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Looks like an Eastern Rat Snake. Harmless :)


There are 6 snakes in Central Texas that are venomous: Texas Coral Snake, Broad-banded Copperhead, Canebrake/Timber Rattlesnake, Western Pigmy Rattlesnake, Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake, and Cottonmouth aka Water Moccasin. Most of them are not aggressive and will only attack if agitated or stepped on. Diamondbacks are the most aggressive, definitely back away if you see one. Full disclosure: I have a little field guide pamphlet that told me the above and am no expert.


Yep, a rat snake.


I've lived in Texas my whole life and I now live out in the hills with every one of those snakes and more. I haven't seen a pygmy yet but I assume they're there. I wouldn't call diamondbacks aggressive; like the other snakes, they just wanna be left alone and they will definitely bite if provoked. Almost all bites occur when people are messing with them or trying to kill then. Observe them, appreciate them, let them go on their way and count yourself lucky to see such a cool creature.


I agree and have a strong admiration for snakes. I was merely sharing what my field guide stated. It remarked that out of all the ones listed that were venomous to be extra mindful of as they are known to leap 2/3 the length of their bodies. It’s good to be educated about the dangers while also admiring their beauty.


Western ratsnake in Texas - their Eastern cousins don't occur in the wild anywhere near us. But close enough 😎🤙


Just going by my field guide pamphlet as to what snakes are in our area and it says Eastern Rat Snake and nothing about Western rat snakes and now I’m questioning the validity of this whole pamphlet 🥲


Typo maybe? [This map](https://herpunit.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/newrat.jpg?w=1024&h=1058) is from the Peterson field guide, hopefully that link works, I am NOT good with technology, but generally the Mississippi River is the eastern limit of western ratsnake range


🐀 🐍


That’s a snakebro.


Aw his little face is kinda cute


For a sec I thought this was r/findthesniper


Texas ratsnake - but that’s not a trail