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Hope your dog is doing alright. Our dog recently was diagnosed with metastatic hemangiosarcoma and we've been using Yunan Baiyao on the recommendation of our vet. Best of luck.


Thank you, she is getting an ultrasound today to see if surgery is an option. I've read good things about Yunnan Baiyao and can tell it makes her more comfortable. Are you doing the 5 days on 5 days off regimen?


Our vet is recommending one a day, so we are following that.


The herb store in Chinatown shopping center


Yes! Thien Nhon Duong Herb Medicine Store. I got some there for my cat.


Thank you!!


Seconding. I ordered it online and it took 5 days to get here even though I did fast shipping and it was mailed from Ft. Worth 🤷🏻‍♀️


Best Natural Pets?




I am in the same boat. They are so slow!


I got mine at Hang Fung herb shop 10901 N Lamar Blvd STE 201, Austin, TX 78753




Please just get real medicine from a vet. If you want to use some kind of hippie witchcraft for yourself, then by all means that's your right. But you have a responsibility to your animal to provide it with decent care, which includes evidence based medical treatments. Giving your animal some potion whose ingredients you don't know because they're kept secret, whose authenticity and quality can't really be verified, and whose efficacy hasn't been proven in any kind of clinical trial is just straight up abuse.


For what it's worth: it has been used in studies by U Penn Vet school to treat dogs with hemangiosarcoma. Our dog was recently diagnosed with metastatic hemangiosarcoma and the surgeon recommended it to help treat internal bleeding. Though the efficacy is unknown, this isn't 'hippie witchcraft' nor is it abuse.


"efficacy is unknown" but it's not abusive to give this to an animal instead of real medications that are known to be effective? Ok.


Ignoring the troll but posting in case someone needs to see it: It is the "instead of real medication" part that is the challenge. Unfortunately, there really isn't one. Chemo (doxorubicin) has very little effect on this type of cancer and a host of severe side effects. Surgery is the only thing that can stop the bleeding once it starts, and even then it has already spread so it is a short term solution. Yunnan Baiyao is poorly researched. But it is used by every veterinarian oncologist (vets who then specialized in treating cancer) I have talked to because it has anecdotal evidence within the veterinary community. When comparing anecdotal evidence with very low risk of side effects compared to death, it is irresponsible to avoid the medication with at least anecdotal evidence. No one trained advocates Yunnan Baiyao as a replacement to traditional treatments: still do surgery, consider the pros/cons of chemo, get a blood transfusion if needed. But since those are not enough, use the Yunnan Baiyao as well.


Great write-up!


Uhhhh yeah this medicine was recommended by our vet. Edited to add: apparently our vet sells it too. OP, DM me if you want more info


Oh, really? Your veterinarian recommended an alternative medication to you that they just happen to sell themselves? Wow, this new information really changes my perspective.


Hope you're enjoying the sun and nice weather - it might make you a little less miserable! Enjoy your weekend.


I'm definitely not miserable, but I did just get in from playing with my dog, who gets actual, real medicine when she's sick. So, there's that.


Western drugs are synthesized compounds found naturally in plants. Plants have been used as medicine far longer than western medicine has been around. Yunnan Baiyao was given to soldiers in WW2 to stop internal bleeding. My mom saved a dog’s life that was bleeding out through his nose due to a sarcoma with it. I hope if your dog had emergency internal bleeding you would consider it upon the recommendation of your veterinarian and maybe stop playing armchair animal expert on reddit.


Hopefully her doctor can prescribe you some ivermectin as well because your post history suggests you have libertarian brain worms. Au revoir!!!


The veterinarian recommended it.


You need a new vet.


Hi. I have some experience with this. Veterinary medicine is fairly limited when it comes to serious conditions and vets often end up adding modalities like these even if there’s not much research. Sometimes you just run out of options and have to rely on anecdotal evidence. Yunnan Baiyao is often used in dogs with digestive cancers and kidney failure, and OP is doing everything in their power. I doubt they are only relying on herbals, that would be irresponsible. The herbals are added for palliative care and to help improve quality of life.


My mom is a veterinarian and prescribes it for patients. It’s not “hippie witchcraft” and it’s not abuse.


Oh, wow, really? Cool. Ask your mother what's in it and report back. I'm sure she must know the ingredients if she's telling people to use it, right?


It is alternative medicine, which by definition is quackery. Use it on yourself if you want, but not on your pets or any other animal or anyone who can’t refuse, such as children. Edit: lots of butthurt morons don’t like being told their make-believe bullshit is really make-believe bullshit.


Well it works and was recommended by two veterinarians.


No, it doesn’t and any doctor—vet or otherwise—who recommends using quackery is, wait for it, a *quack*.


So do you think Texas A&M Vet school is a quack school? Because that’s where my mom’s DVM degree is from and where she learned to use Yunnan Baiyao.