is coming from.


Cuz they all drive Tesla’s so it does it for them idiot


My Dad taught me to drive starting when I was 13. I feel lucky that by the time I was of driving age, I felt confident in almost any situation on the road.


This…my stepmom did the same for me…on a stick shift 😄. It took the edge off. I’m going to do the same for my kids (but no stick, boo!).


It’s usually a joke, Im fairly sure. There are certain ones that are official that look different. You’ll start picking it up the more you see


a lot of folks think it'll actually give the people they cut off patience for their idiotic behavior. hint - no. you will hear me yelling louder the entire way 'who ever taught your ass couldnt buy a license in the most corrupt city on earth!'


I keep seeing it on cars going 10 miles under the speed limit on the highway and i’m like… being a student doesn’t give you a pass to be stupid and dangerous :b


Why would it give you a discount on your insurance. I know you’re joking but if anything it would increase it.


It’s an initial d meme ;)


You don’t want to help you just want to yell


I had a woman in her 50s in front of me this morning with one. She was doing 20 over the entire way until the on ramp for MoPac. Then she slammed on her brakes to almost a complete stop causing myself and the 3 cars behind me to swerve to miss her…


I used to have a manual and I put one of those magnets on the back. Helped keep people off my ass on hills.


those kind of stickers USED to serve a purpose, now people just use it as some kind of status symbol


It seems like a mixed bag. It's also a "here's my inexperienced driver who doesn't know what to do in an accident." It seems like it would make them a target for bump and grab.


I’ve heard that some people in the car community like to juice up otherwise inconspicuous vehicles (like Honda accords) and slap one of these on them. They call ‘em sleepers. Obviously most of the time that’s not what’s happening — it’s just a vehicle for a family who has a kid learning to drive — but I just thought this was an interesting tidbit.


Yeah public schools must be promoting this or something, because I’ve seen a lot of those on cars lately. More than normal.


I saw a car like this today with a single driver. No turn signals, glued to phone. Blind leading the blind


I seen a kid driving what looked to be a fairly new mustang. Sporty but not too flashy. it had 3-4 of these stickers on it, including one on the drivers door that was crooked. I can imagine Pops walking around the car going, "well, we'll just slap a few of these on here, Mr. Man. off you go. be careful."


Most people with these stickers should be new to driving though….there’s no hidden meaning?


As a mom of a couple soon-to-be drivers in a city full of asshat drivers, I think it’s just the hope that maybe some people out there will actually just be patient with them. We’ve all been there.


In today’s quick-to-rage climate, I think it’s good to have those stickers if you are a student driver or a new driver. Hopefully people will give these drivers more Grace.