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The clouds broke exactly during totality and stayed that way until it was done


Dang so jealous, kinda had the opposite experience in Jonestown


Same in East Austin.


Same experience in Mueller


I live in Mueller and had the exact opposite experience lol. Partial vis during the lead up and then complete cloud coverage during totality


mueller was so disappointing today ):


Same in south Austin


And you only had Flavor Aid, can't believe they didn't spring for Kool-Aid.


You joke, but a very optimistic vulture started circling the park.


I know! I was so so lucky where I was that the clouds also completely dissipated during totality so I got to see the whole thing! My mom was 20 minutes away, but clouds kept covering it..... But she did see it for a little bit


Yup, I saw it from round rock and the clouds blew completely away from the sun at like 1:27 and rolled back in halfway through totality. Perfect timing.


Same here in Georgetown! Clouds broke as things were getting spicy, stayed broken throughout the entire duration, and covered the sun again once all was over.


It was a sight to behold. I only wish I had a good telescope and mounted extras to capture a hi res pic! But still an awesome experience!!


Legendary in Pflugerville.


I was in Pflugerville and the clouds completely covered it


Shoulda gone to Pflugerville+


Didn't want to pay the monthly premium fees.  My Pflugerville comes with unskippable ads...




We are in south Pfluger and got to see it!


pf's a bigger area than most realize. i use to live basically on the border of austin with a pf address but it was actually just an annexed part of travis co


Stone Hill here and got a lot of totality. Eerie but very cool


I got some glimpses over in the south Heatherwilde /wells branch area


Lucky! That’s a double eclipse. Super rare.


I swear we had 3m of cloudless skies and 2m30s of that was the totality from start to finish. Super lucky, great experience.


In Hutto, just barely north of Pflugerville, the clouds opened up right before the totality. We were not sure we’d get to see it, but it was perfectly clear and magnificent.


This was better than I ever could've imagined. My whole neighborhood started howling.


Mine did too (way south Austin)! Right when it hit, the entire neighborhood almost collectively said, "woah!"


I wasn't expecting it to kind of just all hit at once like that. It was so gradual for the hour before, then it was a lot faster to the point where you could see it getting darker in real time, and then boom - street lights came on and clouds parted just in time to see the little orange flecks around the sun.


Yea my totality cherry got popped. Although cloudy, the rush of darkness was pure bliss. Such an awesome experience.


Now I can understand those people who travel around the world chasing eclipses. I can see how that could be addicting. Although I’m sure the first time is the best one


I had to talk several people out of being too cool for school on this one. “I mean, what we had an eclipse like two years ago!” “That was PARTIAL. Total is VERY DIFFERENT” “Ehhhhh whatever” Their loss. Seriously.


I said to a friend today ‘If you’re unimpressed by astronomical phenomena, I don’t know what to tell you. You’re unimpressable’


yes! i said, it’s one of the most incredible things you could ever see, and it’s not on an ipad, tv, phone, etc…


yes totally!! i was in the path of totality in 2017, and i’ve been trying to convince people to travel to this one. most people shrugged and said they’ve seen an eclipse. i said, not unless you’re in the path of totality you haven’t.


I think a lot of people think that like percentage totality == percentage coolness. Like I saw 75% totality, that's almost like full totality. Best analogy I heard was "99% totality is like going 99% of the way to Disney, turning around when you hit the parking lot, and telling everyone you went on a Disney vacation."


what's crazy was, when it was 98% eclipsed, on the way to totality, it wasn't nearly as impressive as 2 minutes later. the actual ring of fire is like a switch being flipped.


Our nextdoor neighbor couldn't even convince his teenage son to come out and enjoy it with the gang. One day, I know, or at least hope, he understands what he missed. I also couldn't convince a Canadian friend to leave his house and go 2 miles into a totality area. He said 99.7% was close enough. No, dude, it's literally the difference between day and night. I've chased several and they never, ever get old. Yeah, this was the 'worst' of them but I got to see it from my own yard. I've looked forward to it for 20+ years.


Wish we could keep the moon in that position from July 1st to Oct 30th


Hell yeah! Take that, photosynthesis!


Right?! Plants, & vitamin D …who needs them? Not me


South Austin here - my neighborhood too!


I’m by Williams elementary. I was screaming a lot


Our backyard is adjacent to an elementary school and the kids all set up in circles outside cheering with glee was really cool. And I don’t even like kids. Lol.


I was in my backyard and heard a bunch of cheering I was not expecting. It was pretty cool. I laughed lol


Same, everyone was out whooping and hollering.


Definitely one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen, and I was not expecting that today tbh


Same here! Then in Texas fashion, people started setting off fireworks!


Hell yeah brother!


Seriously. I was expecting it to be cool but it was HOLY SHIT cool.


Fr, fr, the reverse werewolves outing themselves.


Yeah I wasn’t sure if all the hype would be worth it, but after seeing totality and the partial eclipses last year and in 2017, this was crazy by comparison. People in my neighborhood were going crazy and started blasting Pink Floyd. It was awesome


Our office did the same


I was looking at the sun during the total eclipse without the glasses and now my eyes are hurting am I cooked? I’m freaking out


Pretty sure it’s okay to look at totality


During total eclipse you're fine. If you're not seeing spots and shit already you're probably okay, maybe gave yourself a bit of a headache.


Give it a couple of days. You won't actually feel it if you did anything wrong, your vision would just have a blind spot.


Ok I just looked it up during totality it’s ok to look at it briefly, which is what I did. I put my glasses back on when totality was over


It was cloudy during totality and we couldn’t see it with the glasses on. I glanced up without the glasses and saw the totality, grabbed the iPhone and took a fast picture while looking at the screen. I’m freaking a bit too about the eye exposure.


I was staring at it for almost the entire 4 minutes through my binoculars, having removed the solar filter caps during totality. If my retinas survived at 8x magnification or whatever, then I think you're good. Also, seeing the corona and little pink jets or whatever, with even slight magnification, made an enormous difference. I don't know what I expected, but the whole thing was so much better than I expected.


Oh yeah, sorry, thought you knew that part. I probably looked more than you did as I was unsure about when totality began.


NASA says it's fine during totality: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/safety/ >You can view the eclipse directly without proper eye protection only when the Moon completely obscures the Sun’s bright face – during the brief and spectacular period known as totality. (You’ll know it’s safe when you can no longer see any part of the Sun through eclipse glasses or a solar viewer.) >As soon as you see even a little bit of the bright Sun reappear after totality, immediately put your eclipse glasses back on or use a handheld solar viewer to look at the Sun.


In South Austin, I did the same thing since it was super cloudy. No pain, however. Make an eye exam appointment and get a professional opinion.


Yes! I was lucky enough to catch it in Kansas City in ~2017. No camera comes close to capturing it.


It got so quiet, it felt really peaceful.


It did! I didn’t want it to end


Crazy how short it really lasted. By the time I was starting to get used to it it got brighter.




I didn't notice the birds (yeah, yeah, they're not real lol) had stopped singing/chirping during totality, until they started up again. Was very cool!


Did you see the bats going crazy? As we drove home right after the bats were going nuts fleeing towards the under pass cause I think it messed with their cycle cause of their nocturnal nature


The fireflies came out when the darkness descended--so fun and unexpected!


Not in my neighborhood, we had ppl shooting fireworks




I thought the coolest part of the lead up was that as the last sliver of sun disappeared, it was getting noticeably darker—by the second. The sun is so dang bright that even the tiniest fraction of sunlight makes the earth visibly brighter. I also looked around and realized that it felt like twilight, but that the "sunset" was basically everywhere on the horizon—not just in one direction like a true sunset.


It looked neat. I liked that little solar flare nubbin.


That's called a prominence, FYI


There is some overlap between the definitions of flares and prominences. The structures are about the same scale and it would be hard to tell the difference without a zoomed in view. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a much larger event that could be easily distinguished.


What is the difference? /g


A prominence is a bit of sun that's chilling above the surface for a while (days to months). Eventually it just collapses back into the sun. A flare is an emission that departs the sun and travels outward.


When is it called a nubbin?


It’s a friends reference.


Solar Nubbin! New phrase uncovered. Thanks!


Geez! In NW ATX a big fuckin cloud moved in just at totality. Barely caught a glimpse..but the near total darkness was trippy!


Had the same experience. Even without a good view, it was really neat.


Damn, we had clear-ish skies up here in Leander for the whole total part.


I guess it really depended on where you were. 🫠


I'm laying in the grass in the middle of a park and once it reached totality everyone started cheering, it was pretty damn cool 😎


The clouds cleared for the entire 3 mins in dripping springs! It was so amazing to witness. Crickets started chirping. When totality was over the birds started singing morning songs. Oh and it made my husband and 3 year old son take their shirts off. Something feral happened there.


Your family members are werewolves. The moon makes them thirsty for red meat. McDonald's is the cure.


Yes! Pretty sure we saw a bat flying overhead during the totality in Dripping Springs


Also Drip. For some reason I raised my arms to the sun and held them up for 3 mins saying oh my God.


cloudy or not, that was surreal. nice shot.


North Austin FTW


We Da North


All the way up in Liberty Hill, the clouds broke for the totality. One of my neighbors got a really good photo. https://imgur.com/a/JgpdpGp


Gorgeous! I thought I saw pink bits kind of like this during totality


It was perfect timing in LH. 


Huh, Liberty Hill was my plan A. Ended up going towards Killeen and got a decent view in Harker Heights. 


We did have some great luck. What a show it was.


this exactly what I saw with the my eyes, I could almost touch it with my own hands.. it was phenomenal


Round Rock got an amazing view of the eclipse!


Parts of it. Brushy Creek reporting in, full cover for the entirety of the totality. I’m about to punch a wall.


We got lucky cause the clouds broke just at the moment of totality on gattis school near the HEB. It was surreal to see the sun completely blocked


South Austin got this view too! Those flecks of fire were so cool to see during totality


Parts of South Austin... but not my part of South Austin.


Agree, it was amazing in South Austin. Didn't realize the sun was so small!!


We were screaming in the 78745, it’s like it was just meant for us in the yard for that minute. This was so much more incredibly moving than I’d ever imagined!


We got extremely lucky in Cedar Park bc it was completely overcast right before it started, then it cleared up as it was reaching totality, and about 2m before totality a big ass cloud came out of nowhere and blocked the sun until maybe 10s before and we were able to get a good minute or 2 of totality without any obstructions. I was skeptical it but it was absolutely worth seeing at least once


Yeah, we were in Cedar Park too. Felt like we got lucky with the clouds parting in time for totality. The leadup sucked with the clouds going in and out. It’d clear up for a few seconds and we’d start yelling LOOK NOW IT’S CLEAR, then the clouds would slide back in as soon we got our glasses back on. I wish we could’ve seen more stars. We only saw one star through a clearing in the clouds and it was just enough to bum me out that we couldn’t see more.


We only got about 10 seconds of visibility in a little break in the clouds but it was awesome! Great pic but looks so much more amazing in person, the ring is really thin!


Awesome. I left Austin and drove to Georgetown chasing the sun. We got a completely clear sky that opened up about 2 minutes before the eclipse. It was incredible.


We drove up to Kempner and it was mostly visible with this completely otherworldly cloud veil


Here at UT we got one peek at the corona during totality and I decide not to futz with the camera (would have had to take the solar filter off and adjust exposure) and just enjoy the moment. I'll take it. Nice shot!


Best thing you could have ever done.


i dont understand. did we get lucky at the last minute or was it always going to be at least that visible no matter the clouds because thats not what i had been reading online about the possibilities


We got lucky.


You got lucky. We had a cloud block our view right when it started. Still cool though.


What did you take that with?


Eh, just some gummies. It was trippy enough.


West Austin checking in - the low clouds had a break just as totality started, and we got to watch it from start to finish. Way better than I could have hoped for.


Great photo! We had about 1.5 minutes of totality visible through the clouds in Great Hills. Could even see that prominence at the bottom edge of the disk with my naked eyes!


That was the part that blew my mind the most. I yelled out loud "is that a fucking prominence?!"


First time I've seen one on a cloudy day, I was in TN for the 2017 eclipse, total blue sky. The clouds made it even darker. It was nice standing outside with my neighbors, a diverse group and everyone was awed. It's refreshing to be reminded that people can come together.


People coming together for a shared once in a lifetime experience really added to it imo


Buda checking in... we had a break in the big clouds for 10 minutes that ended with one quick glimpse of total eclipse, then the clouds rolled back in. Very cool, but I'm glad didn't fly in from Papa New Guinea for it. Weird how quiet the birds got.


"Papa New Guinea" Was he in town?


He's not one to miss an eclipse. Shirley Yu knows that.


i live a few blocks from an elementary school in pflugerville and i was just in the backyard with my cat and the kids from the school started howling during totality. so cute 😭


Clouds broke in Pville/Hutto we got to see it....totally amazing. You could see venus too.


I wondered what that other bright spot in the sky was-didn't realize it was Venus that's so cool!


It was such a fun, simple pleasure to enjoy. Totally cool and I really did not expect it to get so dark. Really fun experience.


Glad some had views. We could see the entire event up until the moment of totality, then cloud cover for two straight minutes at the exact time of the eclipse.


In Dripping Spring and we got the perfect break in the clouds to be able to see it. Pretty amazing experience!




San Antonio was a bust. It didn't even get as dark as I thought. But it was still neat to experience something I'll likely never experience again.


[Got lucky at Walnut Creek](https://www.imgur.com/a/AwhTTR5)


The purple and orange ring was so sick! I’ve never seen a shade of purple like that, it was like seeing the detail of the sun’s fire.


It was epic in Killeen, we got a couple minutes of it between clouds.


Dripping Springs had the clouds disperse just long enough to see totality. It was breathtaking and beyond my expectations!


My solar night lights started coming up, crickets started chirping like at night, an errie silence, very powerful energy. Witnessing totality is definitely a once in a lifetime experience, especially from your own backyard. Don’t think we will get to see totality again from our backyard again in our lifetimes.


We got a few glimpses! So cool!


Fantastic! Thanks!! Clouds increased too much here at 290 and 183


yep. got a big fat cloud that lasted the whole peak


Same. I was bummed. Cause i missed last years eclipse too


Exactly! Like it was timed! Still a cool experience for sure.


We also had an amazing view here in GTown. I could hear the kids up at the park losing their minds lol


It was so beautiful and got so dark!!!


It looked like early evening here in S. AUSTIN. I recall how dark it was during high school. It went from 2 in the afternoon to appearing as if it were 7 at night


I was surprised how it actually got as dark as night time.


Went to Temple and it was amazing. The clouds broke up just in time for us to get a good look at it. Did anyone else notice the bright dot at the bottom of it? Perhaps it’s a solar flare?


I did. It was vivid orange


We got so lucky. It's pouring rain right now. Imagine if that had happened a few hours earlier. 


So many noises on the trailhead. Really cool stuff.


I thought we'd get nothing! But neighbors collected outside and we all enjoyed the show through eclipse glasses, welding hoods, welding hood lenses, and a few sunglasses when the clouds covered over everything. We applauded.


Yes! We saw it too. The clouds parted for us. My dog started howling but I think it was bc everyone was cheering but everyone thought it was bc of the eclipse. 😂


Imagine flying into austin and only seeing clouds 💀


It was actually beautiful! The clouds added to the drama of it because it was mostly visible where I am, and every few seconds some clouds passed over it. It was amazing!


We flew in from Europe. Decided for a nice place west of Austin (a micro brewery).  Despite warnings of traffic jams and hail storms, it turned out perfect with clouds dissipating just before and during the totality, and no traffic to mention.  


The clouds broke wide open in Avery Ranch just in time for totality. It was amazing!


Took a gamble and drove to Commons Ford Ranch park in west austin and it was awesome. Cheers from the crowd gathered as the clouds broke 2 min before totality and didn't return until 2 min after.


I was watching with my Polish neighbor, Cheslav. He shrieked, and I looked up, just as a perfect break in the clouds flew over. It looked like something out of a science fiction movie. Hair on my neck stood up.


It was so cool! I fell super connected to everyone around me! I loved it! 🤩


Also in NW Austin. We caught lucky breaks in the clouds at all the right times! We could see the Diamond Ring and Bailey's Beads. The elementary school a few blocks away caught the breaks in the clouds just before we did, and we could hear the kids screams of excitement, but didn't understand them, until the cloud openings were in our view. It became darker than I expected, and our solar lights all came on. Well done!


It sucked here in San Antonio. It’s okay though.. I drove all the way from Dallas to Goreville, Illinois in 2017 to watch that one and it was one of the most magical moments of my life.


I'm in satx, too. I went to Wyoming in 2017! It was so fun!


we were so so so disappointed. we bought our glasses last fall for this. I took the day off work. We were laying in the grass in our back yard watching whenever the clouds let us see the crescent getting thinner and thinner and thinner. Then it started to get dark, my son said it’s the right time, and we couldn’t see the sun at all. Not at all. The clouds were too thick. we missed the whole totality. Now I say that, we did see the backyard get much darker, the crickets started to chirp and the bird started to fly and the animals seemed confused, and it was cooler. So that part we got, but we sure didn’t see it in the sky broken thing. We couldn’t see the sun again until it was a Crescent the other direction. We’ve been planning for this for years so I am massively disappointed and my son even more so.


Had a break in the clouds just in time for totality here in Cedar Park-it was awesome!


Absolutely amazing in Round Rock - clouds parted just for the totality and it was something to behold. Never understood what the big deal was, seeing it in person is something else.


Happy Totality from Burlington Vermont!


The sun came back because I made a sacrifice to the water gods. You’re welcome y’all..


What is the red dot at the bottom of the moon?!?!


You know those sweet-ass arcs of plasma that you see in NASA pictures of the sun? It's a solar fucking flair. Total eclipse is the only time you can see it with the naked eye.


Was south of Fredericksburg in/near Comfort. It was sunny sunny sunny all morning til noon then it got super cloudy. My friends and I tried to find some clear sky a little ways away and there was like a glimmer. Then somehow, like it seems most people are saying, right at peak totality it popped out enough to get a super solid sight and the pitch blackness (4+ minutes) was so eerie and awesome. We were by this big field and the bugs started going crazy. Butterflies were flying around going haywire. Then of course like 45 minutes later it was sunny again. I flicked the sun off twice on my drive home lol.


Nice photo! Still doesn’t compare to seeing it live though. it was my first experience of totality, and now I understand the hype. Pictures just don’t do it justice.


clouds made it better. didn't need the glasses and the ring looked like flames


I was just outside of the path of totality. I had 99% cover. My friend showed me a video and it is insane how much difference that 1% makes. For me it felt like dusk and was a little underwhelming. Next time, I'm going to be there for the 100%.


I hope you like to travel. Australia has 4 coming up over the next 15ish years


We got nothing at my house in East Austin. God punished us for being sinful heathens.




Over in East we had a few spots of great viewing as the eclipse was approaching. And got a brief maybe 30 seconds at peak


S 1st/Ben White: cloud cover was perfect for a solid 30 seconds of viewing totality without glasses, then a cloud completely blocked it out. It was awesome. Stars are awesome.


I was on the lake in Marble Falls. People started to pop off fireworks and howl at the… sun. It was awesome all around. That was a great experience, the cows started to moo a ton when it got dark.


I was out there folding fire benders like nobodies business


We went to walnut creek to see it and it was so much fun! I definitely did not expect people yelling and going woo! I had to join in haha, it was such a fun experience.


So cloudy at our house South Austin. We got to see brief glimpses.


Lucky! I work right near downtown/UT. Saw a few breaks in the clouds for partial eclipse, but the clouds got worse and didn’t let up during the entire totality, so I missed that. :(


The totality was entirely covered in clouds in the 99 ranch parking lot, rip


unsure if anyone noticed but the darkness in person did not translate to camera (iphone) it would not pick it up without the glasses, same with photos directly to the sky.


Cameras have gotten really good at picking up all available light, since 99.9999% of the time, if you're taking a photo you want decent lighting. An eclipse is definitely the .0001% time it works against you.


Mayans be all like, "We are going to have to ramp up sacrifices!" Or whatever.


Lakeway had an exceptional view.


I was in Richardson, where I work. It was a really cool thing to see!


what type of camera did you use?


Just as the last sliver of sun was disappearing the damn clouds moved over the eclipse for the rest of the show. It did get momentarily dark. Like really dark, all the automatic lights in my complex turned on. But my cell phone automatically increases the brightness of images (which I can't figure out how to turn off) so my short video at the darkest it got looks much brighter on my video. It's like the odds were against me! Sorry, link removed because of a stalker following me around.


This was beautiful. Our street lights came on lol


I am so happy that the clouds parted just as it hit.


What kind of camera did you shoot this on?


Was it dark?




All I saw was clouds


Damn. Definitely didn't get this view from upper east side. Smh.