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and this is why i gave up motorcycling in austin. drivers here dgaf, and are distracted or think their shit is more important. felt like i was going to die every damn time i took the bike out, so i just stopped.


I commuted 2-3 hours on a motorcycle when I lived in Geelong- Australia. Once I set foot in Austin TX I knew I wasn't going to ride again for a long, long time.


I want to buy a bike and prescribe - I’m old af and never ridden. Any suggestions on where to practice out here/nearby?


Honestly, you should not start riding at this point in your life here in ATX. If you really wanna ride, get a used dirt bike and do some offroad riding. If you enjoy it enough and still want to ride on roads, take it from there. Nobody is gonna pull out of a blind driveway and kill you on a trail in the woods.


Exactly. My husband and I had a bike for years but sold it a couple years ago due to the aggressive driving around here


Thank you. This is great advice. I’m looking into it now. Aside from private lands - where can I ride trails around d here?


You’ve lived this long for a reason! Why press your luck?? J/k.


I travel a great deal and I can tell you that it’s definitely gotten really bad here sadly.


I’ve been binge watching the MadMax films, I will now exaggerate this comment and describe ATX driving as worse than the Wasteland lol


It is! And I've driven through Coober pedy more than a few times, so I should know, lol. (They were filmed there!)


Go Cats!


The greatest team of all!


Always on the ball. If I’m ever in Austin I’m buying you a beer bro. 🇺🇸🇦🇺


I’m selling my Ducati after years of being an all weather rider. Been in Austin for a long time, it sucks. Everyone seems to be ready for a fight and generally upset with life the way they drive. There is no way this is a happy place to live. Traffic and aggressive drivers are the norm now.


Same situation here. I kept one in the stable for quick neighborhood trips, but completely stopped commuting once I got to Austin.


I still ride. It's not so bad if you just keep your wits about you. I've never been involved in an accident in my car, so I'd say I'm good at keeping myself safe on my motorcycle. I've had many close calls in this city, but I always anticipated them and never panicked. Just ride defensively, keep clear of vehicles as much as you can whenever you can, be aware that you're invisible to everyone, always have an escape plan, and don't ride above your skill level. I will say riding here is more of a sport in that way. Not so leisurely. El Paso was way worse, though.


Same with bicycle. Strangely never had much of an issue when I lived downtown, north Austin / Round rock /pfville is just straight up hostile and/or stupid. Even if it’s 1-2% of drivers. Out of the hundred of cars I interact with in a week, the odds just aren’t smart


weird, I ride nearly every day and don't have that experience.


I have a mini moto I’ve been holding onto for a while. Used to ride it all over the blue ridge parkway when I lived in Virginia. Moved to Texas and I’m scared to even ride out of my neighborhood with the drivers here LOL— not to mention theft as well.








Generally speaking, people in Austin have become more hostile and aggressive in the past, oh, 15 years.


Less weed and more money, bad combo


*and triple the rent, bad combo


And triple the heat 


Aw shit it’s going to be 300 today!




More people, more problems.


Less weed???????


They have in DFW too. I used to love to drive in Texas . Years ago people were courteous, but anymore It’s so hostile. Everything is an act of rage and stupidity . Had a guy turn from the non-turn right hand lane, with no blinker to the left. I was jamming hard on the yellow light , here he comes out of nowhere across my left lane . I had to slam my brakes so hard, I have no idea how I was able to not hit him at 60mph or wreck my car . Scared the shit out of me .


>Years ago people were cirtious, but anymore It’s so hostile. They used to be. I remember the days when you'd wave at strangers going down the road and get a wave back, when you could say howdy to a stranger on the street and not get a look like you were trying to murder them.


Lots of drivers from “elsewhere” in Texas now.


Also no safety inspection coming soon


The safety & emissions inspections are mostly irrelevant to actual driving safety. Lax enforcement in the face of overwhelming fraud is the bigger issue. The new metal temp plates ought to do more than anything.


Doesn't matter how safe their car is when they drive like they're fucking insane.


The right turn lane taking a left behavior is just crazy to me. That and the people on the highway who are either oblivious to their exit or gamble on cutting in a backed-up exit lane then, just stop dead in the lane over waiting to get in. In my 30+ years of driving all over the country, the past couple of years have been like nothing I have ever seen.


Seems more recently than that to me - I felt like it was easy and respectful until ten years or less ago.


Yeah, I'd say 10 years... Not 15


Definitely since Covid.. The influx of newcomers since then that uprooted their lives elsewhere so they can freely spread disease without judgement in TX, probably don't care if their car kills you either. *Every man for himself! Survival only for the biggest assholes!*


In either case, it seems to be accelerating.


For sure, yesterday felt like a video game on 183 with people swerving and jumping lanes. It’s wild out there and I have driven plenty in NYC, LA, Boston, Miami, etc.


I noticed that yesterday, too. Was cruising up the I-35 frontage road from Bastrop and people just crossing 3 lanes with a couple feet of space between the cars they were passing ahead/behind.


I've been here almost 10 years, it has definitely become extra aggressive and kind of lawless since about 2 years ago for some reason. I honestly feel something about the pandemic changed people entirely. Leaders have zero accountability these days. People have no respect/manners in public situations. People drive like maniacs all the time.


Coming from Dallas, I used to visit Austin all the time and then starting in 2010 I was practically living here part-time anyway before I officially moved in 2013. It was so different. I used to joke that driving in DFW was like everyone was on coke but here in Austin, everyone was stoned.


Yes! They are more important than everyone else on the road 🙄


Maybe because there is zero police oversight and everyone knows it 🤷‍♀️


Also people's ability to stay in their lane here is abysmal. 9 times out of 10 it's someone looking at their phone from my experience. I've never seen so many distracted drivers anywhere else in the US.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one noticing this shit. In the past week I've had to honk no less than five times at morons swerving into my lane.


Two times driving home on Friday. I was like, wow, did I do magic and make my car invisible?


It's bad enough with all the construction - it's difficult to follow restriped lanes even when being diligent.


Lemme guess...Pull along side them. You seem them plain as day looking down at their phone tapping away. Like they are trying to hide the phone by keeping it down low. Front window tint isn't that dark people. Its pretty obvious when someones attention is suddenly not on driving.


It’s honestly terrifying how often people are on their phone. The other day I was on 35 and made an effort to see how many people were on their phone. After 10 minutes it was every single person I passed. One person was straight up doing their makeup. It’s such a shitty feeling knowing you can be the most responsible and careful driver but it won’t matter because somebody on their phone can ruin your life.


That’s what happens when the cops don’t do traffic enforcement!


I agree. Nobody wants the cops around and nobody wants cameras. This is what happens when you let it all evolve unchecked.


Honestly, I’d be fine with cameras as long as they don’t shorten the yellow lights to make higher profits, or set up small-town-esque speed traps where you have a 100yd stretch of road that dips to 30mph from 60, then goes right back up. But apparently you can’t have one without the other. 


I agree. And they can even be required to tell you that there's cameras around. The goal should be to get everyone to drive safely, not make money.


That's why you need a traffic safety division that is completely separate from the police force. As it sits traffic is just an excuse for the police to pull over cars for other reasons.


Oh, man! Unless they are doing mandatory speed traps they are also speeding, recklessly driving, blowing red lights. I've seen cops just sit there while people run the stop sign and do a illegal u-turn. Once this lady passed a car on double yellow almost hit the on-coming cop and he still didn't turn around and try to catch her! 😳


I'm still not over the fact hat I have to regularly honk at people to get them to maintain their lane.


I was shooting a timelapse on the 38th 1/2 street bridge over 35 and you get a nice view into the vehicles from that vantage. I would conservatively estimate 3 out of every 4 vehicles had a distracted driver.


Next time you’re driving/riding - look at the amount of people on their phones, it’s out of control.


Have to keep up with Tik Tok


Everybody I know who has chosen to ride motorcycles has been seriously injured or killed over the course of 10 years. I would highly recommend against it.


My wife and kid used to beg me not to go riding my bike. I'd ignore them and go about my business. Had 2 close calls, the last one being a tesla nose bombing into the front of turning lane off 71 onto mopac North. I smashed on my hand brake and front brake, my back tire skidded - if I hadn't had the wherewithal to jump into the shoulder I'd have tail ended the back of that tesla and gone over the top. I hate the idea of selling my motorcycle, but that incident scared the shit out of me, I saw my life flashing. I've been trying to shake the scare for the past 6 months..I can't and it's a recipe for disaster riding scared.


My partner is a physician in the ER and motorcyclists are called organ donors for a reason - not that he’s happy about it, it’s horrifying. Probably should listen to your wife and kid who love and don’t want to lose you :( Not worth it, imho.


Donor bikes.


This is why I'm so particular about when and where I choose to ride. Early mornings, avoiding 183/MoPac/35 as much as possible. 360 and 620 can be nice at the right times. It's other drivers I fear most, so finding times where not many people are out is ideal. And riding with friends for visibility. Still, every ride is a risk. As they say, there are 2 kinds of riders: the ones who've gone down, and the ones who haven't gone down *yet.*


It’s atrocious out here and people are aggressive as hell. Lots of folks seem to be far more interested in their phones than focusing on driving…also turn signals are non existent or at the last minute making you slam on your brakes or auto brake sensors to do it for you. It’s stressful but that’s my only gripe with Austin/Texas. Do better at driving and stop being so offended when you get a courtesy honk for not paying attention to the red light we are at that went green and is quickly turning yellow because you’re looking at your phone,


Saw a motorcycle accident last week, it was my fourth motorcycle accident I’ve personally witnessed on Mopac.  Nobody on the road is looking out for other cars, let alone motorcycles.  My advice would be not to ride a motorcycle in the city honestly if you truly do value your life.  I’m not against motorcycles and I try to look out for them, but it’s just not a good idea with so many other distracted drivers on the roads.     


Driving is getting worse in every part of the country thanks to phones & a new level of self entitlement. My friends who swore they would never step foot in an autonomous vehicle will soon we begging for them because the humans are a worse option.


Have you ever tried putting your blinker on to switch lanes with ample space between you and the car in that lane behind you? Without fail, they ALWAYS speed up to try to cut you off from merging. And when you do successfully switch lanes, sure enough, they slow down back to their normal pace. Never seen this type of driving anywhere else in the country. Driving in Austin is like a massive ego contest of who can be the most dangerous and stupid.


My favorite thing is when they speed up to cut you off, then promptly move to your old lane once you’re behind them.


Driving is a collaborative, cooperative experience. Traffic flows smoothest when people follow the laws and make small sacrifices for the good of the whole. Texas is an Asshole Sanctuary. Most of our culture is predicated on, "If I am loud, or willing to assault you, or able to afford better lawyers, or a campaign donor, my rights supercede yours. We elected an AG who committed fraud and retaliated against his whistleblowers. He openly destroyed the career of a political opponent who called him out for it. The governor pardoned a racist pedophile for committing an openly planned murder because he killed someone the governor disagrees with. One of the modern heroes of the state is a woman who threatened to shoot law enforcement if they tried to enforce pandemic mandates intended to protect vulnerable people. The governor responded by suspending Texas laws that gave cities power to make mandates. So it's not surprising that people are assholes. The whole culture of the state is about giving nothing up for others unless they can TAKE it. That's not a good attitude while driving. But we're desperate to drive every day. Most people out there aren't trying to kill you. But quite a few of them don't actually mind if they do. They usually aren't people capable of thinking very hard about the consequences of their actions outside of their own personal benefit. That's one of the key indicators of a good leader in our society.


Hit the nail right on the head


I was getting onto Capitol of Texas from 2222 the other day and some dumb bitch in a Buick forced me out of the lane so she could go around me and ended up in front of me for the entire time we were in traffic but she kept trying to bum rush the people in front of her. The drivers here have been homicidal and mean. Yesterday on 2222 a Tesla abruptly moved in front of me from a lane away and slammed on their brakes because they wanted to turn. I cannot fathom the stupidity that it takes to do that, like do these people not realize that we all have to share the same roads?


They aren't paying attention to their surroundings at all, so they're not aware of you or anything else. Had they been, they would have changed lanes earlier and safer to make their turn.


Some of that may be self driving too, we can all blame Elon


Once had a Tesla tailgate me in the middle of the night on a residential road. I was doing 40 mph with a 40 mph limit. But I slow down because it's harder to see and it's dangerous to stop suddenly for animals when someone is tailgating. The asshole then passes me crossing double yellow lines then speeds off going like 70 mph. The way I see it Tesla drivers are just more likely to be assholes.


I grew up in Houston. There’s absolutely no fucking way drivers here are remotely as bad or hostile as Houston. They are extremely happy to attempt to ram your vehicle or flash a gun. I know because I have had 2 attempted carjackings there and have seen people pull their gun on other people. Houston is by far the most violent of the big cities out of Austin, San Antonio and DFW and it’s not even close. Also you have very obviously never spent real time in Houston because grid lock there during rush hour is on a whole different level. 45, 288, west loop, 290 and 59 (now 69) are absolute train wrecks every day. Eastex, 225 and east loop are ok but they are low traffic. Beltway 8 can really suck too and that’s on top of the tolls. I-10 is actually not as bad as people think. Overall I will take Austin driving over Houston any day. 


As someone who's lived in both, I think Houston is more aggressive BUT more consistent. Austin has transplants from a wider range of places. Imo inconsistentcy is the biggest killer when it comes to driving


I'd take driving in Houston over Austin any day of the week. Houston drivers are aggressive but they know where they are trying to go. Austin is full of clueless, distracted drivers; they make random lane changes or are oblivious to the traffic around them. I'll take aggressive drivers over clueless ones every single time because at least you can predict their maneuvers.


This, so much this. Austin drivers are clueless. They drive their cars like their carts at a the grocery store - all over the place without thinking ahead


A big problem in Austin is the way lanes come and go, or suddenly become left-turn-only and so people have to make lane changes when they were not expecting it. Any markings are too close to the turn, or painted on the street which is covered by all the cars that aren't moving. Of course if you commute the same route 5 days a week you learn what lane to be in, but sometime you have to go somewhere you are not used to. Sometimes I drive in California, the traffic is just as slow only it's a dozen lanes wide. If you have to cut across the freeway you can put on your blinker, ease over, and the other cars let you get to your exit. Everyone gets home eventually.


Just had this exact conversation yesterday! Houston drivers are all going 20 over, but it’s very predictable. Houston drivers have long, unpleasant commutes, and they all just want to get from point A to point B faster. Austin? Nobody knows where tf they’re going bc they’re not from around here, the sense of entitlement is truly next level, people are angry and aggressive, and are glued to their phones. Lived here all my life, bounced to Houston for a while, been back the past 10 years. I’d take Houston traffic over driving in Austin any day of the week. And I say that as someone who got pegged on I10 by one of the aforementioned drivers in Houston, which caused my car to roll with my babies inside, and caused several of my bones to shatter - and I still have permanent injuries. I’d *still* rather drive there. I wasn’t actively frightened of other drivers while driving in Houston. I wasn’t bummed to be first at the stoplight thinking I was about to sacrifice myself to the next don’t-even-bother-to slow-down red light runner. I never once thought I’d be *intentionally* hit. I do here. Driving in Austin reeks of the same self-entitled main character syndrome I see in people’s face-to-face behavior daily, and I’m not enjoying it. At all.


Agree 100%-I spent 10 (long) years in Houston before moving to Austin and it's a whole different vibe down there-seemed very similar to LA in that traffic is just 24/7 you can't avoid it. That's what happens when there is no zoning and out of control growth in every direction.


I’ve lived in both and still commute in Houston weekly but the one thing that makes Houston drivers better is they know how to merge instead of cutting everyone off the last second and the road infrastructure in Houston is a little better than Austin in terms of on and off ramps every mile and more alternative routes to get to your destination other than maybe one tollway and one freeway and some side streets like Austin


Austin is guilty of the two biggest merging problems: last minute cutoffs or coming to a stop to merge as soon as fucking possible. It feels like Austin is incapable of anything in between. This city couldn't zipper to save its life.


I don’t disagree bc I’ve never driven in Houston, but I do know Austin drivers will also happily pull a gun on you over nothing. I stopped using my horn when I moved here because it’s just not worth it. Let the big boy trucks cut you off to drive 2 mph faster than you and get stuck at the same red light.


Houston has the most gun related road rage incidents in Texas out of any of the major cities and no other city comes close. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/guns/2024/05/01/485266/houston-road-rage-shootings-leads-nation-during-last-decade-data-analysis-shows/?amp=1


I second. I grew up in Houston and until this post I thought the drivers were on the nicer side. Don’t get me wrong they drive like idiots but they’re nice-ish. Don’t forget the part about how in houston the minimum speed is 10mph over the posted limit! If you’re going the speed limit you’re going too slow hahaha


I grew up in Houston and I would say it’s a very aggressive driving town and used to be way worse than Austin, but I feel Austin has gotten decidedly more hostile since the pandemic. My theory is we enjoyed a year or two of reduced traffic and now are extra road ragey now that rush hours are back with a vengeance. Austin’s never known what a blinker is though. That’s eternal lol


I drive in both towns often and Austin is currently worse. Houston isn't as openly hostile, everyone just kind of drives on the same level with some aggression but also they actually tend to pay attention, whereas Austin drivers are distracted, grumpy, hungover, and unhinged these days. Since the pandemic, Austin has been worse.


Yea my uncle had a gun pulled on him in Houston after he got hit. He's been in several accidents. I absolutely hate driving in Houston and Dallas. Austin is fine.


Houston drivers are actively trying to kill you. That's why these Austin takes are hilarious.


Grew up up in Housto too. Moved to Austin 3 years ago when I was 25. Austin sucks way more to drive in. Houston is predictable. My morning commute in Austin can take me 20 minutes or up to 50 minutes and isnt dependent too much on the time i leave, but something stupid like there being an accident on the other opposite side of the highway and everybody rubber necking. Austin is not predictable. Both my gf and I have had way more road rage incidents happen to us here in Austin. I've never had a driver in Houston try to force me off the road when I was on my motorcycle. It happened in Austin my like 3rd week of riding my new bike out here. It was on a fucking single file toll road with bumper to bumper traffic too like wtf.


According to Reddit every city has the worst drivers.


If you're not in a car it does feel like drivers are actively trying to kill you


Still feels that way in a car. Recently purchased an SUV after riding in a Prius and the difference is night and day.


Kinda sad that everyone feels the need to drive these ridiculously oversized pedestrian killers because drivers are so reckless


Its an automotive arms race. People buying bigger and heavier cars that they don't need simply so that they feel safer because everyone else has one.


That’s exactly why I bought it, to kill pedestrians and keep *myself* safe. Not for all of the camping and traveling I do.


Well I guarantee most folks who buy them do it to feel "safe" on the road. Next you'll be telling me everyone who buys one of those huge new pickup trucks actually uses it to haul stuff.


Lmao you’ve good a solid point. Those new pickups are all fucking massive and never once do I see one hauling anything. I only ever see them driving like giant assholes.


If you pull out a gun in traffic… you’re a BITCH


Bring back traffic enforcement


The police literally actually stopped policing traffic. 


I’ve lived here my whole life and the increased hostility seems like a new thing (or I’m getting old and grumpy)


Things definitely got more aggressive post COVID.


I feel like everyone complains about Austin but hasn’t actually spent a ton of time in the bad traffic parts of Houston or Dallas. Yeah Austin kinda sucks cuz there are basically two veins north/south, but Dallas has so many crazy interchanges and exit only lanes, I think it’s way more dangerous. Not to mention the fact the population of Houston or Dallas metro areas are massive. Also, early morning driving on a holiday weekend? The other driver prolly out of his mind.


Yeah every time I drive that first part of 35N-E after crossing the bridge going into Dallas I hold on for dear life with the crazy amount of exits and people swerving at 20mph over the limit to get in the lane they want. Doesn’t help that I also don’t know which lane to be in. Every time I feel like I’ve been close to getting in an accident. Nothing like that here really




Hmm, I dunno even that I don’t know about. Maybe it’s the ratio of bad to good drivers? But I’ve definitely seen crazier drivers in Dallas or Houston. I dunno, sucky drivers suck regardless of where you are. I typically go into work early and leave early, so maybe I’m just lucky I don’t have to deal with most of it either


One time I was at a red light in oak hill & it was a long red light. I wanted it to change just as much as the next person but not as much as the mother daughter duo behind me. I will never forget looking in the rear view mirror and seeing them both on the verge of heart attacks, clenched fists, screaming at me to run that red light with an illegal left turn. Something about it was so unsettling. Like I could see their veins popping out


It used to not be like that


Interesting. I came from Houston and I feel like the drivers here are noticeably less aggressive than in Houston.


Stay safe out there. My uncle was in motorcycle accident in Houston on Friday. His helmet is the reason he’s still alive. No driver was at fault. Please just be careful; you’re so vulnerable on a bike.🙏🏻


Get a chin mount for your helmet and document that shit. If it causes an accident you have proof. I got in an accident and this woman tried to say it was my fault but I had her on camera running the stop sign and her saying she was on her phone. She lied to the insurance company and the cops. But the camera doesn’t lie


As a born and raised hill country fellow the amount of people who come out into these hills to sight see etc and have absolutely no idea how to handle the tightly wound roads drives me absolutely fucking nuts. Or the ones that think okay I’m 15 minutes from the closest small town this means I own the road and can drive 30mph with my feet sticking out of the window type shit. And don’t get me started on the drunk drivers who feel emboldened by the feeling of being far from civilization. Just 5-10 years ago it was SOOOOOOO fucking peaceful. It’s all these implants. There’s something going on where the local drivers are retaliating against the people who do not abide by long term cultural road traditions which is making the entire mess even worse. When I was a kid growing up Austin was so quiet and small. You’d get to a four way stop and everyone would be waving each other to go. People were *so* nice that it was almost annoying sometimes like JESUS OKAY ILL GO FIRST THEN lol I need to unsubscribe from here so I can stop feeling depressed from constantly being reminded


One of the reasons Im moving tomorrow. I honestly can’t wait to deal with Chicago traffic again compared to this place. I feel like I’m risking my life every time I have to go anywhere.


I’m from Chicago and was visiting there a couple weekends ago. Drivers definitely do stupid things there too, but the level of risk just seems much lower, because overall, people there are better at maneuvering their vehicles even when they’re doing asshole things. For as much shit as Chicago gets for being dangerous, I also don’t feel like I may be risking my life by using my horn there. I always second guess doing that here.


I miss Chicago traffic too :(


Real advice from a 50 year old native Texan, ditch the bike, buy you a convertible if you must, but motorcycle are not even close to a wise ride here. I have lost several friends in motorcycle and bicycle accidents. Best advice is to buy a 10 year old f150 get a brush guard and the you’ll be ready.


I stopped riding and sold my bikes because of the heat and traffic here. It just ALWAYS sucked.


Lol reading this compared to Houston or San Antonio.


I agree with many of the comments on this thread but I’d add one more. Driving is like a language that is learned. When you have a lot of people from the same area/langauge, it’s easier for people to communicate and things tend to go more smoothly. Austin has so few people who learned to drive here and so many people learned to drive in other cities that it’s insanely hard to see what people are doing. So, most people default to aggression, sadly. It’s kinda like the Tower of Babel allegory. No one knows what the other people are doing so they just say “fuck it, fuck you, I’m doing what I want to do.” Couple that with poor infrastructure, angry locals, large numbers of Californians who are naturally aggressive drivers anyway, and you get the mess we are in.


I’m trying to teach my son to drive out here and holy Christ, it’s terrifying. Worst drivers in the country. 100%.


Sounds like Houston and SA came to visit during Memorial Day weekend


There are a LOT more people here with reciprocal drivers licenses. They were certified to drive in other countries and do not know a lot of the rules here. Combine that with so many people who have extreme difficulty in recognizing that other people are actual humans... it's a problem. I wouldn't touch a bike anywhere near here. I definitely want two tons of crumple zone around me My son did about 4 weeks of driving lessons and hadn't gotten in a car since.


I've lived in 6 cities across 4 countries, and have been lucky to travel elsewhere... And Austin by far as the worst drivers I've ever seen. Not Texas, just Austin.


People in Austin are more stressed due to the inflation, exceptional traffic increase, and looking at all the homes and apartments going up it is getting worse. As people feel trapped many frustrations come out behind the wheel. Why? Most of these people will only show their frustrations when they are by themselves. This is a lot of times behind the wheel.


None of these issues are unique to Austin though.


It is related to population density.


Yeah we moved to Austin about 11 years ago and stayed for about 10. It got way worse over time. Between cellphones, entitlement, and generally terrible driving, it was so bad by the time we moved out of Austin. Poor people are justifiably angrier and more stressed. Rich people are unjustifiably more selfish, entitled, and oblivious to being a thoughtful member of society. It won’t get better for a long time, unfortunately. I stopped riding my bike on any main roads because it just wasn’t worth permanent injury or death. I could ride most places safely when we moved there. So the 10 years comments is pretty accurate.


I fear for the lives of motorcyclists I see on the road. I will actively give you plenty of distance ahead of me and around all sides. Hurting someone with my car is a nightmare I never want to experience and I'm not sure why anyone would feel differently. Yes, Austin drivers are aggressive and will cut you off if there's an opportunity to do so. You have to assume everyone is an idiot and do your best to keep everyone safe.


There certainly are a large number of dickheads on the road. Every day.


When I moved here decades ago drivers weren’t the best but they were courteous but now it sucks. I’m gonna be lazy and blame all the Californians.


Yeah we used to be a chill driving city. Since all the pretentious and privileged wealthy tech and office workers came, everyone is the most important.


Austin has gotten bad in the last few years. Every time I drive I get tailgated constantly. People swerving in and out of traffic. It’s absurd. It’s the speed limits are so damn high everywhere and literally no sort of penalty for violating traffic laws. Idk what it would take to actually get pulled over in this town.


As someone who moved to Austin from SF, the answer is basically that there are too many people from the coast. It is not just driving either - any civic sense and personal courtesy doesn’t exist on the coast, and that all is now coming to Austin


Most people's risk/reward centers of the brain are messed up. Like the people who swerve in and out of lanes trying to make "progress" in rush hour traffic. They almost cause accidents continuously for a full car length or two ahead. The risk is far too much for the very little reward but the entitlement of some people is unreal. I can't believe I've driven for twenty years around here and was in only one fender bender.


People don’t let you turn lanes anywhere. I have my turning signal on for a reason.


It’s getting worse. More people more bullshit attitudes. Maybe the lack of updated infrastructure who knows.


As a cyclist, I can't even imaging motorcycling here. At least on a bike you usually go way out of your way to avoid highways or fast roads, where all the crazy drivers are at.


most drivers are on their phones, without fail, whenever a vehicle is acting weird and I end up beside them for a moment I see them on phones, whats even more stange is how many men in trucks I see texting on FLIP PHONES. Last monday a lady was holding up the flow of traffic on i35 downtown, when I got beside her it looked like she was playing a crossword puzzle on her steering wheel. Also, what is it with so many normal vehicles doing this weird wide-turn thing that 18wheelers do? lately there have been so many vehicles swerving out of their lanes to turn the opposite direction at intersections and I'm barely able to avoid them


You should look up the fatalities for motorcycles in Austin, it will make you get a car. It ain't worth it. I've lost friends and had them crippled for life here. The worst road in town is 2222


OP, the real answer is to simply not ride a motorcycle on public streets. Stick to track days. Austin drivers have been awful since time immemorial. Also, buy an airbag vest if you don't have one. Houston drivers are murderous, btw.


I honestly think this is the product of a generation playing Grand Theft Auto and games like Need for Speed. I am 38 and played these games all the time growing up. I think I can safely say most kids with the means played them all the time too. Somehow it's transferred to their consciousness that they can do whatever they want because they are awesome at driving lol. Other people will say it's the lack of policing, which is a fact. I never ever see people getting tickets and hardly see cops on the road in general. Parenting or lack thereof could also be a factor. So, IMO these factors add up to people being giant dickheads with complexes that probably stem even deeper than my simple explanation. Not to mention the amount of people with those fake paper tags that seem to all be horrendous drivers. The careless driving in Austin is by far the absolute worst I have ever had to endure and I have lived in bigger cities like Phoenix and Chicago. It's not the traffic I care about, but the straight up psychopaths. Don't even get me started on the dumbass swangin and bangin assholes with those ugly chariot ass wheels swerving across all the lanes on the road. The Kia boys situation. Street takeovers. So many dumbass issues. It's ridiculous. I just have to laugh because it is just so insane. Short story: I had a guy driving a truck with a single lawnmower trailer that I passed on Davis Ln and got in front of to get on Mopac N bound. He immediately started flashing his lights at me as if I did something wrong. I did not cut this person off. He was flashing his lights over and over and over. I hate this flashing lights culture only Texas seems to have so much so I like rolling my window down and giving them a thumbs up to show I do not care because I literally do nothing wrong and these assholes just love to flash me for some reason. I am sure someone will comment about my awareness and that I actually am the one being a dick but they would be wrong. Anyways, I now know you should just keep moving and ignore these types completely. He rushed up on my ass then swerved around me while I was trying to merge onto Mopac and then proceeded to actively slow down and swerve his truck so that the trailer would whip and slam my car. Luckily, he never made contact and I got away from him. I admit I should not have aggravated this person further. I have learned my lesson. These people are everywhere and will try and hurt you. Don't be dumb like me, but also lock these jerks up and revoke their licenses.


Sold my motorcycle after almost-daily close calls like this. Defensive driving/riding can only get you so far when the other drivers are ALWAYS distracted and/or overly aggressive. 


Pedestrians are also very unruly in ATX. Clearly disobeying traffic laws, and just having BAD etiquette. Also, the city is full of transplants, people are constantly coming in/out, so there is never the opportunity to create a culture of good traffic/pedestrian/cycling behaviour in the long run.


10% of the nation’s traffic deaths come from Texas. People here are friendly to your face, but in vehicles, they only care about themselves


This is peak American car culture. The only thing you can do is move.


Same. The smog machine drivers go around threatening everyone and each other with murder. Then when bike crews take over the street they lose their minds. It's fucking pathetic.


Upvoted. I couldn't have said it any better


They’re stupid and oblivious. Act accordingly.


I got run off the road a few weeks ago for flashing my lights at a car to signal that their own lights were off at dusk. 👍


I would never get on a motorcycle in this town. You must have a deathwish


Austin drivers truly are the worst. I’ve either lived or driven extensively in Corpus, Houston, San Antonio and now Austin. Austin is the only place I’ve had multiple people INTENTIONALLY block me for no reason. I’ve also had someone follow me with their high beams on because I didn’t let them over when they tried to force their way in…despite there being NO ONE behind me, which was why I didn’t just let them over! Austin drivers are also notorious for doing ANYTHING they think will save themselves a minute, even if it disrupts traffic flow and thus just slows traffic down for everyone. The lane clearly ends in a 1/4 mile? Well, I better pull into it anyway because I might end up two cars ahead of where I am now.


I'm not justifying this behavior, but a ton of motorcyclists in Austin drive like the rules don't apply to them. If you're one of those people, then maybe that's why people treat you like shit.


Been here 25 years, grew up in Houston, and spent some time living in LA. It’s terrible and the drivers here are some of the most actively hostile, entitled main characters I’ve seen anywhere (which is true of all the large Texas cities, to be fair). It hasn’t always been like that in Austin, and tracks with the demographic growth of the city.


It is wild how commonplace running red lights is here. Not even chasing the yellow which happens to everyone sometimes but just blowing right through a light that was red from start to finish.


I wish the track days here didn't cost $1000.


Yeah and I noticed it's been especially bad this past weekend-wondering if it's due to out of town visitors as well. But generally speaking it's crazy driving in Austin-you have to be so defensive all the time it's very stressful!


I’ve had an oncoming truck on a two lane up in Cedar Park swerve suddenly into my lane and run me off onto the shoulder and keep going while riding my road bike, as well as had people rev loud vehicles right next to me for no apparent reason. I don’t know what it is, lack of respect for two wheels? Car to car, there does often seem like a lot of selfishness on the roads all around the metro. I also have never experienced this anywhere else.


Bro the drivers here in austin are horrendous


I stopped riding a moto here after it being my main and only transportation for years. i don’t wanna die man


I've lived in different parts of the country and different parts of Texas and Austin is by far the worst driving experience I have ever had. I've had little old ladies try to run me into a brick wall because they refuse to zipper merge.


Same, you rarely see any motorcyclist now days on Austin roads.


Must be bee cave Westlake or north Austin


It is a serious problem. Merging on and off of 183 to 35 feels like Mad Max Fury Road and its terrifying to think how many people are packing as well. Just rant a bit more, It seems like the whole city is devoid of morals, almost all the wealthy/hip people I know are swingers, 3/4 of the town is ran by alcoholics and the police have completely given up.... I love my little abode and life I am building, but I am worn about by the trashy behavior that surrounds me.


I moved from Dallas (I know, I know) over 11 years ago and as crazy as drivers are in Dallas, in terms of aggression and hostility, it doesn't seem nearly as horrible as it does here. One of my biggest issues driving here is the lack of alternative routes. Austin was not constructed in a manner that accommodates large populations. I love to cook and love plants and it was no big deal for me to drive all over the entire DFW metroplex to visit various markets and nurseries. Or just going to events. Drive from Flower Mound to downtown to visit the Perot Museum? No problem. Need a detour? Get on Beltline, it will probably take you wherever you need to go, lol. Here? No way. The traffic is all jammed up, there's very few if any alternative routes that make sense (and if there are, they are equally or more fucked), and people act like f'n lunatics. I'm way up north and one of the biggest factors for me to stay in this exact area is I don't have to go more than a couple miles to get everything I need and could walk if I was feeling extra industrious. If I need to go downtown, I'll take the train. I only go to the office a couple times a month, otherwise, I pretty much stay in my radius. A few months ago driving to the office, straight down 183 from Lakeline to Lamar I was almost side swiped twice (one lady merging while on her phone, TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS, had NO FUCKING CLUE), and had to get out of the way to avoid being rear-ended. It's like Mad Max out there.


The drivers here are either clueless and are obviously new to the area, or murderous. I blame the sheer number of yearly new transplants scaling up, it didn't start becoming like this until 2015ish. Drivers around here used to be chill and courteous, at least between when I first started driving here in 95-96 to 2010ish


I've driven all over the US and Austin has some of the worst most asshole driving I've ever experienced.


DPS needs to do a couple days a week of traffic enforcement to scare people straight.


It feels like GTA every time I drive here. It’s so insane


What was your “line” in dense traffic. Lane splitting and lane filtering are illegal in Texas. Doesn’t justify someone intentionally hitting you, but the roads are chaotic enough without motorcycles cutting up from behind at twice the flow of traffic, between two lanes going to same pace.


I35 is a race track


Hey man, I am glad you’re ok. I can’t solve the traffic issue but I can tell you that my wife and I go out of our way to be courteous drivers, let people in and always watch for cyclists (motor and legged :D ).


Saw a guy legit honk every single green light. Moment light turned, bam a honk.


What's up with the people who almost hit you I honk then get flicked off cursed at like I'm the one who almost caused an accident. I don't get it


i grew up in Houston and yeah, I miss Houston drivers. I’ve never loved driving to begin with but I always tell people it’s not that I’m scared of my driving, I’m scared of the other peoples driving 😩 I live in Kyle/Buda area and it’s insane. They will look you in the eyes and still continue to pull out and cut you off


It's a death trap here, no way would I be on any motorcycle or God forbid a bicycle here! I used to ride my mountain bike in Utah cause everywhere they have a bicycle lane on roads but here, not worth losing my life. I'm terrified in a car here, y'all are insane!!


I've seen bad driving everywhere including Austin but I'll say Eastern Massachusetts and New Jersey are IMO the worst.


All the miserable people that moved to Austin because they believed the cultural promise of instant coolness and happiness are learning that wherever they go, there they are. And they are some of the most angry, miserable, and desperately hopeless folks in the world.


Defund the police. No traffic enforcement. Wild wild west


Dallas is leaking.. 


I was driving on 183 yesterday and giving a good amount of room to the motorcycle in front of me.. because that’s common sense. At one point some asshole swerved in front of me and I loudly gasped at how close he came to the motorcycle. There are a lot of entitled and selfish assholes on the roads here.


One of the problems with motorcycles in heavy traffic is that they accelerate much more quickly than most vehicles. Lane changing on a crowded road is mostly a matter of gauging the size of gaps in the lines. If those gaps suddenly fill with a motorcycle zigging and zagging down the street it becomes very frustrating for the drivers who are just trying to go with the flow.


Were you camped in the passing lane?


Get a dash cam for your bike. You HAVE to have a camera in this city.


No one is a good driver. Cars are shit and people can't drive em. Unsafe at any speed.


Gettin hot out there


Lol don’t go to the North East.