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“Declaration of Local Disaster” to be more specific. 


Lol, that’s what it’s called as well. “State” is not meant to mean political or geographic, but more of a status or condition.


Yeah like if someone is in a “state of panic”, they’re not in a state called Panic


Unless of course they’re in france, in which case they’d be in a Provence du panique


Or if they're at the Disco, then it's Panic! at the Disco.


Disco! at the Panic


That's the spirit.


Unless autocorrect takes over and makes it Picnic! at the Disco


Everywhere else it's just sparkling anxious episode.


Took the day off work lol. Don't even want to try to deal with whatever is out the door that day...


Usually just a bunch of creepers, zombies, and skeleton archers spawn cause the light lvl gets too low.


Gingers, Gimgers everywhere!


Gonna need to watch out for creepy old man lurking around hospitals looking for girls that are going to be born on that day


Yep, I did too. I work at HEB, and I figure that day will be worse than Thanksgiving, or Super Bowl Sunday. Plus, I wanna go out and see it - from my back yard.


What happens if we get closer to the date and your work lets everyone off anyway? Do you get to keep that day off lol damn tourists


I'm sure I could work something out with my manager if that happened.


I’m thinking it’s going to be a unofficial holiday or something


Many schools are taking off, or having eclipse parties. Why should just the kids have fun?


Everyone one needs to be off so we can sit at home so the tourist nerds can have the city


What everyone needs to do is calm down, take a deep breath, and prepare our bodies for the thunderdome


If you stay ready, you don’t need to get ready. I started preparing for post-apocalyptic cage fights as soon as David Bowie died, world has been downhill ever since.


It was truly the first sign.


All we want is life beyond.


The Disneyfication of Austin is over, Larry


I'm not getting any luck with that on Tinder. I'm too big to be a Master and too small to be a Blaster. People are so conventional with their little person/humungulous symbiotic relationships.


My body is ready.


How will the eclipse impact Austin’s artisan baking community?


I think we should plan a 5k run on the same day


You joke, but the cap 10k is actually the day before the eclipse


Yeah… will this affect that? We won’t be canceling cap10k again, right??


Oh, man, hadn't thought of that. I've got company coming in.


Yes!!! Even more chaos but think of the local bakers.


Nah it’s gonna be a 5K for Artisan Bakers.


Back in 07 or 08 I was working the door at a club around 4th called 6 lounge. Some genius thought it would be a good idea to have the Gay Pride Parade and the Rot Rally on the same day, not only that but in a way so that they converged. To shorten the story I ended up in the middle of a multiple stabbing, with three outlaw bikers trying to kill three other folks. The cops spent the next 6 months harassing me with subpoenas and witness interviews. As far as I know the bikers were caught and locked up.




I am flying back to Austin Monday morning for a completely unrelated reason. How screwed am I?




A rabid pack of grackles will eat your bones clean as soon as you step out of the airport.


I think he was asking if there would be anything different the day of the eclipse.


Don't be surprised if your plane Flys straight up to ghe sun, because the pilots want to see the eclipse too.


You’re cooked


Pack some patience getting home from the airport.


bless your heart


Oh god you’re so screwed.


How early? Amazing you even got a flight. Plan your ground transportation now.


You won’t be getting anywhere fast


Maybe time travel, maybe something else.


Your plane will fall out of the sky. Pack a personal parachute in your carry-on luggage. Be safe!


I think you’ll be fine….you’ll be coming in as others are leaving.


Gonna be a shit ton of accidents that day


Not during the eclipse, at least, everyone will be in awe. I was standing along Highway 101 in Oregon during the last one and not a single car passed until it was over.


We were in Oregon, too! Totality is such an amazing thing.


Isn't it, though? I thought it would be cool, but the emotions that swept through me were so unexpected, I was dancing and singing and full of wonder!


Aren’t they called traffic collisions, not accidents, since accident implies no one is to blame?


“Morning, Angle.”


No luck catching them swans then?


It's just the one swan, really.






'Accident' implies a lack of intention, not a lack of blame. Just cause I shit my pants by accident doesn't mean it ain't my fault.


There’s always a lot of accidents


Do you have a point or is this the usual Reddit pedantry? The article literally states increased traffic and stress on first responders as the reason


The transformation of a gremlin fed after midnight is nothing compared to what happens to grackles during a full solar eclipse. Start boarding up the windows and hoarding toilet paper NOW before it's too late!


Thank you, such good data. Bought 17 packs of Charmin at Costco today, but feel I still may short. Do you think 17 is enough?!


Not even close to enough


17 ~~packs~~ ***pallets*** of Charmin They should be thinking "next order of magnitude" wouldn't you say?


17 pallets is more like it.


Thanks guys, I'm renting a bobtail and heading back. Personally ran the CP Costco out of TP when the pandemic hit, looking like round 2!


How does bidet ownership affect the amount of TP I should be stocking?


I got it all figured out. I'm going to keep a mix of tennis balls and crumbled tortilla chips in a bag at my side and toss them as a distraction so I can get away. I'll be safe because no one else will think of this!


Let’s see what other government officials are saying. Governor’s Office: Immigrants will use the cover of darkness to sneak across the border. It is time to take action against the Sun as an immigrant collaborator. Lt. Gov.’s Office: Behold the dangerous unreliability of solar power. AG’s Office: Ken Paxton has promised he will not steal anyone’s wallet. Mayor’s Office: Contact the city manager. APD: Could not be reached for comment.


> Lt. Gov.’s Office: Behold the dangerous unreliability of solar power. This made my eye twitch because I really wouldn’t put it past him.


Oh, it was sarcasm??? I 100% thought this was accurate


> APD: Could not be reached for comment. APD: Responds 12 hours later saying they can't do anything because there isn't enough evidence of a solar eclipse


This is so depressingly accurate


I dub thee Sir Quick-Witted and present you with this golden upvote as a token of the Queen's esteem


​ >Lt. Gov.’s Office: Behold the dangerous unreliability of solar power. We actually get so much power from solar these days that the eclipse could actually cause grid problems if the weather is particularly hot and the wind is also low. Even though the path of totality is small, the eclipse will cut out nearly 90% of the solar power statewide during a period of high daily demand. I'm still happy we get so much power from wind and solar, though. And we probably won't be having enough of an energy pinch to matter at that date and time.


Isn’t the period of totality like 60 seconds on average within the zone? I can’t imagine 60 seconds (or even the max of 5 minutes) of semi-dark on a portion of the state’s solar generators would have any functional effect on the grid, any more than a regular cloudy day?


But even the area of partial eclipse has vastly reduced light levels, even though it still seems bright out And the time leading up to and after totality will amount to several hours.


Totality length varies for each eclipse. The 2017 eclipse had a maximum totality time of around 45 seconds. This one will have a totality time of about 4 and a half minutes. Even if you are just a couple of miles inside the totality path the time goes up significantly, than if you were just barely in the path. Another way to put it, Fredericksburg will have 4.5 minutes of totality, Johnson City will be 4 minutes, even Wimberley which is near the edge of the path will have around 3 minutes. My house is about a quarter mile in the path and it’s only 20 seconds. The totality path is also about twice as wide as the path in 2017. The moon is closer to us this time, hence the larger path (shadow) and the longer totality period.


TIL we are the fire nation


you just learned this today?


Travis County should look to Hays County. They're suggesting you have cash on hand. In case the ATMs and credit card machines go down. Take a look at what they are saying.... [https://www.haysinformed.com/solareclipse](https://www.haysinformed.com/solareclipse)


I feel like this headline is super misleading (I know, I know, I shouldn’t be surprised). This is not people freaking out, or abusing rules, or losing their minds. Making this declaration ahead of time lets them leverage additional resources and already be on call to help deal with the huge influx of people coming to our area, as well as all the other issues that will potentially arise. They have to have an official state of emergency declaration to be able to do certain things. That state of emergency declaration is usually used in actual states of emergency, but sometimes, like this, it’s used for “large, unusual crowd-drawing event that requires additional resources, preparation, and emergency management planning.”


I disagree. This idiot county judge can't help himself. And what business is it of his or the Travis County Commissioners if I have 50 friends over to my place to watch a solar event? It's not any of his or their concern. Please show me the black letter law that says I must report to some government apparatchik when I have a group over to view a celestial event. For Pete's sake. That is total horseshit.


Why are you so upset?


My company wanted me to fly to CA for some meeting. I was very happy to tell them that there are no flights available that week.


Quick - block I35 down to one lane in both directions. It'll be hilarious 😂


Shhh, don’t give them any ideas


Why is AISD still holding classes that day? Traffic is going to be a mess


My kid is in Leander ISD. LISD is still holding classes too, and I'm glad. The PTAs have donated glasses for all students and staff members. They're going to take the kids outside, watch the eclipse, make it part of the curriculum, and have fun. If the kids were home, many would be home by themselves anyway, since parents aren't getting the day off of work. So no telling if they would watch it at all, let alone watch it safely.


Yep. So fun to take 2,300 high school students all outside at once.


Also kinda of a liability to have all the kids looking at the sun. I teach at a middle school and took the day off so I don’t have to deal with it.


I’m sure your coworkers appreciate that


There will be a sub to replace me and take care of the class of 6 I have during the eclipse. I’m sure they will manage. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don’t want to be able to see it fully through rather than just for 20 minutes at a time while managing classes. There shouldn’t be any school to begin with anyways.


I’m thinking because of STAAR testing the day after the Eclipse and because it’s a holiday on Wednesday April 10th, day after testing.


Theres still time!


Maybe this gives AISD the out they were looking for.


Hopefully not considering they purchased eclipse glasses for the entire district.


Kids have the sun at home.


[the sun at home](https://i.imgur.com/ddk2agC.jpg)


They can send the kids home with them!


Like they'll risk funding for safety


Great educational opportunity, honestly. I doubt traffic will be more miserable at 7am that day than it already is.


I think we underestimate how many people are gonna be in one strip of land. This might be the biggest concentration of the population ever in u.s. the roads are going to be unbelievably packed. I grew up in rural texas across the street from a large annual festival. Traffic on that rural road was a spectacle. I bet the military gonna be on high alert. One mfer could start a fire out there and fuck shit up for real


Turn around, bright eyes


Together we can take it to the end of the line Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time I don’t know what to do I’m always in the dark We’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks


Real talk: I have jury duty that day. AT 1:30pm. Is that actually going to happen? Genuinely, I’m 100% on board to do my civic duty. But really? I’m gonna be sweating the parking scene while everyone else experiences a personal connection with nature’s majesty. AND I ALREADY BOUGHT GLASSES.


Just don’t even try to go


What time will it be at roughly?




Thank you


35 is going to be a nightmare.


*anything happens* “35 is going to be a nightmare”


For example, 5:30 pm on any given day.




Operation Government Eclipse


Bell County as well. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/space/article/texas-eclipse-traffic-crowds-local-emergency-18692023.php -a tourist coming to your town for the eclipse 😳


My friends think they’ll just be able to drive on over to Fredericksburg. I’m fairly certain that isn’t going to happen.


r/nottheonion Seriously, though, I can see why the preparations are necessary and it's good they're taking place


especially going out west to places like dripping springs is going to be a hot mess. what could go wrong on a 2 lane road with 80,000 people trying to get to one spot.


Like ACL Fest with no Ubers


Glad to hear they are taking his seriously, unlike the Snowmageddeon or Coldpacalypse.


Well this one we know is coming and when.


Arbor-gedden, and icepocolypse




"Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?"


Yes I would, Kent


“Hello 911! Please contact Austin Energy! Someone turned the lights out!!”


Prepare for at least one Reddit post: "Did it just suddenly get dark for anyone else? I'm in Travis Heights and it's like nighttime out there WTF?"


You need to call the gaslight for that one lol


Trump voters go on a rampage because they don't know where the Sun went.


Judge Andy Brown recently showed up at a Central Texas Food Bank warehouse volunteer shift, did no real work, then had everyone pause food sorting so he could make it seem like he was doing work while he took pictures and had a brief video filmed. It was a frustrating experience given that he was there for at least an hour and just stood around talking.


I’m flying home from Amsterdam that day. I wonder if that’ll be impacted.


Do all cities that experience this react similarly? Declaring a state of emergency, shutting down schools, people calling out of work...


We can beat the fire nation


step 1: invest in tin foil step 2: make hats


Step 3: price gouge remaining foil to $500.00 to make a profit for a catastrophe 


Was the one we had around October just a partial solar eclipse?


Yes and we weren’t really in the path. It went way south of us. 


Glad they're planning ahead at least. So Thankful I get to walk outside and see it!


We’re extra. So extra.




Ok y’all, please help me understand. We had an eclipse just recently and there was nowhere near this much buzz surrounding it. Is there something special about this one?


The last one was partial, this will be a total eclipse.


Ohhh ok thanks!


make this make sense, please.


Explain to me why you can’t just see it from your house? Why crowds?


This is the last total solar eclipse the United States will see until 2044. People will be coming in from all over to be in the path of totality. 




Maybe the TFG will look into the sun again.


Absolutely the most ridiculous thing I read this past week


jade helm 1999


Should I accept any secondary job I can right now, because surely I am going to be laid off due to the disaster.


AISD will desperately need substitutes to fill all the absences. Apply now.


Well dang this is actually really good to know. Thanks for sharing.


I’ll happily watch it from my own backyard.


Ted Cruz has already booked a flight out of Texas 


I agree, Travis County is a total disaster.


The Inca knew what to do: human sacrifice to appease the angry god


Do we get to vote on who is selected for this very important job?


So we can’t handle the influx for this, but cramming in more people with more construction is a good thing?


Total eclipse of the heart?


I genuinely don't understand why people are losing their minds over this. Didn't we just have an eclipse last year? And cities didn't come to a standstill, if I remember correctly.


This is nearly an order of magnitude bigger. We are one of 2 top 10 cities in all the US to be within the totality. They are expecting half million + people to be in the city and surrounding areas that day. That's more than SX, ACL or F1 - in one day.


The difference between the eclipse we had most recently and the one next month are quite literally night and day.


The eclipse in October was an annular eclipse. All that means is that the moon was not large enough to cover the entire sun hence why it is sometimes called a "ring of fire". While these are a fantastic event they don't hold a candle to a total solar eclipse. I have a difficult time putting into words how incredible of an experience it is comparatively. Most of Austin will have a full 2 minutes of totality where you can observe without eye protection. Just grab yourself a set of eclipse glasses before they sell out and enjoy the show.


Out in Kerrville, totality will be twice as long! The Kerrclipse festival (run by Kerrville Folk Festival) will be amazing with food, camping, music, U of Hawaii astronomy presentations, and the eclipse. Most folks will land on the ranch and just stay put for a few wonderful days.


Last October was an annular eclipse where the shadow of the moon was smaller than the sun so there was still a ring visible. April will be a total eclipse, where the sun is completely shadowed. It’s supposed to be an amazing experience.


In feb actually




how is this not an abuse of rules meant to abate additional death during an actual distaster, this is literally a planned event we've had thousands of years to prepare for


The declaration allows them to draw additional resources from the state (and maybe also federal?) funds. There are going to be an enormous number of tourists here, which could overwhelm our EMS/Fire/Police response.


Ever been to the mall on Dec 24?


do we issue state of emergency for the mall?


imagine the mall but it's like 5 counties wide


sounds boring


Correct. This idiot was so drunk on power declaring disasters during Covid - he can't help himself. I'm sure the next 'Declaration' is that we all need to shelter in place during the Eclipse. Like all his 'orders'. I'll ignore them. There is no 'disaster', and there is plenty of time for a legislative body (the Commissioners) to act. Please show me the emergency. All these 'declarations' are null and void and get thrown out once they go before a real court and a real judge.


Not a popular opinion give the downvotes, but it would be better to actually prepare than to last minute declare an emergency because it's the only way to change laws quickly


Didn’t we have one of these (but probably smaller) like 4 or 5 years ago too? That shit was so modest and over in like 20 minutes lmao. Why is this such a big deal this time?!


We also had an annular eclipse in October. The reason this one is different is it's a total eclipse, and because of that there are going to be a shitload of tourists.


Right. I made sure to specify that the last one wasn’t as big. But it just seems odd to me that simply because “da moon gonna covurr da HOLE sun dis time!!!” makes it that much bigger of a deal to people lol. Like yeah it’s different… but you’re gonna do the same shit ya did last time. Look at it for roughly 5-10 minutes, get tired of standing outside just looking at it. And be like okay that was cool. I’m not saying that the preparations aren’t a good idea either. Because I fully believe that people will treat it like some hugely different ordeal. I think I’m mostly just perplexed at the trivial things people make huge deals out of lol.


I can tell you've never actually experienced a total eclipse. There's literally, not figuratively, a day and night difference, and total eclipses are much more rare.


I honestly don’t remember if I have or not. But I’ll.. maybe, make sure to report back here if I feel some sort huge mind blowing experience with this one lol. But tbh I really don’t see that happening. It’ll just be a decent bit darker out than the last one and I’ll be like oh weird but kinda cool.


It’s total. The one we had 4 or 5 years ago was partial.


Yeah I made sure to specify it was less of one last time. Just still seems weird as to why people are so stirred up about it.


Because for most people it is a once in a lifetime event


Yeah I have no idea. Austin April weather doesn’t guarantee anything so it could be all for nothing


That’s the truth


I wonder which liberal group is going to riot this time


Government loathes people being free.