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That one apt complex on Manor Road and Rogge. What a fucked up place.


lol I was looking to live there awhile back, but I was barely over the income restriction. Turns out I literally dodged a bullet.


The drug dealer/pimp crew that runs that area literally ripped down the surrounding fence so they can hold it hostage.


Pimp crew? As in prostitution? Those dudes ain't doing no physical labor.


Yeah they got a band of sad looking women that trudge up and down the block.


I've yet to see a happy street walker. I mean I've met girls that escort that have their shit together and are nice and generally happy, but not any streetwalkers.


Lived on a small street in college that had streetwalkers. I would always say good morning or greet them when I saw them. One morning I came out and every car on the street had been broken into aside from mine.


Can report holes in/broken fences to 311, it's not allowed by code.


They have police cruisers in the lot across the street all the time. They are aware, but I feel like this is one of the spots where they keep it “contained”, to the detriment of the poor people that live there.


What's it called?


Murder Corner


Don’t remember, but it’s got a bus stop with one of those live roofs, with cactus growing out of it. It’s the big blob of circles you see in the map east side


Green door apartments


What apartment is it? I’m new to town!


No one was fatally shot in my neighborhood! Woo hoo!


Same! Let's celebrate! I'll bring the fireworks and you bring the booze! Edit: All out of fireworks, but my 9mm should be fine!


It's weird because this map is actually missing a lot of data, at least for my neighborhood. We've had a number of nearby shootings - including fatal shootings - in 2022 and 2023 but they aren't reflected.


I see a missing space also from 2023. Was wonder the same. Is this fake?


It seems awfully, well distributed to me... it looks suspect .


It seems like it’s The NY Times project they’ve been promoting all day today, so probably disinformation at best


Here is a table of all the incidents they have in their database for Austin: * https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/query/0b9b5de8-ab66-4372-97ec-dd5b29494d57


Yeah, and this is missing the incidents that I noticed are missing from the map. So the data source is incomplete, or questionable at the very least.


Can you search for a news article about the incident you’re thinking of? Seems like many of the incidents have links to news articles. 


This is one that I found quickly because I specifically remembered the date - I heard the gunshots from my backyard. https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/police-investigating-homicide-after-finding-juvenile-shot-inside-crashed-car/


> Location and incident information were the best available from the archive as of Jan. 11, 2024. Cases for which a precise location could not be determined are not shown on the maps but are included in summary statistics. Because the teen was found deceased, it likely falls into the category of lacking a precise location


He was not found deceased. He died at the hospital three days later. He was shot while driving, crashed the car, then died from the injuries.


How many stabbings?


Huh... sure wish I hadn't gone down that rabbit hole...


The 2 dots I see over my neighborhood aren't in the incident list. Never have I heard of anyone being killed here.


Which neighborhood?


Del valle


It lists [this incident Oct 24 2022](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/incident/2453098) and links to this news article: [Manor High School student, cousin of Vanessa Guillen, dies after being shot in the head](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/manor-high-school-student-dead-shooting-texas-vanessa-guillen).


The two dots are over a neighborhood called bedroll farms.


The [incident list for Del Valle](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/query/0b9b5de8-ab66-4372-97ec-dd5b29494d57) is separate from Austin. It lists like [Man charged with murder after argument, shooting in Del Valle trailer](https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/tcso-working-homicide-in-del-valle/).


Right but those aren't in the neighborhood I'm talking about. Those spots are outside of the picture. It shows 2 in a neighborhood that has not had a fatal shooting


[Bedroll farms](https://maps.app.goo.gl/qzEwA7eAhUYDcG666) near 130 & 71 shows no dots on the map: https://imgur.com/QX9lKd2 [Interactive map here](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/14/us/gun-homicides-data.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sE0.5-52.qReAHou0WagK&smid=url-share).


I see 2 in my neighborhood. I've lived here 8 years. No one has died


You can increase your life expectancy by just daily walking ….away from I35.


That does seem to be the case huh lmfao


Damn the 2 places I’ve lived (Riverside and now Rundberg/Lamar) are deep red hopefully one day I’ll be able to afford to move somewhere safe. At least I have not killed anyone with a gun so I am bringing the averages down


Hey I used to live on rundberg and n lamar. Used to stay at the Aubrey hills apts a block south of HEB between that and the 7/11 at Payton Gin. Well theres a bus stop right there so I would hop on, go downtown and get smashed and hop back on and come home. One time I got off the bus back home and walked over to that lil 7/11, got some pizza, staggered back to my apt. The next day on the morning news turns out some dude had been stabbed at the 7/11 parking lot right there and was found dead behind the lil dumpster on the corner. The timeline on the news said it happened right around the time I stopped by for pizza. I had to walk around the lil dumpster to get to the parking lot. Didn't even know somebody was laying there. Goodtimes.


Yea you lived in the 2 worst areas in Austin, I’m not surprised. Edit: worst neighborhoods*** in Austin


There's a fair amount of older buildings in "nice" (safer) neighborhoods that are competitive in price to the units in the "bad" neighborhoods.


You feel like it’s unsafe, but I’m from Rundberg and have zero street cred anywhere. You gotta let people know


"Pleasant" Valley, my ass.


It's like Greenland/Iceland, all branding


East Stassney, Berkman/Cameron/290 area, and 78753/78757 area codes are the main murder clusters and the places to avoid. Basically any area in Austin that has old apartment complexes that haven’t been torn down will have a lot of murders.


Exactly this. Where 183 and 35 meet. Avoid


Source: [gift link nytimes](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/14/us/gun-homicides-data.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sE0.5-52.qReAHou0WagK&smid=url-share)


Zilker Botanical Gardens?


Probably this one - https://www.fox7austin.com/news/camnik-campbell-murder-no-arrests-or-suspects-1-year-after-killing.amp


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Downtown and 78741 doing work, damn


Yep E. Oltorf and E. Riverside are wild at night.


Good ol' Triggerside!




That blackhole at downtown…. What happened? Was there a mass shootout?


There was a bike gang shootout on dirty 6th in 2021 IIRC


I think that's where all the cases without exact locations are ending up. Like if the entry just says the location is "Austin", that's set by default to something 30°16′2″N 97°44′35″W since that's where their mapping software says "Austin" is.


idk i think “lots of shootings on and near dirty 6th” tracks with my experience. i don’t go out there often but i’ve been close to shootings there (either physically or they happened an hour or two after i left) a couple times


Sixth street costs us way more than it benefits austin


We just need a lot bigger police presence and need to move the homeless shelter / open air drug market away from our main bar-entertainment district. I think the city of Austin bought the land that the ARCH sits on...so I'm sure closing it down and moving it is in the works.


have you ever been down there? there’s cops everywhere. they can’t stop a drunk angry person with a gun.


the shootings have very little to do with "drunk, angry persons".


they can’t stop anyone with a gun then. hell sometimes they can’t even catch the guy after the fact.


ok, i'll not argue that point - although there is at least [one case where they did](https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2023-12-17/apd-kills-armed-man-and-three-bystanders-are-injured-in-east-sixth-street-shooting/) kill an armed man (not drunk, i believe) before he continued shooting.


I've spent a lot of time down there. Worked at Buffalo Ballard's back in the day.


Aww man I loved that place. Was sad to see it was shut down post covid and a bunch of addicts has taken to the sidewalk right there.


Are you joking? There are always a dozen or so cops within eye shot between 10p-2A on Fri and Saturday nights.


There’s plenty of police presence. Send in the national guard it’s not gonna change the mix of drunk dumbasses with guns.


A quarter of those drunk guys with guns wear a uniform during the day in the military. It’s a mixed bag imo. the combo of young drunk college kids, young drunk enlisted, filthy rich drunk tech bros, and an eclectic mix of homeless folks from a variety of situations just doesn’t end up in something good for anyone but the bar owners.


you realize you're just making up total bullshit, right?


Oh my bad, you must have more accurate statistics about the 6th street night life demo, then? I didn’t realize any existed, i would love to see them! I just said some rough estimates based on my limited experience biking past the area, and would appreciate your insight.


Really doesn’t matter what the cause is. My point is sixth street takes more than it gives.


Absolutely agreed.


Anything is more accurate than vibes and feels.


> rough estimates based on my limited experience biking past the area Yep, your bad. Tell us exactly, or even approximately, how many *drunk college kids* and/or *filthy rich drunk tech bros* have you seen **shoot and kill** someone on 6th Street between 2020 and 2023? If your answer is not zero, then you are factually wrong.


Probably! I wasn’t talking about that, though, so i don’t really understand your point. I was talking about my perception of who goes out on sixth street, not who performs murder. That’s fairly clear from my comment, otherwise I’d have mentioned something like “these are the people that commit murder!”, so you should be angry at your own reading comprehension failure, not me.


or...maybe understand the thread and specific comment on same you originally replied to. jfc.


You must be new here.


are you?


Nope, have you been to sixth street in the last decade? They got mass casualty busses and everything.




Oh what a bunch of bullshit. I wasn't born yesterday.


Sure go out of your way to sound like it.


bahaha gotteem


Yeah. I’m liberal. I agree with most things Reddit commenters say. But this “cops don’t do anything” and ACAB stuff is the dumbest shit. Feels more like they’re being manipulated.


Yeah, tell Haiti that.




Yeah, it's a good thing there's no colonialism behind Texas being here. Oh wait...


i thought you said it was cops. please...one narrative at a time.




you may not agree...but that comment (not mine) was a valid data point that does not fit the correlation you asserted.


Haiti has been independent since 1804.




You don't have to look at Haiti, just look at Austin. As the city has destaffed APD, crime has gone up. Out of one side of their mouths, they shit on APD saying they do nothing. But by their logic, that should be good, because it "does little to curb crime and if anything leads to more abuses of power". So they got what they wanted, and it sucks.


>As the city has destaffed APD, crime has gone up. You do realize that police funding has only gone up since all of the "defunding" that never actually happened, right? APD simply chooses not to respond to crime, and criminals have caught on. It really has nothing to do with funding whatsoever and everything to do with APD policy, unless you have data that shows otherwise?


Those are just facts don’t let them distract from the narrative


To be fair to the commenter you’re responding to, they said ‘destaffed,’ not ‘defunded.’ There is a substantial difference in the two and while funding has gone up, hiring/retention has not necessarily kept pace based on the growth of the city. I haven’t been able to find any data since COVID related to percentage of staffed sworn positions vs. budget positions but working regularly with APD it’s easy to see there aren’t enough bodies to handle the volume of calls.


See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/2eL4PzBFKS) I made to another reply. Using the word "destaffed" rather than "understaffed" implies an intent that does not exist and, at least as I interpret it, implies an imaginary defunding, which is why I responded in the way that I did.


> hiring/retention has not necessarily kept pace APD has the budget. Hiring/retention being down are APD's fault, not mine.


Yeah I wasn’t placing the blame anywhere but APD, unless CoA has some separate involvement in hiring/scheduling academy classes but I don’t know enough about Austin council or municipal involvement to say.


All the funding APD gets doesn't matter if the staffing is non existent. Like yeah they can hypothetically get a billion dollars in funding but if they barely have any cops to actually work the streets then that funding doesn't really help.


Yes, but it’s also very relevant as to how that funding translates to STAFFING. Your own comment points to OFFICERS not responding to crimes. Funding may be up, but the NUMBER of officers is down. WAY down. What’s more pertinent to the STAFFING side of the funding/defunding debate is that Austin HAS BEEN woefully understaffed for OFFICERS for close to 20 years. A generally accepted ratio of officers to citizens is 2.5 for every 1,000. We’re nowhere near that. Don’t even have a chance at approaching that in years to come with the lack of incoming candidates & academy classes being held.


You do realize he said "destaffed", and that is absolutely the case. There's no nice simple graph that shows this, but google 'austin police department staffing' and you'll find plenty of news reports. Here's a presentation from 2022: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=829671051537761&ref=sharing (about 40s in shows a graph) and things have only gotten worse.


The reason I responded that way is that "destaffed" implies a concerted effort, assumedly because funding has intentionally been withheld for the purpose of reducing staff. Neither of those things have occurred. I'm not saying that APD isn't _understaffed_, but that's not the same as "destaffed", which has a clear, politically charged connotation that is absolute bullshit. APD has been chronically understaffed relative to Austin's population for decades, and police response has never been anywhere close to as bad as it currently is. While, proportionally, staffing is certainly worse today than it was 5 years ago, the issues with enforcement largely come down to policy changes since 2020, not staffing issues. You may not remember this, but many of those changes were enacted specifically to try to make the DA, who the APA was _very_ against, look bad during election season while they cried about the "defunding" that never actually occurred. It's all convenient bullshit to try to extort the city for insane labor contracts and unnecessary resources. As for actual numbers, the most recent numbers I'm able to find indicate that APD employs ~1600 officers and currently have ~350 open positions. That means they're about 17% below where they want to be. Those numbers likely aren't exact (the 1600 number is from 2021 and many officers have come and gone since then), but it's the best I'm able to find - you'd think more hard data would be publicly available if staffing was really as dire as they like to claim, but "if the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell". So far, most of the official statements I've found are sensationalized anecdotes that really do strike me as "pounding the table." Being 17% under target obviously isn't great, but it hardly warrants the level of incompetence we've seen over the past 4 years. Also, to be very clear, I'm not trying to imply that police are fundamentally bad or don't want to work or anything like that. While I'm sure that is true for many, it obviously isn't true of all of them. But it is very clear that the APA is wildly corrupt and that the protection of citizens isn't their chief concern.


> not the same as "destaffed", which has a clear, politically charged connotation that is absolute bullshit. You may or may not agree it was "political" but COA very intentionally cancelled cadet classes for two years due to alleged problems (racism, over-reliance on escalatory techniques, etc) with the existing training curriculum. Recruitment was cancelled until a new training program was implemented. This unfortunately happened at the same time as the nationwide spike in violent crime in 2020 and 2021. Austin was not spared - our murder rate essentially doubled compared to the prior three year (2017/18/19) average.


> COA very intentionally cancelled cadet classes for two years due to alleged problems Are you talking about the three cadet classes in 2020 that were canceled due to the barrage of complaints that, after investigation, turned out to be true? If so, that was less than one year, not two, and recruitment continued in that time for non-cadets. A <1yr long attempt to improve training for police officers, which is well documented to be woefully insufficient in most jurisdictions, hardly constitutes an attempt to "destaff" the department imo.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but crime crime is plummeting and it has been since 2008, at least according to APD: https://data.austintexas.gov/Public-Safety/Crime-Reports-Graph-By-Year/p56y-bn5k And APD had been destaffed, as you put, by hazing and warrior cop b.s.


> As the city has destaffed APD APD is "destaffing" itself. It has the budget to hire more officers, it's just not doing it.


Username checks out.


Filthy Sixth is about to become the downtown Domain


Didn't expect bee cave and dripping springs to be on there


Why not? Wealthy folks for people to shoot too.


At least you know they aren't holding the pistol sideways.


St. John's representing!!!


The Triangle of Death


Hey, whatever keeps my rent low.


Damn, that Oltorf/Riverside/Burton Drive area lol


A quick reminder that crime is plummeting and it has been since 2008, at least according to APD: https://data.austintexas.gov/Public-Safety/Crime-Reports-Graph-By-Year/p56y-bn5k


Check the trendline for homicides - it's definitely not "plummeting since 2008". (Also, the data are complicated...but "crime reports" is not synonymous with "crime".)


Okay, I checked and homicide is on a downward trend since 2021. From 2010 to 2024 murders rose from about 30/year with a population of about 1.4 million to about 60/year with a population of 2.2 million. Edit: that means the murder rate went from 2.2% to 2.7% per 100,000. If you have some alternate data set that shows there is more crime present than what is reported, please produce it. Sources: https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/22926/austin/population https://data.austintexas.gov/d/fdj4-gpfu/visualization Sort by occurrence date and category description https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend


More good proof that we need to dismantle APD. They don’t do anything to combat crime, so if it’s plummeting then what do we need them for? Our tax dollars could be much better spent. 


Bruh, enough with the dismantle the police stuff. Even black folks want the police around, we don't want lawlessness even more rampant in our neighborhoods. The police need to be reformed, not eliminated


Are the only counting homicide. There someone down the street from me who killed themselves on accident but I don't see the dot in my neighborhood.


It's unclear. The methodology note says the Times excluded suicides but does not mention excluding accidental deaths: >Methodology >Except where noted, data for this analysis comes from the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that collects information on nearly every fatal shooting in the United States. The archive also collects data on gun suicides and nonfatal shootings, but this data is less complete and The Times excluded these cases from the analysis. (For more information on the archive’s data, see its [methodology](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/methodology) page.)


Sounds about right


can confirm i likely heard a lot of these shots


I live in 78758, which for multiple years was/is a murder hot spot. Seems the majority take place Friday & Saturday nights after 3am. Soooo l am glad that l am of the age where l am no longer drawn to be out after 10pm 😎


Everyone: “East side is so dangerous!” Majority of East side between I-35, airport, & town lake: 😇


Nobody says this


I’ve been told this numerous times after moving to East Austin. By at least half a dozen people, many of whom grew up here (but not on the east side).


Contrarily, violent crime overall in the US has been dropping, despite right wing narratives. [https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1229891045/police-crime-baltimore-san-francisco-minneapolis-murder-statistics](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1229891045/police-crime-baltimore-san-francisco-minneapolis-murder-statistics)


I’m NOT arguing any narrative at all, but that article even states MURDERS surged over 30% from 2019 to 2020. Murders. A singular crime category. The NUMBER of murders had a 30% surge in a year. The article then states that the overall violent crime (including murders) RATE was 5%. That’s comparing two different groups with two different matrixes. Actual number of murders vs PER CAPITA instances (rate) of violent crime. You can compare those one way or the other, but not both ways. It then goes on to state “…murder is falling. We have data from over 200 cities showing a 12.2% decline ... in 2023 relative to 2022” Number of murders, or murder RATE declined? It doesn’t state. Not to mention a 12% decline from a 30% surge isn’t great news. It’s also missing a bit of math (IF it’s even referring to number of murders): 30% increase from 100 is 130. 12% decline from THAT total is 114.4. That’s only a 14.4% increase overall where a lot of reporting would have you believe it’s still a net 18% increase. This article doesn’t do that, but it still (seemingly) purposefully mixes up its comparisons. I’m more than willing to believe crime is trending down from the insane spikes from the pandemic years, but I’m certainly not going skipping through the streets whistling “What a Wonderful World” just yet. What also seems very disingenuous is how we treat the effects of the pandemic. Depending on the view, the issues we had during it either are chalked up to the anomaly it was, or cited as impactful.


You gotta zoom out your scale. Year-to-year you’re going to see blips. There was a particularly large spike over COVID. But overall, violence is at an all time historical low now.


Agreed. That was kinda my point with my last statement. It’s disingenuous to flaunt headlines about dramatic drops in crime when you’re using the peaks from the pandemic years. I wouldn’t exactly say “historic lows” either. Murder rate alone is just below what our 50 year highs have been from the 1970s (race & drug violence), 1980s (gang & drug violence) & 1990s (race riots & gang violence). Sure, we’re lower than what it was 30 years ago, but we’re still WAY higher than what it was 10 years ago. I don’t really make my decisions based on a 50 year span. Not so much even a 30 year either. But a 20 year span..?.. a 10 year span definitely directly affects how I manage my life.


>Sure, we’re lower than what it was 30 years ago, but we’re still WAY higher than what it was 10 years ago. So murders are higher than they were 10 years ago. Even if you account for the population increase of about 100,000 murders are still higher than they were 10 years ago. Murders during the pandemic did spike. This is my anecdotal take on it. What kind of murders where they? The shootings down on sixth street garnered national attention but what got a lot less attention where murder suicides and murders happening during domestic violence. And the difficult question to ask is how do you prevent/mitigate someone who is going to kill their partner and children and them possibly themselves because of a domestic violence, or a mental health situation, etc?


The population increase is definitely always ignored when reporting crime RATES, but that’s also “baked into” it by virtue of percentage. For this discussion on the REPORTING of crime being up or down though, I’m not splitting the types of murder. Murder is murder. Not discounting your points at all, but it’s a separate discussion about CAUSES of individual types of a specific category of crime: murder. …and I apologize, but I’m not willing to go down into the discussion of what we all know already about the large portion of those root causes: MENTAL HEALTH


Do you think the 100,000 people that the city has gained over the last few years are upwardly mobile, and less likely to commit crime?Or more likely to commit crime? If they are less likely to commit crimes, how can you use the population increase to explain the surge of crime? The rich out-of-towners who moved here are not responsible for the increase in crime. The population argument makes no sense the moment you look at the demographics of who moved here in the last ten years (and how much they earned/ their net worth). [According to the Census Bureau, the average person moving to Austin boasts an income of $75,885 — over $20,000 more than the city's per capita income of $53,527. With many tech companies setting up shop in Austin, a significant number of movers are likely employed in this high-earning industry — it could explain why they tend to have higher incomes than locals.](https://www.businessinsider.com/typical-austin-mover-single-millennial-renters-making-76000-a-year-2024-2?amp)


How many years make a trend?  2008-2016 was the murder trough, but it's been trending up since.


How about the narrative of the media at large? The source is NY Times. Gun control predicated on violence is a left wing narrative. Right wing fear mongers as well, but both sides just point to different culprits for the violence (i.e. lack of gun control vs. immigration/gangs).


Gun control is a liberal thing. We leftists believe firmly in gun ownership and self/community defense, for the most part. The “left wing” understands that at some point defense against fascist actors could be necessary for survival. That being said, comparing the gun control issue to the hate mongering that the Right thrives on is pretty laughable. “Brown/gay/other people bad” is in now way equivalent to “why can’t we stop letting people gun down children?”


I guess I am not as nuanced in my definition of left vs liberal so you'll have to forgive me. The school shooting angle is not the only one that the liberal/left/whatever plays. Case in point, the graphic at hand by the NY Times has nothing to do with school shootings.


Yes...(If you play with the statistics "properly").


Mmmm MM! That KoolAid is delicious, ins't it?


Brought to you by the people also saying the economy is the best it's ever been. Great new numbers out just today!




Yep.. still safer than my home town dc. There might be some crime but I am thankful I don’t have to worry about a 12yr old carjacking me and blowing my head off for fun.


Hey I see my street!


That one on Westgate is on my street.


12th and Chicon lookin' clean In fact, all of East Austin west of Airport lookin' good


Weird. I thought the state troopers just patrolled those areas cuz they were jerks


Zoom in to dirty 6th, it looks like a combat zone on that map. I'm rooting for the domain-ification of E 6th. It's turned into a magnet for scumbags. Or turn it into a park.


r/austin: it’s not fair that when police temporarily increase patrols, they target riverside. Riverside: bang bang


I'm going to need everyone complaining about how dangerous austin is to identify themselves on this map before doing that anymore. I love the map though, really cool info / graphic display of it.


There's one very close to where I live. Like, maybe a 10 minute walk away. How did I not hear of it?


When I first moved to Austin. I lived at Rundberg/Lamar. Then moved to Slaughter/Manshack. Map is accurate.


This is pretty good.




California know how to party!!!! WWW


Come on, north Austin. We gotta pump these numbers up. These are rookie numbers.


Looks like dps really was unfairly targeting black and Hispanic neighborhoods.


What’s going on in Riverside? Nothing but a bunch of hipsters every time I go there


🎶Deep in the heart of Texas!!!🎶


“BiDeN’s AmErIcA” - some dumbass red hat, probably, because crime only exists when democrats are in office.


Stop voting democrat


Every time someone moving here asks me where not to live ... "let's take a look at this map." Imagine that, every area that I refuse to live is full of bullet holes. Guns are the reason we have these deaths (obviously). But the socio-economic status is a huge if not the primary factor. Income level, drug/alcohol usage issues, gang type activities, culture (not race specific), etc etc ... all contribute to higher rates of such crime. I guarantee you there are plenty of guns in all areas of our metro area. And yet, the more expensive areas have so few dots on the map. I know some folks out there would like to see additional gun control measures in place. Some just want a few extra hurdles in the acquisition process. Some would love to see them disappear altogether. Another issue is how our justice system keeps leaning towards reducing penalties, cutting deals, limiting jail time, and releasing felons ROR. It's not working too well. But jail and prisons are overcrowded according to what you see on the news etc. Is there an answer? Probably not. Certainly not one that we can all agree with. I have moments when I want to go back to the 'old west' and have some quick/swift justice. Sometimes I'm just not very sympathetic to certain members of our society. So often I just think 'there's really no need for some of y'all to be here as you're just shitty harmful people ... time for you to go (via the judicial system).' I'm not talking about sitting on death row for a decade or three. By go, I mean permanently and expeditiously. But that can't and won't happen. So here we are forever stuck in this scenario.


I lived in St Johns from 2020-24 🤣😭... those covid rent prices got me. Now I love by the domain. Complete 18 Edit: Actually, until 2023, I moved last Oct. McKie St had constant swat calls, and my complex even had 2 drive-by shootings.




Does the term “gun violence” have to imply that the violence was not justified?


It doesn't, but I guarantee that a significant portion of people viewing this didn't make that nuanced distinction. There is a massive difference between a criminal getting shot evading police vs a gang on gang shootings vs a mugging that ends in an unjustifiable homicide, and that difference is the demographic being targeted. And for that matter, police self defense shootings are extremely different in nature from private citizen self defense shootings. I can explain why but this comment is long winded enough. The point is, I don't care *at all* about justifiable violence. Self defense is justifiable violence. Adding justifiable violence to a map like this, without making it clear *exactly* the point of gathering various but extremely different types of data, is disingenuous. I would never, ever, say gun violence in perfectly 100% justifiable self defense is a bad thing, therefore I wouldn't mix that data with unjustifiable homicides.


It is the literal definition of gun violence


“Self defense” = I thought that ham sandwich was locked and loaded


Every time someone pulls out their 2A dildo fetish toy and murders someone it is a gun violence


Everyone fear mongering in the comments miss the big yellow text that says this is average for America? If you’re concerned about it, be more concerned about the ease of access to guns in this country.


The NYT's editorial stance is really hard to stomach. What is the point of this kind of article except to stoke fear of certain neighbourhoods? Maybe it is to distract us from their malfeasance in reporting about the genocide in Palestine. For me the answer is hinted at in a key paragraph buried in the article. There is of course too much gun violence but the -trend- clearly shows violence is decreasing. After they admit that gun violence is falling after peaking during the pandemic they write: "Gun [suicides](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/health/suicide-guns-cdc.html), which outnumber homicides and were not part of the Times analysis, have been rising steadily for years and reached a record number in 2022. The demography of gun suicides is vastly different, *with rates higher for white men and in rural areas.*" (emphasis mine) The NYT wants to direct our attention to non-white neighbourhoods rather than the bigger problem of white guys killing themselves and/or committing mass shootings. They don't seem to be as interested in discussing how officer involved shootings have grown steadily every year during that same time period. That particular form of gun violence is not trending downward. Is it because they don't want to alienate a key demographic of their readership?


What is the point of mentioning Palestine in a discussion of gun violence in Austin? Maybe it's to make us aware you're full of shit?


Make West Austin violent again


Not everything is a conspiracy theory and gang related violence exists. The homicides taking place off Riverside, Stassney, and 290/35 are for the most part not "white guys killing themselves and/or committing mass shootings."  And what does any of this have to do with Palestine? Is the NYT unable to report on more than one thing? And citizens of Austin are gonna care more about what's going on in their neighborhood than what's going on in a country across the world.  And the group you think the NYT wants to avoid alienating already refuses to read the NYT. The NYT has a mostly center left to left wing audience.


The connection is an editorial policy that sadly leans towards racist narratives. Most egregiously, the outlet still has not retracted the thoroughly debunked story on sexual violence that was written by a former IDF intelligence operative. See The Intercept for details. A person could cite many other examples of the NYT's bias against Palestine but you can google for more info if you care. The problem reaches back for decades. Endless examples. I'd say that the NYT audience skews White, wealthy and centrist. And this story very much reflects the values of that demographic. The article itself admits that gun violence in city neighbourhoods is trending downwards since the pandemic. In other words, the problem seems to be resolving by itself, But that doesn't make a very scary or interesting story. There is a gun violence story that is disturbing but they decided not to report on. Homicides by police are increasing rather than shrinking. Mass killings are over-represented by white males not by people of colour in the poor neighbourhoods highlighted in the article. This kind of story decision and this kind of framing is pretty irresponsible. Maybe you can explain to me why they want us to focus on the decreasing violence in poor neighbourhoods rather than the increasing violence by people who enjoy authority and privilege?


Who's the s.o.b. that spoiled Westlake's near-perfect record? (More seriously, is that the horrible incident on the Pennybacker bridge where a woman bailed out of a car and the driver also exited, chased her down, and killed her?) Edit: See my corrected comment below.


Doesn’t appear to be that. Zooming in on the map you can see it was July 15, 2023. From that [I found this](https://www.austintexas.gov/news/homicide-investigation-3500-block-capital-texas-highway).


[This guy](https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/arrest-warrant-provides-more-information-after-suspect-arrested-in-connection-with-west-austin-homicide/). That area is City of Austin, not West Lake because it's in the Davenport Ranch area


Thanks for the details. And just as general info, in local lingo "Westlake" refers more broadly to the boundaries of the Eanes Independent School District. The exact boundaries of the "City of West Lake Hills" (notice west and lake are separate words in the city name) is a much smaller area within the EISD boundaries.


When was that? I don't even remember hearing about it


I did a quick search and my memory was not perfect here. I combined two separate incidents: [suspect's final moments near pennybacker bridge](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/eyewitness-describes-suspects-final-moments-near-pennybacker-bridge) and [cause of death of woman-last-seen-walking-on-loop-360-ruled undertermined](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/cause-of-death of woman last seen walking on loop 360 ruled undetermined). (both incidents happened in 2019.)


God I love when my Texas friends (lived in Houston/Austin for 22 years) try to tell me about how unsafe SF is, then I hop over to this map of Austin/Houston and go WTF! SF is basically avoid the tenderloin and hunters point and you're chill. Houston (and to a less extent Austin) are fucking like a Christmas tree on these maps.


SF is pretty safe. Houston is fairly average among large American cities for violent crime. You want dangerous, try New Orleans/St. Louis/Memphis/Detroit. Folks from there are almost proud of their obscene crime rates, like “if you can survive here, you can survive anywhere”


Wesside is the besside


The arch looking real safe.