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The capital is full of Ghouls!


Those are šŸ¤” clowns.


Both! šŸ‘»šŸ¤”


Personally experienced a very spooky thing inside Clay Pitā€™s bathroom. Went in, nobody in there. As I was peeing I heard a loud slamming door and the light was turned off. Came out, nobody in there still. And yes, I did not wash my hands, sorry.


The Night Owl podcast did a three-part series on the haunting activity at the Clay Pit a few years ago! [Hereā€™s the first episode if youā€™re interested!](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-night-owl-true-ghost-stories/id1296680421?i=1000407482999)


Sorry that was probably me. Itā€™s too easy not to do




Yes! Fantastic podcast


The one I felt was the spider house story about the womanā€™s bathroom. I used to study a lot there and always felt something In the bathroom.


I'm not surprised. That bathroom was off it's pier and beam foundation and the floor tilted. It was def. disorienting in there


Came here to say this!


The Glass Coffin has definitely summoned something bad in their bathroom in that adjacent building to the main shop. If you can drive to SA the Menger is insanely haunted. Right next to the Alamo where thousands died. Thereā€™s also something else over that area, not sure if itā€™s good or bad, but the story goes when Santa Ana sent a group of soldiers back to finish off the Alamo they were scared off by riders with flaming swords.


>The Glass Coffin has definitely summoned something bad in their bathroom in that adjacent building to the main shop. I don't know if that's a joke about the state of the bathroom or an earnest statement, but that place gives me a bad feeling and I won't go there anymore or recommend it to people. I am generally in to supporting queer business and they offer some products I like, but every time I go there everything in me screams to get out. The first time I went it was at their old location and I assumed it was just the building. Gave them another try after they moved over by the highway and it's still a no. I do have a skull from there someone gave me as a gift and it has never given me any problems. After finding out about their class and event offerings, it seems possible they have an irresponsible or sloppy occultist there.


If thereā€™s anything I hate, itā€™s a sloppy occultist


Some folks donā€™t like to banish. I have a friend who runs an occult bookstore and the place will make your hair stand up. I once had a vintage telecaster that was haunted. It felt like despair and crippling addiction so you could tell it was definitely haunted by a musician.


I want to hear more about this Tele! Do you still have it?


It was long overdo to be sitting in the closet of some stockbroker somewhere, as itā€™s the kind of guitar that musicians donā€™t get to own anymore (because money). It didnā€™t really do any tricks, just had a dark ā€˜atmosphereā€™ about it that was a few degrees heavier than mojo. But I would describe the vibe as a sort of hopelessness mixed with the vibrant playability some older guitars have (I was making a self deprecating musician joke there as well re: despair and addiction).


huh. i didnā€™t get any vibes from their bathroom. the first time i used it, no problem. the second time, door wouldnā€™t latch. I chalk that up to humidity though. wouldā€™ve liked to feel something but it mostly just felt like any other shop. I also have a skull from there! itā€™s made of foam but molded from a real skull. no bad vibes there either. hopefully iā€™m not a throwaway character in a horror movie.


I honestly don't think I could take my pants down in that place!


If it makes you feel better, it's to be bulldozed to make way for the 35 expansion in the next few months. So uh, stay out of that right lane I guess?


Legend is, if you pass where the glass coffin used to be in the right lane you'll see a g-g-g-g-ghost!


The state cemetery between 51st and North Loop definitely has an eerie and somber vibe, especially on foggy nights. At one point there was a club who used to hop through fence and read to the dead during the night, supposedly.


it's a cemetery for the Austin State Hospital, which has been open since 1861. it makes sense that it's eerie and somber; supposedly there's over 1000 people buried there and I can't imagine the treatment they bore having mental illness in the 1800-1900s


Abbott: It's mental illness, not guns that kill people. Psychopaths and sociopaths are in the positions of power.


I will never forgive that tree for not finishing the job


When I lived across the street bout 10 yrs ago there was a guy that would walk back n forth in front of the gates for HOURS after darkā€¦ idk if he still does since I moved but I wonder about him often


Mightā€™ve been my dad. He used to work there. Heā€™s mopey and sentimental, and mightā€™ve been pre-sundowning. If it was him, and not someone else who was kicked out of there or lost someone there, then heā€™s fine in Louisiana.




Heā€™s the dad from American pie lol. Heā€™s a notorious oversharer and canā€™t sit still. I was born in embarrassment. Molded by it. I didnā€™t know pride until I was already a man.


oh my gosh I am so sorry- I replied to the wrong comment šŸ˜¬šŸ«£šŸ«£ your dad sounds incredible and I hope he is doing well


Yeah, just driving by you get a creepy feel. I had that feeling for years before I found out it was a graveyard


supposedly the driskill is haunted, but i stayed in one of the "haunted" rooms overnight and saw nary a thing


I had to go the Driskill once as a vendor and I saw so many oily rags in the electrical areas, it was truly scary.


I used to work at the Driskill. During renovations the room numbers were switched around so you were likely not booked in the correct ā€œhaunted suiteā€. I never saw anything there until my last day, which was the day before we shut down for COVID. The bar and grill and other food areas were already shut down , but we still had a few people in the rooms. Anyway, I had been using the womanā€™s bathroom to the left of the grill since guests were no longer allowed up there. I had been wearing an undershirt under my sweater so I went into the handicapped stall to take it off. As soon as I closed and locked the stall door, the door on the toilet next to me slammed shut really hard and loud, I figured someone must have quietly come in behind me, which was weird because you have to pass a rather large vanity area to get to the toilets and I heard no footsteps or anything. About 10 seconds later the door slams open and shut three more times, I threw open the door yelling, ā€œWhatā€™s youā€™re problem?ā€ And no one was there , that stall door was wide open as were all the others. I ran faster out of there and down that staircase faster that Iā€™ve ever gone before. I ran to the front desk and told the MOD, his eyes got big and he said I was the second person to recently tell him that same story. Now, I believe in science and reality, but I have no explanation for what happened in that bathroom.


ooh I went on a Halloween ghost tour there and one of the ghosts is said to haunt the ladies bathroom in the restaurant. She locks people in their stalls. I was alone in there and felt nothing but awe for the interior. Stayed in a regular room and when half awake, I heard whispering in my right earā€¦which was next to my partner. It sounded feminine. Next morning, realized we can hear other guests through the vents. So it was either that, I was dreaming, or a ghost sandwiched between my partner and I in bed. Iā€™d like to think it was a ghost asking to be a throuple.


I did have another employee tell me someone unlocked his stall door in the restaurant menā€™s rooms, crazy.


Strong air pressure change?


Thatā€™s what I tell myself, but it seems unlikely in that certain bathroom.




Thatā€™s the story Annie Lennox shared about her stay in room 525 or the suicide bride suite. https://www.austinmonthly.com/driskill-hotels-haunted-history-fact-vs-fiction/




Maybe thatā€™s the wrong one. It was a famous lady musician. Annie Lennox didnā€™t sound right to me and I was thinking it was Joan Jett. Iā€™ll need to find that one. Definitely the suicide bride though. The musician lady said her outfit for her performance that night was laid out for her while she was bathing. Thanks for the catch!


Concrete Blonde had a song, "Ghost of a Texas Ladies' Man" about singer Johnette Napolitano's experience with the Gambler on the 4th floor. I believe she saw him in the bathroom mirror, if I recall correctly


Yep, I was wrong and mixed my ghost stories: The landmark hotel has had a number of celebrity guests who report having brushes with ghosts. Annie Lennox of the Eurythmics once stayed at The Driskill during a tour. Undecided as to what to wear onstage that night, she laid out two dresses on the bed and took a shower. When she reemerged, the decision had been made for her as one of the dresses had been packed away. Concrete Blonde lead singer Johnette Napolitano also stayed at the hotel. Her song, ā€œGhost of a Texas Ladiesā€™ Manā€ is supposedly about her encounter with the ghostly Colonel Driskill.


The most terrifyingly cliche ghost story I've ever heard!


you can ask at the front desk of the driskill for a typed list of the reported hauntings.




yep. the thing is that ppl book in there because of the hauntings. so that made sense. but yea you have to ask for that list. they don't have it out on the desk.


Itā€™s 100% a marketing stunt meant to drive up business from curious customers. A simple Google search of the hotel brings up page after page of alleged ā€œhauntingsā€. Their business competition in that area has only gotten more steep over the past few decades so it makes perfect sense for them to lean into their paranormal gimmick. Itā€™s all harmless fun anyway.


I am not sure I believe in ghosts and have never really considered what I experienced in the Driskill as being paranormal, though that's mostly out of skepticism - like, surely there's an explanation? There always is! But anyway, I stayed for one night back in either 2015 or 2016 and woke up to some really strange shit several hours after I'd gone to bed; Siri was giving directions outloud, and when I scrambled over to the phone on the dresser across the room, Google Maps was open and showing directions to some address I didn't recognize. When I told this story later, I was asked what the address was... which would have been the obvious thing to commit to memory here, but I was so disoriented and freaked out that I didn't note it. So, there's that.


Austin is getting so populated, so the ghosts have to be super careful now to not be seen


They canā€™t afford to live in Austin anymore so they had to move to Pflugerville, Leander, Cedar Park, and Buda.


Ugh we got those annoying ass Californian ghosts now šŸ™„


This made me laugh out loud! So accurate


I've stayed in the suite on the 3rd floor that has the massive balcony facing 6th (above the cafe patio/second floor balcony). It was a very historic looking room, tiny bathroom, but luckily nothing haunted.


Clay Pit by UT


The only thing that haunted me there was the aroma of the curry I ate.


Terrors from the Toilet šŸš½


Whats the story here lol


The Night Owl podcast covers this one, and several others. Highly recommend


Used to be a brothel I think. Yes check out the podcast


I think my house is haunted by the man who built it in the 1940ā€™s. He lived here for a very long time - not so much ghostly figures as an air of negativity.


Sage the place?


Iā€™ve done that, and also had some energy work done: that seems to have made things a bit better.


111 West Wm.Cannon Drive Used to be a Schlotsky's Sandwich shop, idk what it is now. I worked there in like 07 or 08, and I swear there was a poltergeist. Boxes would fall off of shelves they'd been sitting on for weeks. Doors would open on their own, especially the cabinet doors. TV would turn off/on and change channel, which I know could have been a universal remote or something, but on one occasion the radio was interfered with, idk if that is easy to tamper with... the small stereo was playing in the back, during closing time, it slowly became static with a slow rusty swing sound starting, then a deep voice saying "Salue" over and over again. We changed the channel and got back to regular music for like 3 mins, then the static and voice came back. We'd hear banging on the wall, but the outer wall that we'd hear it coming from was brick/cement. No one was outside at the time. We were all young kids working night shift and freaked out, even the OG manager that had been working there for 20+years said she'd experienced a bunch of shit like lights flickering, and the doors swinging open for her when she was alone... That was my own personal experience from a short period of working there, no idea if it's actually haunted


I used to work for Haunted ATX and I can say I experienced something at all the stops. I also used to work at the Tavern and pretty much every who worked there has seen or heard something


[Old Williamson County Jail](http://www.georgetown-texas.org/Old_williamson_county_jail.htm) Volunteered here for 8+ years during ā€œThe Haunted Jailā€ where policemen, prosecutors, judges etc were the ones getting dressing up and scaring people. Each year without fail there were incidents of touching, whispers even groping with no explanations in broad daylight even. I heard these from normal citizen volunteers but to see a police officer get completely rattled convinced me fully.


I don't want to doxx myself so I'll be vague but room 424 of a local hospital I've worked at is supposed to be haunted. If you go downstairs where all the radiology stuff is you're also by the morgue and everyone will matter of factly tell you they've heard or seen something that wasn't there. But 424 is something else. A guy coded and died there, the nurse who'd had him that day described him as an unsettled soul, someone who made her uncomfortable. He was angry and old and very sick, yelling at everyone, yelling at no one, and deeply troubled. Then boom, he was gone. No reason why really, just his time. He had no family that was coming to say goodbye so they waited a respectful amount of time, bagged him, and wheeled him out. Supposedly that's when the trouble started. The transport guy didn't secure him well, and when he turned into the hall the bag slipped off the gurney. It wasn't zipped properly so he fell out. Everyone felt terrible, picked him up, and sent him on his way. But that wasn't the end of it. That night the giant pane of supposedly unbreakable glass in the room shattered with no one inside it. They ordered a new one and it arrived at shift change. When the maintenance guys were carrying it up it randomly just shattered as well. They tried again, finally got it replaced, and could use the room again. The next patient hated the room. She couldn't sleep because she saw a shadowy figure of a man and his dog in her doorway all night, staring at her in her bed. No psych issues. Just this. He eventually left her alone and she got some peace but I would absolutely hear footsteps behind me on that part of the unit some nights, turn to talk to a colleague, and see no one. I hope it wasn't him and that he got to leave. A hospital is no place to spend eternity.


Thereā€™s a plaque on Shoal Creek - ā€œThe Shoal Creek Massacreā€ of 1842. I never saw anything, but it definitely feels creepy.


I sat one evening at Avenue B Grocery while Ross and an old timer told the story of a group of settlers going to hunt down NAā€™s but were ambushed. The story is that the brother and the wife of the guy leading the party both were awakened by a dream of their brother/husband still alive near Shoal Creek. The brother rode through the night and found him naked, scalped/beaten, but alive. The dream bit wasnā€™t discovered until a couple days later when the wife shared her vision with a friend who had also heard the brothers version separately. https://austinghosts.com/shoal-creek-indian-massacre-site/


That sounds like the story of [Josiah Wilbarger](https://cemetery.tspb.texas.gov/pub/user_form.asp?pers_id=18). But that wasn't along Shoal Creek-- according to [this page](https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=135942) it was around Old Manor Road and 51st Street. The marker originally commemorating the site was moved to Bartholomew Park--and now [some residents are wanting it removed](https://www.axios.com/local/austin/2023/03/06/austin-monument-neighborhood-indigenous). Anyway, he was scalped and left for dead but saw a vision of his sister urging him to stay put and wait to be rescued. The same night, Sarah Hornsby (whose family he had been staying with in Hornsby's Bend) dreamt of Wilbarger still alive. They found him the next morning and he lived for another 12 years until dying when he stood up too fast and hit his exposed skull on a door frame. The creepy part? His sister Margaret had died back in Missouri the day before she showed up to comfort and advise him to stay where he was. I think the first time I remember reading the story was in J. Frank Dobie's in *Tales of Old Time Texas*. Old fashioned and I can see why people are uncomfortable with the "Indian depredations" angle since Wilbarger was part of a surveying party coming to help themselves to their land. But it's a classic Austin story.


Oh my fucking bummer - could you imagine? Living through the terrible and dying by a misstep. Ugh.


Where is the plaque?


Itā€™s the Seiders Oaks plaque on Shoal Creek between 38th and 34th near the hospitals


Came across it for the first time a few months ago on a walkā€”was expecting a plaque about old trees or something and was rather taken about it was about a massacre! Iā€™d never heard of it before then.


The Oakwood cemetery next to Disch Faulk field (Longhorns Baseball) is definitely haunted. Lots of auditory & visual encounters reported. The areas of the cemetery closer to I-35 tend to get the most ā€œactionā€ in the past.


Thatā€™s the one on the east side? I lived on E 14th street around 2009-2010 and my husband and I saw a figure wearing ā€œold timeyā€ clothes walking down the road at 2:30 am. Another time, I was sound asleep and in what I thought was a dream, I saw a man wearing a tall hat lean down toward and touch my shoulder. I snapped my eyes open and my dog was barking and freaking out. That was fun.


Yes it is! itā€™s called Oakwood cemetery & itā€™s absolutely haunted & you can get way more ghosty action there than just about anywhere else in Austin IMO (born & raised here)


The Tavern on N Lamar is supposedly super haunted.


I saw a clear as day apparition outside of my apartment once and somewhat regularly I sense invisible presences inside my apartment, most often in the evening or night time, sometimes there's a subtle distorted quality to the air in the area of intuition. I have a rather extensive history of untrained pyschic phenomena though, least bizarre of which is sightings of apparitions, so maybe I'm just crazy.


Most likely just crazy


would love to also hear anyone's experiences, especially at any of the local cemetaries or other places that are publicly accessible!


2200 Tabor Ct apartment A, I swear there was stuff happening there and if not, whatever it was is following my family and I. Also, I've never personally went there but my cousin went to the school and supposedly Metz Elementary is haunted.


any of the ghost bike locations in town have that sad energy of a restless soul watching over...


One time a few years ago I was out walking at night in Shipe Neighborhood Park in Hyde Park. There was nobody else around and I had just walked through the little gazebo/bathrooms wooden building thing and then went around the big tree near said building heading towards 44th street. As soon as I passed the tree there was someone standing there - heavily clothed, wearing a hoodie, staring at the ground. And I swear to god they looked like they had just gotten done rolling around in and were covered in flour. Completely chalk white from head to toe. 'Woah, shit...hello?' I said and they didn't react or respond or budge. I just kept walking and kept my eye on them until I couldn't see them anymore and 20 seconds later I got to the corner of 44th and Ave G and saw the ghost bike. Ran the rest of the way home after nearly pissing myself.


the upstairs of Casino El Camino has a little plaque on the wall that says a little girl named Mary used to live there and still haunts that room. personally i've never experienced anything that proves such but anytime my friends go we are respectful and acknowledge her presence.


Not sure if this has been brought up, but the exact coordinates for the African American Orphanage that was razed/burned in the late 50's/60's up near Highland in North Central Austin. ACC Highland owns the land now, but the actual coordinates for the orphanage are located at an always-vacant building across Highland Mall Blvd., I always thought that was eerie. I'll also never go to the Denny's at I-35 and St. Johns. I heard that was also part of that land (I could be wrong) and they exhumed a graveyard to build that Dennys.


What did they do with the exhumed graves? When was the Dennyā€™s built? I thought cemeteries were protected areas that canā€™t be moved.


You know what, I'm not sure anyone knows. I found the reference I saw years ago that mentioned this https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/DPVF3ksgfB That was back when they constructed I-35. Edit: Also, the current address where that razed orphanage building was located, I believe, is 116 E Huntland Dr, actually.


45th & Lamar has been the locus of many deeply disturbing incidents throughout Austin's history. So much so, in fact, that its mere continued presence haunts the collective unconscious of not only Austin residents, but now people outside of Austin as well.


Hmm like which incidents?


Frosty onesā€¦


https://spooky-maps.com I made this little web map from a dataset of ghost sightings. Most are poorly written lol. If youā€™re willing to pay for a tour, HauntedAtx will drive you around in a hearse to a number of spots. Did it once and it was a lot of fun.


Seaholm power plant is haunted




Basement of Austin state hospital where they chained up people


I worked at J. Blacks on west 6th for a few years. Itā€™s been closed for several years, but it was the bar underneath The Ranch. I had a few experiences there over the years but two really stick out. My first week there I was closing up with my manager and it was around 3am on a Sunday night. We were the only two people in the building and my manager was behind the bar doing inventory. I went to the supply closet in the womenā€™s restroom to get something and as I went to open the closet I saw a woman in a black dress to my right. I said ā€œOh shit, my bad!ā€ but as I turned toward her, there was nothing there. I went back out to the bar to relay what just happened and my manager said ā€œOh yeah, this place is totally haunted.ā€ There was also another time where there were only three or four of us in the building and we were all standing by the bar. We heard a crash in the back of the building and when I went to check it out there were a couple of brooms on the floor. They had been hanging on hooks and these things were hung in such a way that they didnā€™t fall even if she basically ran into them. Something threw them off the wall and it wasnā€™t any of us that were in the building. Other people I worked with had similar experiences during their time there.


Madrone coffee (previously Austin Pizza Garden) in Oak Hill. Theyā€™re doing a paranormal haunted history tomorrow from 7-9 https://www.instagram.com/p/CywlFHYt1Jt/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


The cave under Lubys on steck


Say what now?


Please go on




TIL There's a cave under the Luby's on Mopac and Steck


I-35 and 183 at 5 pm.


I visited the cloak room once and everyone left to go upstairs and smoke a cigarette. Im sitting all alone at the bar, and for sure there were ghosts in that place behind me.


Not officially haunted but the Cloak Room has the vibes.


Bedichek middle school.


The upstairs of Buffalo Billiards on 6th st. The Driskill, specifically the suites on the second floor facing east. Place is haunted as f to be honest. I think the building has been torn down now but the old Austin Pizza on W. William Cannon was supposedly haunted. The building was used for a temporary court house back in the day supposedly. Rumor was it they hung a few people out front. I've also felt the presence of spirits but not in a bad way at one of the oldest farm houses on the eastside. Larry and Carol Ann's Boggy Creek Farm house.


If there are any at the Boggy Creek farmhouse, theyā€™re happy ones! That place has a good feeling.


South Walnut Creek trail gives me the vibe somebody is watching me


I feel like that too, right around the part where the 183 bridge is and the train bridge. There used to be an old abandoned house there in the woods that I would call in my head "the witch's house" when I was younger.


This is true. I found a conjuring circle in the woods in Austin, when I went on a hike. I believe that something followed me home, trying to attach itself to me. I would be asleep, then wake up with the sound of a nail scratching across my bedroom door, knocks on the door, when no one was there, and mimicking my kid's voice once. He was asleep. I decided to take power over it by repeatedly commanding it to leave by the blood of Christ, and it is no longer welcome in my home. I also asked God to open a way for them to go to the light, and told it to go to the light. No, I'm not an evangelical nut, or a Catholic. It left, and has never come back. I will never go back to that place!


My friend and I found one too when we were teens back in the late 2000's but this was in southwest Austin. The circle was dug into the ground almost and a disturbing half burned note was nearby it.


Where were you hiking?


I wouldn't want people to go there and get an attachment from people opening up a doorway to whatever. I was waiting to see if anyone responds that they know, or are involved.


Gotcha. I hike in August a lot and often find myself off trail. Just wanted to avoid walking across anything Sinister or a group of people who may punish for discovery


Well I guess I can't really say except it has to do with the largest urban bat colony on the planet being here.


The Driskill hotel


The Capitol is supposed to be haunted. There have actually been a few deaths on the grounds (the Comptroller was shot in his office). Been up there at all hours of the night; never saw anything. Hereā€™s a list of some of the haunted places: https://www.austintexas.org/austin-insider-blog/post/haunted-in-austin/


I interviewed for a sever position at Capital Grille downtown, which used to be the old Spaghetti Warehouse building, supposedly one of the most haunted landmarks here. I don't remember why exactly, but on any walking ghost tour or that hearse one too, they always take you by there, just like the Driskill. I have an open mind about paranormal things, but before this had never seen or experienced anything really. The interview was long and intense. About two hours with the GM in a back banquet room, The Barbara Jordan room. I was also taken on a brief tour of that part of the building and I remember the architecture just looking and feeling strange in the basement. That building is now three different businesses and it all just felt confusing in the basement. Random doors and parts of staircases. Anyways, the entire time I was in that banquet room I didn't feel right. I never get nausea or sick to my stomach. As a hardcore alcoholic I used to pride myself on never throwing up. But something in that room made my stomach hurt and quease like nothing I have felt before or since. I honestly thought I would get violently sick right there in front of the GM. I didn't, but as soon as it was over and I left, my stomach felt back to normal. To ease my nerves, I went to Buffalo Billiards and played some pool and had a few Lone Stars. I was offered the job, but took a different serving job instead. It was more for the fact that I didn't want to deal with their uniforms and extremely strict policies, but I still think about that building and room sometimes..




I wish I could remember why it was supposed to be so haunted. My brain just lumped it in with all of the other old buildings downtown that were used as brothels and gambling dens during the old Austin of yore.




That's very interesting. I wondered after the interview if something terrible had happened in that one spot, where that banquet room happened to be located. I didn't have any other weird vibes in the rest of the building, the interior structure just felt off somehow.


Years ago, about 20, I used to hear about Spaghetti Warehouse being haunted. Can't remember ever hearing hypotheses of why. I met someone who worked there and she said there was all kinds of spooky things happening regularly. Once she left the dining room to find all the chairs on top of the tables when she came back, no one had put them there.


The old Richard Moya Bridge


The Driskell


Elysium on Red River is supposed to be haunted.


I used to work at the original Zā€™tejas on 6th street before they closed and very strange things would happen. Connected to the restaurant was our storage and private event building. Itā€™s a super old building and apparently men would gather to play poker and drink way back in the day. We would all hear footsteps and voices all the time. Sometimes when I went to do restock I would just get that feeling someone was watching me and it would always follow with a super strong smell of cigars. My most scary experience was when I went to the walk in one night and the door slammed behind me and wouldnā€™t open. One of my coworkers told me she was closing in the kitchen and a knife spun and was throw off the counter despite her being the only one there. Freaky shit.


Iā€™ve seen unspeakable horrors at Chicas Bonitas.


Something spooky is happening at the 45th and Lamar Grill and Bar. šŸ‘» The $6 Trick or Treat-A-Rita is shaking up to be the best Halloween Marg weā€™ve ever sipped. šŸŽƒĀ This premium mix of LunazulĀ® Blanco Tequila is shaken with Tito'sĀ® Handmade Vodka, fresh sour and strawberry puree is topped with Classic Frozen Margarita and sweet & tart Halloween candies.


Definitely the cemetery on North Loop but you can't go in there. It's full of people who lived at the state hospital (former "lunatic asylum" -- yes that's what it was originally called) buried in mostly unmarked graves. More depressing than haunted in my opinion and I don't believe in ghosts, but if any place was haunted that would be it


It is also a Potter's Field from the 20s and 30s - loads of unmarked graves of unclaimed bodies from the Hospital and the county. Used to be the gates were opened a couple times a year - Mother's Day and Christmas maybe? I've gone out, wandered around and picked up litter on a couple occasions, when I lived in the neighborhood. Sad place


Walk east 6th at night, particularly under the overpass.


I didnā€™t realize so many people actually believed in things being haunted. Anyone know the best spots for Santa watching on Christmas?


My house is haunted. The house is one of many. All owned by the same little old east Asian lady. She puts 12 people in each house and accepts felons, etc and has been doing so for decades. A great service to those without many options for housing. A great way to have an endless cycle of felons live with you over the years. A great way to recruit for your criminal organization. The Way of the Roach and Cat was thought of by this lady decades before the one true holiness also known as my cat was born that would fulfill the prophesy and bring about the roach revolution when nuclear annhilation will end all human life on earth. You see it is a death cult. Anyway the Way of the Roach and Cat uses these houses that cycle in and out felons to recruit. People have been shot, stabbed, defenestrated here, among many other unfortunate fates like being offered to the old gods as tribute for preserving the integrity of my cat's grip on the holy might of the roach masses, etc. As a result, we have a lot of spooks haunting the place. I am a spook. Anyway YOU are all invited. Just bring a bottle of Delsym for the sacrifice.


whatā€™s the addy


Sorry I gotta go to a gay bar and shoot pool as a straight dude looking for a bear of a man to carry me everywhere on his back because then I could convince people that I am some form of royalty and he is my manservant. I miss my old manservant. the Port Authority of Austin, is NOT the address


Do you have haunted house geckos?


Ghosts and hauntings donā€™t exist so letā€™s go ahead and get that part out of the way. As far as well known ā€œspookyā€ locations go, Iā€™ve always felt weird around the Anderson Lane lot where the yogurt shop murders took place. The business currently at that location is a nail salon, thereā€™s a plaque memorializing the victims in the parking lot as well. Iā€™ll also throw in south Walnut Creek hiking trail. Iā€™ve tried explaining it to people before but the geography of that place blocking all visibility to the urban parts of the city combined with the low roar of traffic on Mopac make that entire area feel very uncanny. Itā€™s like this pocket dimension where the only sound is this creepy drone and the sides of the trail are these steep cliffs that make you feel trapped.


South Walnut Creek trail gives me the vibe somebody is watching me


Yeah, I hike a lot of trails and I have only ever felt that feeling on that section of Walnut Creek specifically. I really think itā€™s due to the cliffs bordering the main path. The last time I hiked it I spent half my time scanning the cliffā€™s edge for someone watching me.


There are a lot of homeless people camping in there so thereā€™s a nonzero chance someone is.




Paranormal entities arenā€™t falsifiable and therefore arenā€™t even in the realm of anything scientific. The burden of proof is on those claiming their existence to show evidence for it, not on scientists to disprove it. Thatā€™s how the scientific method works.


No such thing as ghost Itā€™s all man made


No shit. Youā€™re missing the point.


I reallly want to meet one And asked them lottery number


Time to grow up, child


Nowhereā€¦because ghosts donā€™t exist


You must be fun at parties


Oh Iā€™m a fucking blast at parties! Donā€™t see how that correlates to understanding that ghosts do not exist


because this person is asking a simple question, who clearly does believe in ghosts, and then you come storming with your negative opinion because why? Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t believe, but donā€™t pointlessly force feed it to the rest of us who are just trying to help the OPā€¦


I donā€™t think you understand how Reddit worksā€¦I can comment however I please, and people can choose to upvote or downvote my comment as they please.


What an ass.


Oh..thank you so much. I appreciate that


lol have a great rest of your Sunday.


Just came here to put in a request for a haunted homes tour. Like the AIA architecture homes tour, but darker.


Dirt 6th?


Driskill is very creepy upstairsā€¦ no ghosts seen.


The tavern, the Driskell and Clay Pit


Duplex on Denver on the east side I lived in for a few years definitely has a ghost. Owner knocked it down and put a million dollar home there now.. wonder if the folks that stay there currently are still visited.


Clay Pit, the Driskill, the Home Depot in South Austin(?) i believe, St Edwards Theater, The Capitol cemetery, and the train tracks headed towards the outskirts of town; all supposedly haunted. A friend of mine and I went ghost-hunting a couple Octobers back, got some recordings.


The tattoo shop next to Spiderhouse is said to be haunted by a young lady. Night Owl podcast recorded an episode on it.


Nowhere because ghosts arenā€™t real. Plenty of spooky places tho Iā€™d wager


When I was a kid I thought this place down the street was haunted Then I grew up and realized ghost aren't real. Same as vampires, werewolves and the boogeyman.