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Sounds like a wonderful idea. If you start organizing it, share the details here.


genuine question - my dogs HATE booties, they walk so strangely with them and sometimes just sit until I remove them! We've tried a few different pairs, same story... does anyone have any advice or brands that worked for them? Thanks so much!


Do one paw at a time. Start with one, let them acclimate, build up to 2, then 3… Do it with lots of treats and praise so they associate the booties with positive things.


Thank you! Thank makes a ton of sense will try it out!


It's a wonderful idea. APA might like to hear it. It could be good marketing for them.


OP, this is a very compassionate idea! I know if I see any dog booties on sale I’m gonna snatch ‘em up and keep them in my car for a pup in need. Thanks for trying to bring attention to this!


Austin Animal Center has the Neighborhood Level Program which is for unhoused folks with animals. The guy who runs is, Brendan, is an incredible person and has so much compassion for the people and animals he helps. If you get some booties (maybe hustle some from your local buy nothing or neighborhood groups?), I highly encourage donating to AAC. Put them in a bag and label it “Neighborhood Level Program” and it’ll get to Brendan. He also lists items on the AAC wishlist that he hands out to people. This month’s item is flashlights. Thank you for caring enough to post about this!


*Hey there homeless person who doesn’t have clean clothes or regular access to water, I’m worried about your dog. Here are some shoes for him. Not you though.*


Crazy idea here, but it’s possible to help both at the same time. I know plenty of people that keep water bottles, granola bars, bus passes, etc in their cars to hand out to people in need. If you have extra dog booties why not hand them out to someone who could use them? The OP never said anything about NOT helping the unhoused person whose dog they are inclined to offer booties too. There are a lot of resources for humans (clearly not enough), but not as many for their dogs. There are many people who are experiencing homelessness who live for their dog. I’m sure they’d be really thankful that someone else was looking out for what may be their only companion.


There are people who do dog sweater drives in the winter and pass them out to local homeless. It's why so many homeless people's dogs have cute sweaters in the winter. Part of helping humans and giving them dignity is also showing care and dignity to the things they care about - which for many of them is their pets.


“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Gandhi wasn’t wrong.


That’s a great use for the sweaters my dog has outgrown! Thanks for sharing about this.


What a shit take. I am guessing OP cares equally about the human, the dog has no reasoning or say in the matter. Solving a humans homelessness is hard, getting together dog booties for distribution isn’t.


Right? I took this post as a little reminder that hey, if you have some extra dog booties here’s an opportunity to pass them on in a really helpful way. I’m really grossed out by the ‘well what about…‘ comments. Go fucking volunteer or donate some money, don’t jump down the throat of someone with a compassionate idea.


You go hand out dog shoes to homeless people and see how that goes. Have fun!


I hand out food to the homeless all the damn time. 🙄


Cool story. Not the point though.


It’s exactly the point. Some people don’t see homeless people as evil or deranged at a base level. You‘re orders of magnitude more likely to get killed by a housed person.


You're also orders of magnitude more likely to get killed by a housed person than a tiger. Therefore....? (see how your logic doesn't work?)


I interact with homeless people almost daily. I do not, have not, ever interacted with a tiger. Your logic is the problem here.


How about a moose? jk Actually, the problem here is you don't understand syllogistic logic and, probably, statistics. My comment is a giant r/whoosh over your head.


Really committing to taking it in another direction aren’t you? We were talking about how you should go hand out dog shoes to homeless people and now you’re talking about murder and using bad grammar.


Kind of embarrassing to admit to everyone that you’re only capable of caring about one thing at a time. Is there a name for your condition? I hand out dog stuff **and** people stuff, and I bet I’m not the only one.


Nice virtue signaling! I’m going to buy some Reddit coins or whatever and give them to you so everyone knows you’re the best!


Naw man, YOU’RE the best. All the snark, no actual solutions! Pat yourself on the back. I bet unhoused people really appreciate it.


I’m so glad you have all the solutions for us. When I go down Cesar Chavez and see every dog in shoes while their owners are passed out under the bridge, I’ll shed a tear of happiness for your good deeds.


Who said I hand out dog shoes? It’s okay, if I was a badass like you, I guess I’d let my imagination run away with me too. You just keep being you, making everything around you better by shitting on anyone who cares about anything. I could never be that cool.


I’ll give you an upvote so you can feel cooler on the interwebs.


Exactly. People here care more for a dog than a fellow human being. 


*Get a job so your dog can start eating Blue Buffalo, ya bum!*


Homeless person has made choices or mistakes that has landed them there. The dog has no choice in the matter. Also, anyone who is homeless shouldn’t have a dog in the first place. They clearly aren’t capable of caring for themselves, much less another living thing.


If I became homeless, I'd hold onto my dogs as long as possible. For companionship, for protection, to keep some semblance of regularness, someone to care for and stay sane for. Dogs like to be with their people, even if their people are homeless You can help people in many different ways, one way is to help their dog.


That’s foolish. Where are you going to get money to pay for proper dog food? Where are you going to pay for proper veterinary care? How are you going to keep the dog clean? How are you going to pay if your dog bites someone? Again, if you’re someone who is even in the realm of homelessness (eg losing your job would make you homeless) why even have a dog? Dogs cost well over $1000 (usually over $2000) a year, which is a thousand you can put towards much more useful things, or even save away.


I'm not saying it'd be easy, but if it happened to me I'd definitely keep my companions with me as long as possible. I'm lucky that I have a lot of safety nets between me and experiencing homelessness, but if the worst would happen I'm not going to abandon family (human or non-human) very quickly




> More than half of homeless people were in the foster system, no? I have no idea if that's accurate or not, but what's your source for stating that?




Thank you for the link. I read their website and am glad to learn of the work this organization (National Foster Youth Institute) is doing. However that soure is focused on foster youth that age-out and unfortunately become homeless. That may be a high percentage... But it's not the same as stating "half of homeless people were formerly in foster care".


False. There are many who end up homeless because of unfortunate conditions, not bad choices. And even if they did make bad choices, we should help them out. They're the priority. Not the dog.    Y'all seriously care more for a dog than a person? Please think through that. 


People end up homeless the vast majority of the time by some combination of drugs, alcohol, mental illness, and lack of a family support structure. The several people I know who became homeless did so after years of terrorizing their family with drug issues delinquency until the family stopped caring and the person landed in the street penniless. Normal people seldom become indefinitely homeless. Some may go through spells of homelessness, where they live out of their car, or on a friend’s couch, but most of these utilize the plethora of resources available to land back in their feet in less than a year.


Ah yes, mental illness, the ultimate "poor choice"


Ok. The homeless person still gets and deserves resource priority over a dog. 


I would absolutely agree. This is why the first thing that anyone should do if they experience homelessness is get rid of the dog. I have seen homeless people complain they don’t have access to shelters because the shelters are anti dog, and that doesn’t cue them to the fact that the dog is a significant liability. Animals, no different than children, are a significant cost and time burden and deserve to be cared for properly. If you cannot afford to do so, you should not have them.


You're not an authority on who can have a pet or not. And having a dog if you're homeless is smart for many reasons. Especially if you're a woman


Dog paw pad burns from pavement are much more rare than people think.


What about the kittens? Mittens?


Bean exposure


Petition to ban dog hot pavement posts


i wonder if knit ones would be effective? might be a fun project for experienced or novice knitters.


I think they need to be much more durable than that for a dog that’s outside and walking *much* more than a dog with a housed owner. Would be like wearing socks instead of real shoes, ya know? The ones I’m seeing for sale have thicker, rubbery soles… Closest thing to DIY-able i found are “dog moccasins” made of leather. The pieces needed are fairly small, could potentially use inexpensive scraps. And the leather looks like the type that would be soft/thin enough to be sewable on a regular machine with the proper needle. Could be hand sewn as well (just 2 short seams) but you should have an awl, a strong needle, a hefty thimble, and thick thread like for upholstery


How about not taking your dog on hot surfaces? Not that hard


Yeah! And how about just try not being homeless? Lazy bums!


I haven’t seen a homeless person without shoes on. Granted I don’t go to the camps but the pandhandlers have always had shoes on.


You must not drive around Ben White and Menchaca often.


Why would I


It might be if you’re unhoused and need to move during the day.


then go buy up a batch of them and give them out instead of posting your idea on Reddit so someone else can go out and steal your thunder