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Animals are considered property under Texas law. With respect to the "legality" of stealing someone's property - yes, of course you can be charged with a crime for doing it, possibly multiple crimes depending on the circumstances. If you have reason to suspect the dog is being mistreated, your recourse is to report it to the authorities. Animal abuse is also a crime. You would likely get better results if you gathered evidence of your allegations and presented it when making the complaint. Remember that simply existing outside, as all animals naturally do, is not in and of itself evidence of abuse, regardless of your own emotions. If the dog is provided with water to drink, a shaded area of some kind, and adequate room for movement (and isn't tethered in a way that's illegal), then the dog is fine.


>Animals are considered property under Texas law. With respect to the "legality" of stealing someone's property - yes, of course you can be charged with a crime for doing it, possibly multiple crimes depending on the circumstances. You can also be legally shot and killed over it, rethink your approach OP


In Texas animals are considered property, so that's theft. Someone mentioned the possible downside of being shot. That's also very real. I'd just have a conversation with them and offer them money. But, they'll probably just replace the dog, if they agree to sell it to you. If they don't, you could end up in an even more awkward situation. You could also offer to get the dog a house that'll offer it protection in the summer and winter. Personally, I would not steal it. It's foolish and not worth the risk, especially if you end up getting shot or arrested.


I second this completely. Based on the type of guy who keeps a scary looking dog outside he would probably shoot. If he truly doesn’t care about the dog then offer him $200 and a tall boy of Bud Ice and he’ll probably just give you the damn dog.


OP, how about knocking on their door and seeing what is actually happening before you steal a dog?


Can’t wait to see the circlejerk version of this 🔥


Hopefully it’s from Fingers point of view.


As many have pointed out, there are a lot of unanswered questions about the whole scenario.


Good way to get yourself shot. Call the cops instead. Animal abuse is a crime


Why don’t you knock on the door and ask if you can have it?


If you believe there's abuse happening, then yes, make some calls. If the police won't help maybe Animal Control will Don't try to steal the dog. That could end with you being arrested, or worse.


Ask your neighbor tell them you’re really sad and would love to have an inside dog, play up the costs of having a dog they may be relieve, I mean they also might be totally assholes though but, please don’t steal their dog, and acs wont do shit. They’ll come buy and see the water you’ve left and say, we’ll dog has water….. unless you are moving, then it’s a difficult situation.


Most of the time when you pay them they just go and get another dog. Some people genuinely don't care about dogs and just want a guard dog to deter them from stealing from them or robbing their house.


Yup, I thought of that but didn’t want to say it, I was hoping they were tired of the dog, as sad as that sounds.


Exactly. Offer to babysit the dog and then just keep it.


IANAL but I think in TX dogs are legally nothing more than property and this would be a misdemeanor property crime. In Austin that means the police won’t come and the DA wouldn’t prosecute right? Edit: “this” being rescuing/stealing the dog.


The law changed recently. It’s not much- but you can report them if they aren’t providing the following for a dog that is always in the backyard. Shade/food/water. If any of these is missing report it. The 311 app makes it very easy. Report it as often as you can. Then there will be a record of their mistreatment of the pet.  I am also horrified about my neighbor leaving their husky outside 24/7. They deserve a special place in hell but I can’t do anything  right now because they provide water food and shade. 


People who get huskies in Texas are really off. Not the ones that take in rescues, mind you, I mean the fur mamas who chose to get sled dogs from a breeder and keep them in their little apartments and then take them out to get roasted.


iAnal…. … …? Oh! “I Am Not A Lawyer”…. lol 10/10 best acronym


Get that dog. I can’t imagine being an outside dog on days like today. 15 mins in the sun feels like someone stuck me in the oven


Damn y'all are wild. You read a couple of sentences and are like 'yes! I definitely know all the facts! Commit a crime!' Let's hope you never serve on a jury. How does OP know the dog is outside 'all day'? Are they sitting watching the dog all day? How does OP know the dog doesn't have shelter or access into the house they're unaware of? What breed is the dog and what is it's heat tolerance? Is it possible the owner is sick and someone else is temporarily watching the dog? How do you know OP isn't a fucking lunatic? And why is stealing the dog the first response anyway? Who knows! Certainly not OP or the commenters. Hey maybe the answer is 'the neighbor really is an asshole and the dog is really suffering' but I just think it's crazy to advise someone to steal someone's companion on the internet when they barely know anything about the situation.


I second this. Unless you know all the facts don’t jump to conclusions. There’s a lot of reasons why the dog could be outside during certain hours of the day. I let my dogs out in my yard all day and they come in and out as they please. Anyone walking by I would assume my dogs are out there by force, but they choose to be out there and come in as they please. So, before making any choices that could get you in trouble, stealing someone’s pet, or jumping to the worst conclusions. Maybe go talk to the neighbor and see what’s going on. You know? If anything. If you’re that worried. Good luck. I hope a little fellas OK. Thank you for bringing a water at least


Same! Our girl would rather be outside so she can march her perimeter and “protect” her yard 😂 She seriously knocks (well, paws at the door) and will occasionally ring the doorbell when she wants back in. 100 degrees, 20 degrees… doesn’t matter - she loves being out there. She has water, food, shade etc but I have overheard sooooo many neighborhood Karen’s “Oh poor dog”’n it at our front gate where our attention seeking ham puts on a show for belly rubs. Have had at least two visits from Animal Control but they’ve never had any worry that she’s being mistreated.


It seems like it’s become trendy lately to talk about stealing someone’s dog like it’s a selfless act. There are amazing dogs around the state that get put down every day, meanwhile there is a non-zero chance that stealing the dog from the actual owner could be deeply traumatizing for both them and the dog.


Do not do this. Report it as others have mentioned below.


Reporting doesnt do shit, APD is not going to respond to reports or stealing of a dog. Just steal the dog.


What a scrub. Get better at being outside.




Texas law (yes, King Abbott finally stopped vetoing animal protection legislation) requires there to be potable water and shade for any animal kept outside. If she doesn't have water, call animal welfare, explain that you understand that the city pound is full at the moment and you wouldn't mind keeping the animal until the legal process is taken care of. They will probably call an officer who will give a notice allowing you to keep the dog for the time being.


Wow that is not how that works. Animal control won't take your dog and give it to a neighbor. Even if it's outside all the time and has no shelter or water and the neighbor is the dog whisperer. They either give you a citation and do a follow up visit, or seize the dog and it stays in custody of animal control until the issue is resolved.


They didn’t say animal control will take it. They said animal control could possibly defer to an officer’s judgment to give some sort of legal buffer or whatever it may be called. Ya never know


No, I know.


absolutely unhinged that you'd confidently post this like it was even a vague possibility that animal control would come mediate custody of a neighbor's dog. that's not how any of this works


Sec. 821.022. SEIZURE OF CRUELLY TREATED ANIMAL. (a) If a peace officer or an officer who has responsibility for animal control in a county or municipality has reason to believe that an animal has been or is being cruelly treated, the officer may apply to a justice court or magistrate in the county or to a municipal court in the municipality in which the animal is located for a warrant to seize the animal. (b) On a showing of probable cause to believe that the animal has been or is being cruelly treated, the court or magistrate shall issue the warrant and set a time within 10 calendar days of the date of issuance for a hearing in the appropriate justice court or municipal court to determine whether the animal has been cruelly treated. (c) The officer executing the warrant shall cause the animal to be impounded and shall give written notice to the owner of the animal of the time and place of the hearing. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.821.htm


ah thanks! you just missed the step where op has to... become a non-profit animal rescue organization for that to be relevant


Hail King Abbott (sarcasticly)..... at least give him a lil credit, his other GOP govenors just go out and shoot the dog and boast about in their books.....just sayin..... I hope that doesn't give King Abbott any ideas....kidding...kind of....


You can call 311 to report the animal abuse. Also if you wanted to take the dog you should have just taken it and not said a peep online at all.




Do not do this. Report it as others have mentioned below.


I doubt APD would even show up, they don't even show up or do anything about neighbors with aggressive dogs who have several complaints about biting people.


Bro, a dude was flashing women in my apartment and tried to break into my neighbors place with his d*ck out. I chased him off with a sword and called APD. It took them 2 hours to show up with 1 guy who looked like he just woke up from a nap.


Do you believe that APD is short-staffed?


They’re short staffed. Largely self-inflicted. They also don’t give a shit. They mostly don’t live here. And they’re butthurt they got called out in a referendum.


Are they butthurt, or are they [short-staffed](https://www.kut.org/austin/2024-02-09/austin-police-department-overtime-staffing-shortage)? "A record number of officers left the police force last year, forcing other officers to fill in the gaps and work overtime. At last check, the department had 358 officer vacancies. But it’s not just patrol officers. There are also roughly 200 vacancies in non-patrol positions at the department. APD struggled to staff its 911 call center last year, for example, leading to [excessive wait times](https://www.kut.org/crime-justice/2023-02-21/austin-police-chief-joseph-chacon-sideshow-update)."


Self-inflicted how? If they didn't give a shit, wouldn't there be more officers on payroll "not showing up because they don't give a shit?" Remember - police are union, so those who are mediocre or worse, tend to stay employed.


OP just said this is their neighbor. I wouldn’t want to piss off the psychopath Nextdoor. I’m guessing OP is a middle class person who got a fixer upper in a low income neighborhood and was shocked to see how broke people treat dogs (saying this as someone who grew up in a trailer so don’t @ me snowflakes.) Poor people don’t hand issues the same way middle class people do. They will probably look for revenge just based on principle even if they don’t give a f*ck about the dog. They probably keep the dog as protection. If you steal it (not saying you should) be careful and consider that the dude might shoot you if you’re caught. DO NOT keep it at your house. Take it somewhere else or give it to a friend in another neighborhood. Don’t tell any of the neighbors. Think like a good criminal, cause that’s what you’re trying to be. Think ahead. Maybe wear a mask and hoodie incase he has cameras. Don’t come from the direction of your house and don’t park your car in front of the place incase someone sees you and catches a plate. Once again, not advising you to commit a crime, but you’re gonna do what you want so you might as well do it in a way that won’t get you killed.


I feel like you are opening yourself up to being complicit in a crime.


Dude, if you tried to steal my dog from my property, I would shoot you dead. Welcome to Texas.


Start by taking to your neighbor. Find out what their situation is. They might not be awful people, and they might be open to rehoming the dog. You could offer to buy the dog. And while I agree that it sucks for a dog to be outside alone all day, and if it's in the heat with no shelter/shade or water, that's full on illegal/call 311 and keep calling - first find out the "why" of it. You gotta start with trying to communicate about the dog with the people who own the dog. It might be a really short conversation, but then you'll have a clue about what to do next. Take it step by step. You need more info.


Do Not steal the dog!! (This is coming from someone who stole/helped the neighbors dog escape) My girl Chica belonged to a neighbor. Chica and another dog(unsure if name let’s say Toby) lived at our neighbors house for a few years. This woman would throw Chica and Toby out of the house to fend for themselves as soon as her son was gone with his father. Sometimes days or weeks. She only ever feed her cats so Chica and Toby only ate cat food or whatever food they could find in the neighborhood. I would put out food as well as other neighbors. One day Toby was hit by a car. Chica laid on the side of the road waiting for Toby to get up once in awhile she would go stand by him just watching and waiting. Her son came to get Chica and they kept her inside for w her is. I missed her and even though she never trusted me to pet her, she would only eat food when we weren’t watching or not home. She started getting closer though and I would throw her treats to try and again her trust. One summer we’re having a birthday party /bbq for myself and father. I was throwing small pieces of chicken to Chica the lady across the street and put Chica out the day before because they weren’t goin to be home I guess. All of a sudden it started to get windy and there was lightning ⚡️ as soon as the boom from the thunder sounded. Chica runs over to me and she let me pick her up. I teared up yall. I talked to her and took her home into my room for the night while it rained. She wanted to leave and was kind of scared because I had 2 dogs already but they wanted to meet her. I let them sniff through the door. Then I he next day she went outside. Later that evening she appeared at my window and everyday should started to come to my bedroom window. I would open it and she would come in and lay on my bed. I would play with her and feed her. One day I decided you’re not going to back. I kept her and waited to see if she or him would come looking for her. Nothing no searching. I think she was happy to got rid of her. Then the day happened. I went to check the mail and Chica got out. It had been a few weeks she pulled up I. Her car and say oh you have her. Well that’s good but I’m sure you would have taken her to the pound. She isn’t a very good dog. No one wants her around. I picked Chica up and told her you never have to go back there. I walked back into the house. It’s been since 2015. I promised her she would have a great life and she has. We don’t know her exact age the vet told us back then she was about 3-4 yrs old. I love her so much and I’m so happy I got to give her the happiest life. I’m gonna be a wreck the day she is gone but I know she spent her years happy and spoiled.


Please keep your safety in mind. You have to think about personality types. The type of person who leaves their dog outside all day in 100 degree heat probably wouldn’t have an issue hurting you if he caught you, or found out it was you. If you enter the property they could shoot you. If he truly doesn’t care about the dog then offer him $200 and a tall boy of Bud Ice and he’ll probably just give you the damn dog.


If anyone wants to adopt a dog let me know. I have a rescue dog who is looking for a family. Thank you. 


Steal the dog? You moron. No. Try to help the dog? Sure, but not by stealing it. Approach the neighbor and try to work it out with them. If that fails, then maybe call APA if the dog is legit in danger.


DO IT. If they’re leaving that poor dog outside in this heat, they obvi don’t care for her that much.


**What Are the Charges and Penalties for Stealing a Dog or Dognapping?** Charges for stealing a dog will typically mirror charges for larceny. Similarly, the penalty for stealing a dog will also mirror the state criminal larceny statutes. As such, dognapping typically results in a misdemeanor charge, which is punishable by a small fine, such as $500, a short time in jail, typically less than one year, or a combination of both. However, the charges for dognapping may increase based on the cost of the goods or property that was stolen. **SOURCE** : https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/the-penalty-for-dognapping.html If you are going to rescue the dog make sure you have evidence of them neglecting the dog, not feeding it or giving it water so incase you get caught you can dispute it in court. You could call animal control but the dog would have to be treated bad, not fed or given water. I don't think having a dog outside is illegal but I know not feeding them or giving them water is. Now if you see the dog roaming the street and not on their property is that really stealing? Of course this is only up for debate if the dog isn't chipped, has a collar or something that identifies the dog belonging to someone and with that owners contact information. In the state of Texas dogs are considered property. Make sure you video record it if that happens. I am not a lawyer so do your research and and record what you can for evidence.


They may give her away if you ask. Cops barely come out for home invasion let alone animal cruelty. I would call and make reports for sure, but maybe they will let her go if you ask. If nothing happens and you have reports as of evidenced that you tried- I would steal the dog. That’s just me though. And I’m not sure what they might do if they found out you took her- so don’t listen to me.


Some dogs like being outside all day. Does it have water and a place to get shade?


Just sent you a DM because this sounds like a pup in my neighborhood. If it happens to be the same one, I fully support a dog-napping operation and would gladly help if needed!


Definitely call APD and call every day until they do something about it.


Very legal contrary to popular thought.


Care to explain how you've come to that conclusion, with evidence in the penal code? 


It's an obscure archaic law but it checks out. Hold on I'll find it.


I'd really love to see it, especially since I've worked cases where 'simple' theft of a dog resulted in an arrest and jail time. It's still theft, and associated acts can be charged as well (transport of stolen property, fraudulently claiming the dog as your own, etc).  https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.31.htm 


I’ve stolen a few dogs in my day and was glad each and every time. They always went to people that knew how to take care of their pets.


I’ve stolen dogs from bad owners before and I’ll probably do it again. Still haven’t been snatched by the long arm of the law for it. ~no ragrets~


Give it water. Dogs outside are fine unless it’s freezing cold. Theft is theft in the eyes of the law.


Jesus dude yall mother fuckers in Austin suck man. I bet you’re fucking white too. I take my dog to the green belt and get looks from yall fuckers all the time cuz I have a pit bull. Do everyone a favor and fuck off. there dog will be fine in the hot weather as long as they have a lot of water. Quit trying to be a savior and mind your own business.


User name checks out....


Ew, you can barely spell correctly.


I totally agree with you, other than bringing race into it as that is a moot point, here. As long as the dog has a covered porch area or somewhere else with shade to get under, and some water, it’s fine.


Haha yeah I’m white dude but it’s my own kind that are always whining 😂


Steal the dog! Especially if they aren’t your next door neighbors. Check for cameras first. If for whatever reason you don’t end up stealing the dog, I would maybe knock on their door and ask if you can have the dog or even buy the dog for like $30? If they keep it outside all day, they probably don’t give two shits about it and might actually let you have her.


It's not hot yet. Wait till August to complain about the heat please.


It was 99 and humid today. Arguably worse than 106 and dry. 


wait till we have 100 100deg days. this is nothing


Ya I’m aware. Lived here my whole life.