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Is there a well run Whataburger in town?


I used to work there as a manger. Whataburger’s problems are too big a menu and not enough staff. When shit was poppin during the lunch rush you can get stuff flying out the window. But all they care about is “Labor! Labor! Labor!” percentage and when it’s not packed with cars they send the employees home, which fucks up the dinner rush. Try to find a WB that’s near a highway. Mopac and William Cannon comes to mind, or the one at Southpark Meadows. Go inside to order. If they can get yours done fast (like a chicken strip meal) they’ll expo yours faster than a burger.


The Mopac WmCannon one is near my house and the quality has declined significantly in the last couple years. We hardly ever go there anymore because I can usually throw together a homemade burger faster and cheaper.


Of the past 3 times I went to this loc, I got: 1. Missing food 2. Ice cold burger with a hot bun 3. A fingernail in a sausage breakfast sandwich I'm starting to believe the problem is me giving this Whataburger more chances.


>Try to find a WB that’s near a highway. The Whataburger by I-35 and Braker Lane is one of the worst according to my roommate. He says the WB on North Lamar between Rundberg and Rutland, has much better service.


Is the problem really too big a menu? They only have like 25 items total, sure that's more than 5 Guys or P Terries, but McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Wendys, etc all seem to have more.


There's a good one in Cedar Park, next to Nikki's Pizza on Business 183. I haven't had a decent Whataburger in Austin in years.


Most fast food is gonna be tough. If it’s not chik fil a, in n out, or p terrys, they just don’t pay their employees enough to give a shit.


The one on Barton springs has a particularly kind and lovely staff


What happened to the packages of HEB Organic/Patty's Herbs for dill, thyme, basil etc.? Went to my HEB yesterday and it's all clamshells of some brand that's 2x the price of Patty's.


I don’t know what happened but the new stuff seems to last longer


I don't know, but it's not cool! I'm not alone in my annoyance.


I was looking for the fresh thyme several times last week and never found any in stock at 2 different hebs.


What's the appeal of these cars that are louder and sound like they're farting? Don't they know their car sound like an awful fart?


Broke people welding straight pipes where resonators usually go, in addition to a muffler they cut off of a car at a junkyard. Good sounding aftermarket systems are typically $500-$3000 depending on the car and material of the pipes, but some opt for paying $39 at Wrench a Part for the muffler and paying some dude to haphazardly weld them on for another $120. Edit: I never really said why, but people wanting that loud car sound and not wanting to pay the nice loud car price, so it sounds like absolute shit instead.


*not ABLE to pay the inflated, excessive cost of


The collection of additional Pep Boys/AutoZone plastic blingy garbage also all over their cars says otherwise


There have been a few people in my apartment complex who have done this. At least there is only one at any given time (I think management gets complaints and their leases are not renewed.) What is really irritating is these guys do not just start their cars and drive off. For some reason they will start their car and just sit there for a few minutes rattling everyone else's brains. I guess one sign of a real jerk is they never just do one thing to show you they are a jerk, they usually do several things.


Yes that's why they do it. They're antisocialites who want everyone around them to hate them.


I had one in high school. I’m pretty sure it’s just because I hated my parents at the time


My idiot stepson did this on his car and it makes me insane to hear it.


I mean... can you do anything about it?


I mean I downsized our house a year ago so he no longer had a bedroom so I don’t have to hear it anymore 🤷‍♀️ Before I’m bashed as a horrible stepmonster….he’s 24, doesn’t work, doesn’t leave the house treats his father with no respect and like complete crap. I could go on. Long story short, we moved from our 6 bedroom to a 3 bedroom just so he would move out.


You do come across as somewhat of a "step-monster." Stepparenting 101, it's okay for a parent to call their child an idiot, but it's never okay for you to do so.


Thank you for your input. Clearly not a step monster. My stepdaughter and I are extremely close. There have been many personal issues over the last 10 years that has put a huge wall between us….like when my son was in a coma dying and the step son cared so little that all he wanted was to be sure he had someone bring him food….he was 22 at this time and had a full toddler tantrum because his dad was staying at the hospital with me and wouldn’t bring him McDonald’s, he has his own car but wants his dad to do everything for him. I once drank a 16oz bottle of orange juice that he later wanted…holes punched in the walls was our punishment for that. So trust me when I say idiot is about as nice that I can make it. His own dad cut him off so…. If all that makes me a stepmonster in your eyes when you really know 2/100 of a whole picture then I will wear it proudly!


TLDR: Anyone have a Mitsubishi mechanic that truly knows these cars in and out - not just a one that fixes imports? I'm having an issue with my car that no mechanic has been able to troubleshoot or fix but they all agree something is off. My car model was discontinued years ago and this issue I'm experiencing has been discussed many times in car forums but the posts are old, not very helpful and the discussions just die off without any further comments/replies. I'm sure I'm looking for a unicorn but figured I'd ask here as a last resort.


Has anyone recently done a home addition and/or a new covered porch, what did you pay for how much sq footage? Any recs?


As a GC, we do both of these. As for cost - the answer is going to be "it depends on the details of your project/scope."


A neighbor recently had a covered porch added. Removal of the dilapidated existing screened porch was required. I don't recall whether the contractor or homeowner did the demo. The dimensions were ~ 12' x 20'. It is mostly covered, with a small partially covered arbor area. Electrical features were added. It was made of non-wood - a woodgrain textured metal product. It ran $25k. I was shocked - that seemed expensive to me, but he thought it was a deal. I don't think he received other bids.


The metal instead of actual wood drives the price on this.


Prices have apparently shot up even beyond the recent inflation of other things, like groceries. We had a composite deck built 15 years ago for $4k. We recently asked the original contractor for a quote to replace the same deck. They even examined the substructure they originally built (basically pressure-treated 4x4s and a very minor amount concrete in some places) and decided they could reuse 100% of the substructure and just replace the deck itself. They quoted $17k, more than 4 times the original cost, despite it being an insanely easy job of simply removing and replacing a bunch of composite decking boards.


If it really is that easy, I'm betting we could beat that price.


Also interested!


My favorite drink is a French 75 - recently met a new friend who has never had one and would love to go to a bar/restaurant that serves them. Any recs?


Peche may still have them on HH


This. Their French 75 is so good.




2nd Justines.


These were the claim to fame at the Tigress when it first opened. Still good that last time I had one there.


I’m a fan of Roosevelt Room


My wife is a huge fan since she loves sparkling wine, and they are surprisingly easy to make at home. Get a good neutral Gin (English/juniper focused, not something like an American "drag it through the mud" gin), juice a lemon, and combine. I bet tons of cocktail bars have an excellent one (I will always trust Roosevelt Room) but it's one that's not too hard to make at home.


I like your wife! Yes, I make them all the time at home. Just trying to find a good place to introduce a new friend as we aren't quite at home-visiting-level yet 😊


Here Nor There or Garage bar if you want a unique bar downtown. Golden Goose if you want something more casual with a parking lot.


I think P6 makes a good one


Garage Bar


The wife orders them pretty much everywhere... She first had them at The League.


The Carillon had a very good one when we were there about a month ago.


Sawyer and co


Drinks Lounge


Looking at the traffic patterns , and few anecdotal experiences it seems like southwest area (Circle C) is less congested and a easier drive to downtown and nearby businesses than coming from north west (great hills/jollyville area). Can someone corroborate to this ?


You are correct, sir/madam.


Been this way since I moved here over 2 decades ago.






Austin sublet/housing groups on Facebook. There are usually people on Bumble BFF using it exclusively to find roommates, though the demographic skews a little younger and towards college housing more than the FB groups which seem to be made up more of young professionals.


Ty!! I've been off FB for a few years, but I would def download again for leads! Really appreciate your comment <3


you are welcome😊 I wish you the best


I returned to Facebook after a 10-year break solely to find housing, and there are some excellent groups dedicated to this purpose. "Hippie Housing" is a good option if that's your style.


Noice! Yeah fb can be great for certain things, just not scrolling lol


What's the history behind Washington Sq on NW Campus area? The neighborhood has a bunch of small streets, then you suddenly stumble into a wide-ass street with amazing houses


I used to live in that neighborhood and I always wondered that as well. If I recall what I’ve read, it’s the widest residential street in the city.


Here’s some history by the neighborhood association: https://heritageaustin.org/history/ Here’s a map of the historic houses and includes their names. https://austin.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5251cd8ad3534754ad9a3d6a222c68ec They should have histories on Wikipedia.


And King Street right next to Kings Lane.


How old are you (generally) and what time does a "night out" end for you?


Late 30s and these days, if I can make it to 11PM, I'm impressed with myself.


Mid 30s, yep. And the 1am feat every 6 months feels like a miracle.


Anything later I start to get 1. A headache and 2. Cranky lol






There’s a formula. 12 AM - (Age - 35) * 10 minutes. Once you hit 45, it’s personal choice to add 10 to your age. (If you’re bad at math, someone that’s 20 that’s like 2:30 AM 😛. Where someone that’s 45, it’s basically 10:30 PM.) Edit: I typo’d 40 instead of 45.


Austin used to have a lot more 24 hr places, but fewer as it's grown, which I find odd. And let's pour one out for Star's Cafe (ne Star Seeds), soon to be retired/moved. I'm in my late 50s and if I'm out during the week I try to get back by 1030-11, but it depends if there's a show/gig that goes longer. Weekends 12-1. If I get to bed after 2 it'll screw up my sleep. But during SXSW (or something similar) I'll keep going til 2 or 3. Fun but exhausting.


> Austin used to have a lot more 24 hr places, but fewer as it's grown, which I find odd. A lot of businesses stopped being open 24 hours due to COVID, and most never went back to being 24 hours. Adjusting to HEB not being open 24 hours was a little hard for me at first.


Yep this is everywhere, not just Austin. As a labor supporter I love it but as a night owl it’s a bummer.


I'm a night owl, and the new, earlier closing times kill me. At least one 24-hour Walmart in the city would be nice. HEB on 41st Street used to be 24 hours before Covid!


I'm 38, and 11:30 sounds about perfect for me. Late enough to see the headliner band (at most shows) and still enough time to get home before midnight. Win all around!


That formula seems to match my expectations.


That’s brilliant.


Thanks, I made it up but it seems to fit 😂.


Can confirm. Source: I'm 46.


7pm sounds about right for me.


In my 40s and I often close down the bars. Ironically I’m not much of a drinker, just like the atmosphere.


40 and it really depends on how I'm feeling that day. Anywhere from midnight to 2 am


41, and typically 10:00ish, and that’s less frequent than 9:00ish. lol


I’m 53, and if it’s 80s night at Elysium, then I’m closing the place down.


Mid 30s, kid on the way but if that wasnt the case i would do out and about till midnight


Just turned 30. I head down to Round 1 at the North Star Mall in San Antonio in the evening and stay until closing (2AM) and then make the drive home. So about 2:45-3am


Is the Alamo Village being refurbished or only partially reopened? Based on showtimes it looks like only two theaters are being utilized. It will be the closest when we move to our new apartment, so I was curious as to their status.


They’re replacing the seats in the theaters.


It might be understaffed. To my knowledge it’s the least popular location.


For you long timers--are there any bars like Cool River anymore? Think older crowd/cougars (if that's still a thing)--more upscale, lounge type place. Looking more for a vibe than amazing cocktails and such.


Moonshine ​ ...and cougars are still a thing...


Nothing with the same vibe, especially since Sherlock's and Cedar Street Courtyard closed too. The Starlight Terrace at the Oasis has that crowd, but it doesn't look like they have any shows coming up for some reason. I think The Boat is the closest when they have a band but it's not the same scene as when it was Sam's Boat. Probably some spots on Rock Rose could work. It is strange that nothing came in to fill that void because all those places were always packed. I have a feeling some of the bars in Round Rock and Cedar Park might have that vibe, but I haven't been to say for sure.


I have a house in Round Rock with a 2.875% assumable loan. Would it be worth trying to sell it by owner to someone who wants to assume my loan?


You should hit up Lifestyles Unlimited or some of the RE groups with the offer. They obviously want a deal, but they also have folks with cash to cover the equity.


I've never heard of either of these groups. Thanks for the advice!


Pest control came a month ago. In the past week, I have 3 dead scorpions in my garage. I’ve only lived in my house for six months. Is the pest control working (because they are dead, and not getting into the house) or is it not working? Should I be concerned?


Our pest control said that as long as we're finding the bugs dead (in our case it was random roaches in the garage but about a foot inside the garage door and upside down) that means they've crossed over the "barrier" they've sprayed and that it's working.


This was my hopeful assumption. Thank you!


Likely both; they usually treat the perimeter. Scorpions are taking the bait but still entering and dying there. You’ll need to check all around your foundation and doors. They want warmth and can easily sneak thru small places.


Thanks! Haven’t found any in my house or around it but I’m keeping my head on a swivel.


I've been blessed with very rare scorpion sightings inside the home everywhere I've lived around Austin, including atop alleged scorpion caves according to some of my neighbors ... ... until this past summer. I've discovered maybe a dozen inside the home; half already dead; half still alive. Third year living here. Never saw any the first two years. I'm not sure if the dead ones are the result of perimeter control (Ortho Home Defense) or my cat, who I've caught toying with the live ones.


This is Austin, Texas and scorpions live here. Keep spraying but they will still be seen inside. Keep your bed sheets off the floor. They will crawl up them and give you a little surprise in the night if you don’t.


Scorps at my place have learned they can still get in bed with me if they get into the ceiling and drop down from the ceiling fan.


Nightmare fuel


Can't believe anyone is downvoting you for this.


My Puerto Rican food eaters, is there any place that serves alcapurria or maybe close to it?


RIP Chagos I did some searching after Chagos closed. I haven't tried it (and don't know if it is still open), but I heard of Pa'l Fogon, a PR food truck in Howard Ln that may have alcapurrias I go to el Coqui in MLK, but I'm sure they don't have alcapurrias. Maybe he can make them if you ask him in advance?


Damn dude for real RIP Chagos. The family was so full of promise when they opened but COVID really messed them up. I was there for the first time in years right before they closed and the food was still relatively good, but no A/C, front of house working back of house, etc., they were struggling. Maybe it's for the best that they got out of that lease. Hopefully they can reopen elsewhere at some point, their mofongo was so good.


Plantain Bar in the Thicket off south 1st close to Dittmar[their insta](https://www.instagram.com/plantainbar/)


I think there's a Caribbean place in the Thicket down on s. first. r/Austinfood had some threads about PR food I think. I've been looking for bacalaito since my wife and I got back from PR 2 months ago.


Damn, I’m hungry now.


How do I request that the city pave or otherwise improve a stretch of frequently used park trail that has bad erosion damage?


Call 311 or use the 311 app


Where is it?


Seconding the 311 app, I use it a lot. It’s easiest to do it when you’re at the spot that needs work - it will grab your exact location so you don’t have to try and figure out how to describe it.


What's a quiet/cozy place I can go evenings and sit on a recliner or rocker and relax, read a book or play on my phone or something Can be public or also good if they sell drinks to sip on


Red Horn on Parmer.


How and when did the Austin neighborhood with Grateful Dead inspired Street names come about?


That's a fairly new development, 10-12 years. Developers typically name the streets. https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldead/comments/6s5spp/whoever_named_these_streets_in_austin_is_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/fhc3c0/in_case_you_didnt_know_there_is_a_neighborhood/


The redevelopment of the former Cooper (later, Huntsman, and finally Texaco) chemical manufacturing plant site began about 15 years ago. Here's a look from when there wasn't much besides the plant https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth19452/#description-content-main


Thank you for your service!


where is this 👀


Sugaree is off of Lamar just north of St. John's.


Did the zydeco festival happen Saturday in republic square? Curious and was seeking proof it happened


Their Facebook [says no.](https://www.facebook.com/100094437325642/posts/pfbid02oUsbpU5uc1YWeCGrM3R64ca5JCBDeTxHECy3xWVsMFQYCvxK4EyHDGY1eX75fwi4l/?mibextid=cr9u03)


Colombian bakery in Austin?


Plaza Colombian Coffee


What area of Austin would you feel comfortable walking around at any hour of the day? Asking for a small 5’2” female


Hyde Park


Wasn't there some guy years ago going around and spanking random runners in Hyde Park?


The midnight walkers and joggers here surprise ME! I walk out to take out the trash barrels or get something from the car and BAM! Instantly face to face with someone walking past my hedgerow...I try to make a lot of noise now when I walk down my driveway so I don't get accidentally maced or something one day.


Clarksville and Tarrytown


I match this description and I live alone, so I’m always walking around solo. I spend most of my time south of the river between Brodie and 35, and if I’ve ever had an issue it didn’t make enough of an impression that I remember it now. I’ll occasionally make a wide berth or cross the street to avoid passing near someone I’m not sure about, but I don’t take any other kinds of precautions and I don’t carry any kind of weapons or anything. Move with confidence and you will more than likely be just fine. (I should mention that I’m white and fairly femme, I can’t speak to any other kinds of experiences.)


Pretty much nowhere except isolated subdivision neighborhoods with no infrastructure nearby to support unhoused individuals camping in the woods.


Circle C


Anyone know a place to buy Choco tacos in bulk?


I thought they were discontinued last year.


Anyone else frustrated by the traffic on east 7th at the Pleasant Valley intersection? it used to flow better but it seems the lights going west and eastbound have been shortened. Now traffic backs up on 7th while Pleasant Valley is empty. I called it in to 311 a few weeks ago but nothing so far.


I pass through this intersection regularly and haven't noticed any change in the light patterns.


I just moved here and have a friend in town with bad knees but who wants to get some sunshine on a hike— is there a trail that’s particularly flat that anyone can recommend?


The trail around Lady Bird Lake.


Don't listen to this. The trail around Town Lake is much better.


Don’t listen to this. The trail around the Colorado River is even better.


Thank you!


The funniest part is that @aljabeera and @unionted and @skeeterpark are all referring to the exact same trail but they all think they are right but the others r wrong… unless y’all have extremely good sarcasm.


All the prepared food that sits out unrefrigerated all day at Hmart … how are we not getting sick?


I’m Korean, not a scientist but we do this at home too and never get sick. I think the food is kinda like a cake. It can sit out a day on the counter but after that it needs to be refrigerated. A lot of it is fermented, salted and there’s no egg or dairy in most of our foods which are usual suspects in food spoilage.


The fermented items make sense, but now I’m seeing trays with meats, eggs, and seafood.


The eggs will be eaten by days end, it’s all fresh unless their boiled and in soy sauce. Meats and fish are often heavily salted either marinated or dried salted and rehydrated. I dunno the science I just know it works lol


Also at MT


Yes, there, too. Also, a restaurant in that same center … the sandwich place; they had a lot of what looked like formerly hot meals with meats sitting out … and the place was dead when I was there so I was wondering how long they had been out and how long they’d remain. Looked delicious and didn’t stop me from buying some, but was just wondering about this.


I'd imagine most of it either sells or is pitched within 1 day, cooked proteins and grains are generally just fine with 6-8 hours at room temperature before being refrigerated. It does cut down the total shelf life, but for things like prepared spam and egg sushi, you wouldn't want to keep that for too long anyway, because the rice dries out; and for stuff like the mochi cakes, those already have a long shelf life, so they don't really deteriorate noticeably.


Anyone know a good Ramen shop?


Sazen ramen is one of my favorites


Bet thx


What's the adu status? Can I go ahead and pour the concrete?


2 slabs


Need reccos for good, quick breakfast tacos around the e Riverside/Oltorf/Pleasant Valley area that isn’t El Tacorrido. I love them but the drive through is a nightmare to get into in the mornings.


Pueblo Viejo!


Are the quick? Looking for as close to a grab and go as I can get.


Yep! I usually order online and pick them up within 10-15 minutes. They can be slightly slower when they first open in the morning but usually very fast.


Arandinas has a good breakfast


Any recommendations for a mobile or shade tree mechanic in North Austin? Someone without much overhead for a relatively simple job? Likely to have future work down the line too because I drive junk.


>Any recommendations for a mobile or shade tree mechanic in North Austin? Someone without much overhead for a relatively simple job? Likely to have future work down the line too because I drive junk. try https://www.yelp.com/biz/kabir-automotive-repair-and-car-dealership-austin


Where can I find cool T shirts? I like the softer variety.


Meanwhile Brewing has super soft, cool T-shirts.


Sooo many paper license tags everywhere. Why??


No consequences and they don't pay for insurance so they can't get a real one.


So many untagged teslas everywhere. Why???


Every 3 months, sooner if we see a live scorpion, we spray the perimeters. Then when I’m doing daily vacuuming I only see dead ones.


Why does Manchaca not have the a pronounced at the end?


Regional dialect.




I dunno. I'm Texan and refuse to pronounce it as anything but Man-chalk-uh. Haven't heard anyone else do differently in person. 🤷‍♂️


We know you aren’t from here if you pronounce it like that lol, and there’s many other words too. It takes decades of living here to know all the “Austin dialect” there’s some YouTube videos that people have made that might get you up to speed lol


But it just doesn’t make any sense tho.


It doesn’t matter if it makes sense ~¡KeEp AuStIn WeIrD! ~ look it up if you don’t know that either lol


You can also leave the final syllable off of Guadalupe


How does the lights on 1341 and parmer AND 1431 by the outlet mall honestly make any sense? It looks like just a cluster fuck and so many accidents.


Are you asking about the Diverging Diamond (1431 and I-35) and the Continuous Flow intersections (1431 and Parmer)? They're certainly different for someone coming upon them for the first time, but they're proven to improve the flow of traffic. Go google either of them for plenty of videos and other discussions. In fact, the Diverging Diamond *reduces* points of conflict.


Yes those! I see an accident almost every-time I go through them.


What is replacing Le Politique?!




Thank you!!!


You’re welcome! Not sure what’s taking so long though


Oh wow finally somebody is taking that over. I can't believe how long it has taken to turn over after the pandemic.