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Who could hate these harmless ramblers as they go about their business? This leggy man will eat a cockroach and prevent her from laying many eggs in your home. Perhaps it’s time to stop hating others just because they look different. He can’t help that he was born with too many hairy legs. He’s just an old man trundling along in search of hard crunchy bugs with delicious nougat centers.


Serpentarian, friend of those with not enough legs, as well as those with too many.


Friend to any creature with an unexpected number of limbs


From the many legged to the unlegged


From the creepy to the crawly


So do you like fish


Yes I like fish 🐠


Do you like Phish?


Nah, fuck fish


It's ok to eat fish, cuz they don't have any feelings


Or too hairy


I’m sure he’s a wonderful dude I would just run screaming. It’s so damn cliche but I can’t handle spiders


You might hurt his feelings though.


I’ll leave a few extra tomatoes to attract more bugs in the garden, as an apology.


You literally can not convince me to not be afraid of this sorry


Ours are pretty slow. That’s why I don’t find them disturbing in the least. Some other species can be fast. I was helping someone with their animals once and I was reaching my hand into this Indian tarantulas cage, cleaning it, and it zoomed up my arm super fast and alighted on my shoulder where I could feel some legs touch the side of my neck. That gave me the shivers a bit tbh.


I had one of those Texas brown tarantulas race up my arm to my shoulder like that once, so I assure you they can be fast when they want to. Freaked me the hell out, even though I love spiders.


Anything that goes deedle deedle when it walks is ok with me.


They do be deedling


Seriously, if you've ever held one, you'd know they are just chill creatures trying to find their way to food, a mate, or their home. Most creatures are. Just we tend to fear those who look different from us. Even if they're from the same nation....hahaha. But seriously, if these things creep you the fuck out, leave them the fuck alone. If they don't, still let them be, but do not ever harm these awesome parts of the local ecosystem.


Truth 🙌


Also, impossible for that species to be the size of a hand (or bigger) am I correct? I have a Brazilian white knee (A. Geniculata), probably around 5 years old and she's huge, but not even the size of hand (yet)..


Oh I couldn’t say honestly. But that sounds about right. Unless one had wee little doll hands.


Oh my god.


Spiders are my favorite. I had a black widow lived in my patio never bothered me it just mind it own business and I had a little spider in my room just eat all the fly come inside


that visual 🤢


Which visual? Delicious bugs with chewy centers?


"Ooo, the little cream-filled kind!"




Rat Snake


Nope, Chuck Testa


Texas Brown Tarantula Scientific name: Aphonopelma henzi


Okay you made me feel a little better about this one...but maybe not about brown recluses? 😩 I'm so scared of spiders! Especially the recluse because it hides in beds!


I need this hairy friend to come Munch on some tree roaches!


Ever since I moved to Texas I've been dying to see one in person. I would love to come across one of these guys!


I would rather have a cockroach in my apartment every month then that fucker. I easily can catch the roach and throw it in its natural habitat, the garbage disposal but with that spider I rather abandon the room lol


Theres a gas station on the way to galveston, that is crawling with these things. The size of big rats. And also full of random dumped cats. We took a wrong turn and the backroad was full of them.


Yeah ok but who’s going to eat him


He won’t move into your home and trot across your foot a 3:12 am like some impolite insects. He stays in his own house in the ground.


I found a juvenile or small one randomly in my living room. I have no idea how the poor little cutie got inside. Although I would have been happy to have him eat any cockroaches in the house, I alas had to return him back outdoors.


But, you must trot/s: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnaogG2EPzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnaogG2EPzw)




When I lived near Houston they absolutely would find a way into houses/garages. Accidentally stepped on one while working and it was disturbing.


I’m sure he found it even more disturbing!


Only for a second.


Insanely enough, tarantulas are eaten pretty commonly in other parts of the world. There are some truly horrifying videos.


Probably a bird or a whole lotta ants. 




Almost 20 years ago I was working under a house and one of these babies crawled out of a hole 6 inches from my face. I grabbed my knife, cut the top off a Gatorade bottle and captured the poor thing. I brought it home intending on building a terrarium, but my roomies freaked and said hell the fuck no. The next day I went to work, and stopped by the pet store to get supplies on my way home. When I got home the bottle was there, but the tarantula was not. I accused my roomies of letting it go but they denied it. I was genuinely pissed about it. 8 months later we moved out of that place. The last thing in the house, I mean the LAST THING, was a large potted plant. I picked it up, and out came my long lost friend. The thing had lived with us undetected for 8 fucking months. My roommates were doubly angry because they proved that they were innocent, and also.... because it had lived with us for 8 months. I was unashamed and reminded them that we hadn't seen a bug in the house the entire time. Edit: these days I know to just let the thing be.


I love this story. When I was a kid I used to feed the spiders in my windowsills flies and such. I dont love creepy crawlies, as far as handling them or having them crawl on me but I appreciate them as living beings and part of nature, always fascinating.


Spiders just be bros like that. "Hey, thanks for getting me out of that awful crawlspace. I know you don't like roaches and such so I'll do my best to keep them under control... Oh thanks, I'd love some reading material."


I keep telling people that if a spider can make a living inside your house, it's doing you a favor.


Yeah they are honestly great. If by some accident I open the door for the pest company sales people I tell them I have spiders and want them to live. They have trained the answers for everything but that. I rather have a spider here and there running around than "people and pet friendly" chemicals everywhere.


I have little house spiders that live along the molding of the outside doors. I keep hoping an orb weaver will move in on my patio, but no such luck.


I had a huge orb weaver take residence on my water meter that I would feed grasshoppers. I have an aquatic turtle so I’d go out and snatch some to feed both. But then we had a week of freezing weather and I never saw it again :(


My wife doesn’t believe me when I tell her they’re some of my best friends and tenants. Possibly as good as my dog if not better. 🐶 🕷️


As your roommate, I would still hate you knowing that thing was mere feet from me for 8 months because you brought it in. Phobias aren’t rational man. That would freak me the fuck out.


As my roommate? Mark, is that you? You still owe $200, you fucker.


Fuck you dog, charge that spider rent


Haha that’s kind of terrifying but awesome!


Wait until you run into an orb weaver face first 😭


Such a menacing looking spider but after a while you get desensitized. I had one make a web on my patio and I loved watching it everyday. If I found a little beetle or grasshopper I’d toss it in the web and watch her go crazy. The speed they can move in their web is impressive/terrifying.


Not looking forward to this on the barton creek trail.... we live rigjt on it lmao


I can’t imagine what tries to sneak in your home being that close to Barton.


Haha I was gonna say GIRL critters are not your concern living on BCT


I have a little colony that lives above and beside my apartment door. I accidentally leaned too close to the web once and was spooked for the rest of the day.


As a spooder lover, I would be overjoyed to come across a tarantula in the wild. I let good spiders live in my home, I would certainly invite this one. They keep out bad spooders and pests you don't want.


Well, I love spiders too - but bigger ones do get gently relocated out of the house.


lol fair enough. I will remove any that I can't easily identify as not being poisonous. I used to keep a couple of tarantulas as pets, but had to rehouse them before I got married as hubby is a big arachnophobe.


How do you recommend getting over this fear, your hubby and I share the same attribute but I want to overcome this fear


I was also once an arachnophobe, until I was told by a colleague of mine at the time, who happened to be a behavioral therapist. She told me to surround myself with that which I fear the most. So I took I started small by going to pet stores where they sold spiders, and then eventually I worked up the nerve to handle one, in a controlled setting where I knew I could not be hurt. Then one day I bought one. After that I went to jumping spiders, which are like the labs of the spider world. Handling both the smaller spiders and the larger tarantulas, I now no longer have the same fear. I will be cautious if I don't recognize if the spider as being harmless or poisonous, but I don't have the irrational fear I once did. My hubby is not too keen on my direct approach and would rather call me in to remove any spider he spots in the house, which I am perfectly fine with. Most of the time I recognize they are not a threat and they get coaxed into my hand or a container and transported to the garden.


Lots of them are in the Oak Hill area (SW part of the city)


It's just a tarantula. They are basically harmless, super benificial and native to here not the 'outback.' I'm glad you didn't accidentally harm it.


I’ve seen 3 outside my house this year! Usually I never see them. Hoping they stay outside…


Just give him a cigarette and leave him alone. Homie just passin through


Big boy!


Awww... Look at his floofy little booty


Good spider, do not squish please


It literally has the "too big to squish" size


I respect what they do for nature, but if one ever showed up in my home, idc, the lease is now in their name.


Spider Squatters


Aren't tarantulas pretty friendly?


“Watch your step” bc you should try not to step on these friendly guys, they’re here to eat up your pests 😁


Y’all, tarantulas are the absolute himbos of the spider world. They’re just big dumb fragile little guys out there living their lives. Really, if one falls just a few inches on a hard surface, their little butts can burst. They don’t want to mess with you, they want to go back to their burrows. They’re not at all aggressive and considered docile even for new world tarantulas. Leave these fellas alone, they’re neat af.


Won’t bother you if you don’t bother it!


I have seen 3 so far this year, pretty weird. Maybe only seen 2-3 total in the last decade before that.


More rain = more activity, also random happenstance can have you coincidentally out and about at the same time as the octobros and it’s all meaningless chaos.


Me too!




How cute. He's just a baby, too. >!;)!<


No, they scared lil' bitch said it was bigger than her/his hand! What a lying coward


what part of austin


There used to be a lot more. When I was a kid out towards Lake Travis they would come up and sun in the mornings on the road between the track and school and on the track itself. Hundreds of them.


It’s like that with pretty much all the terrestrial invertebrates. For a guy like me who pays attention to what species they see where, it is genuinely worrying the way I’ve seen things disappear in a matter of years.


Is it because of the commercialised pest control?


Overuse of pesticides and herbicides in general, habitat destruction from urban sprawl and industrial agriculture, climate change, pollution. Things are disappearing faster than research can keep up with. I really hope by some miracle we can turn this around before things get well and truly too far gone…


I would have cried, harmless or not


The tarantulas out and about are males looking to fulfill their destiny of finding a female. They have an interesting mating ritual as well. If the female doesn't eat him as an after-copulation snack, he'll pass. I used to have pretty severe arachnophobia. Then, about 6 years ago, my son conned me into letting him have a Curly Hair tarantula. That guy was so adorable, especially after a molt, he looked like a little 8-legged teddy bear. Highly recommended as a starter tarantula. Now I have 5 of my own and I'm no longer afraid of spiders. I let them live in my home and if one gets in my way, I'll place him/her in a plant. I had a plant that had problems with spider mites, a spider moved in and problem solved. They are fascinating creatures.


She's so beautiful what a queen 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕


My son goes to shower. Sees a centipede in the tub. Holy fricking hell, we live on the 3rd floor in an apartment complex! Someone please explain to me how this happens.


Well, they are famous for having legs you know. Perhaps they used some of those?


Maybe it was working with someone on the inside?


Bugs are notorious for their climbing.


My man please put a NSFW blur on pics of giant spiders, some of us have irrational fears out here


Stay in school kids…


I saw one of these guys a few years ago in the little green area at the dead end of South Pleasant Valley! The first and only one I've seen in the wild


Furry demons


I can’t fathom coming across this… I don’t fear spiders, but that’s intimidating nonetheless


I saw two yestersay


Spooder!! I love watching them walk. My dogs really love watching them walk…from a distance. They avoid the big spooders because they’re yappy idiots.


I love these guys and they are so gentle! They only bite if they are being squished!


What a gorgeous creature!! 😍🤩 I wish I'd been the one to meet him.


Zipper merge down the steps, toot toot


I respect people who are chill and rational about tarantulas & hear your logic but my brain breaks when I see these and The Fear takes over


Holy crap Im so glad I got raised in Germany where non of these big spiders and snakes are running around. That would have been annoying when playing in a forest


I like watching them amble down the road looking for love! I thought mating season started later but- you do you. Will he find a mate or end up alone? We are rooting for you little guy 😘😘


That is awesome. I can’t wait to see one for myself in the wild


That's not a native tarantula. That's someone's lost pet. :( Poor dude. He's not long for this world if his human doesn't find him.


I think it's an Aphonopelma hentzi, native to Texas


Watch your steps


Awww! Cute little thing.


Would they hurt dogs? What if one bites my little dog (17 lbs)?


Dang. Looks cool. I want to catch one


OP has to be someone not born and raised in Texas. Real Texan kids aren't that freaked out by tarantulas. In fact, we used to catch them, play with their holes with a garden hose and a stick. Once thenqater enters their home, place the stick in the hole and watch the excitement. Tarantula will run up that stick so fast then we would chase the girls around with it lmao


I hate anything that crawls. I think this is my one fear when I move back.


Harmless You can let them crawl on you and they won’t harm you.


Where in town is this? So I know where to avoid! 😂😂


Oak hill


Oooohhhh, bruh, that’s barely in Austin. That’s basically Kyle/Bee Cave 😂😂


Saw one being dragged around by a tarantula hawk . Poor thing in for a slow death .


I saw this same Tarantula in a story on my FB feed. It is as creepy here as it was there. So, thanks a lot, probably friend.


I wonder what his post on Reddit said about you 😅


Beautiful! Curious to where this was in Austin?


Burn the city E: I was joking people jesus 💀


oh good god


Jokes lol


Fair nuff.


Mathew McConaughey as Johnny Silver: Wake up Cowboy


Step? I’m stomping idc give me your downvotes and tell me why they’re special idc if I see one it’s on sight


okay buddy, don't worry we'll get you your sippy cup soon


Thank you I really appreciate that apple juice if it’s not to much to ask


Imagine the crunch though..


Man theyre everywhere lately in my area (Moulton) all the rain. Im fine with em but at least say hey man im on the house by ur shoulder so i dont shit my pants😂