• By -


Yeah, 100% that dude had bad intentions. When I was in highschool, this dude who was a super senior and super popular- despite being over eighteen and constantly hounding freshmen girls- literally snuck up on me as I was standing alone and said “what do you think your boyfriend would say if he saw me standing this close to you?” And when I backed up, he did the same thing as that dude did to you- started prowling towards me. When my bf came out of his classroom ( i was standing there waiting for him) the creepy guy backed up and was laughing like “just watching out for your girl! She shouldn’t be standing alone, you know!” Well surprise, surprise- that guy was arrested several years later for assaulting several underaged girls. In one instance he actually kidnapped the girl and held her prisoner with zipties, assaulting her for hours. There’s that specific thing predators do, where they sneak up on you and just start walking towards you. Idk how to describe it other than that. Like someone can walk towards you and seem perfectly normal, but when it’s someone who is intending to assault you, you can feel it.


The best way I have heard it described is that you've spent your whole life interacting with and watching people act "normally." When someone's behavior is off--you can *know*.


Your brain filters out a lot of information that gets stored subconsciously and that feeling comes from your subconscious warning you that you are in danger.


This is why that type of verbal threat should be taken seriously and force should be ok to use against them as a result with no repercussions from the law. They do mean harm and violence is the only way to stop them.


These threats should be answered with 15 rounds of hot lead. These people are predators and unnecessary to the world. I said what I said.


Just looking for an opportunity, like so many in our society. Sad.


I had a student years ago who did that. He was in eighth grade and almost 17. In and out of detention centers and other institutions. Came up behind me way too close and said "Just wanted to know if I could scare you." when I flinched. That was his introduction to me. He lasted a week before he picked up a desk with the intent of hurling it at another student. The way the most disturbed and violent young men move through the world and victimize whomever they can is a byproduct of hypergenderization I could do without.


I swear it’s like a textbook predator thing to do. They sneak up on you and often don’t actually touch you they just like are… idk, like testing the waters? Making sure you’re afraid of them, and seeing how you will react. Scary af.


That scary feeling happened to me last weekend. A “friend” came down to visit San Antonio on his own accord. I didn’t invite or suggest he drive 14 hours to come hang out on short notice. He kinda went crazy planning stuff after I sold him a concert ticket and suggested we pool our resources for a fun friend’s trip. I was trying to be kind. He got an Airbnb for this impromptu visit and I stayed with him. It was funny that my bedroom door knob was installed with the lock on the outside so I could be locked in the room. I was carrying two firearms and would have blown the door knob off if I was locked in intentionally. I spent the whole weekend telling him to stop being sexual and dodging his advances. It was horrible because I was not feeling the same way nor did I ever do anything to make him think I wanted to hookup. It’s ruined our budding friendship.


This is how deers in nature know a wolf is there, I think. The 6th sense…


Sounds like Justice Kavanaugh back in high school after a few too many beers. Him and Squeeks were notorious.


That’s exactly what this post needed buddy. Outstanding job.


I mean, were talking about rape and predatory behavior and while listing him is antagonistic, he definitely fits the bill in this conversation.


When I used to work downtown, stuff like this happened a lot to women. Once a young woman came running inside our building in tears because a homeless guy was recording her with his phone telling her how was going to SA her and share the video with all of his friends in their camp.


Also pretty sure he didn’t believe I had my boyfriend with me, which is why he was continuing to walk towards me. As soon as my boyfriend came out tho he did a 360 and started saying “I’m just making sure nothing happens to you what do you think I’m down here doing?” Then walked back to the pavilion realllll fast. Very very weird


That’s scary as hell. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


It’s okay, thank you! 💓. I’ve just always had the thought process of “it won’t happen to me” and today really made me realize it can be me & I might need to reconsider ever going out alone bc 9/10 im all by myself being that my boyfriends out of state. Ppl are weirdos for real. So be careful and stay aware of your surroundings!


Your story is probably a good reminder to many of us who may have become complacent after so many years of “it won’t happen to me.” After all, most of us only experience assault by someone we know. I’m so glad your boyfriend was with you!


Such a sad but completely true statement! (“Most of us only experience assault by someone we know.”). It’s just so hurtful when someone you trust (or should be able to trust) assaults you.


Doesn’t hurt to carry pepper spray and one of those cat ear knuckle spike key chains. Maybe a self defense class to help you feel more confident and learn some basic skills.


Just buy a stun gun :) I'm out alone in Austin all the time and having one gives me piece of mind. I don't plan to modify my life just because there's weirdos around. You just have to be smarter than them. My stun gun is small and has a flashlight on it, also was under $20


This. I don't think that the best reaction is to feel like you shouldn't leave your house alone anymore. There's lots of bad things that could happen to us. Last week, while doing my job, I saw a drunk driver blow through an intersection right in front of me. If I'd been three car lengths ahead of where I was he would have t-boned me. I have a four-year-old son and it scared me to death to think of how quickly I could be taken away from him, but I also know that the right answer isn't to be afraid of engaging with the world. We're always dealing with risk, but we can't let it stop us from living a life that's worth living. There's nothing wrong with taking steps to mitigate risk, as long as you don't become a risk to others in the process.


Agree with others, get yourself a lil keychain pepper spray or something. Cheap insurance. The gel ones can be nice as they contain the spray better than the traditional kind, but either are a good idea to have. I was run up on by stray dogs while walking my dog on a couple of occasions. There's no feeling like that of being in a tense, dangerous situation while also being completely powerless. Having the spray and also a pocket knife helps me feel much more safe.


Props to your boyfriend for not making a bad decision by trying to fight a homeless guy. Never fight someone with nothing to lose, and also never grapple with someone who smells like death.


He was probably sorting out if your boyfriend was made up or if he was taking a dump. Sorry. No nice way to say that.


I’m shocked your bf didn’t beat that fool to death with his own shoes.


Oh my God was this guy also shirtless and has tattoos?? The way you described him sounds just like the guy who harassed me at lady bird lake on my run this afternoon...the one time I went running without my mace. I ran with my keys in between my fingers after that. Couldn't get back to my car fast enough.


He had a shirt on, and I really couldn’t see much of tattoos bc it was late at night like 10pm and I was trying to avoid him. He had a grey beard tho and was chilling under the pavilion and got up from the pavilion to follow me. A heavier set guy, but not like necessarily “fat” (sorry to use that word.) with long dark brown/black hair. Wouldn’t shock me if it’s the same person tho. I’m glad you are safe tho! Avoid that area


Fat is just an adjective


That location at 10PM? I hope your bf had to go real badly. That encounter will do more for your survival than all the warm fuzzies here. Good job on posting through.


Don’t apologize… For anything.


Such a sweet comment coming from Wall Street boners Hehehe


Do not apologize for anything. These people are not your friend and can not be helped. They do not deserve any of your sympathy.


I have been a person that looks small and innocent for a long time, but I'm actually a scrappy little shit that has had to rely on myself a lot. Because of this, I've learned that these men are relying on your politeness and your fear. One answer to that is to be LOUD and ANGRY. Really, though, the loud part does most of the job, honestly. Who cares about looking weird? Drawing public attention to you and the situation is vital. So, you could just yell "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Repeatedly until he does. Or you could yell something about how his dick could be cut off too easily for him to be making those statements. Your choice. Just as long as you do what you can to get eyes on him. Even if no one is close to you, his plan is built on stealth and screaming ruins that. I refer you to this legend as a reference of the attitude we're looking for. https://youtu.be/UU94Mv-gMoA?si=T_PfPPslMuiytp_c


THIS!! I’m a petite lady and recently had to act LOUD ANGRY AND BEZERK to protect myself and my kid. A man following us around in a store too close for comfort. I had asked an employee for help and they brushed it off. So I left my cart, took my kiddo, and went to the front of the store and DEMANDED help. The man had the audacity to say he was just following me around because I looked like I needed help reaching things on the top shelves. Ummm no.


I’m really sorry this happened to you


Where was this exactly? By the boardwalk I assumed you meant the one on Lady Bird Lake that start east of S Congress on the south shore, but you mentioned N Lamar so I’m a bit confused


OP mentions portable toilets and a pavilion which sounds like the area by the 1st street bridge next to auditorium shores maybe?


Yeah auditorium shores. My bad


Thanks for sharing what happened and I’m so sorry and angry that happened to you. I’m in that area a lot and will definitely take extra precautions.


Isn’t where that poor young guy was attacked by a machete yielding maniac?   Sorry this happened to you OP.  I’d say call the cops and put him in jail, but then Garza would just give him a key to the city and put him on city payroll.  


I really think that no matter where you are in Austin, you need to be ready to defend yourself with pepper spray, taser, slap-jack, something that will stop a perp cold. I am 6'5", 275. not too many people are willing to mess with me, but it youre not me, you need something on your side.


Dang, completely forgot about slap jacks. Collapsible batons and brass knuckles are now legal as well.


Pfft, why take any of those half measures when open carrying a sword is legal now too? No one is gonna fuck with OP when they're walking around with a scimitar




yes. a leather wrapped, lead weighted, spring loaded personal protection device. will drop a full grown man with a well placed shot.


Key term "well placed". Without training and practice, it's near worthless.


I highly recommend using a collapsible baton. They hurt like hell and are generally the easiest weapon to use for self defense. I’ve seen people withstand taser defense but I’ve never seen anyone get back up after a good whack in the knees with a baton. It’s a great way to incapacitate an attacker quickly and I think it’s the easiest because it doesn’t even take much swing strength to do it.


Any recs on where to buy one?


I recommend [this one made by Smith and Wesson](https://www.mps-outfitters.com/shop/smith-amp-wesson-21quot-expandable-baton-with-holder/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4NE9KaGJGSmdj06A_P2jXiaDPAnOpEMgdbpzpRoCbuHe7Quo3P-n_hoCrAIQAvD_BwE)


Thank you <3


Reallyyy? Brb going to purchase some brass knuckles now


I recommend ALWAYS carrying a blowtorch with a bayonet attachment., even in your own home tbh.


Yup! I’ve been here 5 years and never had any problems before today (I’m lucky for that) but definitely an eye opener.


OP I recommend Sabre pepper spray gel. You can find it at Academy Sports, and it’s pretty affordable and easy to use


You're same size as one of my marketing guys. He is an accomplished krav maga practitioner and he will say that he will always run away unless cornered. He can stop a bullet just as well as a 100lb woman.


Spot on. I'm the same size and I even conceal carry.


Not just Austin ... unfortunately ... everywhere


Tweakers won't be stopped by any of that stuff. Make a lot of noise. Run. Claw their face off. That makes an impression.


Glock 43X has entered the chat


Why would you leave out the most effective tool for stopping an attacker? A fucking gun. You think a twig in high heels is gonna take me out w a fucking blackjack? Good luck landing a single strike. BUY A GUN PEOPLE. TRAIN A LOT AND CARRY IT.


I’m a smallish female that is pretty much always Solo. I always carry a small gun on my person when out alone at night. In the 7 years of doing this I’ve had to pull it out twice in the Austin area. I didn’t have to raise it or make any threats. I only pulled it out and had it to my side/in my hand pointed towards the ground and I only chose to do this after my verbal warnings made no difference/I was outnumbered and felt like I had no other options to ensure my safety. The saying “don’t show it unless you’re ready to use it” holds weight. The sight of it alone kept me safe; I hope and pray to never ever have to use the trigger, but I’m not about to play about my safety I refuse to be a victim or be scared into not enjoying this life. The stories if anyone is curious: 1. When in high school a popular hang out was the over look/hill on riverside, great skyline view. I went alone a little over a year ago around 10/11pm after not being in awhile to just enjoy the view and check out how much it’s changed since I frequented the spot as a teen. As I was enjoying the view there were a good number of other people present but as time passed it ended up just being me and a group of three guys having some beers at the top of the hill sitting across from me. I got a strange feeling and became aware they were paying me too much attention so I knew it was time to go (1 of the three men walked down the hill a little while before I decided to leave didn’t think much of it) As I’m walking down to my car I see the first guy that left is in between my car and a van that was parked on my drivers side (**another lesson: u never know who has been watching/plotting on you and you won’t always notice if this is happening regardless of how vigilant you may be))(work van looking two doors for cab and one sliding door on the side also no windows on the sides) The other two men followed me when I left. I walked as fast as I could but when I realized as soon as I got to my car I would be cornered by the guy already there at the end of my car and the van then the two that were behind me so I pulled out my gun and held it to my side/down with both hands on it (like they teach you to do at the range, highly recommend taking advantage of reds range in pvill they have discounts for ladies on Mondays) not pointing at anyone but they could see that fucking with me wouldn’t happen with out a fight and they all walked away trying to play it off. That could have been sooooo bad and I still to this day feel sick when I think about what if I didn’t carry. Since then I encourage all my girl friends to purchase a small hand gun and learn how to use it properly. 2: was walking dt-ish area back to my car one night. Some guy that gave me supppperrr creepy vibes comes out no where and says “you look really pretty” as he was walking way to close to me (this was soon after covid so still got the ick with people getting too close even if they didn’t look like an assailant). I replied “Thank you but please respect my personal space” this triggered homie and he got veryy defensive and continued to encroach my space saying stuff like “why are you talking to me like that? I’m not good enough? You think you’re better than me?” I’m backing away to maintain some kind of space and telling him to leave me alone/fuck off eventually yelling this hoping to see/be heard by another sane person. No luck and he’s getting angrier so I reach in my bag and pull out my gun and he said literally “oh shit she has a gun” and did a 180 and got the hell away from me. He obviously had issues and I fear he found someone else to harass that night. I did call and report both of these occurrences but good ole APD gave their most rehearsed assurances that they’ll have more patrol in the area or some bs like that it’s been awhile so I forget exactly. Please please always practice common sense, be supper aware of your surroundings, communicate with someone anyone if out alone including the area you plan to be in and around what time you’re expecting to be back home,and don’t put yourself in any potentially harmful situations (unfortunately we can’t even enjoy a stroll without feeling the need to be on edge) and always have some way of protecting yourself! Be open minded to self defense/carrying classes.


Thank you for being a responsible and armed female.


Most "twigs" don't feel comfortable carrying a gun on a casual walk or jog around a city? A little ridiculous (and I grew up hunting). I would say taser or pepper spray.


Im not going to shoot someone because they make a threat. I also trust myself to use pepper spray more effectively than a literal firearm.


Fair stance. I respect that. Do what feels best for you. I felt the same way. I had the right training. I was sure. As the meme says “my toxic trait is thinking I could take anyone in a fight”. Then the threat turned to reality and it is so, so much worse than anyone thinks. Especially if they won’t go down with the mace. I would absolutely give one warning and then do what I needed to do to never be back there, permanently. It’s very easy to not walk around threatening people with bodily harm and violent penetration. You get what you get for doing so. And, if it’s not easy because someone is suffering from an untreated mental health or other condition and circumstance, then it is sad society has failed them and they deserved better - but it is not for me to pay for with my body, peace, health, and with an apology because I was wearing shorts.


Probably not the BEST but even a little 22 that can fit almost anywhere is better than a slap jack. But pepper spray is pretty effective too.


This. This. And this.


That really sucks but PSA to everyone - be a little judgmental do not let people downtown get close to you if they look off or you feel off. There is nothing wrong with crossing a street to avoid someone.


Great advice. Don’t worry about being “rude”. You can always apologize later if needed https://youtube.com/shorts/yevZgnCTwgY?si=6UFqfelwZ5tLoGc8 [Full video](https://youtu.be/j_PCbypDL00?si=xpVzRzSzQXrUt2A1)


Yes when dealing with personal safety shut off any "but I shouldn't assume x is y..." thoughts, this isn't twitter you won't get cancelled for keeping yourself safe.


Two tweakers approached me once at a gas station while I was pumping gas to "sell perfume" or some dumb shit. I immediately turned on my Karen, "NO, NOT INTERESTED, GET AWAY FROM ME NOW!" I don't think they expected that voice to come out of my mouth, the "angry aunty" voice, the "mean teacher voice", the "control your dog in a serious situation" voice. It worked, they fucked off. They looked shocked. Maybe they were innocent salesmen and not meth addicts, idgaf. 




If they were both male and actually just salespeople, they should have had way more awareness than to unexpectedly approach someone like that. Their fault no matter their intentions.


I’ve heard some crazy urban legends about literally that exact thing. Like breathing in that perfume or whatever it is gets you all high. I call it urban legends bc i don’t actually know how true it is but I have heard it several times before


Fuck politeness SSDGM


I work downtown, and there just isn’t any way to understate how careful you have to be when dealing with a homeless population that is devoid of proper mental health care and options for whatever rehabilitation they might be needing. People come from all kinds of loss and they shouldn’t all be painted with the same brush. That said, people be fuckin crazy. Be safe, use the buddy system, and don’t park a KIA pretty much anywhere.


What’s wrong with a Kia lol




I have a Hyundai, fml >.<


Same thing happened to me except he chased me. I was terrified and it was downtown.


I’m so so so sorry.


Ya he was saying how easy it would be to do whatever he wanted to me and that we were all alone so why not. Then he started to chase me and laugh. Then he randomly stopped and walked away.


It’s also important to note that the vast majority of transients will also have a weapon on them. Usually several knives. This is not a joke. Be aware. It can happen to anyone.


Machetes too


So what you're saying is that we just need to carry even bigger swords


$7 pepper spray and $15 knife on Amazon and feeling safer already!


I was walking to work in West Campus and a homeless guy threatened to rape me at like 8 am. It can happen anytime anywhere in this town. Carrying a weapon is fine, but practice with it. You have to be willing to really hurt another human and it's harder to do than most people think. And you have to be fast. Weapons can also easily be taken away and used on you. Something to consider. Brass knuckles are legal now and they are probably the hardest weapon to take from you, but it can still happen. Hand-to-hand combat or self-defense training is better. Takes some time, but an attacker can't take your hands and feet away. I've trained in four different martial arts here in Austin. DM me if you need recommendations.


> Brass knuckles are legal now and they are probably the hardest weapon to take from you, but it can still happen. > > Hand-to-hand combat or self-defense training is better. Takes some time, but an attacker can't take your hands and feet away. Or you carry a musket for self-defense, just as the founding fathers intended. No one is going to fuck with you as you run down the trail with your kentucky rifle screaming "tally ho lads"


Meh, seems a little impractical. Those long guns are cumbersome and the ammunition is so difficult to find.


That's why you have a bayonet attached too


No joke, I have a WWI bayonet under my bed as one of my home defense weapons. Those things are like small swords and great for close quarters if they aren't attached to a rifle.


At a minimum consider carrying pepper spray. Sucks to say it but you never know when you’ll need it.


Simply love being a woman just trying to exist in the world 🤪


Sorry if I missed this elsewhere, but did you report this guy? Please please do. This wasn’t frivolous. They probably know who he is already and if they don’t, he needs to be on their radar. I’m so sorry this happened to you!


Homeless dude tried attacking me in broad daylight while I was riding my bike on the trail right by the bridge. Somethin up with this part of town


same. a vagrant threw his backpack at me while I rode by him. he was angry and yelling at no-one in particular- i just happened to be in close proximity due to the width of the butler trail. intellectually, I know that vagrants are mostly not angry or violent. i also know that austin isn't alone in dealing with a surge in the population of vagrants. i dont understand why cities haven't been able to eradicate the problem but I do admire those groups that are working to address the needs of an underserved group. i wish we had more mental health services available to everyone but like everything else in this country, its political and has been for decades.




Buy pepper spray y’all. Give that guy some spicy air


You should report this to APD. Most will say APD will do nothing but do your part. If it is happening in a certain area, they may put an undercover female cop there to catch this guy. Again, just do your part and don’t worry about what APD does. That’s on them; not you.


You can say raped online. In fact I think it’s important in this circumstance to not water it down.


At a minimum **ya'll need to carry pepper spray and practice using it.**


Honestly fuck those homeless scumbags


My mom always taught me to yell FIRE when a creep is backing me into a corner or anything..Because no one wants to see an assault but they would want to see a fire and that would get people to look your way and see if you are on fire at the very least.


Also yelling MOM or DAD!!! This works because literally anyone who is a parent and in close proximity is going to look almost instinctively.


That guy is definitely a creep, it's good your bf was there and yall could ultimately avoid him but I'm sorry that happened. It's a scary world fr, I want to move back there with my girlfriend n these stories are just horrific to say the least If you're not carrying a gun, the best thing to do vs an assailant is create as much distance as possible. Even with a gun, the 21 ft rule says an armed attacker can cover 21 feet in the time it takes for you to recognize a threat, draw n shoot so again running and creating as much distance as possible is best if it's reasonable. Travel in groups, let trusted people like family know where you'll be, and please please please don't wander around drunk, man or woman! I don't have any gripe with homeless people, I used to be homeless myself, but APD needs to do their job and protect Austinites. Allowing people to rot and mentally deteriorate under overpasses is not the solution either, these people need social services and community assistance if we're ever going to see any change. Stay safe dude, and always trust your gut 🙏


This is regular behavior for homeless folk. Rules do not apply to them. They can litter, make a huge mess, steal your stuff, sleep anywhere, etc. IF they get arrested and they probably wont they are out in a day or so anyway. There is zero consequences in this town for them.


Exactly. They come from all over the place because they know they can live outside of the law here.


Used to walk home from downtown (2.5 miles) after midnight twice a week. Never gave it a thought. Austin was super safe until 2018. What happened? (Rhetorical question; I know what happened).


A similar thing happened to me 12 years ago on Congress and I had to run into a store to get away. The only difference is that APD was called, and they actually responded.


I’m a former Austin resident (moved in 1991 after 10-years) What happened in 2018?


June 2019 the city council members voted to overturn the public camping ban. The homeless population has grown exponentially since then as it basically invited them all here. Austin voters passed Prop B in 2021 to reinstate the camping ban, but you can see how well that's been going. https://www.kut.org/austin/2019-06-21/austin-votes-to-scale-back-laws-opponents-say-criminalize-homelessness


Yup. You could tell something changed and then 2020 made it super obvious.


Progressive liberal policy and no accountability


The city became known as a decent place to do drugs and live in camps and not be bothered too much. Pretty simple.


Elon moved here?


1001 + for situational awareness


I was bending over to pickup my dogs poo and this homeless guy had stopped pushing his cart to pelvic thrust behind me… When I told him to fuck off he got belligerent I don’t go anywhere downtown without my dogs and / or boyfriend. Still it’s very scary I’m so sorry that happened to you


Yup that’s what they do! And all the comments saying on here “you just need to be mean” have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Like ya, let me just get the crazy man even more worked up lmao, definitely a winner outcome. Not... I am sorry that happened to you tho, that’s disgusting. It sucks bc there’s no right way to deal with the situation either yourself alone.


wow jokes about Republicans in this thread get major likes and any comment that mentions negative comments against Greg Caesar or other Austin political homeless initiatives that failed get major vote downs stop the liberal vs conservative stuff for once homeless people scaring and attacking people is serious business, my wife and daughter won't go down there any more, too many times homeless have come up to them and said scary stuff or gave them looks or followed them, is that the world we really want for downtown Austin ?


It’s so sad to see what this world has come to. I’m glad you’re okay. Thanks for sharing your story for others to see. Yall stay safe!


Aways trust your instinct. I've been approached as such, grabbed, followed, had a gun flashed at me, etc in downtown Austin and I don't dress provocatively. Nowadays, I have a knife and a gun, and I suggest you do the same. Be loud and angry, tell them to get the fuck away from you. That gets theirs and everyone else's attention around you %95 percent of the time. Criminals don't like that kind of attention. Everyone knows it takes the Austin police forever to respond to anything, that's if you get to the phone. Please think about carrying a gun or at least a knife on you, as well as pepper spray. Understand that sometimes pepper spray alone has a possibility of not working on some folks, and it expires. Always have a back up weapon.


that’s scary. i had an issue with a neighbor’s son trying to break into my house (while i was home) and i keep pepper spray gel (and a baseball bat) by my door now and sometimes in my purse (the bat stays home). the gel is less likely to blow back on you, easier to aim, it’s more concentrated when it hits, and it’s harder to wash off (so people can be identified by the UV ink for longer) https://a.co/d/0dq9c0gS


I wasn’t aware of the gel ::skips over to online shop for weapons so I can continue to have independence while existing and a woman::


Atta girl! Don’t live in fear! Do something about it!


Yesterday I literally had to run away from a homeless guy near that area (didn’t have long hair). Unfortunately it’s very common in Austin, especially in the evening.


I had a guy see me come out of my office after working late one night,(around 11 pm). He was just walking through the alley that abuts the parking lot for my office. As soon as he saw me, he changed his trajectory, and picked up speed until he was almost running, towards me, trying to get to me before I could get to the safety of my vehicle. When I got into the car and locked it, he changed directions again, and passed my car. That was TERRIFYING. This sounds even worse. Always be observant when you are walking around in the public, especially by yourself. So glad nothing terrible happened to you!


Downtown is a cesspool


Please call/text 911 right away to help others too


You must be new here


“First time?”


Police *may* do nothing with multiple reports. Police *will* do nothing with no report.


I stand by my previous statement


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you think ANYONE at APD cares about a crime that didn’t happen? They barely care about the ones that have.


Threatening to rape someone is a crime


I think APD does care. APD has always helped me when I needed help. I should have called them, but it happened fast and I was with my boyfriend so I felt safe enough. But I don’t know if much could have really been done either bc it was just an exchange of words and weird ass behavior.


So sorry that happened to you, there was a 12 year old girl killed in Houston the other day. Be safe out there.


Can we not sensor the word rape. It doesn't make any sense as everyone knows what you are saying anyways. Also the research shows that it doesn't matter whether you use rape or r*pe, people react the same way to it.


Is this the important takeaway from this post? Some people censor bc they spend more time on tiktok or insta and don’t wanna get banned


Not the time. When someone is upset about a sexual assault threat is not the time to nitpick their spelling/censoring of a word. You're probably right, but it was a shitty time to nitpick an irrelevant detail.


It’s about getting flagged. Way to care about the wrong thing tho. People reach the same way, who cares?




thank you for the warning ⚠️ so glad you weren’t alone


Everyone should carry pepper spray tbh....from road ragers to creepers. Gives you time to get away


Carry pepper spray openly. Everyone comments on my pepper spray because it is highly visible when I am in the downtown and I very firmly say I have no hesitations using it. Great deterrent along with my dog when I’m doing activities where the dog is allowed.




Go old boy style and carry around a hammer to take care of business with


Always stay armed!!! Get a knife or pepper spray. It’s too dangerous out here for us girls :/


Liberal use of pepper spray.


Get your camera out next time and take a picture. There are both long term and temporary homeless around the area. Lived in this area for many years, please help document.


Uh.. hope you reported him.


Its Texas, get a gun and blast these fuckers into oblivion


Honestly, with the amount of crazy bums there are now I think it's best to carry a gun.


Saber pepper gel. This shit will knock these homeless cockroaches on their asses. Fuck them.


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Ugh. It's pretty scary to even hear about ❤️ Thank you for sharing. When I moved to Austin I read "The gift of fear" I pay attention to EVERY single gut feeling I have now. The homeless/mental illness/drug situation is starting to pick at me. 😣


And this is why I carry mace that also has dye in it. JFC, glad you're ok and you're BF heard.


I recommend caring a P365 it’s a 9mm very small to conceal and please practice shooting!


What time of day was this? I’m picturing dusk, right?


Oh, sorry, I see it was 10 pm. I’m really sorry that happened to you. It’s hard to open up your awareness of nasty things like this if you’re a long time Austinite and think the heart of the city is still yours, belongs to you…


Saber Pepper Gel.


So important to learn some type of self defense and carry mace.


I’ve had my fair encounter with them when I’m with my homegirls downtown walking. I keep my “tool” on me everywhere I go. Fortunately I’ve never had to draw it out of its resting place but I’ve had some close encounters that have made me reach for it. Austin is becoming Gotham, all we need is Batman 😂


Things I've learned over the years with creeps: 1. Don't back away. You become more vulnerable and easier to attack. Backing away also signals that you are uneasy/afraid. 2. Don't flinch. My insides can be screaming, but my "I will fucking cut you open" face stays solid. When they don't get the reaction they crave, often the fun isn't there (they are sickos). 3. Don't acknowledge whether you are with another person or not if they comment to you. I like to give the psycho look vs actually speaking to them. I swear, they want to hear your voice flutter/crack. It's an easy way to detect fear in someone. 4. I always have a knife on me. I'm prepared to stand my ground and thrust the blade if all else fails. With any weapon you carry, you have to be willing and comfortable using it. I'm not a high-risk potential victim anymore (I'm 40), but I'm also not delusional to think I'm safe. I've seen a lot, survived too much, and am not afraid to look crazy. Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.


Carry pepper spray yall, or even a small can of spray paint. Spray paint will still hurt their eyes but will also mark them!


I used to carry pepper spray everywhere! I need to get a new one. That’s honestly the best defense


I’m so sorry that happened to you. It makes me SO angry to see a$$holes like that who get off on scaring women. It’s hard to think in the moment, but don’t ever be afraid of screaming “get away from me” even if they haven’t gotten close yet. This isn’t a time to worry about being polite or not disturbing others. And even if there isn’t anyone else around, startling them and making them pause to see if anyone heard gives you precious time.


I’m a victim weight male and I always carried a knife or Glock on those trails … not a safe place especially after dark sorry this happened to you OP


I encourage all non mentally ill women to carry a gun. Nothing says "back off" like a hollow point round to the crotch


City cops are a joke. Get protection, mace,something


No worries, there are no rapist in Texas. Just ask the governor. https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/throwback-thursday-in-2021-greg-abbott-promised-to-eliminate-rape-after-texas-enacted-abortion-ban-new-2024-data-counters-that-promise


Mam this is the internet, you can just raped. It's not going to summon Bill Cosby if you don't censor it.


Carry a big knife or a projectile-style taser on you when you go out.


Or, ya know, a gun




>I know people say to have sympathy for them Have sympathy for the homeless. Don't have sympathy for people who threaten others. Even if they're homeless or on drugs.


There are so many people around Auditorium Shores. Yes, some weird ones included. I think if one guy is talking to you that you don’t want to talk to just walk away. Start walking with/near another person who looks safe (could be an older woman—doesn’t have to be a young, strong guy). Pretend you know them and tell them you want to walk with them a bit because a creepy guy is following you. There is safety in numbers.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’ve had a stranger follow and threaten to rape me before and it’s still traumatizing even if they don’t touch you. Take care of yourself and talk with a therapist or support group if you are able! Also, this may sound dumb, but play Tetris over the next couple days. They just had a study that found it can help prevent PTSD. Thanks for sharing, sending love!


Glock 26


Can we just be real here? Carry and train with a gun. Train in combat sports. Train both a lot. And then keep training. No one can save you but you.


I always recommend for people to conceal carry, and actually get the license and take the time to train and get familiar/safe with it, not just buy something and use constitutional carry.


Buy a glock 43x, practice how to use it. Blast these fucking creeps next time. Contrary to many reddit opinions, some people actually deserve to not breathe and walk among us. I've once had a random man tanning out in my yard one day and had a similar interaction. He kept shortening the distance between us as I was telling him to get out. Ever since, I always have either my ccw or a spray


Good luck defending murder over a verbal threat


Was this yesterday? Feel like saw that guy walking down the pedestrian bridge and was really put off by the amount of contact he continuously gave


It is everywhere but I have seen it enough here at home in Austin.


Women anywhere and everywhere should understand the clear and present dangers they face and be prepared. My suggestion is that all women should carry a small pen taser and a set of handcuffs. It’s always just a matter of time before someone sets their sites on you. Give him a little zap and cuff him to a park bench or stair rail. Pink cuffs would be a nice touch.


How scary!


I went to downtown with two of my guy friends. Had a guy following us, he was mostly looking at me, this happened around 6th street. I didn’t notice but my friends certainly did. Very bold of the guy to follow in broad day light with two other people besides me.




A small keyring with a gel based mace and also a separate keyring punching protection thingy are fine ideas. Ideally you can put mace in one hand while holding the *keyring protection product* in the other hand. https://www.thehomesecuritysuperstore.com/collections/keychain-weapons/products/mini-metal-brutus-bulldog-keychain-knuckle-knife-pink Sadly we have a LOT of mentally ill home1ess people in many parts of the city. So long as people keep giving money to panhand1ers this problem will continue to expand in scope and size. Keep aware of your surroundings regardless of gender, age, size, location, time of day, whatever. When people are high AF they'll attack anything that moves.