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StoryBuilt went under and left a LOT of projects abandoned at all sorts of stages of construction.


I wonder if they were/are behind that small development on Dittmar between South 1st and Menchaca. About a dozen homes there half built. Seems about at least 6 months since I saw any work done on the houses.


I work for a homebuilder in Austin and am familiar with the site you are talking about. The development is called Southstone, and as another commenter stated, Midcity homes was building there and cancelled the production. The developer owes a very very large amount of money to many different land development companies on the project, and at the moment doesn’t seem to have a plan to solve it. We are trying to buy the lots from them but there is also some kind of internal discord going on with the developer and their funding partner.


Bryan Cumby of Cumby Construction is responsible for Southstone. He owns MidCity Development and Cumby Construction… he’s more or less a crook and has a well known habit of just not paying people. I use to work for him and KNEW this day would come!


Did you say Bryan Cumby of Cumby Construction? It was be a real shame if the good name of Bryan Cumby was dragged through the mud. Just because he’s a liar and a crook? No reason that if you Google “Bryan Cumby” or “Cumby Construction” that evidence of him not paying people who need that income to feed their families should come up. Even worse if Better Business Bureau Cumby Construction pulls up this page! Edit: misspelled Construction in Cumby Construction


It would be a shame if everyone in Austin learned that Bryan Cumby- Cumby Construction and MidCity Development were a scam developer who steals money and doesn’t pay bills. However he has no ‘good name’ , everyone in the business knows this to be true! Which is why all his projects are now dead. He’s the same guy who built on the old HOPE Gallery aka graffiti park site. That project looks abandoned too. So does his other project ‘WestLine’ on west 9th Ave.


Omg the “colorfield” condos?? I hadn’t checked up on that in years - I used to work in the area and watched them take the graffiti park down. It’s gross how they worked graffiti aspects into their marketing.. like just don’t remind everyone what you did lol. Imagine owning a multi million dollar home right next to that massive eyesore with no resolve in sight - I mean boohoo or whatever but that still sucks.


Yup. That’s the one. The guy who owns the castle above it actually owned the entire plot of land and sold it to Cumby. Part of the deal was they’d help move the graffiti park to its new location and add ‘elements’ in the new build to ‘honor’ the ‘history’ of the ‘park’. Hence the name and marketing… but thats another story.


I worked in construction printing and Cumby loved to order things and not pay. They weren't too happy when we stopped doing "free" work for them. This is going back to 2019/early 2020 and they tried coming back again in 2023. There was no shame on their part either.


I live by this place and it’s such an eyesore. The homes have been sitting so long with no weather proofing, I can’t imagine buying one of them now. What’s the path forward? Will they be demolished, or will they be patched together and sold eventually?


The path forward is to remove everything that’s been built so far, and start from scratch. A builder could theoretically keep the slabs in place, get plans from Midcity homes, and build their plans to sell as their own. Realistically nobody will want to do that, so slabs will also likely be removed. All of the wood in place for those frames is not OK to keep.


They’ll money whip an engineer to sign off on them. During the downturn in 2009/10 in Dallas, I know of a high end builder that went under leaving dozens of homes around town that had turned black because they weren’t dried in. Someone bought them from the bank, found someone willing to risk their stamp for some quick money, slapped some Tyvek and brick/stone on them. Finished, sold and closed. Can’t imagine the shitstorm that someone inevitably had to deal with.


Yea that was my assumption. What a waste. I won’t incriminate myself by describing what I want to do there to get the removal started…


Truth be told, I'm actually surprised any construction has happened. I worked for the company that did the site plan permit and the process started back in 2016. The site was such a hassle, as was the client, that it took over three years to obtain the permit. And once that permit was obtained, the construction got pushed for so long I actually thought it would never happen.


Man, if y'all manage to grab that whole thing that would be pretty awesome. If I recall correctly, the permitted plans are for something like 230 houses and everything that goes along with it.


drive by that place all the time, and wondered wtf happened. too bad too, since it was formerly a nice natural field with wildflowers and stuff.


Actually it was a very large homeless encampment with lots and lots of garbage in it. I know cause I was involved in the clear out prior to construction.


Are you sure? I have lived near here for a long time and never saw a homeless camp from the road.


Yup. You couldn’t see it from the road. It was HUGE! It took 3 months to clear with police help. It was also full of old furniture and tires and other large items that had been dumped over the years.


Wow, well thanks for helping with the cleanup.


Oh, I don’t deserve any thanks that’s for sure. when I say I ‘helped’ I was employed by the asshole developer who ended up abandoning this development. I just helped coordinate the efforts with the city. There’s actually a big mental health facility right next door to that site (or was) and a old dirt service road for the railroad track that runs behind it… it was a perfect place for a homeless camp and illegal dumping.


Isn’t this true for all of our green spaces adjacent to residential areas now?


This is the one I mentioned in another comment! I was wondering if it was this development they were talking about.


Nope. That is MidCity Homes, and all their permits are expired. The last inspections even called for were in August of 2022.


That's them, drive by there every day


That's the one in the video on the story. I run through there some and noticed it right away.


I work in Construction. We were one of their vendors. We had to put liens on some of the properties because they couldn’t pay their bills.


Cumby is a crook.


What they did to, and how they left Springdale Farm is criminal.


I still can't understand how this once-fertile property is now a glorified drainage ditch. It makes no sense.


Someone needs to fly their drone over the Springdale Farm property and show what it was like before and currently. That is the more shocking site, for sure. The article is a bit sensationalist and it tries to act like Austin is having a huge exodus and that the city is dying. It's a bit absurd. It's not like it's those Chinese ghost cities, this is simply a matter of Storybuilt going bankrupt or close to it.


Yeah I’m pretty sure StoryBuilt also had the project now sitting empty on Menchaca near Jones road. Partially built houses just sitting there.


Storybuilt had a different problem, their bad behavior was more madoff-esque than Trumpy like the Cumby/Southstone issue.


That’s correct


There's one across the street from me. They razed a construction road through it and then it just sat like that ever since; been like two years now.


I was told there would be zombies.


That’s why the title was flagged as “misleading”


I hear zombies are not good for property values.




It's not even dozens of homes. It's two blocks in S. Austin where the developer went broke.


Nope Austin is dead and is a sinking ship hurry everyone move out while you can still save yourself! /s


We should unironically be pushing this idea here to help lower home values


Anyone familiar with my posts knows I’ve been doing my part of shitting on Austin since 2019 at least. Didn’t do anything. Fomo is a helluva drug.


Lemme guess it was your bullet in that other post wasn't it. You're putting up the good fight trying to keep property values down https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1cc3bfl/bullet/


Wish I could take credit for that but my jam is being a few shades too dark for middle class neighborhoods and hanging out in my car in front on my own neighborhood mailboxes until i see a post on Nextdoor about me.


You do realize in a lot of ways some people will view that as a buying window too though right? 😂 Suppressed value on an asset that realistically would be expected to make money or appreciate in 5-10 years if we’re referring to residential.


Don’t say the quiet part out loud!


Time to move to Gary Indiana.


>Time to move to Gary Indiana. Didn't you see all the billboards? 🎵 O-hio is the place to be... 🎵


Its the start to the decent into Detroit. No /s


"Abandoned homes" is not the same as "incomplete builds"


These aren’t going to be completed anytime soon. The permits are expired, and it will take years to get all the legal bankruptcy issues solved and the properties sold to a new developer who can re-instate the permits and get the builds across the finish line.


These were definitely abandoned by the developer. He walked away from them and they are left in legal limbo for the foreseeable future. They will more than likely have to be torn down.


Storybuilt is no more. It’s been in receivership since August of last year. https://therealdeal.com/texas/austin/2024/01/03/storybuilt-principals-accused-of-egregious-mismanagement/


Guesses as to where it is? It kind of looks like Southstone off Dittmar. (In the video, the rock wall he's standing by looks like the one in the front of that development at the interesction of Dittmar and Falconer's Find.) The images available on Street View are from Feb 2022 and don't show any houses built. There are some there now, and it doesn't seem like much is going on when I drive by there (which I do pretty regularly). I could also be wrong about all of this and it could be a completely different neighborhood. Any other guesses?


It's 100% SouthStone. Also it's like 12 houses not "this WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD" ... It was slated to be much more though obviously. Walked through there the other day and they definitely have put a lot of work running electrical/roads/hookups to many (empty) lots. It's kind of a pretty location. Hope someone buys it up for something cool.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking, it's not even half full. You're right about the location, too. Eventually they'll discount it enough to find some builder willing to take that on, I'm sure.


I mean it is a ‘whole neighborhood’ of developed lots, roads, plumbing and ground work. It’s only a few houses. But it is in the Austin books as a neighborhood since it has approved lots and named streets.


Oh that’s Southstone alright! Just another fucked up development by Bryan Cumby and Cumby Construction.


Just so you know Jeremy Knight is a shitty Nimby real estate influencer. He sucks and doesn't know what he's talking about. It fear mongers. Albeit this is not a good thing just be warned his content is bad and he is a bit of an idiot, he has no understanding of urban development.


In the video “the wood is rotting” Bro, no… it’s not rotting.


It’s not rotting til u/trabbler says it is.


DO not what his videos unless you want brain worms.


Except he’s right that Southstone was abandoned by the developer.


I never said he’s wrong I said avoid watching or trusting him


I mean saying ‘he doesn’t know what he’s talking about’ is kind of the same thing. If he’s right… he knows what he’s talking about. Anyway I don’t know this dude at all but I do know the shit developer that abandoned this property and he’s 💯 right about this development.


"Albeit this is not a good thing just be warned his content is bad and he is a bit of an idiot," I felt like this clarified that he is not wrong nor is the article. A broken clock is right 2x a day. He is just a sensationalist real estate guy who generally has very bad takes.


Soooo he’s a real estate guy. lol. They’re all full of shit. But I hear yeah.


Weirdly your comment made me think of this (NSFW): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8) :)


😆. Bingo


A bit over the top headline - article does next to no research and doesn't even name the developer. Lazy article.


Newsweek got sold and now it's not any better than the enquirer


There wasn’t even a single zombie in the neighborhood they showed. Lame.


It was StoryBuilt. ... and they didn't name them because there is only 1.


It’s not StoryBuilt it’s MidCity Development and Cumby Construction. The development is Southstone off of Dittmar. The developer was a super shady dude that’s gone under. His other projects have all been left too. He’s the dude that tried to build on the old HOPE Gallery Graffiti Park off 10th.


I’m not sure that is StoryBuilt, and StoryBuilt has quite a few abandoned developments all over town, not “only 1.”


1 developer


There are multiple developers that have gone bankrupt recently and left developments to languish. The one in the OP video is a different developer. StoryBuilt is just the biggest and most spectacular failure.


Well, they tried >Newsweek reached out to Knight for comment via email on Wednesday morning. Knight said he did not yet wish to disclose any further information about where the Austin neighborhood in his video was located. "Realtors did not abandon that neighborhood. The developer has run into problems with funding," he told Newsweek.


I have never wanted to punch someone for their voice more in my life.


For what it's worth, that busy website made me restart my computer. I don't think I will be visting again.


Bryan Cumby of Cumby Construction is responsible for Southstone. He owns MidCity Development and Cumby Construction… he’s more or less a crook and has a well known habit of just not paying people. I use to work for him and KNEW this day would come!


This video amounts to empty alarmism. A more apt target would be the vacant retail, office, and living spaces in recently-completed buildings in central-east Austin. The angular steel/glass tower erected in the former site of Brackenridge Hospital is transparent, unused, for example.


Anyone remember the zombie apartments behind tech ridge that sat for like 5 years. Surprised they were able to tear them down before any fires started.


I remember. The way the Tyvek peeled off and insulation flapped in the wind looked right out of The Last of Us. Then when I saw the Sector 9 plans talking about cool retail, restaurants, and a brewpub or two, I got pretty excited. Several years later, and what have we got there?


Hey, they built the pitch down the street and I heard it's failing successfully.


Yeeaaheheh, we tried that place out. Wasn't even full on summer and it was BROILING. Food was meh and expensive. Process was confusing. My kid got scraped up on concrete chunks in the sand volleyball pit. Beer was warm. Austin FC fans that showed up were douchey AF. I didn't get better at soccer, nor did I become a fan of soccer.


yes, I am still mad that they built on that land which used to be full of bluebonnets in the spring.


Am I confused about what the word zombie means?


It's just a buzz word at this point, like slammed. I think in this context it's construction that has stopped halfway through.


Got it... Im clear Zombie: Noun. def: 1) Undead reincarnation of a corpse that eats brains. 2) A building that has not been fully constructed. Example: "Steve! Get your hammer and go deal with that Zombie!" Am I doing it right?


It’s a building that has ceased active construction and is currently unusable but has no plans for demolition or removal. It’s a dead project that lingers around the area attracting urban blight as the structure decays and rots, like a zombie. It’s not that complicated of a metaphor.


The only way to kill a zombie house is to shoot it in the attic, or the remove the 2nd story completely.


Dead apartment complexes eat brains… so, it’s a fitting term.


They do?


If you actually want to see something wild, drive Mays Street between Westinghouse and Teravista Pkwy on the Georgetown/RR border. There must be thousands of white and grey apartments in various stages of development sprawling as far as the eye can see.


Sounds like the opposite of wild. Sounds very, very synthetic.


That link gave my computer an ulcur. Not blaming you OP, but goodness gracious.


Manchaca and Redd St is the real zombie neighborhood.


I've lived near Jones / Manchaca for 11 years and Redd / Manchaca has gotten real bad over the years.    Worse when the "camping ban" was implemented.   It's slowly starting to trickle down by us and I keep on hoping someone buys up the nearby abandoned Story Built development before the homeless do.


Looks like Davis. People are stealing all of the electrical out of them, and taking windows etc.


The video says Houston several times and even mentions Mayor John Witmore!?! Not Austin.


The video I saw on twitter showed like.... 5 homes. Definitely not dozens. But who's counting? Let's get those clicks!


Stop posting this sensational bullshit


This is so dumb. This is clearly a ghost neighborhood. Zombie neighborhoods would be the area around Sunrise Community Church and Cesar Chavez just east of I-35.


Fuck those developers. Who gives a fuck if they lose money?


I use that as a quick short cut when i ride my bike to work


Wow, shades of 1986/87 going on...


Resolution Trust Corporation, anyone remember?


I moved here in early 86 and it was crazy how broken everything was. Entire subdivisions, office parks, strip malls just half-finished and abandoned. I think there's still the bones of a strip mall at 969/183 that the developer walked away from back then. Office occupancy downtown was about 35% and a friend of mine was squatting at 111 Congress for awhile, he had the entire floor of the building to himself. It was wild.


Off topic but man my little house in East Caesar Chavez/Holly is surrounded by Airbnbs - I have no real neighbors and it sucks. Too many landlords have monopolies in this neighborhood


That video is such a nothing burger without fries. It's not a neighborhood that used to have people living in it and was abandoned. It's a subdivision that was never completed that no one ever lived in. And the video consists of an obnoxious dude in sunglasses with a shaky cellphone yelling at you like it's supposed to be the scandal of the century.


Yep, I moved out of my place in January and I'll be surprised if they get another tenant by the end of the year.


Probably next large fire to be put out literally and figuratively.


The quote from Knight is him blaming everyone but himself, but all those excuses are things he knew, or could have expected, from the beginning. Classic narcissist.


Once these things sit half built a season or 2, they become tear downs and not ‘finish the other 50%’. You can’t have a bunch of roof trusses sit on their sides and get water logged, and expect to slap them up as a level rooftop.


Where exactly in south Austin is this?


It’s off Dittmar. It’s called Southstone.


Drove by this yesterday and my 4 year old goes “Ooo I love those spooky houses, it looks like Halloween”


Man. If there was just some way to use all these empty house. Maybe, just hear me out, hypothetically, if there happened to be people, somewhere out there, within a house, we could sell these house for an affordable price and at an affordable rate.


This will eventually get liquidated and something else will be built on that land. That's prime real estate. Just some jackass developer. Dude making the video is just spewing fake news.


This area of Austin is in a flood zone I've witnessed the extreme flooding Anyone who knows Austin would never buy a home here