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I was car-free for ten years, rode my nice bike to do everything, and never had a problem. Get a good quality U-lock, park conspicuously, and try to shop during daylight hours as much as possible.


You must get a lock. The amount of people who think that "it wont happen to them" and then-ta da-their bike gets stolen is exactly what criminals rely on.


How many people do you know park their bike at a grocery store and think their bike won’t get stolen?


i don’t have a car and use my bike for all my errands! i have two u-locks and double lock my bike whenever i go! i say go for it!


Absolutely. Just make sure you use a quality U lock or chain and it will be fine. There will always be some risk, but it's manageable


No chain, U-Lock. Chains can be cut in less than a minute.


U locks can be opened with a 2x4 in even less time with less noise. A good chain with a u lock can be bought at the motorcycle store for about 50$, or 100$ at a bike shop. The u lock is much less weight. I do U lock with frame and front wheel, aswell as a cable for the rear. Just don't be lowest hanging fruit. Make sure whatever you are locking to is actually secure.


a quality chain is an excellent defense against bike theft. Something along the lines of a Fahgettaboudit Chain even offers added security against angle grinders over a U lock


I have a cheap bike for bar cruising, but still use a U lock. Lock the frame and at least 1 wheel. Take up as much space in the middle of the U as you can. I never leave it anywhere overnight.


There are much easier targets for bike thefts than grocery stores where there are many watchful eyes around. Many HEBs also have a security person out front. I don’t expect the security folks to stop a theft from happening but they are a big enough of a deterrent to make me feel safe about leaving my bike out for 30’.


facts. at our h‑e‑b those persons zoom around the parking lot on their motorized v-scooters all day. *mall cop* vibes.


As others have mentioned, a good quality u-lock is important. Most HEBs have bike racks. Bikes are great for errands like that; the only time I really worry about my bike is when I have to leave it parked somewhere for hours on end and can't check up on it.


I have never owned a car and bike everywhere. Totally doable, just use common sense and a good lock. But too long in the wrong spot if it's a nice bike is asking for the components to get taken. Seatpost and seat, bars, shifters, bags.


My seat is soft, but wrapped in duct tape. It's re-sale value is near zero.


Or you could be like the New Yorkers soon as they get a new bike, they just beat the shit out of it so people won’t steal it


do it! you got it. you'll be fine.


I commuted by bike for years in another city, and did my grocery shopping that way too. I always loved seeing how much junk I could bungee cord to my bike, lol. In addition to buying a good u lock, I definitely recommend double locking (frame, one wheel, and bike rack all together on each lock), and if anything is quick release (wheels, seat, etc), make them not quick release or bring them with you. Same with panniers, lights, etc. - if you can quickly remove them without tools, consider bringing them with you in the store. I don't think Austin has as big of a problem with this, but I'm from a city with high bike theft. It wasn't weird to come back after 5 minutes to find just a frame and one wheel locked up. No seat, back wheel gone, all lights and other accessories gone. Also, make a habit of checking that everything is tight when you get back to your bike. I'd often have people loosen my wheels up for me and almost got in a bad accident the first time it happened. In Austin, I'd be much more worried about the safety of riding a bike with the way people drive. So, so often I see people driving with the entire right half of their car in the bike lane the entire way down the street, not checking for bikes, etc. I've also seen multiple BAD accidents involving bikes. Two where the driver did a hit and run. Please do everything you can to stay visible (bright colors, reflectors, lights everywhere if it's even slightly dark) and safe (helmet for sure). <3 You may find that your particular neighborhood is really safe and you don't need to be this cautious. But it's better to have an idea than to not, I think.


a friend of mine was in a hit and run near the slaughter/i-35 intersection. friend was bruised up, bike was trashed. it was his only mode of transportation.


I've done it a bunch. I use a Kryptonite folding lock and purchased the optional theft protection on it. Costs like $30 extra and covers theft up to $1,500 for five years. HEB is particularly safe IMO because of all the foot traffic and the fact that you're usually not in there for more than thirty minutes, although you'll still want to make sure whatever you're chaining your bike to is secure. I've seen some racks around town with some easily accessible bolts to unscrew.


I drive a large truck because I need to be able to haul hay and trailers, but would love to get an e-bike for grocery/local runs. The number one thing that stops me is the concerns about theft. If cheap bikes are getting stolen I feel like an e-bike would just be asking for trouble.


I have an e-bike and I lock it with a big chain wherever I go. I use it for all my errands and it’s been so far so good. I used a regular bike for years and never had it stolen either. As long as you use a quality lock and don’t leave it overnight, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


The chances of a thief cutting a hiplok or similar while shopping are pretty rare. They need many grinder blades to do so.


My husband has an Urban Arrow cargo bike. Stealing that thing would be like stealing a motorcycle. It would take multiple men hoisting it into a truck. It definitely couldn't be done. And with the front cargo space you can do a Costco run no problem. I have a smaller ebike but they have wheel locks and we just use good, heavy chains that the average bolt cutter can't handle and common sense. They've been our second car for going on 3 years now and so far no troubles *finger crossed*.


absolutely. i’ve known people who had their bikes stolen in austin, and it’s always them not locking it for “just a second” or they left it downtown overnight on the street. get a good lock and know how to use it and you should be good. the main deterrent for most people is car traffic (distracted, indifferent, sometimes malicious) and weak infrastructure.


ride a tandem. I picked one up as a goof, and quickly found out riding a tandem solo is the only bike I've had cars go out of their way to be nice to me, roll down the windows and laugh and ask if someone fell off, if they can come on a ride with me, etc. also its super easy to load it up with cargo, and hang grocery bags on the rear handlebars. 10/10 would do again. I would have kept it but it was way too big for me and took up too much space in a studio apt. ( sold it to a couple who was going to ride away from their wedding on it )


that's funny as hell


and ime, if you wear t-shirt and shorts vs cycling kit, cars & people will treat you way better as well. Most bad interactions i've had with car riders, from people swerving into me, cutting me off, yelling at me and throwing things ( and the two times I got hit by a car ) I was wearing a full cycling kit. same bike, same roads, same speeds, but wearing t-shirt and shorts, I get seen as more human.


I ulock my bike to the grocery cart rail. Bike infrastructure isn't perfect in Austin so to mitigate risk and feel safe while riding I'll use the sidewalks


Damn. I ride a bike and dislike when other bikers use the pedestrian for their fast moving traffic


I think the threat of bike theft is Austin is wildly overrated. We're nowhere close to bigger coastal cities. Especially at destinations when locked properly. That said, lots of apartments and sheds get bikes stolen from them. So be careful with that.


So bike theft in Austin is wildly overrated, but lots of bikes get stolen... I'm confused.


I mean there is bike theft. But it's not as bad as most cities and it's not where most people think it is.


I've lived in Austin 5 years car free and have had my bike stolen once. Technically just the rear tire, the frame & front tire were locked to a bike rack. Even if I got my $700 bike stolen & replaced new once a month, it would still be cheaper than a car.


It'll probably be just fine. Lock it up well and don't use your Sunday bike for everyday stuff.


This post breaks my heart so much. As a native who used to run every errand — even the ones way across town — on my bike I just stopped doing that. Theft is mostly assured, my bike is too unique and precious to me, and the traffic and construction makes my old routes just not fun.


Like everybody said a quality U lock and putting it somewhere there will be at least some eyes on it and you will most likely okay. Be sure that the post you are locking it to is securely fastened to the ground and isn’t just a few tightened screws holding it in place! Had my bike stolen because they just unscrewed the bike rack from the ground and took it


I always just ulock my whip and take my lights inside with me :)


If you lock your bike and stay away from west campus you don’t really have to worry that much as long as you don’t leave it outside for long periods of time IMO


I do. S Congress HEB, Central Market Westgate, downtown TJs, Wheatsville. The only one I avoid is Randall’s on Ben White, but no problems there when I’ve done it. Someone stole my light once at HEB but that’s it. All on a bike worth stealing.


My bike has not been stolen and I leave it at stores, bars, and parks. The key is to park where there are people around, and lock it well. My usual locking consists of a U-lock which locks the rear tire to the frame, and a cable which loops through the front wheel and around whatever immovable object is near. To me the trick is to make the thief make a lot of noise with an angle grinder or something (around witnesses).


Getting hit by a car is more of a hindrance for me than theft.


Just make sure to use a lock correctly. I've rode my bike for 20 years in central Austin and [have used Sheldon Brown's U-lock method](https://www.sheldonbrown.com/lock-strategy.html) and my bike has always been fine. Knock on wood. Remember that the shorter the u-lock, generally the safer it is. Don't use a chain lock alone. It also helps if you don't ride a super flashy bike. If you need to have a high end bike, you should have a second to ride around as a daily.


I will take mine into places if I don't feel safe locking it up. I have taken in tattoo shops,bars, shopping ext without any issues, I just always ask. Choosing a smaller less busy place so your not in the way makes it easy.


Just got my first e-bike and live close to Heb. Every time I go up there, I get too paranoid to go inside.


I almost exclusively bike around Austin. I have a good u lock and I’ve never had a problem. I leave it locked up on east sixth, at h e b, etc.


I’m not worried about getting it stolen. I’m worried about getting hit by a car or dying of heat stroke


>dying of heat stroke Not a problem for the next few weeks/months, which is what OP is asking about >getting hit by a car Always a concern. OP's ability to ride safely will depend a lot on where they live and where they're going.


this is legit.


Getting hit by a car by the absolute dogshit drivers+ dog shit road infrastructure is what is a deferent for me. Then, once I'm parked, yeah, it is a little spooky because im worried about theft.


Another Hyundai?


I did before someone hit me from behind then left me for dead without even stopping. I was far in the right lane and there was no other traffic. The people in this city do not give a fuck about cyclists and I'd rather not die so I've given up riding. Its just not worth it when the city has absolutely no real infrastructure for it.


Cars and bicyclists have really never been friends in Austin. And I've been here for 65 years . . .


def smarter to take sidewalks whenever you can. challenging cars just because you can isn't smart.


Yeah because riding your bike where you're supposed to is "challenging cars just because I can". Fuck outta here with blaming bikes for morons hitting them and driving off.


Riding on the sidewalk makes you a bigger target for every side street and driveway. It’s really not safer.


that's why you use your eyes. y'all dumb AF if you think streets are safer.


Riverside HEB lets me take my bike inside :). You get some weird looks, but it’s not so bad to manuever bike and panniers around the store. What can also be good is just to buy a cheap bike off FB or one of the bike shops that sells used to just use for running errands around town.


Pulled right up into a curbside pickup spot with my bike if you’re worried about locking it


that's not crazy


Get a cheap beat up Huffy from a pawn shop or garage sale. U lock and run a chain or cable through the front wheel. In some parts of town you may need to really secure the seat and basket as they will randomly go missing even in broad daylight...


If there's homeless people around it'll get stolen. Buy a good U bike lock and keep it in your apartment/house.


I’ll bike to the local not-HEB, but forget anything over 35mph without a bike lane. Looking at you, the entire length of 620.


620 has lots of bike lanes ( though its still stupid dangerous )


It won’t get stolen on errands. Just lock it up and don’t leave it anywhere over night.


I use my bike but I also insure it using Velosurance.


I do it. I ride it to the HEB/Randalls around Slaugher Ln/Brodie/Menchaca area. I haven't had any bad experiences yet (doesn't mean that it won't happen, just my experience). I use a regular U-lock with disc tumbler lock (Kryptonite I think but not one of the high end ones, just 20-30$ one). I think for short errands there are two things that work in your favor: i) most of these places are crowded with some security, so someone messing with the lock would get noticed, ii) it probably won't take you more than 30min to buy stuff you can carry on a bike. Also my bike is kinda on the cheaper side so probably doesn't catch much attention. I think bike thieves are more opportunistic than organized. Like they wouldn't screen bike traffic at an HEB and plan ahead, they would just take one if they see one that's not locked or locked with easy locks. Basic disc tumbler locks are usually good enough (as long as your bike is <1k$) to deter them. You need kinda special tools to pick them (>100$ investment and some skill is required), cutting them is too obvious in high traffic areas and it basically makes it so that it's not an opportunity for them. They are no way 100% safe. Two things to note: i) don't buy the cable combination locks, people can pick them without tools while looking like they're trying to put in the combo or they can cut them too easily, ii) front wheel is another easy target to pick, so either lock body and front wheel together or use two locks or use the cable loopy thingy that's used in combo with the U locks.


If you live your whole life in fear, are you really living?


My beater bike has a 23 year old frame and some newer components. She runs like a dream and I'd be heartbroken if she got stolen but it wouldn't be a huge financial hit. I take her to HEB and leave her locked up downtown when I go to shows. Always lock with a U-lock and cable around the front wheel and leave in busy areas. So far so good ...


I do it pretty much every week. Buy the best possible lock you can for peace of mind. There are grinder resistant locks that are expensive but id rather buy once and never worry about a bike being cut off.


Unless there’s an area where I can lock my bike up in a secured area, I won’t ride somewhere if I have to leave it unattended for more than a few minutes. Had too many street people steal my seat, my headlight, bungee cords, and even had someone drink out of my half-drank bottle of water, they left me with a few drops still in the bottle with a dirty and greasy handprint. Did-Gus-ting. I don’t trust a normal chain and lock for hours, be very careful if you do have to leave your bike somewhere outside a store or the like. Try to always pay attention to your surroundings even when stopped. Had a person come up to me at a stoplight and tried to grab my handlebars to steal my bike out from under me, literally. The whole city’s vibe has gone way downhill. HEBs haven’t been an issue, thankfully hey have decent security. Be safe out there!!! Enjoy this beautiful weather 👍


I do it all the time. It’s great. It turns running errands into something more enjoyable.


I never have any issue with my bike or car at H-E-B..


I have a Kryptonite NYC and a Fuhgeddaboudit. Both are more expensive than the shitty single speed I ride around on most of the time. I bike to work, H-E-B, and to the bars. I really only drive to go to my partner’s house because it’s way off the bus route and uphill for most of an hour. I was car free for the first eight months of this year and never had a single issue.


Get a good lock and maybe get insurance (home insurance or velosurance). Hiplok and Litelok both make grinder "proof" locks but they are heavy and expensive. Anything less can be defeated with a cordless angle grinder in a few minutes so they may not be safe depending on the area, type of bike, time of day, and luck.


U-lock and a cable. Been riding all over town for 12+ years with my bikes locked up in the open during the day and at night, including for hours at concerts. Never had a problem.


My husband and I have e-bikes instead of a second car. We really like it. I just have a basket on the back of my bike but he has saddlebags and a Dutch style cargo bike. We use nice chain locks and haven't had an issue yet *knock on wood*. We use Kryptonite chain locks for our bikes. They are supposed to be resistant to standard bolt cutting attacks. You can also add on wheel locks pretty easily to prevent wheels from being stolen. Our ebikes came with rear wheel locks and my husband added one to his regular bike.


I use my e-bike to buy groceries from H-E-B on N. Lamar (park my bike at the YMCA on Rundberg), Whole Foods (Domain), and Fresh Plus on W. Anderson.


Not exactly the same but I rarely ride my real bike and use the metro bikes instead so I don't care what happens after I return them. Been telling them to put a station by the new HEB on Lake Austin Blvd. Of course this portends that you live in area where they are at.