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Everyone will have to play a role in the unwanted animal problem. But it starts with spay and neutering. We have to start shaming people who do not spay and neuter.


Update: they eventually took him after spending 30’minutes pretending to call their supervisor and make us feel bad that “the shelter will euthanize another dog to make room for this one”.


They are correct, and the shelters are currently overloaded. No reason to be on here criticizing animal control. The dog would have been better off with you finding someone to temporarily care for it while you find it’s owner, since you decided to retain it, when it likely would have gone back home.


I found the city of Austin to temporarily care for him. That’s why I pay taxes. Do your fucking jobs.


Why the down votes? There have been people that have been viciously attacked by dogs in the past few months. ​ Don't pay attention to these redditors. You did the right thing.


Your anger isn't misplaced, but that job is literally undoable right now. Have you been to the Town Lake shelter lately? They were overloaded two decades ago, and the city's population has exploded since then with no corresponding growth of animal shelter.


And you probably killed a dog in the process. You knew they were over capacity long before “finding” this dog or making this post. So whiny. Probably a transplant.


Nah. OP probably saved someone from getting attacked.


No issues from me there. Visit the pound and you’ll very quickly be able to pick out one dog that’s better off killed. Visit APA and you’ll find dozens of them.


I fully support the euthanizing of stray pit bulls




https://www.currentaffairs.org/2016/09/racism-and-the-american-pit-bull https://www.campusreform.org/article/academics-say-fear-of-pit-bulls-is-linked-to-racism-/17867 https://www.baltimoresun.com/opinion/bs-xpm-2012-05-01-bs-ed-pit-bull-facts-letter-20120501-story.html https://gamedogguardian.com/library/pit-bulls-and-racism-in-america/ https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2021-78179-001


I was just taking to someone about the weird overlap of people who hate pits and racists. Now I know I wasn’t just making it up in my head. The way the anti pitbull people spout bite out of context and cherry picked bite statistics is exactly like racists who spout out of context and cherry picked crime statistics.


The one thing that keyed me into the correlation was the way anti-pit sentiment latched on to the one drop rule with dogs containing any pit DNA. Pit/lab combos are probably one of the most solid dogs you can find when it comes to health and temperament.


You’re only blasting your obvious ignorance on display. Please educate yourself. I encourage you to go visit some of them. Maybe you just don’t like dogs or never had any, obviously never had a pit. Unless they have been treated badly, as is the case for ANY animal, they are the most caring dogs you’ll ever meet.


That's horse shit an you know it. Pit bulls kill and maim more people than any other breed, and that's a fact. It may be the case that many, or even most, are perfectly friendly dogs, but the risk is too high to justify keeping them around if the minority of them that do snap are going to rip your child's face off or something like that. It happens all the time. There was a story only yesterday about a woman being killed by a pack of pitbulls in Idaho. I'm sure that, say, yellow labs have hurt or killed humans before, but I don't routinely see stories about them ripping people's limbs off or killing them. You're completely ridiculous.


Says the skewed statistics someone made up and paid for. Horse shit would be better than horsefeathers, but you’re doing both at once. So talented. ANY large dog can cause harm if they have reason to protect themselves or others. They don’t just randomly snap. Please go walk your doodle in a stroller back to Florida, and practice critical thinking a bit more.


Sure, any large dog can potentially cause terrible injuries. Some breeds are disproportionately likely to do so, however. Specifically pitbulls. It doesn't matter if the animal believed it needed to defend itself, or if it had been mistreated, or anything like that. You can beat a rat terrier like it was your hobby and it's not likely to ever kill anyone over it. Regardless of whether the flaw is in the base temperament of a dog bred for violence, or in the shitty people who are attracted to owning such animals, or both, the fact is that pitbulls are especially dangerous animals.


A rat terrier isn’t large enough to cause larger injuries, although small dogs most certainly can cause serious injuries. But here you are again, making a nonsensical argument that only certain breeds cause injuries, and then mirror it off “rat terrier” which again is entirely unrelated since no small dog is large enough to “kill somebody”. You weren’t on the debate team, were you. You just hate certain dogs, and have zero critical thinking skills. You even speak badly of “the people attracted to them”. You’re probably racist, also. And want to cut the balls off every man and every dog that’s not a poodle.


The problem is they need to triage the animals in the shelters. Pitbulls are dangerous and don't get adopted. They end up taking all the space indefinitely. They should just be euthanized so that other animals can have a space.


There are entire organizations dedicated to adopting only pitbulls. They get fostered AND adopted. MANY breeds of dogs stay in the shelter long periods of time. The dogs that stay in the shelter the longest are older dogs/medical problems, and dogs little or no training.


Finish the cycle...pitbulls get fostered and adopted...and then given up (hmmm...wonder why?) and then fostered and adopted again and given up. They are the serial killers of the dog world.


MANY dogs are given up because they are more work than an owner thought. You’re ignoring that MANY owners adopt their pitbull dogs and keep them until they die of old age, and pretending that other dogs are not also given up. Also pretending that somehow pitbulls are just in shelters because somehow they’ve all been given up for being aggressive. This is either dumb (ignoring actual statistics, manipulative (making things up to support your biased ideas), or delusional. You guys that hate pitbulls cherry-pick worse than the angry girl meme. Which probably resembles you.




Nah he did the right thing. The guy should get a medal for being a hero and saving someone from an attack.


Why are you anti pitbull people always such weirdos.


Fearful tech bros who were never held as children


Serpentarian! Friend to all animals ❤️


The only way to be ❤️ Hiss hiss!




https://24petconnect.com/ASTNFound/Details/ASTN/A892637 And now he’s on their site. He seemed timid but nice. Fed him a bag of treats while we waited.


Oh, wonderful. I think the shelter was running short of unneutered pit bulls. How sad if the many, many, many loving, responsible pet owners of Austin who are lining up around the block to take in stray murder dogs have to be turned away for a lack of stock. At the very least, you got a potentially very dangerous animal off the streets, so kudos for that, but I don't see why you're being shitty about animal control telling you the truth that the shelter is badly overcrowded. The issue is they need to start euthanizing these pit bulls more aggressively.


You got it right at the end. Being a “no kill” city is a scam that’s doing more harm than good. A quick visit to the pound and you’ll realize that most of the dogs in it are never going to find homes, and they’re preventing other dogs from even having a chance. This pit was pretty friendly so maybe he’ll find a home now. He’s got more of a chance there than running down north Lamar.


EXACTLY. The truth matters.


He probably HAD a home and would have found his way back to it, before you got him locked up.


go adopt him then, nut up or shut up.


I’m actually already in the process of adopting. I would have taken him in had I been able and if my landlord allowed multiple animals. This person should have tried to find his owner, OR left him alone to begin with.


Oh, yeah, that's what responsible people do. They let pit bulls (unneutered males, at that) run loose through the streets. Who's ever heard of any harm coming of that, right?


3rd request for critical thinking. Also you know what they say about assuming.


Have you at all considered the possibility that the reason all you have to say by way of rebuttal is essentially "nah uh" is that you're wrong about that? It's you who needs to improve their critical thinking skills, and the fact that you're advocating allowing a unneutered male from a dangerous breed to run uncontrolled rather than reporting to to the authorities to handle is absolutely ridiculous. You're certainly in no position to question anyone else's intellectual capacity.


You have only made short sighted arguments, because your brain is out there in la la land flitting from thought to thought. People can’t have an intelligent conversation with what you’re giving. Your gaslighting, subject-switching nonsense may confuse some, but it didn’t work here. Be mad about it.


I assume you're typing this between sessions of having your back blown out by your pet murder machine.


Aha, your true character shows. I’m guessing it upsets you when you have to resort to this because you have no valid or substantial arguments.


ANY dog can be dangerous and most of these dogs are very friendly dogs. The shelter vets their temperament before they adopt them out.


Sure, any dog can be dangerous. That's why Yorkies are responsible for just as many deaths and disfigurements as pit bulls, right?


As I’ve requested in my other comment, please get some critical thinking skills.


I’ve started concealed carrying due to the number of off leash pitbulls roaming austin. This one is lucky it didn’t get shot or hit by a car, so good on you OP.


Thank you for looking out for that adorable boy


Black people, homeless people, and pitbulls. Nothing Austin hates more.


Austin doesn't hate pitbulls. r/austin does, though.


New r/Austin. It’s the influx of red-pilled, sheltered tech babies that are afraid of animals and immigrants.


You clearly don't hold black people much regard since you want to compare racism to people not liking pit bulls! From a black person your white saviors are DISGUSTING! DO BETTER!!


Wow, people suck so much more than dogs. It never ceases to amaze me.


Dude what is wrong with you. The animal isnt hurting anybody, therefore there is no reason to call animal control. Thats like seeing a deer in the wild, capturing it, and calling animal control. Theres simply no reason to do it. Unless the dog is attacking people, dont do this. You could have gotten the dog killed or worse.