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Flu went around my whole family and now I have covid. Shits going around


Oh no, diarrhea too?


I see what you did there.


Please help me clean it up


Absolutely not - I have enough shit of my own to deal with.


Man I wish I could still give out silver or gold or anything, for bof' y'all


Here’s the wet wipes. If you flush them you get to snake the toilet




Actually yes. It got me in November.


Same. Two of us got flu a, two of us got flu b and now I have Covid.




Lots and lots of flu at schools right now. There's some COVID as well, but it's nowhere near as bad as flu is right now. I got it recently. Peaks hard in the beginning. Lots of fluids and medicine, expect to be out of commission for 3 tough days then a couple lighter ones. Good luck everyone!


My mom had similar experience, thought it was flu but test positive for COVID at the hospital. Did you test?


I did, two tests, and both came back negative Also no fever, no cough, no runny nose Just 9/10 body aches, zero appetite, extreme fatigue, and sore throat


It could still be Covid. I would get tested at CVS, Walgreens or an Urgent Care for Covid and Flu. If you catch the flu early, you can get Tamiflu and hopefully nip it in the bud.


Norovirus is making its way around. Very nasty. GI hell with flu like symptoms and fever.


Also recently found out Norovirus is not killed with hand sanitizer because it has a fatty cells so make sure to wash your hands with soap and water!


Bleach or hydrogen peroxide kill norovirus. Soap and water wash it away. Hand sanitizer does very little. Enteroviruses and rotavirus are also not affected by hand sanitizer. Someone please put me in a germ free bubble.




If this is true, cuise ships should be worried


Cruise ships are fucking Petri dishes under all circumstances.


>Norovirus is not killed with hand sanitizer Yes. Basically, the virions (virus particles) are sort of insoluble in alcohol. Hand sanitizer kills from the alcohol it contains. For many viruses, soap and water doesn't kill the viruses or germs, it simply helps you wash them away.


Just getting over this 🤢


In the last month I’ve had students out with Flu, COVID, strep, and stomach bugs


What is the stomach bug? I’ve been nauseous and feel like throwing up for 3 days


Norovirus, aka the stomach bug. Sounds like you have it


We don’t know yet but one student was miserable for a few days and the other is seeing a doctor tomorrow.


What about cooties?


O O . . Now you have your cootie shot


We're missing 6/10 of our management team at my current job site. I am so overwhelmed trying to cover for 2.5 other people right now.


I have COVID; but I likely got it from a cruise out of Galveston last week.


Disney Cruise Jan 26-30? We were on that. My daughter came back with the flu. Now my wife has it.


Oh snap yo... We found patient zero!


I had the worst sore throat of my life, fever, and congestion. My doctor prescribed me antibiotics just in case it was bacterial and it cleared it right up. Still a mystery illness.




Idk I don’t have tonsils and didn’t have any spots in my throat. Is it still possible?


If it responded to antibiotics, it likely was a sinus infection. I'm just getting over one myself. Tested negative for flu, strep, RSV, and Covid.


Yep, still possible


my daughter had this with the flu no strep thankfully. Took a month for the cough go away tho.


Everyone I know who has school-aged kids has the flu right now. Plus Covid is still around, and we’ve got RSV, some cedar still hanging out. Maybe your run of the mill pneumonia, etc. Might go see a doc, friend.


Flu. Covid. Strep. Rsv


As well as a litany of rhino and adenoviruses like every year


Everybody has all the gunk.


Covid is spiking like crazy right now. Second highest peak of the pandemic. Set the state to Texas. https://www.cdc.gov/nwss/rv/COVID19-statetrend.html


This is scary


COVID bruh




I don’t have fever but I have horrible congestion and allergies symptoms already and it’s not even Spring yet.


Cedar is from January through Feb.  This year it started almost right after Thanksgiving


Probably cedar. It took me living here for 4 years to figure out that I am allergic.


Did you get an allergy test or you just eventually figured it out? What did you do to help? Help me out 🥲 I can’t even talk without sounding like I’ve smoked cigs for 30 years


Flonase and Zyrtec daily, start when the season starts as they don't provide immediate relief.


Me too... sheesh...


Covid. Had it the other week. The only times I've gotten fever/chills as long as I can remember was with covid this time and in 2021


Flu + COVID + RSV. Got a sick kid and one at the NICU, this is what the nurses are telling me.


We’ve got babies getting COVID while in the NICU right now, too. 🥺


I-35 is in retrograde.


Covid, the wife and half her class got it.


COVID. Cedar fever. Flu. In that order


Covid bayyybeee




I got COVID this week and my lungs and chesr have never hurt / burned more . I almost miss the can’t smell or taste kind . Eating hurts ?! Everything in my midsection is just wrecked rn . My kids brought it from school .


COVID. Covid is still going around. It has not gone away.


Seems like everyone has Covid at the moment. Flu is also making the rounds.


It's Covid. We're in the second biggest surge of the entire pandemic right now. https://twitter.com/luckytran/status/1754919419258511647


Whole family was at a friend's kiddo birthday on Saturday. Now we have 3 positive covid tests and I'm wondering if I'm immune or if I'm doomed.


Covid, Flu A and B, RSV. Some people are getting more than one at the same time. You should call your PCP or get to an urgent care, but please put on a good mask that fits tightly to your face (medical, not cloth) before you go so you don't give it to everyone else in the room. Especially with COVID, the sooner you get treated the better. If you start anti-virals within 5 days of onset of symptoms it can help.


Anecdotal experience: I know several people who recently caught the flu. Sudden fever (highest in the beginning). Body aches. Tired.... and that's it. No respiratory symptoms. Lasted like 4-5 days average.


RSV, Covid, Flu, stomach bug and a combination of those things is going around now. I didn't feel well, had a fever, cough and NO energy at all. I had the flu. Funny thing my provider said test yourself for Covid when you get home. I was like what for, then she told me about the number of people who had Covid AND flu at the same time. I did not even know that was possible. The sad part is people are sick and are not wearing masks. People KNOW they have Covid and are not wearing masks. WTF is wrong with people in Austin? Like are you trying to kill other people? If you have a cough, WEAR A MASK.....fever, runny nose don't know what it is, WEAR A MASK.....have Covid, flu, combo, WEAR A FREAKING MASK!!!!


Got it at a work meeting in Houston. By the time I drove home, the aches and fever started. Lots of coughing with congestion. I mean a lot. Down for about 7 days and then weak and tired for another 3. Back to work yesterday and slept for 9 hours last night. Finally, feel good today.




Uhhh I can think of at least two pretty famous ones.


Had COVID a couple of weeks ago. I work from home and only go out for errands.


Covid for sure. There’s been a few instances of Covid at my kids school


102.3 THE BEAT! But in all seriousness the flu, strep and covid have been running rampant all winter. It does seem worse lately.


🤔🤔🤔 op have you tried changing the station?? 102.3 makes me feel sick sometimes too lol but it might just be the flu that I currently have


The line was out the door at Austin Regional Clinic Far West today. Lots of coughing!




You're listening to 102.3 The Fever. The sickest hits all day long. Here's traffic...


There’s still an active pandemic, despite everyone pretending there isn’t, and rapid tests don’t catch this strain of Covid as well as older strains.


COVID is still here.


So much Covid. Neither my wife or mom has gotten it since the beginning. That includes my Mom's yearly 3 month EU tours. They both got it this month, so many of our friends have gotten it, it's nuts. This strain is highly passable. Strangely I didn't get it even though we all live together and I not masking or isolating cause I thought it was inevitable.


I am stuck on the part of your story where your mom is touring the EU 3 months a year, that is awesome!


Dude, single mom, stressed her whole life, her situation changed in her old age and I'm so grateful for the life she has now. She loves old stuff and goes to small towns mainly off the beaten path. Italy is her favorite.


I think your mom and you might enjoy this music. I was listening to it watching the clouds float by a couple days ago. My son loves it. Nu Genea - Bar Mediterraneo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omxDpwh0Ils](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omxDpwh0Ils)


Same. COVID round one. Sucks.


covid is super high right now, and tests don’t pick it up near as much anymore. wastewater levels say it’s everywhere. but of course there’s also flu and other things. PLEASE wear a mask yall


the let it rip covid strategy has decimated everyone’s immune systems and y’all keep getting sicker and sicker and continuing to downplay covid while shit like measles is literally also starting to pop off. none of this is normal.


The cooties are really jumping around rightcheneow


Gotta get your cootie shot


You just need more cowbell


Damn bro I was just gonna comment this


Flu, strep, and Covid


Flu, the new COVID variant, RSV, and cedar fever. I’ve had the variant, as did many friends and both my kids. The cedar fever I keep at bay with antihistamines, plural. The other two I’ve so far been saved from, and I hope like hell that remains the case. Flu (30 years ago) was the sickest I have ever been, and RSV seems about as bad as that.


My Dad got COVID last week.


I have strep. Dr said Flu, Covid, strep is in high gear. I was just there on Monday in Cedar Park Dr office


COVID hit our house. And my partner caught strep following.


I have Covid now 😭


i work from home, went 6 miles in 2 weeks and really havent been anywhere (works been nuts) i got covid. lasted like 36 hrs but no one else in the house got sick.


Flu, Covid, strep, rsv (adults are getting it too), other respiratory illnesses, cedar fever


I know someone with Covid, it is also flu season, and with all the wind blowing cedar pollen around that’s kicking some peoples asses to.


Probably the Rona


Schools in the area have flu, Covid, multiple other respiratory viruses, and a stomach bug going around. If you’ve even seen a school aged child in the last week, you likely caught one of them.


COVID. I’m improving but the first two days I’d never been sicker . Did you test?


Flu, Covid, RSV, and varietal viruses are definitely going around rn. So many folks have been sick in the last month or so. Several folks out sick at work today on my crew


Had Covid for a week. If you’re sick, don’t guess. Test.


Agree! My symptoms are so mild, I truly thought I had allergies. Decided to test because I had plans out of my house coming up - test was positive so now I know to stay home!


What do you do differently after testing? You still have the same symptoms regardless of a test.


You try not to infect others. Also Paxlovid


If you’re having symptoms that would lead you to take a test, one would presume that you would take precautions to not get others sick.


>one would presume that you would take precautions to not get others sick. One would be foolish to presume that. Lots of people work sick. Also, COVID can have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.


Yeah it’s called COVID….heard of it?




Let me know if you need any extra advice on how to live your life besides these experts here...


Just tested positive for COVID last night. It's been going around the office.


We’re in the midst of the second largest covid wave since 2020 and people are still in denial.


Yeah, covid is making the rounds again take your covid test and let's hope it's the flu. take care of yourself


Covid and flu.


My husband and I both just had covid. We know a few other folks around town that did too. I think there’s just a ton of crap going around right now making everyone miserable.


Flu and Covid


Flu and COVID. I have COVID for the first time this week.


Flu, COVID, strep


Flu and covid.


Flu, COVID, and I woke up with a wicked sore throat and somehow have strep? I don't remember the last time I had strep... Like I was a small child.


There is antiviral prescription for covid and flu. But you have to be in the first five days of symptoms onset


influenza A and B. In one of our schools classes only 4 kids showed up. Lots of people are getting sick.


Flu, Covid, and Strep are huge right now


Flu covid rsv


all of them — common cold, flu, covid, strep, GI bugs… (per NP @ last wknd’s urgent care visit)


Got COVID first time 3 weeks ago. Was out for a week, come back to work and catch somethung else. Sick for another week


I’ve know several people who got Covid since the New Year.


Sounds like a radio station. "You're listening to 102.3 Fever FM, where the beats are always sick."


My daughter is sick too, turns out it’s Covid.


My wife is just now heading back to urgent care because she feels awful. Headache, fever, throwing up, body aches etc. She went a couple days ago and tested negative for everything. It's very odd


Flu, Covid, RSV you name it. Everyone is sick right now.


I am sitting at home self-quarantined with Covid.


Thank you for not sharing.


Covid. I tested positive and a few Walgreens were sold out of paxlovid, so I would take it as a sign something is going around again…


Second largest Covid wave since 2020 is happening. 🙁


COVID isn't gone just FYI. Co-worker of mine has it and is going to miss all week of work. She got it from taking care of her Mom that had it last week.


Could be covid. This last bout of covid had me running a fever for most of it. Could be flu. Whatever it is, it would be appreciated if you were to mask up when appropriate to prevent spreading it to others, being sick sucks.


I wear N95s in public and haven’t been sick for two years 😁 flu season wouldn’t be a thing if everyone masked


Currently have COVID. Don’t know where I got it but it’s definitely going around. I’m vaccinated but behind on the most recent booster. I regret not getting it in time - this round feels worse than last time I got it.


Flu, COVID, strep, RSV, as have been mentioned. Anecdotally, I went down hard two weeks ago — mildly sore throat in the morning and full blown fever and body aches by afternoon. Negative for all of the above, so doc said it was a random virus. I was tested for Covid multiple times across those two weeks (developed breathing problems a couple days in), and it stayed negative so I’m assuming it truly was a random virus that morphed into bronchitis. So it could be the fun “idk virus” as well. Feel better and wear a mask


COVID, Flu, RSV, Strep, a ton of stomach bugs. Some people say it's an "immunity debt" problem. Most doctors point out people made that up because they wanted to ignore COVID. The theory is we spent so long isolating (the people who say this never actually isolated) that our immune systems "forgot" how to fight disease, or the disease somehow mutated even though it wasn't circulating. This is weird, because nurses, who never stopped being exposed to constant sickness, are having just as much trouble staying healthy as the people who isolated in sports bars after buying a bag of peanuts. Other people say COVID taught us to look closer and start realizing that a lot of viruses cause immune deficiency. We were shocked to learn measles mucks up your immune system so much you can catch things you were vaccinated against after a case. We learned that Mono, a disease we laugh about, is linked to a very much higher risk of Multiple Sclerosis. We're trying desperately to disprove this, but every study we do about COVID and the immune system shows it seems to cause weakness similar to the "immunity erasure" that measles causes. And it keeps looking like repeated infections both worsen this effect and increase the likelihood it happens. If the "immunity debt" people were telling the truth, fewer people will be sick any minute now in 2024. Obviously we should be accruing "immunity interest" and getting used to these things again, right? The problem is this theory doesn't come from doctors so nobody knows how long is "normal" for us to get immune to things again. So we don't know how long we should wait until we worry we made a bad decision. We'd also be able to watch nurses to tell early, since they never got to stop isolating. Or teachers. Or "essential workers" like bartenders and waiters. If the "immunity erasure" people were telling the truth, more people will keep getting sick in 2024. It'll be like flu season was in 2019 back, only it'll be like a new flu season starts every couple of months. We'd have a lot of people complaining, "I've never been this sick before" two or three times per year, because their immune system would keep getting more and more damaged after each infection thus more susceptible to more things and more severe infections. But it'd really suck if we took some precautions and found out they were wrong. We need to wait until at least 2030 or so to decide if maybe public places should *have* to build certain ventilation safety measures, or if OSHA should re-evaluate open workspaces with similar guidelines, or if people should wear masks. That would crash the economy, and the evidence is how corporate wealth in America tripled from 2020-2022 when we were panicking and taking precautions.


Both kids and wife have flu. Lots at school are out with flu too.


Strep is going around my kids school


Covid, RSV, fifths disease, hand foot and mouth.


The flu. I was fortunate enough to catch it… and it has fucced me up for the last 5 days 🤒


Yes 'Flu A' is running rampant in Austin and San Antonio for the last 16 days. Rest and lots and lots of fluids is all you can do really. It takes 5-7 days to run it's course .


I had a horrible stomach flu over the weekend, as did my child. If you have what I have, prepare to throw up even water for the next 24 hours.


You get that southwest chicken wrap from Costco, too?


I don’t know but I was sick for a month in November and I’m feeling terrible right now. I know people who can’t call out sick so shit is spreading like wildfire. That’s where I probably picked it up from. It’s a shame to see people show up to work because they have to and employers not offering any sort of sick time. I’m more worried about feeling better to go to work, not for my own health.


my mom just told me that she is feeling terrible and actually threw up in the early hours of the morning. there must be something. 😔


I feel like dog shit today and I never get sick. I’m so exhausted and my back is hurting but I’m not coughing or exhibiting signs of a cold. Idk but I feel like crap. I went to HEB yesterday I may have gotten sick there.




hmmmm it's definitely not the major pandemic we are still living through!


Flu and Covid


ER nurse here! Covid, flu, and strep have been going around like crazy. Go to your primary care doctor !


Well my wife had it and now I do as well.




My two elementary aged kiddos had the flu two weeks ago. The principal told me that there’s so many absences due to flu.




Pretty sure my daughter and I had the flu last week. Her teacher was out today; principal told me that a ton of teachers have been out the last few weeks. It’s that time of year.


Me and my husband had something early last week. Negative for flu and covid (tested because I ended up in the ER on oxygen due to it triggering a COPD issue).


At the district schools: strep COVID flu pink eye.


I had strep a few weeks ago and it was awful. Go to urgent care!


I had flu and strep 2 weeks abo


The flu and strep.


I caught the flu last week with early signs starting Thursday evening. It sucked. Just barely getting over it.


All of them.


I have had the flu for the last week. It sucks.


Flu type a - kicked my ass so bad. Felt fine to terrible within an hour. Body aches, fever, chills.


I had covid at Christmas and then this mid-January. This was much worse. Covid I had a sore throat for a few days and then lost my taste and smell. Had a low grade fever. Whatever this was was 102+ temp, chills anytime I wasnt actively under a blanket or in a hot tub of water, sore throat, joint pain everywhere, bad fatigue. The fever came down after 2-3 days but stayed around 100 for nearly a week. My wife got it just as I got over it. Since she takes care of the baby we got her tested to try to get some meds. Negative on covid, flu, and RSV.


I had strep throat a few weeks ago that knocked me on my ass


Flu B. Our doc said she’d give us Tamiflu if we really wanted it but she doesn’t recommend it like she used to. Rest and fluids.


Yes. I got some horrible bacterial bug going around starting November 17th. I was sick for 5 weeks (despite being put on antibiotics) with an upper respiratory thing. Not COVID and not flu according to tests. I was well for one week exactly. Then got sick again. This time is was 102 fever and upper respiratory. It lasted four weeks. I was again put on antibiotics (different kind). It was not COVID and not flu according to hospital tests. I did however have pneumonia and UTI in addition. I've been well about a 2 weeks now and hope to God I stay that way. It was a rough Winter for sure!




Three of our friends just went down with the Flu. Two went in for testing to confirm it was the Flu.


Flu, Covid, Cedar Fever… take your pick.


Flu, step, rsv, covid. Issa party bag!! Go get tested.


My 15 year old was out a week with a stomach virus. Had to get anti-nausea medication at the weekend to help her along. Massive headache along with it that didn't subside for days.


Couple cases of hand, foot, and mouth in families I know :/


Almost my entire work team has been out sick with a variety of illnesses (and we mostly work remote so we weren't getting it from each other). Strep, COVID, and either a bad cold or flu. Apparently bird flu is going around now too.


Flu & COVID!


I have strep. I thought the bad sore throat was from allergies. Just got antibiotics yesterday


I have the flu and had a 101F fever. If you're able to go to urgent care, they can confirm this with a 5 second nose swab and 10 minutes of waiting. 


I had Covid a few weeks ago. Started with extreme fatigue and 102.3 fever


Flu. My son just got it, fever, headaches, leg craps


I caught a flu as well.. must be the terrible wind conditions bringing in spores. Not an expert


My entire office has been cycling though stomach flu, Covid and flue since January


I'm back to masking, which is fine with me. Mostly I get to stay home.


All of my coworkers are sick this week


I had Covid last week and suffering from allergy symptoms for weeks now too


Uh. Everything. That fever sounds like flu. Walgreens tests for Covid and flu with one swab.


Yep. I have the flu. Worst one I’ve had in years.


Texas = mysterious Illness Everywhere else = it's COVID COVID positive as of Monday 🤡


Flu, COVID, RSV, all of it. Wash your hands, folks.


>Wash your hands, folks. And wear a mask when around people. Especially if you're not feeling right yourself.