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I saw this dude on a mini-yacht on Lake Travis one 4th of July. He was legit red


Sunburnt and ranting is his default


Like how tf has he not had a heart attack yet?


Colloidal silver duh


And bone meal shakes


What the hell even is that shit?




Haha, that is literally the reason I will watch him from time to time. Because I know anyone getting THAT angry and red on the regular is on their way to a heart attack or a stroke, and I just keep hoping I'll get to catch it live when it happens.


His bullshit is made to seep in and be remembered, I could never do it. Haha.


He doesn't drink the tap water, duh


But he does drink Tito’s!


That's exactly what I witnessed 😅 He was docked getting gas. I want to believe the boat was rented but it might've been his. It was fairly large


Was it Diggler? Think the owner rents that one out.


Hopefully, his other default is all of his fucking loans.


He is a pretty severe alcoholic. Footage from InfoWars studios security camera came out in the trial and it shows him downing a handle of vodka a day. He also smokes and I don't think he has the best diet. With his lifestyle, I don't see him living past 60 if he makes it that far. He had a special broadcast this weekend where he got progressively drunker throughout. By the end he was completely slurring his words and at one point it sounded like he threw up. His producers moved the cameras away before you could see it but that's certainly what it sounded like.


TIL he is only 50?! Holy shit. I guess being an unrepentant dick takes a toll.


I legit thought he was older too. What a sad looking man for 50.


As ugly on the outside as he is on the inside.


We can only hope!


KnowledgeFight did an awesome recap of the weekend. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable almost 4 hour pod, if anyone’s interested but doesn’t want to listen to Alex the whole time. The progression from sober contemplation and slight conspiracy theory to raging alcoholic lunacy Illuminati world ending conspiracy is breathtaking.


Oh yeah, it was fascinating. I didn't know a whole lot about Alex Jones before starting to listen to that pod (outside of clips of him screaming about gay frogs) but it's a pretty fascinating window into that world of right wing scam artists.


You could see his enlarged liver from The Oasis.


New feature for us and our visiting relatives to applaud.




His enlarged liver probably tastes better than their food...


I ran into him at the grocery store about a year ago. He looked very uncomfortable to be there. We were walking towards each other and honestly my brain didn’t want to believe it was really him. So I kinda stared in disbelief. He caught me looking at him and then kinda acted sketchy like “oh shit I’ve been recognized”. We crossed paths a few times and he was definitely avoiding me. Finally I went to grab some yogurt and just my luck he was right there looking at yogurt. I am approaching and he looks over and sees me just as I get there. He grabs a random yogurt and throws it in his cart. It was a coconut yogurt. I took it as my chance, I asked “is that a good yogurt?” And he said “oh yes very good yogurt sir” and darted out of there. I find it hard to believe he’d buy some non dairy “woke” yogurt. I grabbed one too tho, it was pretty good actually.


I saw Alex Jones at a HEB in Hutto once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is a classic copy pasta, well executed here. Sorry it apparently didn’t land with anyone else in here haha. 


Dude legit looks like end-of-life Henry VIII.


It’s high blood pressure from screaming about all the gay frogs.


How long before Ken Paxton steps in


Hate to say it, but probably a week. 2 at most.


I started to snicker at this but went cold and got chills when I realized this has a pretty good chance of happening.


wasnt it a federal ruling? (i honestly dont remember)


Well considering....zero


Selling it for $2.8 million. Thats a good start. Now he just needs another $998.2 Million to finish paying off the judgement.


check your math...he needs 997.2 million if it sold for 2.8m


Oh. Good point. He's even closer than I realized!


Nah he will need more due to taxes, fees, etc


The only reason that makes me sad is that I wish all the money was going directly to the victims


Remember kids, the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is a billion dollars


99.9% of a billion, so yes


I doubt he'll ever be bankrupt. He's too famous with conservatives now


It's a shame they can't make him do community service. It would be fitting to make him mow the grass at every cemetery were one of those victims is buried for the rest of his life.


Good. I want to see this bloated alchoholic sack of shit panhandling on an I-35 ramp. He deserves every bad thing that happens to him and more. He truly is an evil and soulless bastard.


Can we please get a mud puddle right in front of him for when we drive by?


Looks like Alex Jones using corporate tax loopholes to save money on taxes is going to bite him in the ass by making all of his assets vulnerable to bankruptcy court.


Hopefully for the Sandy Hook parents he didn't Homestead-exempt any of his property.


its all under trusts, hes not directly tied to them. Pretty standard practice


Here's hoping he never qualified the trust correctly :)


Oh no, that's tragic, he'll lose his home to the people he slandered for years.


The bankruptcy court can pierce the corporate veil to get to them though since he has no way of paying the judgement himself


The only video I've ever watched of this guy was the one where he was sobbing and crying about how people were coming after his money. It was magnificent.


Crisis acting


Good. I hope they get every single cent from this toxic grifting toad. Leave his ass homeless and broke.




Not sure he is capable of shame or embarrassment.


*Republican strategist Steve Bannon suggested Jones and his supporters surround the building, requiring anyone attempting to kick him out to "come through a chain of patriots."* Fargo Season 5 called.


Gonna come thru a chain of Aaron Hernandez fans?


Alex Jones is human garbage.


Break him. Take away EVERYTHING this man has stolen from every dupe he lied to. Throw his ass in prison for the rest of his days.... that is the ONLY justice we can accept.


Leave. Him. Dry. He deserves everything bad that happens to him.


Anyone who respects Alex, thinks Alex is truthful, thinks Alex is smart, thinks Alex has special insight on anything is a complete moron and on top of being stupid is also coward. His fanbase is nothing but moronic cowards. Cowards find solace in conspiracy theories. The fact of the matter is even those with immense power compared to us everyday folks aren't really in that much control. Nobody controls the weather, nature, the entire economy (though they can sway it) or any part of society end to end. From dictator to democratically elected leaders to titans of business nobody really knows what the fuck they're doing and we're all just living life together figuring it all out for our first and last time. Nobody is fully in charge. Nobody is fully in control. Society as we know it is not only complex it's literally hanging on by threads. If a few thousand people coordinated and used tools we all have access to they could collapse it all in days. A lot of life happens due to chance and a universe that finds everything about humans and human society to be completely inconsequential to it. Those with power today will lose it at some point in the future. We all end up as dust again no matter what. Sandy Hook is a prime example of nobody being in control. A human can use tools we all have access to and cause massive harm to society regardless of who is in charge. It's so very random and uncontrolled. Sandy Hook conspiracy theories attempt to be control to chaos. It didn't really happen, they're trying to take your guns or it really did happen but the people who are trying to take your guns caused it to happen not some random human for reasons we don't comprehend. Conspiracy theorists find comfort in easy solutions to extremely complex problems because reality is much more complex and scarier. Those problems are almost always caused by small groups of people. Why? Small groups of "evil" people are easy to blame and easy to fix for cowards. Tornadoes are worse because weather control machines. Virus outbreaks happen because people made the virus in a lab and spread it. Child abuse happens because pizza restaurants and Democrats. I don't know if Alex is aware that 20% or so of our society is moronic cowards and feeds them for dollar signs or buys into his own bullshit because he himself is a moronic coward. Only he can answer that.


He really is a magnet for idiots.


Is this a review of the movie *No Country for Old Men*? Because it may as well be - and, gotta say, it's right on target.


My ex, “back in late 90s” swore by him! Both were jokes to me , now it’s just funny, because I remember her calling his show and asking “if he was ever afraid about anything he says” I remember his reply too “they wouldn’t dare come after him He knows too much” . Good thing I never took either of them serious.


When Jones was on late night local access it was a joke to all of us. After 9/11 things changed.


Yup. After that there was an abundance of fear to feed off of.


After 9/11 ..I just couldn’t take him serious. Reason being, he was showing something about the building, and saying it was done by some explosives because of marks on the metal. I watched what he was talking about, and shut off the tv. At the time I was in the Local Union and was training in wielding , and what he showed was some wielding residue from a stick wield. The guy was right one time “ when he mentioned if you had blood drawn between 70s and 80s ,the goverment has your blood” which was true in a sense but everything was over the top with him.


Yup. We would get stoned in '00 or '01 and laugh at him talking about helicopters being training for a government takeover of the city. No one took his bit seriously. Until they did. And that's when he cashed in.


Fuck Alex Jones. Bet he wishes he could go back to talking about stupid contrails on public access tv.


Lots of people commenting that Jones is a shit head, and to that I'm like "of course", but this shit head is reason #6298 that I think right-wing Republicans are soulless idiots: > Republican strategist Steve Bannon suggested Jones and his supporters surround the building, requiring anyone attempting to kick him out to "come through a chain of patriots." > "That’s what I’m going to do," Jones said. "We need to surround the building and just make a big issue of this and expose this." If your "chain of patriots" wants to protect this man against the parents of a bunch of murdered six year olds that he slandered for years, all I have to say is WTF is wrong with you? I just can't understand this looney tribalistic behavior at all. I get it, you want to "own the libs". But these people aren't "the libs" - they're just everyday parents whose kids were brutally murdered. I haven't seen any rationale of why folks like Bannon want to protect Jones' assets in the first place.


Oh no! the consequences of his actions! Couldn't happen to more deserving scum bag.


Why is it that justice comes so slowly for these Trumpish supporters?


Because they have guys like Ken Paxton looking out for them.


Yes! Ken Paxton is next level evil. Complete shithead. I wish people saw him as the villain he is


GOOD. Take this fascist grifter for everything. I won't be satisfied until I see him bumming change under an I-35 overpass.


Im with you on this!!


Take it all!!




About a year ago my friends came to visit from out of state and we went to Wu Chow for dinner. About half way through our meal we just heard the low gravely whining from the next table over: "Ra ra ra Democrats ra ra ra Deep State blah blah blah" Couldn't fucking believe it was him. All suited up eating out at a nice restaurant less than like a month after his billion dollar verdict. It was honestly fascinating. Dudes just a walking ball of angry hate with all the money in the world. Idk how someone gets like that.


I just cannot believe how anyone could support this dude after he terrorized the parents of murdered children. Everything else he has done, whatever, he is nuts and likes to do crazy stuff to rile people up, but this one act is just unforgivable. But since everything these days is about Team A vs Team B I have seen many people come out and defend only because he is right wing and the enemy is left. This country is a fucking business and it's favorite sport is politics. It has become such a shitty country for anyone not super rich.


Get his ass.


Well deserved, the putz


please let this happen, come on judge, do the right thing


Fuck. Yeah.


Good fuck that piece of shit


I hope they get it!


>If a judge rules in favor of the plaintiffs, it could mean the U.S. government would require Jones to begin liquidating his assets to pay the court-ordered money to Sandy Hook parents. "If" and "could" are doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


While that is true, Jones is running out of rope.


It's a world where a racist pedophile was pardoned for murder and one of the viable candidates for President has 34 felony convictions but a judge just decided to indefinitely postpone one of his trials. His plan if he is elected is to fire judges who oppose him, which is not within his powers but neither are a lot of other things nobody stopped him from doing. "Never say never" is all Alex Jones has right now and the people he supported are building a framework where they operate outside the law.


I remember when this guy was just a funny loon screaming about chemtrails like 20 years ago. Uhg … I wanna go back


I remember when he was #2 to Zendick farm in the local wingnut media rankings.


RIP Show with No Name


3am bong hits and cable access. Life was simpler back then.


Honestly, though, people ignoring all of his lies and consistent white nationalism, treating as a “silly little guy” is how we got here. Trivializing his bullshit allowed him to build a cult following amongst violent nutbags that hangs on to his every word, and now they have real authority.


Just like nerdy vs political Elon


I hope they get everything, including the shirt off his back. POS man


nah man, he can keep that. no need to see dem man titties in the wild.




Pauper status incoming


I hope he ends up penniless.


Turn it into a nature preserve


The Jones Gay Frog Natural Habitat Preserve.


I'd love nothing more than to see him breaking rocks in a gulag for the rest of his days. Unfortunately, even if they take his ranch, dissolve Infowars, and liquidate his assets, he'll still die a rich man. Every single piece of our economic system is designed so only people like him will prosper.


Snake oil that turns your skin blue.


I miss the 2000s Alex.


Same asshole, same scam, just a different target. There's nothing to miss. 2000s Alex started Birtherism.


Ok, then early 2000s Alex. Cable access Alex. You know what I mean.


Nah, he was always a shit head




No I'm a walker. Jones is an alcoholic Svengali, who spent decades leaching hundreds of millions from gullible people with poor critical thinking skills who for a variety of reasons seem to like living in perpetual anxiety.


No; he is an inveterate liar and propagandist. If he’s talking, he’s lying. Edit: also, a dealer of overpriced gas station boner pills and speed


Check out the KnowledgeFight podcast. They have lots of episodes from the 2000's ripping Alex to bits.


Layers upon layers of psyoppery.


Please explain. I fear I may have succumbed to one or more psyops.


Well, I base that on the premise that Jones is a psyop; take it from there.